Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* libcutils: move cutils/files.h to cutils/android_get_control_file.hMark Salyzyn2016-11-161-79/+0
| | | | | | | | | | files.[h|cpp] is bound to be abused with junk, replace with android_get_control_file.[h|cpp]. Plus some sundry cleanup. Test: gTest libcutils-tests, logd-unit-tests, liblog-unit-tests, logcat-unit-tests and init_tests Bug: 32450474 Change-Id: Ibd4a7aa4624ea19a43d1f98a3c71ac37805d36b5
* libcutils: add android_get_control_socket() testMark Salyzyn2016-11-031-15/+69
| | | | | | | | | | | | android_get_control_socket() checks if the resulting file descriptor is valid, open and matches the socket bound name reference, which on purpose will fail if a symbolic link is in the path rather than using a fully qualified path. If there are any non-alpha and non-numeric characters in the name, they are replaced with _. Add unit test. Test: gTest libcutils_test --gtest_filter=SocketTest.android_get_control_socket Bug: 32450474 Change-Id: I27a6419012033ef8bd6ca04f3e479d01264d8c49
* Move android_get_control_socket out of lineColin Cross2016-09-231-0/+21
| | | | | | | | | | | | android_get_control_socket has a warning from the implicit cast from long to int. The warning was being hidden because cutils/sockets.h was included with -isystem. Move android_get_control_socket to sockets.cpp, since we don't want header only dependencies anyways, and fix the warning with a range check and a static_cast. Bug: 31492149 Test: m -j <module that uses sockets.h and -Wall> Change-Id: I1f394ab26d4ec8a7dd0e7907c10416d7f8647624
* libcutils: add socket_get_local_port().David Pursell2016-02-021-0/+47
Tests that require a local server currently hardcode a test value, which can run into conflicts depending on what's currently running on the machine. This CL adds socket_get_local_port(), which lets us pass 0 so the system picks an open port and we can query which port it chose. Bug: http://b/26236380 Change-Id: I01d1558884e7636081d9a357db6faa86929934f6