/* * Copyright (c) 2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include /* IPC Headers */ #include /* DCE Headers */ #include "libdce.h" #include "dce_rpc.h" #include "dce_priv.h" #include "memplugin.h" /***************** GLOBALS ***************************/ /* Handle used for Remote Communication */ MmRpc_Handle MmRpcHandle[MAX_REMOTEDEVICES] = { NULL}; Engine_Handle gEngineHandle[MAX_INSTANCES][MAX_REMOTEDEVICES] = { {NULL, NULL}}; #ifdef BUILDOS_LINUX pthread_mutex_t ipc_mutex; #else pthread_mutex_t ipc_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; #endif static int __ClientCount[MAX_REMOTEDEVICES] = {0}; int dce_debug = DCE_DEBUG_LEVEL; const String DCE_DEVICE_NAME[MAX_REMOTEDEVICES]= {"rpmsg-dce","rpmsg-dce-dsp"}; /***************** INLINE FUNCTIONS ******************/ static inline void Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx(MmRpc_FxnCtx *fxnCtx, int fxn_id, int num_params, int num_xlts, MmRpc_Xlt *xltAry) { fxnCtx->fxn_id = fxn_id; fxnCtx->num_params = num_params; fxnCtx->num_xlts = num_xlts; fxnCtx->xltAry = xltAry; } static inline void Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_OffPtr_Params(MmRpc_Param *mmrpc_params, int size, void *base, int offset, size_t handle) { mmrpc_params->type = MmRpc_ParamType_OffPtr; mmrpc_params->param.offPtr.size = (size_t)size; mmrpc_params->param.offPtr.base = (size_t)base; mmrpc_params->param.offPtr.offset = (size_t)offset; mmrpc_params->param.offPtr.handle = handle; } static inline void Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Ptr_Params(MmRpc_Param *mmrpc_params, int size, void *addr, size_t handle) { mmrpc_params->type = MmRpc_ParamType_Ptr; mmrpc_params->param.ptr.size = size; mmrpc_params->param.ptr.addr = (size_t)addr; mmrpc_params->param.ptr.handle = handle; } static inline void Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Scalar_Params(MmRpc_Param *mmrpc_params, int size, int data) { mmrpc_params->type = MmRpc_ParamType_Scalar; mmrpc_params->param.scalar.size = size; mmrpc_params->param.scalar.data = (size_t)data; } static inline void Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Xlt_Array(MmRpc_Xlt *mmrpc_xlt, int index, int32_t offset, size_t base, size_t handle) { /* index : index of params filled in FxnCtx */ /* offset : calculated from address of index */ mmrpc_xlt->index = index; mmrpc_xlt->offset = offset; mmrpc_xlt->base = base; mmrpc_xlt->handle = handle; } static int __inline getCoreIndexFromName(String name) { if(name == NULL) return INVALID_CORE; if(!strcmp(name,"ivahd_vidsvr")) return IPU; else if(!strcmp(name, "dsp_vidsvr")) return DSP; else return INVALID_CORE; } static int __inline getCoreIndexFromCodec(int codec_id) { if(codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDENC2 || codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC3) return IPU; else if(codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC2) return DSP; else return INVALID_CORE; } static int __inline getCoreIndexFromEngine(Engine_Handle engine, int *tabIdx) { int i; int core = INVALID_CORE; *tabIdx = -1; for(i = 0; i < MAX_INSTANCES ; i++) { if(engine == gEngineHandle[i][IPU]) { core = IPU; *tabIdx = i; break; } else if(engine == gEngineHandle[i][DSP]) { *tabIdx = i; core = DSP; break; } } return core; } /***************** FUNCTIONS ********************************************/ /* Interface for QNX/Linux for parameter buffer allocation */ /* These interfaces are implemented to maintain Backward Compatability */ void *dce_alloc(int sz) { /* Beware: The last argument is a bit field. As of now only core ID is considered to be there in the last 4 bits of the word */ return (memplugin_alloc(sz, 1, DEFAULT_REGION, 0, IPU)); } void dce_free(void *ptr) { memplugin_free(ptr); } /*=====================================================================================*/ /** dce_ipc_init : Initialize MmRpc. This function is called within Engine_open(). * * @ return : Error Status. */ int dce_ipc_init(int core) { MmRpc_Params args; dce_error_status eError = DCE_EOK; DEBUG(" >> dce_ipc_init\n"); /*First check if maximum clients are already using ipc*/ if(__ClientCount[core] >= MAX_INSTANCES) { eError = DCE_EXDM_UNSUPPORTED; return (eError); } /* Create remote server insance */ __ClientCount[core]++; if(__ClientCount[core] > 1) { goto EXIT; } MmRpc_Params_init(&args); eError = MmRpc_create(DCE_DEVICE_NAME[core], &args, &MmRpcHandle[core]); _ASSERT_AND_EXECUTE(eError == DCE_EOK, DCE_EIPC_CREATE_FAIL, __ClientCount[core]--); DEBUG("open(/dev/%s]) -> 0x%x\n", DCE_DEVICE_NAME[core], (int)MmRpcHandle[core]); EXIT: return (eError); } /*=====================================================================================*/ /** dce_ipc_deinit : DeInitialize MmRpc. This function is called within * Engine_close(). */ void dce_ipc_deinit(int core, int tableIdx) { if(__ClientCount[core] == 0) { DEBUG("Nothing to be done: a spurious call\n"); return; } __ClientCount[core]--; if (tableIdx >= 0) gEngineHandle[tableIdx][core] = 0; if( __ClientCount[core] > 0 ) { goto EXIT; } if( MmRpcHandle[core] != NULL ) { MmRpc_delete(&MmRpcHandle[core]); MmRpcHandle[core] = NULL; } EXIT: return; } static inline int update_clients_table(Engine_Handle engine, int core) { int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_INSTANCES; i++) { if(gEngineHandle[i][core] == 0) { gEngineHandle[i][core] = engine; return i; } } return -1; } /*===============================================================*/ /** Engine_open : Open Codec Engine. * * @ param attrs [in] : Engine Attributes. This param is not passed to Remote core. * @ param name [in] : Name of Encoder or Decoder codec. * @ param ec [out] : Error returned by Codec Engine. * @ return : Codec Engine Handle is returned to be used to create codec. * In case of error, NULL is returned as Engine Handle. */ Engine_Handle Engine_open(String name, Engine_Attrs *attrs, Engine_Error *ec) { MmRpc_FxnCtx fxnCtx; dce_error_status eError = DCE_EOK; dce_engine_open *engine_open_msg = NULL; Engine_Attrs *engine_attrs = NULL; Engine_Handle engine_handle = NULL; int coreIdx = INVALID_CORE; int tabIdx = -1; /*Acquire permission to use IPC*/ pthread_mutex_lock(&ipc_mutex); _ASSERT(name != '\0', DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); coreIdx = getCoreIndexFromName(name); _ASSERT(coreIdx != INVALID_CORE, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); /* Initialize IPC. In case of Error Deinitialize them */ _ASSERT(dce_ipc_init(coreIdx) == DCE_EOK, DCE_EIPC_CREATE_FAIL); INFO(">> Engine_open Params::name = %s size = %d\n", name, strlen(name)); /* Allocate Shared memory for the engine_open rpc msg structure*/ /* Tiler Memory preferred in QNX */ engine_open_msg = memplugin_alloc(sizeof(dce_engine_open), 1, DEFAULT_REGION, 0, coreIdx); _ASSERT_AND_EXECUTE(engine_open_msg != NULL, DCE_EOUT_OF_MEMORY, engine_handle = NULL); if( attrs ) { engine_attrs = memplugin_alloc(sizeof(Engine_Attrs), 1, DEFAULT_REGION, 0, coreIdx); _ASSERT_AND_EXECUTE(engine_attrs != NULL, DCE_EOUT_OF_MEMORY, engine_handle = NULL); *engine_attrs = *attrs; } /* Populating the msg structure with all the params */ /* Populating all params into a struct avoid individual address translations of name, ec */ strncpy(engine_open_msg->name, name, strlen(name)); engine_open_msg->engine_attrs = engine_attrs; /* Marshall function arguments into the send buffer */ Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx(&fxnCtx, DCE_RPC_ENGINE_OPEN, 1, 0, NULL); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_OffPtr_Params(fxnCtx.params, GetSz(engine_open_msg), (void *)P2H(engine_open_msg), sizeof(MemHeader), memplugin_share(engine_open_msg)); /* Invoke the Remote function through MmRpc */ eError = MmRpc_call(MmRpcHandle[coreIdx], &fxnCtx, (int32_t *)(&engine_handle)); if( ec ) { *ec = engine_open_msg->error_code; } /* In case of Error, the Application will get a NULL Engine Handle */ _ASSERT_AND_EXECUTE(eError == DCE_EOK, DCE_EIPC_CALL_FAIL, engine_handle = NULL); /*Update table*/ tabIdx = update_clients_table(engine_handle, coreIdx); _ASSERT((tabIdx != -1), DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); EXIT: memplugin_free(engine_open_msg); if( engine_attrs ) { memplugin_free(engine_attrs); } /*Relinquish IPC*/ pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipc_mutex); return ((Engine_Handle)engine_handle); } /*===============================================================*/ /** Engine_close : Close Engine. * * @ param engine [in] : Engine Handle obtained in Engine_open() call. */ Void Engine_close(Engine_Handle engine) { MmRpc_FxnCtx fxnCtx; int32_t fxnRet; dce_error_status eError = DCE_EOK; int32_t coreIdx = INVALID_CORE; int tableIdx = -1; /*Acquire permission to use IPC*/ pthread_mutex_lock(&ipc_mutex); _ASSERT(engine != