blob: 44268712ced134497dc5861295a5831908f1fede (plain) (tree)






















































 *   @file  csl_edma3.h
 *   @brief   
 *      This is the main header file for the EDMA Module which defines
 *      all the data structures and exported API.
 *  \par
 *  ============================================================================
 *  @n   (C) Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009, Texas Instruments, Inc.
 *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
 *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 
 *  are met:
 *    Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *    Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 
 *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the   
 *    distribution.
 *    Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
 *    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
 *    from this software without specific prior written permission.

/** @defgroup CSL_EDMA3_API EDMA3
 * @section Introduction
 * @subsection xxx Overview
 * This page describes the Functions, Data Structures, Enumerations and Macros
 * within EDMA module.
 * The EDMA controller handles all data transfers between the level-two (L2)
 * cache/memory controller and the device peripherals.These data transfers
 * include cache servicing, noncacheable memory accesses, user-programmed data
 * transfers, and host accesses. The EDMA supports up to 64-event channels and
 * 8 QDMA channels. The EDMA consists of a scalable Parameter RAM (PaRAM) that
 * supports flexible ping-pong, circular buffering, channel-chaining, 
 * auto-reloading, and memory protection. The EDMA allows movement of data
 * to/from any addressable memory spaces, including internal memory (L2 SRAM),
 * peripherals, and external memory.
 * @subsection References
 *   -# CSL 3.x Technical Requirements Specifications Version 0.5, dated
 *      May 14th, 2003
 *   -# EDMA Channel Controller Specification (Revision 3.0.2)
 *   -# EDMA Transfer Controller Specification (Revision 3.0.1)
 * @subsection Assumptions
 *    The abbreviations EDMA, edma and Edma have been used throughout this
 *    document to refer to Enhanced Direct Memory Access.

/* =============================================================================
 * Revision History
 * ================
 * 02-May-2008 New file created
 * 25-Jul-2008   Update for Doxygen
 * =============================================================================
#ifndef CSL_EDMA3_H
#define CSL_EDMA3_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <ti/csl/csl.h>
#include <ti/csl/soc.h>
#include <ti/csl/cslr_tpcc.h>

typedef CSL_TpccRegs* CSL_Edma3ccRegsOvly;

@defgroup CSL_EDMA3_SYMBOL  EDMA3 Symbols Defined
@ingroup CSL_EDMA3_API
@defgroup CSL_EDMA3_DATASTRUCT  EDMA3 Data Structures
@ingroup CSL_EDMA3_API
@defgroup CSL_EDMA3_FUNCTION  EDMA3 Functions
@ingroup CSL_EDMA3_API
@defgroup CSL_EDMA3_ENUM  EDMA3 Enumerated Data Types
@ingroup CSL_EDMA3_API

@addtogroup CSL_EDMA3_SYMBOL
/* EDMA Symbols Defined */

/** EDMA Regions: Global and 8 SHADOW Regions. */
#define CSL_EDMA3_REGION_GLOBAL             (-(int32_t)(1))
#define CSL_EDMA3_REGION_0                  (0)
#define CSL_EDMA3_REGION_1                  (1)
#define CSL_EDMA3_REGION_2                  (2)
#define CSL_EDMA3_REGION_3                  (3)
#define CSL_EDMA3_REGION_4                  (4)
#define CSL_EDMA3_REGION_5                  (5)
#define CSL_EDMA3_REGION_6                  (6)
#define CSL_EDMA3_REGION_7                  (7)

/** Link to a Null Param set */
#define CSL_EDMA3_LINK_NULL                     (0xFFFF)
/** Link to a Null Param set */
#define CSL_EDMA3_LINK_DEFAULT                  (0xFFFF)
/** A synchronized transfer  */
#define CSL_EDMA3_SYNC_A                        (0)
/** AB synchronized transfer */
#define CSL_EDMA3_SYNC_AB                       (1)
/** Normal Completion */
#define CSL_EDMA3_TCC_NORMAL                    (0)
/** Early  Completion */
#define CSL_EDMA3_TCC_EARLY                     (1)
/** Only for ease  */
#define CSL_EDMA3_FIFOWIDTH_NONE                (0)
/** 8 bit FIFO Width */
#define CSL_EDMA3_FIFOWIDTH_8BIT                (0)
/** 16 bit FIFO Width */
#define CSL_EDMA3_FIFOWIDTH_16BIT               (1)    
/** 32 bit FIFO Width */
#define CSL_EDMA3_FIFOWIDTH_32BIT               (2)    
/** 64 bit FIFO Width */
#define CSL_EDMA3_FIFOWIDTH_64BIT               (3)   
/** 128 bit FIFO Width */
#define CSL_EDMA3_FIFOWIDTH_128BIT              (4)   
/** 256 bit FIFO Width */
#define CSL_EDMA3_FIFOWIDTH_256BIT              (5)    
/** Address Mode is incremental */
#define CSL_EDMA3_ADDRMODE_INCR                 (0)
/** Address Mode is such it wraps around after reaching FIFO width */
#define CSL_EDMA3_ADDRMODE_CONST                (1)

