Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add std::string StartsWith*/EndsWith* overloads.Elliott Hughes2017-12-201-0/+20
* Add test for android::base::Split with a trailing empty part.Tom Cherry2017-10-261-0/+8
* Fix ubsan failure in android::base::Split.Elliott Hughes2017-02-131-0/+4
* bootable/recovery wants EqualsIgnoreCase.Elliott Hughes2017-01-131-0/+7
* Add StartsWithIgnoreCase/EndsWithIgnoreCase.Elliott Hughes2016-10-251-8/+77
* Track rename of base/ to android-base/.Elliott Hughes2015-12-051-1/+1
* Generalize Join to work for any container/element.Dan Albert2015-05-221-0/+13
* Remove strtok from adb.Elliott Hughes2015-04-271-5/+8
* Update string Split API.Dan Albert2015-03-231-8/+27
* Add common string utilities to libbase.Dan Albert2015-03-161-0/+142