# Determines the types of NDK modules the current module is allowed to link to. # Input variables: # LOCAL_MODULE # LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS # LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT # LOCAL_SDK_VERSION # Output variables: # my_ndk_stl_family: Family of the NDK STL. # my_ndk_stl_link_type: STL link type, static or shared. # my_allowed_ndk_types: Types of NDK modules that may be linked. # my_warn_ndk_types: Types of NDK modules that shouldn't be linked, but are. my_allowed_ndk_types := my_warn_ndk_types := my_ndk_stl_family := my_ndk_stl_link_type := ifdef LOCAL_SDK_VERSION ifeq ($(LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT),) my_ndk_stl_family := system my_ndk_stl_link_type := shared else ifeq ($(LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT),system) my_ndk_stl_family := system my_ndk_stl_link_type := shared else ifeq ($(LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT),c++_shared) my_ndk_stl_family := libc++ my_ndk_stl_link_type := shared else ifeq ($(LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT),c++_static) my_ndk_stl_family := libc++ my_ndk_stl_link_type := static else ifeq ($(LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT),none) my_ndk_stl_family := none my_ndk_stl_link_type := none else $(call pretty-error,invalid LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT: $(LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT)) endif ifeq ($(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS),STATIC_LIBRARIES) # The "none" link type indicates that nothing is actually linked. Since # this is a static library, it's still up to the final use of the # library whether a static or shared STL should be used. my_ndk_stl_link_type := none endif # The system STL is only the C++ ABI layer, so it's compatible with any STL. my_allowed_ndk_types += native:ndk:system:shared my_allowed_ndk_types += native:ndk:system:none # Libaries that don't use the STL can be linked to anything. my_allowed_ndk_types += native:ndk:none:none # And it's always okay to link a static library that uses your own STL type. # Since nothing was actually linked for the static library, it is up to the # first linked library in the dependency chain which gets used. my_allowed_ndk_types += native:ndk:$(my_ndk_stl_family):none ifeq ($(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS),APPS) # For an app package, it's actually okay to depend on any set of STLs. # If any of the individual libraries depend on each other they've # already been checked for consistency, and if they don't they'll be # kept isolated by RTLD_LOCAL anyway. my_allowed_ndk_types += \ native:ndk:libc++:shared native:ndk:libc++:static # The "none" link type that used by static libraries is intentionally # omitted here. We should only be dealing with shared libraries in # LOCAL_JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES. else ifeq ($(my_ndk_stl_link_type),shared) # Modules linked to a shared STL can only use another shared STL. my_allowed_ndk_types += native:ndk:$(my_ndk_stl_family):shared endif # Else we are a non-static library that uses a static STL, and are # incompatible with all other shared libraries that use an STL. else my_allowed_ndk_types := \ native:ndk:none:none \ native:ndk:system:none \ native:ndk:system:shared \ ifeq ($(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS),APPS) # CTS is bad and it should feel bad: http://b/13249737 my_warn_ndk_types += native:ndk:libc++:static endif endif