/* Bitwise OR of the below symbols are used for setting the Memory attributes 
   These are defined only if the Memory Protection feature exists */

/** User Execute permission */
#define CSL_EDMA3_MEMACCESS_UX              0x0001  
/** User Write permission */  
#define CSL_EDMA3_MEMACCESS_UW              0x0002  
/** User Read permission */
#define CSL_EDMA3_MEMACCESS_UR              0x0004  
/** Supervisor Execute permission */  
#define CSL_EDMA3_MEMACCESS_SX              0x0008  
/** Supervisor Write permission */
#define CSL_EDMA3_MEMACCESS_SW              0x0010  
/** Supervisor Read permission */
#define CSL_EDMA3_MEMACCESS_SR              0x0020  
/** External Allowed ID. Requests with PrivID >= '6' are permitted 
 * if access type is allowed
#define CSL_EDMA3_MEMACCESS_EXT            0x0200 
/** Allowed ID '0' */ 
#define CSL_EDMA3_MEMACCESS_AID0           0x0400  
/** Allowed ID '1' */
#define CSL_EDMA3_MEMACCESS_AID1           0x0800  
/** Allowed ID '2' */
#define CSL_EDMA3_MEMACCESS_AID2           0x1000  
/** Allowed ID '3' */
#define CSL_EDMA3_MEMACCESS_AID3           0x2000  
/** Allowed ID '4' */
#define CSL_EDMA3_MEMACCESS_AID4           0x4000  
/** Allowed ID '5' */
#define CSL_EDMA3_MEMACCESS_AID5           0x8000  

/** Intermediate transfer completion interrupt enable */  
#define CSL_EDMA3_ITCINT_EN             1
/** Intermediate transfer completion interrupt disable */ 
#define CSL_EDMA3_ITCINT_DIS            0
/** Intermediate transfer completion chaining enable */ 
#define CSL_EDMA3_ITCCH_EN              1
/** Intermediate transfer completion chaining disable */    
#define CSL_EDMA3_ITCCH_DIS             0
/** Transfer completion interrupt enable */  
#define CSL_EDMA3_TCINT_EN              1
/** Transfer completion interrupt disable */ 
#define CSL_EDMA3_TCINT_DIS             0
/** Transfer completion chaining enable */   
#define CSL_EDMA3_TCCH_EN               1
/** Transfer completion chaining disable */
#define CSL_EDMA3_TCCH_DIS              0
/** Enable Static */
#define CSL_EDMA3_STATIC_EN             1
/** Disable Static */
#define CSL_EDMA3_STATIC_DIS            0
/** Last trigger word in a QDMA parameter set */
/** Trigger word option field */
#define CSL_EDMA3_TRIGWORD_OPT            0
/** Trigger word source  */
#define CSL_EDMA3_TRIGWORD_SRC            1
/** Trigger word AB count */
#define CSL_EDMA3_TRIGWORD_A_B_CNT        2
/** Trigger word destination */
#define CSL_EDMA3_TRIGWORD_DST            3
/** Trigger word src and dst B index */
/** Trigger word B count reload */
/** Trigger word src and dst C index */
/** Trigger word C count */
#define CSL_EDMA3_TRIGWORD_CCNT           7

