import init.jacinto6evmboard.usb.rc on early-init mount debugfs /sys/kernel/debug /sys/kernel/debug on init mkdir /mnt/shell/emulated 0700 shell shell mkdir /storage/emulated 0555 root root export EXTERNAL_STORAGE /storage/emulated/legacy export EMULATED_STORAGE_SOURCE /mnt/shell/emulated export EMULATED_STORAGE_TARGET /storage/emulated # Support legacy paths symlink /storage/emulated/legacy /sdcard symlink /storage/emulated/legacy /mnt/sdcard symlink /storage/emulated/legacy /storage/sdcard0 symlink /mnt/shell/emulated/0 /storage/emulated/legacy # create the real external storage mkdir /storage/sdcard1 0700 root root mkdir /mnt/media_rw/sdcard1 0700 media_rw media_rw # create removable USB Mass Storage mountpoints mkdir /storage/usb0 0700 root root mkdir /storage/usb1 0700 root root mkdir /mnt/media_rw/usb0 0700 media_rw media_rw mkdir /mnt/media_rw/usb1 0700 media_rw media_rw on post-fs-data mkdir /data/media 0770 media_rw media_rw setprop vold.post_fs_data_done 1 mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp chown dhcp dhcp /data/misc/dhcp mkdir /data/lad 0770 system system mkdir /data/lad/LAD 0770 system system #for Bluetooth HID chmod 0666 /dev/uhid # Create GPS folders and set its permissions mkdir /data/gnss chown system system /data/gnss mkdir /data/gnss/logs/ mkdir /data/gnss/nvs/ mkdir /data/gnss/log_MD/ chown system system /data/gnss/logs/ chown system system /data/gnss/nvs/ chown system system /data/gnss/log_MD/ insmod /system/lib/modules/gps_drv.ko on boot chmod 0666 /dev/pvrsrvkm # wi-fi mkdir /data/misc/wifi/sockets 0770 wifi wifi mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp insmod /system/lib/modules/compat.ko insmod /system/lib/modules/cfg80211.ko insmod /system/lib/modules/mac80211.ko insmod /system/lib/modules/wlcore.ko insmod /system/lib/modules/wl12xx.ko insmod /system/lib/modules/wl18xx.ko board_type=hdk insmod /system/lib/modules/wlcore_sdio.ko # CMEM for Radio insmod /system/lib/modules/cmemk.ko phys_start=0x95400000 phys_end=0x95800000 pools=15x262144 allowOverlap=1 on fs mkdir /factory 0775 radio radio mount_all /fstab.jacinto6evmboard # Make UART wake up capable write /sys/devices/ocp.2/4806a000.serial/tty/ttyO0/power/wakeup enabled # change permissions for Bluetooth/FM/GPS chmod 0660 /dev/ttyO4 chown bluetooth bluetooth /dev/ttyO4 # take a wakelock on boot until PM is working write /sys/power/wake_lock hack # change permissions for ION driver chmod 0777 /dev/ion # Change permissions on the governor (this is for debug only) chmod 444 /proc/cmdline # add symlink for HDCP key symlink /factory/hdcp.keys /system/vendor/firmware/hdcp.keys service pvrsrvinit /vendor/bin/pvrsrvinit class core user root group root oneshot #shared transport user space mgr service for Bluetooth, FM and GPS service uim /system/bin/uim-sysfs class core user root group bluetooth net_bt_admin # create virtual SD card at /mnt/sdcard, based on the /data/media directory # daemon will drop to user/group system/media_rw after initializing # underlying files in /data/media will be created with user and group media_rw (1023) service sdcard /system/bin/sdcard -u 1023 -g 1023 -l /data/media /mnt/shell/emulated class late_start service p2p_supplicant /system/bin/wpa_supplicant \ -iwlan0 -Dnl80211 -c/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf -N \ -ip2p0 -Dnl80211 -c/data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf \ -O/data/misc/wifi/sockets -g@android:wpa_wlan0 class main socket wpa_wlan0 dgram 660 wifi wifi disabled oneshot service wpa_supplicant /system/bin/wpa_supplicant \ -iwlan0 -Dnl80211 -c/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf -e/data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin \ -O/data/misc/wifi/sockets -g@android:wpa_wlan0 class main socket wpa_wlan0 dgram 660 wifi wifi disabled oneshot service dhcpcd_wlan0 /system/bin/dhcpcd -aABDKL class main disabled oneshot service iprenew_wlan0 /system/bin/dhcpcd -n class main disabled oneshot service dhcpcd_p2p /system/bin/dhcpcd -aABKL class main disabled oneshot service iprenew_p2p /system/bin/dhcpcd -n class main disabled oneshot service dhcpcd_eth0 /system/bin/dhcpcd -ABDKL class main disabled oneshot service dhcpcd_eth1 /system/bin/dhcpcd -ABDKL class main disabled oneshot service dhcpcd_bnep0 /system/bin/dhcpcd -ABKL class main disabled oneshot service iprenew_bnep0 /system/bin/dhcpcd -n class main disabled oneshot service hostapd_bin /system/bin/hostapd -d /data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf socket wpa_wlan0 dgram 660 wifi wifi class main disabled oneshot # fusewrapped external USB daemons running as media_rw (1023) service fuse_usb0 /system/bin/sdcard -u 1023 -g 1023 -d /mnt/media_rw/usb0 /storage/usb0 class late_start disabled service fuse_usb1 /system/bin/sdcard -u 1023 -g 1023 -d /mnt/media_rw/usb1 /storage/usb1 class late_start disabled service fuse_sdcard1 /system/bin/sdcard -u 1023 -g 1023 -d /mnt/media_rw/sdcard1 /storage/sdcard1 class late_start disabled service lad_dra7xx /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/lad_dra7xx -g class main user system group system disabled oneshot service devproxy /system/bin/devproxy class main disabled oneshot user system group system service agnss_connect /system/bin/agnss_connect -p class main disabled oneshot user system group system