/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_H #define ANDROID_VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_H #include namespace android { namespace vintf { namespace SerializeFlags { class Type { public: explicit constexpr Type(uint32_t value) : mValue(value) {} #define VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_FIELD(name, bit) \ constexpr Type enable##name() const { return Type(mValue | (1 << bit)); } \ constexpr Type disable##name() const { return Type(mValue & ~(1 << bit)); } \ constexpr bool is##name##Enabled() const { return mValue & (1 << bit); } VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_FIELD(Hals, 0) VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_FIELD(Avb, 1) VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_FIELD(Sepolicy, 2) VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_FIELD(Vndk, 3) VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_FIELD(Kernel, 4) VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_FIELD(XmlFiles, 5) VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_FIELD(Ssdk, 6) VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_FIELD(Fqname, 7) VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_FIELD(KernelConfigs, 8) VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_FIELD(KernelMinorRevision, 9) VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_FIELD(MetaVersion, 10) VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_FIELD(SchemaType, 11) #undef VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_FIELD private: uint32_t mValue; }; constexpr Type EVERYTHING = Type(~0); constexpr Type NO_HALS = EVERYTHING.disableHals(); constexpr Type NO_AVB = EVERYTHING.disableAvb(); constexpr Type NO_SEPOLICY = EVERYTHING.disableSepolicy(); constexpr Type NO_VNDK = EVERYTHING.disableVndk(); constexpr Type NO_KERNEL = EVERYTHING.disableKernel(); constexpr Type NO_XMLFILES = EVERYTHING.disableXmlFiles(); constexpr Type NO_SSDK = EVERYTHING.disableSsdk(); constexpr Type NO_FQNAME = EVERYTHING.disableFqname(); constexpr Type NO_KERNEL_CONFIGS = EVERYTHING.disableKernelConfigs(); constexpr Type NO_KERNEL_MINOR_REVISION = EVERYTHING.disableKernelMinorRevision(); constexpr Type NO_TAGS = Type(0).enableMetaVersion().enableSchemaType(); constexpr Type HALS_ONLY = NO_TAGS.enableHals().enableFqname(); // with constexpr Type XMLFILES_ONLY = NO_TAGS.enableXmlFiles(); constexpr Type SEPOLICY_ONLY = NO_TAGS.enableSepolicy(); constexpr Type VNDK_ONLY = NO_TAGS.enableVndk(); constexpr Type HALS_NO_FQNAME = NO_TAGS.enableHals(); // without constexpr Type SSDK_ONLY = NO_TAGS.enableSsdk(); // tests static_assert(EVERYTHING.isHalsEnabled(), ""); static_assert(EVERYTHING.isMetaVersionEnabled(), ""); static_assert(!NO_HALS.isHalsEnabled(), ""); static_assert(NO_HALS.isAvbEnabled(), ""); static_assert(NO_HALS.isMetaVersionEnabled(), ""); static_assert(!NO_TAGS.isHalsEnabled(), ""); static_assert(NO_TAGS.isMetaVersionEnabled(), ""); static_assert(HALS_ONLY.isHalsEnabled(), ""); static_assert(!HALS_ONLY.isAvbEnabled(), ""); static_assert(HALS_ONLY.isMetaVersionEnabled(), ""); } // namespace SerializeFlags } // namespace vintf } // namespace android #endif // ANDROID_VINTF_SERIALIZE_FLAGS_H