/** Used for creating the options entry in the parameter ram */
#define CSL_EDMA3_OPT_MAKE(itcchEn, tcchEn, itcintEn, tcintEn, tcc, tccMode, \
                           fwid, stat, syncDim, dam, sam) \
     CSL_FMKR(23,23,(itcchEn)) \
    |CSL_FMKR(22,22,(tcchEn)) \
    |CSL_FMKR(21,21,(itcintEn)) \
    |CSL_FMKR(20,20,(tcintEn)) \
    |CSL_FMKR(17,12,(tcc)) \
    |CSL_FMKR(11,11,(tccMode)) \
    |CSL_FMKR(10,8,(fwid)) \
    |CSL_FMKR(3,3,(stat)) \
    |CSL_FMKR(2,2,(syncDim)) \
    |CSL_FMKR(1,1,(dam)) \

/** Used for creating the A,B Count entry in the parameter ram */
#define CSL_EDMA3_CNT_MAKE(aCnt,bCnt) \
     CSL_FMKR(15, 0,  (aCnt)) \
    |CSL_FMKR(31, 16, (bCnt)) \

/** Used for creating the link and B count reload entry in the parameter ram */
#define CSL_EDMA3_LINKBCNTRLD_MAKE(link,bCntRld) \
     CSL_FMKR(15, 0 , (Uint32)(link)) \
    |CSL_FMKR(31, 16, (bCntRld))\

/** Used for creating the B index entry in the parameter ram */
#define CSL_EDMA3_BIDX_MAKE(src,dst) \
     CSL_FMKR(31, 16, (Uint32)(dst)) \
    |CSL_FMKR(15, 0 , (Uint32)(src))\

/** Used for creating the C index entry in the parameter ram */
#define CSL_EDMA3_CIDX_MAKE(src,dst) \
     CSL_FMKR(31, 16, (Uint32)(dst)) \
    |CSL_FMKR(15, 0,  (Uint32)(src))\


/** @addtogroup CSL_EDMA3_ENUM
 @{ */

/** @brief Enumeration for System priorities
 * This is used for Setting up the Que Priority level
typedef enum {
    /** System priority level 0 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_PRI_0 = 0,
    /** System priority level 1 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_PRI_1 = 1,
    /** System priority level 2 */         
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_PRI_2 = 2,
    /** System priority level 3 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_PRI_3 = 3,
    /** System priority level 4 */     
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_PRI_4 = 4,   
    /** System priority level 5 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_PRI_5 = 5,   
    /** System priority level 6 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_PRI_6 = 6,   
    /** System priority level 7 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_PRI_7 = 7    

/** @brief Enumeration for EDMA Event Queues
 * These are a list of all the event queues.

/* Enumerations for EDMA Event Queues */
typedef enum {
    /** Default Event Queue */
    /** Event Queue 0 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_0       = 0,
    /** Event Queue 1 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_1       = 1,
    /** Event Queue 2 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_2       = 2,
    /** Event Queue 3 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_3       = 3,
    /** Event Queue 4 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_4       = 4,
    /** Event Queue 5 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_5       = 5,
    /** Event Queue 6 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_6       = 6,
    /** Event Queue 7 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_7       = 7
} CSL_Edma3Que;

/** @brief Enumeration for EDMA Que Thresholds
 * This is used for Setting up the Que thresholds
typedef enum {
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 0 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_0 = 0,
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 1 */        
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_1 = 1,
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 2 */        
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_2 = 2,
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 3 */        
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_3 = 3, 
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 4 */       
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_4 = 4,
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 5 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_5 = 5,
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 6 */   
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_6 = 6, 
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 7 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_7 = 7,
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 8 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_8 = 8,
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 9 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_9 = 9,
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 10 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_10 = 10,
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 11 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_11 = 11,
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 12 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_12 = 12, 
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 13 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_13 = 13,
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 14 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_14 = 14,
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 15 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_15 = 15, 
    /** EDMA Que Threshold 16 */
    CSL_EDMA3_QUE_THR_16 = 16, 
    /* EDMA Que Threshold Disable Errors */