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); /* Marshall function arguments into the send buffer */ Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx(&fxnCtx, DCE_RPC_ENGINE_CLOSE, 1, 0, NULL); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Scalar_Params(fxnCtx.params, sizeof(Engine_Handle), (int32_t)engine); coreIdx = getCoreIndexFromEngine(engine, &tableIdx); _ASSERT(coreIdx != INVALID_CORE,DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); /* Invoke the Remote function through MmRpc */ eError = MmRpc_call(MmRpcHandle[coreIdx], &fxnCtx, &fxnRet); _ASSERT(eError == DCE_EOK, DCE_EIPC_CALL_FAIL); EXIT: if(coreIdx != INVALID_CORE) dce_ipc_deinit(coreIdx, tableIdx); /*Relinquish IPC*/ pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipc_mutex); return; } /*===============================================================*/ /** Functions create(), control(), get_version(), process(), delete() are common codec * glue function signatures which are same for both encoder and decoder */ /*===============================================================*/ /** create : Create Encoder/Decoder codec. * * @ param engine [in] : Engine Handle obtained in Engine_open() call. * @ param name [in] : Name of Encoder or Decoder codec. * @ param params [in] : Static parameters of codec. * @ param codec_id [in] : To differentiate between Encoder and Decoder codecs. * @ return : Codec Handle is returned to be used for control, process, delete calls. * In case of error, NULL is returned. */ static void *create(Engine_Handle engine, String name, void *params, dce_codec_type codec_id) { MmRpc_FxnCtx fxnCtx; dce_error_status eError = DCE_EOK; void *codec_handle = NULL; char *codec_name = NULL; int coreIdx = INVALID_CORE; /*Acquire permission to use IPC*/ pthread_mutex_lock(&ipc_mutex); _ASSERT(name != '\0', DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); _ASSERT(engine != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); _ASSERT(params != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); coreIdx = getCoreIndexFromCodec(codec_id); _ASSERT(coreIdx != INVALID_CORE, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); /* Allocate shared memory for translating codec name to IPU */ codec_name = memplugin_alloc(MAX_NAME_LENGTH * sizeof(char), 1, DEFAULT_REGION, 0, coreIdx); _ASSERT_AND_EXECUTE(codec_name != NULL, DCE_EOUT_OF_MEMORY, codec_handle = NULL); strncpy(codec_name, name, strlen(name)); /* Marshall function arguments into the send buffer */ Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx(&fxnCtx, DCE_RPC_CODEC_CREATE, 4, 0, NULL); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Scalar_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[0]), sizeof(int32_t), codec_id); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Scalar_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[1]), sizeof(Engine_Handle), (int32_t)engine); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_OffPtr_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[2]), GetSz(codec_name), P2H(codec_name), sizeof(MemHeader), memplugin_share(codec_name)); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_OffPtr_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[3]), GetSz(params), P2H(params), sizeof(MemHeader), memplugin_share(params)); /* Invoke the Remote function through MmRpc */ eError = MmRpc_call(MmRpcHandle[coreIdx], &fxnCtx, (int32_t *)(&codec_handle)); /* In case of Error, the Application will get a NULL Codec Handle */ _ASSERT_AND_EXECUTE(eError == DCE_EOK, DCE_EIPC_CALL_FAIL, codec_handle = NULL); EXIT: memplugin_free(codec_name); /*Relinquish IPC*/ pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipc_mutex); return ((void *)codec_handle); } /*===============================================================*/ /** control : Codec control call. * * @ param codec [in] : Codec Handle obtained in create() call. * @ param id [in] : Command id for XDM control operation. * @ param dynParams [in] : Dynamic