/** MODULE Level Commands */
typedef enum {
         * @brief   Programmation of MPPAG,MPPA[0-7] attributes
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3CmdRegion *)
         * @brief   Clear Memory Fault
         * @param   (None)
         * @brief   Enables bits as specified in the argument passed in 
         *          DRAE/DRAEH. Please note:If bits are already set in 
         *          DRAE/DRAEH this Control command will cause additional bits
         *          (as specified by the bitmask) to be set and does   
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3CmdDrae *)
         * @brief   Disables bits as specified in the argument passed in 
         *          DRAE/DRAEH   
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3CmdDrae *)
         * @brief   Enables bits as specified in the argument 
         *          passed in QRAE.Pleasenote:If bits are already set in 
         *          QRAE/QRAEH this Control command will cause additional bits 
         *          (as specified by the bitmask) to be set and does  
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3CmdQrae *)
         * @brief   Disables bits as specified in the argument passed in QRAE
         *          DRAE/DRAEH   
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3CmdQrae *)
         * @brief   Programmation of QUEPRI register with the specified priority
         *          DRAE/DRAEH   
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3CmdQuePri *)
         * @brief   Programmation of QUE Threshold levels
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3CmdQueThr *)
         * @brief   Sets the EVAL bit in the EEVAL register
         * @param   (None)
         * @brief   Clears specified (Bitmask)pending interrupt at Module/Region
         *          Level
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3CmdIntr *)
         * @brief   Enables specified interrupts(BitMask) at Module/Region Level
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3CmdIntr *)
         * @brief   Disables specified interrupts(BitMask) at Module/Region 
         *          Level
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3CmdIntr *)
         * @brief   Interrupt Evaluation asserted for the Module/Region
         * @param   (Int *)
         * @brief   Clear the EDMA Controller Erorr
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3CtrlErrStat *)
         * @brief   Pointer to an array of 3 elements, where element0 refers to 
         *          the EMR register to be cleared, element1 refers to the EMRH 
         *          register to be cleared, element2 refers to the QEMR register
         *          to be cleared.
         * @param   (CSL_BitMask32 *)
} CSL_Edma3HwControlCmd;

/** @brief MODULE Level Queries */
typedef enum {
         * @brief   Return the Memory fault details
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3MemFaultStat *)
         * @brief   Return memory attribute of the specified region
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3CmdRegion *)
         * @brief   Return Controller Error
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3CtrlErrStat *)
         * @brief   Return pend status of specified interrupt
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3CmdIntr *)
         * @brief   Returns Miss Status of all Channels
         *          Pointer to an array of 3 elements, where element0 refers to 
         *          the EMR  registr, element1 refers to the EMRH register,  
         *          element2 refers to the QEMR register
         * @param   (CSL_BitMask32 *)
         * @brief   Returns the Que status
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3QueStat *)
         * @brief   Returns the Channel Controller Active Status 
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3ActivityStat *)
         * @brief   Returns the Channel Controller Information viz. 
         *          Configuration, Revision Id  
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3QueryInfo *)
} CSL_Edma3HwStatusQuery;

/** @brief CHANNEL Commands */
typedef enum {
         * @brief   Enables specified Channel
         * @param   (None)
         * @brief   Disables specified Channel
         * @param   (None)
         * @brief   Manually sets the Channel Event,writes into ESR/ESRH 
         *          and not ER.NA for QDMA
         * @param   (None)
         * @brief   Manually clears the Channel Event, does not write into
         *          ESR/ESRH or ER/ERH but the ECR/ECRH. NA for QDMA
         * @param   (None)
         * @brief   In case of DMA channels clears SER/SERH(by writing into 
         *          SECR/SECRH if "secEvt" and "missed" are both TRUE) and 
         *          EMR/EMRH(by writing into EMCR/EMCRH if "missed" is TRUE).
         *          In case of QDMA channels clears QSER(by writing into QSECR 
         *          if "ser" and "missed" are both TRUE) and QEMR(by writing 
         *          into QEMCR if "missed" is TRUE)
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3ChannelErr *)
} CSL_Edma3HwChannelControlCmd;

/** @brief CHANNEL Queries */  
typedef enum  {
         * @brief   In case of DMA channels returns TRUE if ER/ERH is set,
         *          In case of QDMA channels returns TRUE if QER is set
         * @param   (Bool *)
         * @brief   In case of DMA channels,'missed' is set
         *          to TRUE if EMR/EMRH is set, 'secEvt' is set to TRUE if 
         *          SER/SERH is set.In case of QDMA channels,'missed' is set to 
         *          TRUE if QEMR is set, 'secEvt' is set to TRUE if QSER is set.
         *          It should be noted that if secEvt ONLY is set to TRUE it 
         *          may not be a valid error condition 
         * @param   (CSL_Edma3ChannelErr *)
} CSL_Edma3HwChannelStatusQuery;


/** @addtogroup CSL_EDMA3_DATASTRUCT
 @{ */
/** @brief Module specific context information.
 *  This is a dummy handle. 
typedef void *CSL_Edma3Context;      

/** @brief Module Attributes specific information.
 *  This is a dummy handle. 
typedef void *CSL_Edma3ModuleAttr;

/** @brief EDMA3 Configuration Information 
 * This describes the configuration information for each EDMA instance.
 * This is populated by the SOC layer for each instance.
typedef struct CSL_Edma3CfgInfo_s
    /** This is the number of DMA channels supported by this instance */
    Uint8               numDMAChannel;
    /** This is the number of QDMA channels supported by this instance */
    Uint8               numQDMAChannel;
    /** This is the number of Interrupt Channels supported by this instance */
    Uint8               numINTChannel;        
    /** This is the number of PARAM Sets supported by this instance */
    Uint16              numParamsets;
    /** This is the number of Event Queues supported by this instance */
    Uint8               numEvque;
    /** This is the number of regions supported by this instance */
    Uint8               numRegions;    
    /** This indicates if the instance supports Channel Mapping. */
    Bool                IsChannelMapping;
    /** This indicates if the instance supports Memory Protection. */
    Bool                IsMemoryProtection;

/** @brief This object contains the reference to the instance of Edma Module
 * opened using the @a CSL_edma3Open().
 *  A pointer to this object is passed to all Edma Module level CSL APIs.
typedef struct CSL_Edma3Obj_s
    /** This is a pointer to the Edma CC registers */
    CSL_Edma3ccRegsOvly regs;
    /** This is the instance of module number i.e CSL_EDMA3 */
    CSL_InstNum         instNum;
    /** This is the configuration information for the CSL EDMA3 instance. */
    CSL_Edma3CfgInfo    cfgInfo;
} CSL_Edma3Obj;

/** @brief EDMA handle */
typedef struct CSL_Edma3Obj_s *CSL_Edma3Handle;

/** CSL Parameter Set Handle */
typedef volatile CSL_TPCC_ParamsetRegs *CSL_Edma3ParamHandle;

/** @brief Edma ParamSetup Structure
 *  An object of this type is allocated by the user and
 *  its address is passed as a parameter to the CSL_edma3ParamSetup().
 *  This structure is used to program the Param Set for EDMA/QDMA.
 *  The macros can be used to assign values to the fields of the structure.
 *  The setup structure should be setup using the macros provided OR
 *  as per the bit descriptions in the user guide..
typedef struct CSL_Edma3ParamSetup_s {
    /** Options */
    Uint32          option;
    /** Specifies the source address */               
    Uint32          srcAddr;
    /** Lower 16 bits are A Count Upper 16 bits are B Count*/             
    Uint32          aCntbCnt;            
    /** Specifies the destination address */                                          
    Uint32          dstAddr;
    /** Lower 16 bits are source b index Upper 16 bits are
     * destination b index 
    Uint32          srcDstBidx;          
    /** Lower 16 bits are link of the next param entry Upper 16 bits are 
     * b count reload 
    Uint32          linkBcntrld;         
    /** Lower 16 bits are source c index Upper 16 bits are destination 
     * c index 
    Uint32          srcDstCidx;          
    /** C count */                                           
    Uint32          cCnt;                
} CSL_Edma3ParamSetup;

/** @brief Edma Object Structure
 *  An object of this type is allocated by the user and
 *  its address is passed as a parameter to the CSL_edma3ChannelOpen()
 *  The CSL_edma3ChannelOpen() updates all the members of the data structure
 *  and returns the objects address as a @a #CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle. The
 *  @a #CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle is used in all subsequent function calls.
typedef struct CSL_Edma3ChannelObj_s {
    /** Pointer to the Edma Channel Controller module register 
     * Overlay structure 
    CSL_Edma3ccRegsOvly     regs;               
    /** Region number to which the channel belongs to */ 
    Int                     region;              
    /** EDMA instance whose channel is being requested */
    Int                     edmaNum;             
    /** Channel Number being requested */
    Uint8                   chaNum;
    /** This is the configuration information for the CSL EDMA3 instance. */
    CSL_Edma3CfgInfo        cfgInfo;    
} CSL_Edma3ChannelObj;