input parameters to Codec. * @ param status [out] : Codec returned status parameters. * @ param codec_id [in] : To differentiate between Encoder and Decoder codecs. * @ return : Status of control() call is returned. * #XDM_EOK [0] : Success. * #XDM_EFAIL [-1] : Failure. * #IPC_FAIL [-2] : MmRpc Call failed. * #XDM_EUNSUPPORTED [-3] : Unsupported request. * #OUT_OF_MEMORY [-4] : Out of Shared Memory. */ static XDAS_Int32 control(void *codec, int id, void *dynParams, void *status, dce_codec_type codec_id) { MmRpc_FxnCtx fxnCtx; int32_t fxnRet = XDM_EFAIL; dce_error_status eError = DCE_EOK; int coreIdx = INVALID_CORE; /*Acquire permission to use IPC*/ pthread_mutex_lock(&ipc_mutex); _ASSERT(codec != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); _ASSERT(dynParams != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); _ASSERT(status != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); coreIdx = getCoreIndexFromCodec(codec_id); _ASSERT(coreIdx != INVALID_CORE, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); /* Marshall function arguments into the send buffer */ Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx(&fxnCtx, DCE_RPC_CODEC_CONTROL, 5, 0, NULL); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Scalar_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[0]), sizeof(int32_t), codec_id); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Scalar_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[1]), sizeof(int32_t), (int32_t)codec); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Scalar_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[2]), sizeof(int32_t), (int32_t)id); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_OffPtr_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[3]), GetSz(dynParams), P2H(dynParams), sizeof(MemHeader), memplugin_share(dynParams)); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_OffPtr_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[4]), GetSz(status), P2H(status), sizeof(MemHeader), memplugin_share(status)); /* Invoke the Remote function through MmRpc */ eError = MmRpc_call(MmRpcHandle[coreIdx], &fxnCtx, &fxnRet); _ASSERT(eError == DCE_EOK, DCE_EIPC_CALL_FAIL); EXIT: /*Relinquish IPC*/ pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipc_mutex); return (fxnRet); } /*===============================================================*/ /** get_version : Codec control call to get the codec version. This call has been made * separate from control call because it involves an additional version * buffer translation. * * @ param codec [in] : Codec Handle obtained in create() call. * @ param id [in] : Command id for XDM control operation. * @ param dynParams [in] : Dynamic input parameters to Codec. * @ param status [out] : Codec returned status parameters. * @ param codec_id [in] : To differentiate between Encoder and Decoder codecs. * @ return : Status of control() call is returned. * #XDM_EOK [0] : Success. * #XDM_EFAIL [-1] : Failure. * #IPC_FAIL [-2] : MmRpc Call failed. * #XDM_EUNSUPPORTED [-3] : Unsupported request. * #OUT_OF_MEMORY [-4] : Out of Shared Memory. */ static XDAS_Int32 get_version(void *codec, void *dynParams, void *status, dce_codec_type codec_id) { MmRpc_FxnCtx fxnCtx; MmRpc_Xlt xltAry; void * *version_buf = NULL; int32_t fxnRet = XDM_EFAIL; dce_error_status eError = DCE_EOK; int coreIdx = INVALID_CORE; /*Acquire permission to use IPC*/ pthread_mutex_lock(&ipc_mutex); _ASSERT(codec != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); _ASSERT(dynParams != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); _ASSERT(status != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); coreIdx = getCoreIndexFromCodec(codec_id); _ASSERT(coreIdx != INVALID_CORE, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); if( codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC3 ) { version_buf = (void * *)(&(((IVIDDEC3_Status *)status)->data.buf)); } else if( codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDENC2 ) { version_buf = (void * *)(&(((IVIDENC2_Status *)status)->data.buf)); } else if( codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC2 ) { version_buf = (void * *)(&(((IVIDDEC2_Status *)status)->data.buf)); } _ASSERT(*version_buf != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); /* Marshall function arguments into the send buffer */ Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx(&fxnCtx, DCE_RPC_CODEC_GET_VERSION, 4, 1, &xltAry); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Scalar_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[0]), sizeof(int32_t), codec_id); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Scalar_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[1]), sizeof(int32_t), (int32_t)codec); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_OffPtr_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[2]), GetSz(dynParams), P2H(dynParams), sizeof(MemHeader), memplugin_share(dynParams)); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_OffPtr_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[3]), GetSz(status), P2H(status), sizeof(MemHeader), memplugin_share(status)); /* Address Translation needed for buffer for version Info */ Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Xlt_Array(fxnCtx.xltAry, 3, MmRpc_OFFSET((int32_t)status, (int32_t)version_buf), (size_t)P2H(*version_buf), memplugin_share(*version_buf)); /* Invoke the Remote function through MmRpc */ eError = MmRpc_call(MmRpcHandle[coreIdx], &fxnCtx, &fxnRet); _ASSERT(eError == DCE_EOK, DCE_EIPC_CALL_FAIL); EXIT: /*Relinquish IPC*/ pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipc_mutex); return (fxnRet); } typedef enum process_call_params { CODEC_ID_INDEX = 0, CODEC_HANDLE_INDEX, INBUFS_INDEX, OUTBUFS_INDEX, INARGS_INDEX, OUTARGS_INDEX, OUTBUFS_PTR_INDEX } process_call_params; #define LUMA_BUF 0 #define CHROMA_BUF 1 /*===============================================================*/ /** process : Encode/Decode process. * * @ param codec [in] : Codec Handle obtained in create() call. * @ param inBufs [in] : Input buffer details. * @ param outBufs [in] : Output buffer details. * @ param inArgs [in] : Input arguments. * @ param outArgs [out] : Output arguments. * @ param codec_id [in] : To differentiate between Encoder and Decoder codecs. * @ return : Status of the process call. * #XDM_EOK [0] : Success. * #XDM_EFAIL [-1] : Failure. * #IPC_FAIL [-2] : MmRpc Call failed. * #XDM_EUNSUPPORTED [-3] : Unsupported request. */ static XDAS_Int32 process(void *codec, void *inBufs, void *outBufs, void *inArgs, void *outArgs, dce_codec_type codec_id) { MmRpc_FxnCtx fxnCtx; MmRpc_Xlt xltAry[MAX_TOTAL_BUF]; int fxnRet, count, total_count, numInBufs = 0, numOutBufs = 0; dce_error_status eError = DCE_EOK; void **data_buf = NULL; void **buf_arry = NULL; void **bufSize_arry = NULL; int numXltAry, numParams; int coreIdx = INVALID_CORE; #ifdef BUILDOS_ANDROID int32_t inbuf_offset[MAX_INPUT_BUF]; int32_t outbuf_offset[MAX_OUTPUT_BUF]; #endif /*Acquire permission to use IPC*/ pthread_mutex_lock(&ipc_mutex); _ASSERT(codec != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); _ASSERT(inBufs != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); _ASSERT(outBufs != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); _ASSERT(inArgs != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); _ASSERT(outArgs != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); coreIdx = getCoreIndexFromCodec(codec_id); _ASSERT(coreIdx != INVALID_CORE, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); if( codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC3 ) { numInBufs = ((XDM2_BufDesc *)inBufs)->numBufs; numOutBufs = ((XDM2_BufDesc *)outBufs)->numBufs; numXltAry = numInBufs + numOutBufs; numParams = 6; } else if( codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDENC2 ) { numInBufs = ((IVIDEO2_BufDesc *)inBufs)->numPlanes; numOutBufs = ((XDM2_BufDesc *)outBufs)->numBufs; numXltAry = numInBufs + numOutBufs; numParams = 6; } else if( codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC2 ) { numInBufs = ((XDM1_BufDesc *)inBufs)->numBufs; numOutBufs = ((XDM_BufDesc *)outBufs)->numBufs; numXltAry = numInBufs + numOutBufs + MAX_OUTPUT_BUFPTRS;/* 2 extra needed for bufs and bufSizes */ numParams = 7; } else{ eError = DCE_EXDM_UNSUPPORTED; return eError; } /* marshall function arguments into the send buffer */ /* Approach [2] as explained in "Notes" used for process */ Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx(&fxnCtx, DCE_RPC_CODEC_PROCESS, numParams, numXltAry, xltAry); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Scalar_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[CODEC_ID_INDEX]), sizeof(int32_t), codec_id); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Scalar_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[CODEC_HANDLE_INDEX]), sizeof(int32_t), (int32_t)codec); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_OffPtr_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[INBUFS_INDEX]), GetSz(inBufs), P2H(inBufs), sizeof(MemHeader), memplugin_share(inBufs)); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_OffPtr_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[OUTBUFS_INDEX]), GetSz(outBufs), P2H(outBufs), sizeof(MemHeader), memplugin_share(outBufs)); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_OffPtr_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[INARGS_INDEX]), GetSz(inArgs), P2H(inArgs), sizeof(MemHeader), memplugin_share(inArgs)); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_OffPtr_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[OUTARGS_INDEX]), GetSz(outArgs), P2H(outArgs), sizeof(MemHeader), memplugin_share(outArgs)); /* InBufs, OutBufs, InArgs, OutArgs buffer need translation but since they have been */ /* individually mentioned as fxnCtx Params, they need not be mentioned below again */ /* Input and Output Buffers have to be mentioned for translation */ for( count = 0, total_count = 0; count < numInBufs; count++, total_count++ ) { if( codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC3 ) { data_buf = (void * *)(&(((XDM2_BufDesc *)inBufs)->descs[count].buf)); } else if( codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDENC2 ) { data_buf = (void * *)(&(((IVIDEO2_BufDesc *)inBufs)->planeDesc[count].buf)); } else if( codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC2 ) { data_buf = (void * *)(&(((XDM1_BufDesc *)inBufs)->descs[count].buf)); } #ifdef BUILDOS_ANDROID inbuf_offset[count] = ((MemHeader*)(*data_buf))->offset; Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Xlt_Array(&(fxnCtx.xltAry[total_count]), INBUFS_INDEX, MmRpc_OFFSET((int32_t)inBufs, (int32_t)data_buf), (size_t)(*data_buf), (size_t)(((MemHeader*)(*data_buf))->dma_buf_fd)); *data_buf += inbuf_offset[count]; #else Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Xlt_Array(&(fxnCtx.xltAry[total_count]), INBUFS_INDEX, MmRpc_OFFSET((int32_t)inBufs, (int32_t)data_buf), (size_t)*data_buf, (size_t)*data_buf); #ifdef BUILDOS_LINUX /*Single planar input buffer for Encoder. No adjustments needed for Multiplanar case*/ if(count == CHROMA_BUF && codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDENC2 && ((IVIDEO2_BufDesc *)inBufs)->planeDesc[LUMA_BUF].buf == ((IVIDEO2_BufDesc *)inBufs)->planeDesc[CHROMA_BUF].buf){ if(((IVIDEO2_BufDesc *)inBufs)->planeDesc[count].memType == XDM_MEMTYPE_RAW || ((IVIDEO2_BufDesc *)inBufs)->planeDesc[count].memType == XDM_MEMTYPE_TILEDPAGE ) *data_buf += ((IVIDEO2_BufDesc *)inBufs)->planeDesc[LUMA_BUF].bufSize.bytes; else *data_buf += ((IVIDEO2_BufDesc *)inBufs)->planeDesc[LUMA_BUF].bufSize.tileMem.width * ((IVIDEO2_BufDesc *)inBufs)->planeDesc[LUMA_BUF].bufSize.tileMem.height; } #endif //BUILDOS_LINUX #endif //BUILDOS_ANDROID } /* Output Buffers */ for( count = 0; count < numOutBufs; count++, total_count++ ) { if(codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDENC2 || codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC3) { if(((XDM2_BufDesc *)outBufs)->descs[LUMA_BUF].buf != ((XDM2_BufDesc *)outBufs)->descs[CHROMA_BUF].buf ) { /* Either Encode usecase or MultiPlanar Buffers for Decode usecase */ data_buf = (void * *)(&(((XDM2_BufDesc *)outBufs)->descs[count].buf)); #ifdef BUILDOS_ANDROID outbuf_offset[count] = ((MemHeader*)(*data_buf))->offset; Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Xlt_Array(&(fxnCtx.xltAry[total_count]), OUTBUFS_INDEX, MmRpc_OFFSET((int32_t)outBufs, (int32_t)data_buf), (size_t)(*data_buf), (size_t)(((MemHeader*)(*data_buf))->dma_buf_fd)); *data_buf += outbuf_offset[count]; #else Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Xlt_Array(&(fxnCtx.xltAry[total_count]), OUTBUFS_INDEX, MmRpc_OFFSET((int32_t)outBufs, (int32_t)data_buf), (size_t)*data_buf, (size_t)*data_buf); #endif } #if defined(BUILDOS_LINUX) else { /* SinglePlanar Buffers for Decode usecase*/ data_buf = (void * *)(&(((XDM2_BufDesc *)outBufs)->descs[count].buf)); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Xlt_Array(&(fxnCtx.xltAry[total_count]), OUTBUFS_INDEX, MmRpc_OFFSET((int32_t)outBufs, (int32_t)data_buf), (size_t)*data_buf, (size_t)*data_buf); if( count == CHROMA_BUF ) { if(((XDM2_BufDesc *)outBufs)->descs[count].memType == XDM_MEMTYPE_RAW || ((XDM2_BufDesc *)outBufs)->descs[count].memType == XDM_MEMTYPE_TILEDPAGE ) { *data_buf += ((XDM2_BufDesc *)outBufs)->descs[LUMA_BUF].bufSize.bytes; } else { *data_buf += ((XDM2_BufDesc *)outBufs)->descs[LUMA_BUF].bufSize.tileMem.width * ((XDM2_BufDesc *)outBufs)->descs[LUMA_BUF].bufSize.tileMem.height; } } } #endif } else if(codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC2) { if(count == LUMA_BUF) { buf_arry = (void * *)(&(((XDM_BufDesc *)outBufs)->bufs)); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Xlt_Array(&(fxnCtx.xltAry[total_count]), OUTBUFS_INDEX, MmRpc_OFFSET((int32_t)outBufs, (int32_t)buf_arry), (size_t)P2H(*buf_arry), (size_t)memplugin_share(*buf_arry)); total_count++; bufSize_arry = (void * *)(&(((XDM_BufDesc *)outBufs)->bufSizes)); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Xlt_Array(&(fxnCtx.xltAry[total_count]), OUTBUFS_INDEX, MmRpc_OFFSET((int32_t)outBufs, (int32_t)bufSize_arry), (size_t)P2H(*bufSize_arry), (size_t)memplugin_share(*bufSize_arry)); total_count++; } Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_OffPtr_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[OUTBUFS_PTR_INDEX]), GetSz(*buf_arry), P2H(*buf_arry), sizeof(MemHeader), memplugin_share(*buf_arry)); data_buf = (void * *)(&(((XDM_BufDesc *)outBufs)->bufs[count])); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Xlt_Array(&(fxnCtx.xltAry[total_count]), OUTBUFS_PTR_INDEX, MmRpc_OFFSET((int32_t)*buf_arry, (int32_t)data_buf), (size_t)*data_buf, (size_t)*data_buf); } } /* Invoke the Remote function through MmRpc */ eError = MmRpc_call(MmRpcHandle[coreIdx], &fxnCtx, &fxnRet); _ASSERT(eError == DCE_EOK, DCE_EIPC_CALL_FAIL); #ifdef BUILDOS_ANDROID for( count = 0; count < numInBufs; count++ ) { if( codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC3 ) { /* restore the actual buf ptr before returing to the mmf */ data_buf = (void * *)(&(((XDM2_BufDesc *)inBufs)->descs[count].buf)); } else if( codec_id == OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC2 ) { /* restore the actual buf ptr before returing to the mmf */ data_buf = (void * *)(&(((XDM1_BufDesc *)inBufs)->descs[count].buf)); } *data_buf -= inbuf_offset[count]; } for (count = 0; count < numOutBufs; count++){ data_buf = (void * *)(&(((XDM2_BufDesc *)outBufs)->descs[count].buf)); *data_buf -= outbuf_offset[count]; } #endif eError = (dce_error_status)(fxnRet); EXIT: /*Relinquish IPC*/ pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipc_mutex); return (eError); } /*===============================================================*/ /** delete : Delete Encode/Decode codec instance. * * @ param codec [in] : Codec Handle obtained in create() call. * @ param codec_id [in] : To differentiate between Encoder and Decoder codecs. * @ return : None. */ static void delete(void *codec, dce_codec_type codec_id) { MmRpc_FxnCtx fxnCtx; int32_t fxnRet; dce_error_status eError = DCE_EOK; int coreIdx = INVALID_CORE; /*Acquire permission to use IPC*/ pthread_mutex_lock(&ipc_mutex); _ASSERT(codec != NULL, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); coreIdx = getCoreIndexFromCodec(codec_id); _ASSERT(coreIdx != INVALID_CORE, DCE_EINVALID_INPUT); /* Marshall function arguments into the send buffer */ Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx(&fxnCtx, DCE_RPC_CODEC_DELETE, 2, 0, NULL); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Scalar_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[0]), sizeof(int32_t), codec_id); Fill_MmRpc_fxnCtx_Scalar_Params(&(fxnCtx.params[1]), sizeof(int32_t), (int32_t)codec); /* Invoke the Remote function through MmRpc */ eError = MmRpc_call(MmRpcHandle[coreIdx], &fxnCtx, &fxnRet); _ASSERT(eError == DCE_EOK, DCE_EIPC_CALL_FAIL); EXIT: /*Relinquish IPC*/ pthread_mutex_unlock(&ipc_mutex); return; } /***************** VIDDEC3 Decoder Codec Engine Functions ****************/ VIDDEC3_Handle VIDDEC3_create(Engine_Handle engine, String name, VIDDEC3_Params *params) { VIDDEC3_Handle codec; DEBUG(">> engine=%p, name=%s, params=%p", engine, name, params); codec = create(engine, name, params, OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC3); DEBUG("<< codec=%p", codec); return (codec); } XDAS_Int32 VIDDEC3_control(VIDDEC3_Handle codec, VIDDEC3_Cmd id, VIDDEC3_DynamicParams *dynParams, VIDDEC3_Status *status) { XDAS_Int32 ret; DEBUG(">> codec=%p, id=%d, dynParams=%p, status=%p", codec, id, dynParams, status); if( id == XDM_GETVERSION ) { ret = get_version(codec, dynParams, status, OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC3); } else { ret = control(codec, id, dynParams, status, OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC3); } DEBUG("<< ret=%d", ret); return (ret); } XDAS_Int32 VIDDEC3_process(VIDDEC3_Handle codec, XDM2_BufDesc *inBufs, XDM2_BufDesc *outBufs, VIDDEC3_InArgs *inArgs, VIDDEC3_OutArgs *outArgs) { XDAS_Int32 ret; DEBUG(">> codec=%p, inBufs=%p, outBufs=%p, inArgs=%p, outArgs=%p", codec, inBufs, outBufs, inArgs, outArgs); ret = process(codec, inBufs, outBufs, inArgs, outArgs, OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC3); DEBUG("<< ret=%d", ret); return (ret); } Void VIDDEC3_delete(VIDDEC3_Handle codec) { DEBUG(">> codec=%p", codec); delete(codec, OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC3); DEBUG("<<"); } /***************** VIDENC2 Encoder Codec Engine Functions ****************/ VIDENC2_Handle VIDENC2_create(Engine_Handle engine, String name, VIDENC2_Params *params) { VIDENC2_Handle codec; DEBUG(">> engine=%p, name=%s, params=%p", engine, name, params); codec = create(engine, name, params, OMAP_DCE_VIDENC2); DEBUG("<< codec=%p", codec); return (codec); } XDAS_Int32 VIDENC2_control(VIDENC2_Handle codec, VIDENC2_Cmd id, VIDENC2_DynamicParams *dynParams, VIDENC2_Status *status) { XDAS_Int32 ret; DEBUG(">> codec=%p, id=%d, dynParams=%p, status=%p", codec, id, dynParams, status); if( id == XDM_GETVERSION ) { ret = get_version(codec, dynParams, status, OMAP_DCE_VIDENC2); } else { ret = control(codec, id, dynParams, status, OMAP_DCE_VIDENC2); } DEBUG("<< ret=%d", ret); return (ret); } XDAS_Int32 VIDENC2_process(VIDENC2_Handle codec, IVIDEO2_BufDesc *inBufs, XDM2_BufDesc *outBufs, VIDENC2_InArgs *inArgs, VIDENC2_OutArgs *outArgs) { XDAS_Int32 ret; DEBUG(">> codec=%p, inBufs=%p, outBufs=%p, inArgs=%p, outArgs=%p", codec, inBufs, outBufs, inArgs, outArgs); ret = process(codec, inBufs, outBufs, inArgs, outArgs, OMAP_DCE_VIDENC2); DEBUG("<< ret=%d", ret); return (ret); } Void VIDENC2_delete(VIDENC2_Handle codec) { DEBUG(">> codec=%p", codec); delete(codec, OMAP_DCE_VIDENC2); DEBUG("<<"); } /***************** VIDDEC2 Decoder Codec Engine Functions ****************/ VIDDEC2_Handle VIDDEC2_create(Engine_Handle engine, String name, VIDDEC2_Params *params) { VIDDEC2_Handle codec; DEBUG(">> engine=%p, name=%s, params=%p", engine, name, params); codec = create(engine, name, params, OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC2); DEBUG("<< codec=%p", codec); return (codec); } XDAS_Int32 VIDDEC2_control(VIDDEC2_Handle codec, VIDDEC2_Cmd id, VIDDEC2_DynamicParams *dynParams, VIDDEC2_Status *status) { XDAS_Int32 ret; DEBUG(">> codec=%p, id=%d, dynParams=%p, status=%p", codec, id, dynParams, status); if( id == XDM_GETVERSION ) { ret = get_version(codec, dynParams, status, OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC2); } else { ret = control(codec, id, dynParams, status, OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC2); } DEBUG("<< ret=%d", ret); return (ret); } XDAS_Int32 VIDDEC2_process(VIDDEC2_Handle codec, XDM1_BufDesc *inBufs, XDM_BufDesc *outBufs, VIDDEC2_InArgs *inArgs, VIDDEC2_OutArgs *outArgs) { XDAS_Int32 ret; DEBUG(">> codec=%p, inBufs=%p, outBufs=%p, inArgs=%p, outArgs=%p", codec, inBufs, outBufs, inArgs, outArgs); ret = process(codec, inBufs, outBufs, inArgs, outArgs, OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC2); DEBUG("<< ret=%d", ret); return (ret); } Void VIDDEC2_delete(VIDDEC2_Handle codec) { DEBUG(">> codec=%p", codec); delete(codec, OMAP_DCE_VIDDEC2); DEBUG("<<"); }