/** CSL Channel Handle
 *  All channel level API calls must be made with this handle. 
typedef struct CSL_Edma3ChannelObj_s *CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle;

/** @brief Edma Memory Protection Fault Error Status
 *  An object of this type is allocated by the user and
 *  its address is passed as a parameter to the CSL_edma3GetMemoryFaultError()
 *  / CSL_edma3GetHwStatus() with the relevant command. This is relevant only is 
 *  MPEXIST is present for a given device.
typedef struct CSL_Edma3MemFaultStat_s {
    /** Memory Protection Fault Address */
    Uint32           addr;
    /** Bit Mask of the Errors */               
    CSL_BitMask16    error;
    /** Faulted ID */              
    Uint16           fid;                
} CSL_Edma3MemFaultStat;

/** @brief Edma Controller Error Status. 
 *  An object of this type is allocated by the user and
 *  its address is passed as a parameter to the CSL_edma3GetControllerError()
 *  /CSL_edma3GetHwStatus().
typedef struct CSL_Edma3CtrlErrStat_s {
    /** Bit Mask of the Que Threshold Errors */
    CSL_BitMask16    error;
    /** Whether number of permissible outstanding Tcc's is exceeded */
    Bool             exceedTcc;          
} CSL_Edma3CtrlErrStat;
/** @brief Edma Controller Information
 *  An object of this type is allocated by the user and
 *  its address is passed as a parameter to the CSL_edma3GetInfo()
 *  /CSL_edma3GetHwStatus().
typedef struct CSL_Edma3QueryInfo_s {
    /** Revision/Periperhal id of the EDMA3 Channel Controller */
    Uint32 revision;
    /** Channel Controller Configuration obtained from the CCCFG register */
    Uint32 config;                      
} CSL_Edma3QueryInfo;

/** @brief Edma Channel Controller Activity Status
 *  An object of this type is allocated by the user and
 *  its address is passed as a parameter to the CSL_edma3GetActivityStatus()
 *  /CSL_edma3GetHwStatus().
typedef struct CSL_Edma3ActivityStat_s {
    /** Number of outstanding completion requests */
    Uint16 outstandingTcc;
    /** BitMask of the que active in the Channel Controller */   
    CSL_BitMask16 queActive; 
    /** Indicates if the Channel Controller is active at all */
    Bool active; 
    /** Indicates whether any QDMA events are active */
    Bool qevtActive;
    /** Indicates whether any EDMA events are active */ 
    Bool evtActive;
    /** Indicates whether the TR processing/submission logic is active*/  
    Bool trActive;   
} CSL_Edma3ActivityStat;

/** @brief Edma Controller Que Status. 
 *  An object of this type is allocated by the user and
 *  its address is passed as a parameter to the CSL_edma3GetQueStatus()
 *  /CSL_edma3GetHwStatus().
typedef struct CSL_Edma3QueStat_s {
    /** Input field: Event Que. This needs to be specified by the user 
     *  before invocation of the above API 
    CSL_Edma3Que que;                        
    /** Output field: The number of valid entries in a queue has exceeded the 
     * threshold specified in QWMTHRA has been exceeded 
    Bool             exceed;                 
    /** Output field: The most entries that have been in Que since reset/last 
     * time the watermark was cleared
    Uint8            waterMark;              
    /** Output field: Number of valid entries in Que N*/                                                
    Uint8            numVal;                 
    /** Output field: Start pointer/Head of the queue */
    Uint8            startPtr;               
} CSL_Edma3QueStat;

/** @brief Edma Control/Query Command Structure for querying region specific 
 *  attributes. 
 *  An object of this type is allocated by the user and
 *  its address is passed as a parameter to the 
 *   CSL_edma3GetHwStatus/CSL_edma3HwControl with the relevant command.   
typedef struct CSL_Edma3CmdRegion_s {
    /** Input field:- this field needs to be initialized by the user before
     * issuing the query/command 
    Int              region;                 
    /** Input/Output field:-this needs to be filled by the user in case 
     * of issuing a COMMAND or it will be filled in by the CSL when
     * used with a QUERY 
    CSL_BitMask32    regionVal;                                                            
} CSL_Edma3CmdRegion;

/** @brief Edma Control/Query Command Structure for querying qdma region access  
 *  enable attributes. 
 *  An object of this type is allocated by the user and
 *  its address is passed as a parameter to the 
 *  CSL_edma3GetHwStatus/CSL_edma3HwControl with the relevant command.   

typedef struct CSL_Edma3CmdQrae_s {
    /** this field needs to be initialized by the user before issuing 
     * the query/command
    Int              region;             
    /** this needs to be filled by the user in case of issuing a 
     * COMMAND or it will be filled in by the CSL when  used with a QUERY 
    CSL_BitMask32    qrae;               
} CSL_Edma3CmdQrae;

/** @brief Edma Control/Query Control Command structure for issuing commands 
 *  for Interrupt related APIs
 *  An object of this type is allocated by the user and
 *  its address is passed to the Control API. 
typedef struct CSL_Edma3CmdIntr_s {
    /** Input field:- this field needs to be initialized by the user before
     * issuing the query/command 
    Int              region;             
    /** Input/Output field:- this needs to be filled by the user in case 
     * of issuing a COMMAND or it will be filled in by the CSL when used with 
     * a QUERY 
    CSL_BitMask32    intr;               
    /** Input/Output:- this needs to be filled by the user in case of issuing a                                               
     * COMMAND or it will be filled in by the CSL when  used with a QUERY 
    CSL_BitMask32    intrh;              
} CSL_Edma3CmdIntr;
/** @brief Edma Command Structure for setting region specific 
 *  attributes.
 *  An object of this type is allocated by the user and
 *  its address is passed as a parameter to the CSL_edma3GetHwStatus
 *  when 

typedef struct CSL_Edma3CmdDrae_s {
    /** this field needs to be initialiazed by the user before issuing 
     * the command specifying the region for which attributes need to be set 
    Int   region;                
    /** DRAE Setting for the region  */
    CSL_BitMask32     drae;
    /** DRAEH Setting for the region */
    CSL_BitMask32     draeh;     
} CSL_Edma3CmdDrae;

/** @brief Edma Command Structure used for setting Event Que priority level
 *  An object of this type is allocated by the user and
 *  its address is passed as a parameter to the CSL_edma3HwControl API.

typedef struct CSL_Edma3CmdQuePri_s {
    /** Specifies the Que that needs a priority change */
    CSL_Edma3Que         que;
    /** Que priority */              
    CSL_Edma3QuePri      pri;              
} CSL_Edma3CmdQuePri;    

/** @brief Edma Command Structure used for setting Event Que threshold level
 *  An object of this type is allocated by the user and
 *  its address is passed as a parameter to the CSL_edma3HwControl API.
typedef struct CSL_Edma3CmdQueThr_s {
    /** Specifies the Que that needs a change in the threshold setting */
    CSL_Edma3Que         que;
    /** Que threshold setting */              
    CSL_Edma3QueThr      threshold;        
} CSL_Edma3CmdQueThr;    

/** @brief This will have the base-address information for the module
 *  instance
typedef struct {
    /** Base-address of the peripheral registers */
    CSL_Edma3ccRegsOvly regs;                   
} CSL_Edma3ModuleBaseAddress;

/** @brief Edma Channel parameter structure used for opening a channel
typedef struct { 
     /** Region Number */   
    Int regionNum;
    /** Channel number */                             
    Int chaNum;                                 
} CSL_Edma3ChannelAttr;

/** @brief Edma Channel Error . 
 *  An object of this type is allocated by the user and
 *  its address is passed as a parameter to the CSL_edma3GetChannelError()
 *  /CSL_edma3GetHwStatus()/ CSL_edma3ChannelErrorClear()
 *  /CSL_edma3HwChannelControl().
typedef struct CSL_Edma3ChannelErr_s {
    /** a TRUE indicates an event is missed on this channel.  */
    Bool    missed;      
    /** a TRUE indicates an event that no events on this channel will be
     * prioritized till this is cleared. This being TRUE does NOT necessarily
     * mean it is an error. ONLY if both missed and ser are set, this kind of 
     * error need  to be cleared.
    Bool    secEvt;      
} CSL_Edma3ChannelErr;

/** @brief QDMA Edma Channel Setup
 *  An array of such objects are allocated by the user and
 *  address initialized in the CSL_Edma3HwSetup structure which is passed
 *  CSL_edma3HwSetup()

typedef struct CSL_Edma3HwQdmaChannelSetup_s {
    /** Que number for the channel */
    CSL_Edma3Que que;                            
    /** Parameter set mapping for the channel. */             
    Uint16  paramNum;                            
    /** Trigger word for the QDMA channels. */
    Uint8   triggerWord;                         
} CSL_Edma3HwQdmaChannelSetup;

/** @brief QDMA Edma Channel Setup
 *  An array of such objects are allocated by the user and
 *  address initialized in the CSL_Edma3HwSetup structure which is passed
 *  CSL_edma3HwSetup()

typedef struct CSL_Edma3HwDmaChannelSetup_s {
    /** Que number for the channel */
    CSL_Edma3Que que;                     

    /** Parameter set mapping for the channel. */
    Uint16  paramNum;                     
} CSL_Edma3HwDmaChannelSetup;

/** @brief Edma Hw Setup Structure 
typedef struct {
    /** Edma Hw Channel setup */
    CSL_Edma3HwDmaChannelSetup *dmaChaSetup;
    /** QEdma Hw Channel setup */
    CSL_Edma3HwQdmaChannelSetup *qdmaChaSetup;
} CSL_Edma3HwSetup;

/** @addtogroup CSL_EDMA3_FUNCTION
 @{ */
* EDMA global function declarations

extern CSL_Status CSL_edma3Init (
    CSL_Edma3Context    *pContext

extern CSL_Edma3Handle  CSL_edma3Open (
    CSL_Edma3Obj*           pEdmaObj,
    CSL_InstNum             edmaNum,
    CSL_Edma3ModuleAttr*    pAttr,
    CSL_Status*             pStatus

extern CSL_Status CSL_edma3Close (
    CSL_Edma3Handle       hEdma

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3HwSetup (
    CSL_Edma3Handle                  hMod,
    const CSL_Edma3HwSetup          *setup

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3GetHwSetup (
    CSL_Edma3Handle            hMod,
    const CSL_Edma3HwSetup    *setup

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3HwControl (
    CSL_Edma3Handle           hMod,
    CSL_Edma3HwControlCmd     cmd,
    const void               *cmdArg

extern CSL_Status CSL_edma3ccGetModuleBaseAddr (
    CSL_InstNum                     edmaNum,
    CSL_Edma3ModuleAttr*            pParam,
    CSL_Edma3ModuleBaseAddress*     pBaseAddress,
    CSL_Edma3CfgInfo*               pCfgInfo

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3GetHwStatus (
    CSL_Edma3Handle              hMod,
    CSL_Edma3HwStatusQuery       myQuery,
    void                         *response

extern CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle  CSL_edma3ChannelOpen (
    CSL_Edma3ChannelObj*          pEdmaObj,
    CSL_InstNum                   edmaNum,
    const CSL_Edma3ChannelAttr*   pChAttr,
    CSL_Status*                   pStatus

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3ChannelClose (
    CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle      hEdma

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3HwChannelSetupParam (
    CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle      hEdma,
    Uint16                      paramNum 

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3HwChannelSetupTriggerWord (
    CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle      hEdma,
    Uint8                       triggerWord   

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3HwChannelSetupQue (
    CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle       hEdma,
    CSL_Edma3Que                 evtQue    

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3GetHwChannelSetupParam (
    CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle       hEdma,
    Uint16                      *paramNum    

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3GetHwChannelSetupTriggerWord (
    CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle      hEdma,
    Uint8                       *triggerWord  

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3GetHwChannelSetupQue (
    CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle    hEdma,
    CSL_Edma3Que*             evtQue   

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3HwChannelControl (
    CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle         hCh,
    CSL_Edma3HwChannelControlCmd   cmd,
    void                           *cmdArg

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3GetHwChannelStatus (
    CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle          hEdma,
    CSL_Edma3HwChannelStatusQuery   myQuery,
    void*                           response

extern CSL_Edma3ParamHandle  CSL_edma3GetParamHandle (
    CSL_Edma3ChannelHandle       hEdma,
    Int16                        paramNum,
    CSL_Status                   *status       

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3ParamSetup (
    CSL_Edma3ParamHandle          hParamHndl,
    const CSL_Edma3ParamSetup*    setup  

extern CSL_Status  CSL_edma3ParamWriteWord (
    CSL_Edma3ParamHandle       hParamHndl,
    Uint16                     wordOffset,
    Uint32                     word 


#ifdef __cplusplus
