]> Gitweb @ Texas Instruments - Open Source Git Repositories - git.TI.com/gitweb - android-sdk/arm-ds5-gator.git/blob - daemon/libsensors/conf-parse.y
gator: Version 5.14
[android-sdk/arm-ds5-gator.git] / daemon / libsensors / conf-parse.y
1 %{
2 /*
3     conf-parse.y - Part of libsensors, a Linux library for reading sensor data.
4     Copyright (c) 1998, 1999  Frodo Looijaard <frodol@dds.nl>
6     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
19     MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 */
24 #include <stdio.h>
25 #include <string.h>
26 #include <stdlib.h>
28 #include "data.h"
29 #include "general.h"
30 #include "error.h"
31 #include "conf.h"
32 #include "access.h"
33 #include "init.h"
35 static void sensors_yyerror(const char *err);
36 static sensors_expr *malloc_expr(void);
38 static sensors_chip *current_chip = NULL;
40 #define bus_add_el(el) sensors_add_array_el(el,\
41                                       &sensors_config_busses,\
42                                       &sensors_config_busses_count,\
43                                       &sensors_config_busses_max,\
44                                       sizeof(sensors_bus))
45 #define label_add_el(el) sensors_add_array_el(el,\
46                                         &current_chip->labels,\
47                                         &current_chip->labels_count,\
48                                         &current_chip->labels_max,\
49                                         sizeof(sensors_label));
50 #define set_add_el(el) sensors_add_array_el(el,\
51                                       &current_chip->sets,\
52                                       &current_chip->sets_count,\
53                                       &current_chip->sets_max,\
54                                       sizeof(sensors_set));
55 #define compute_add_el(el) sensors_add_array_el(el,\
56                                           &current_chip->computes,\
57                                           &current_chip->computes_count,\
58                                           &current_chip->computes_max,\
59                                           sizeof(sensors_compute));
60 #define ignore_add_el(el) sensors_add_array_el(el,\
61                                           &current_chip->ignores,\
62                                           &current_chip->ignores_count,\
63                                           &current_chip->ignores_max,\
64                                           sizeof(sensors_ignore));
65 #define chip_add_el(el) sensors_add_array_el(el,\
66                                        &sensors_config_chips,\
67                                        &sensors_config_chips_count,\
68                                        &sensors_config_chips_max,\
69                                        sizeof(sensors_chip));
71 #define fits_add_el(el,list) sensors_add_array_el(el,\
72                                                   &(list).fits,\
73                                                   &(list).fits_count,\
74                                                   &(list).fits_max, \
75                                                   sizeof(sensors_chip_name));
77 %}
79 %union {
80   double value;
81   char *name;
82   void *nothing;
83   sensors_chip_name_list chips;
84   sensors_expr *expr;
85   sensors_bus_id bus;
86   sensors_chip_name chip;
87   sensors_config_line line;
88 }  
90 %left <nothing> '-' '+'
91 %left <nothing> '*' '/'
92 %left <nothing> NEG
93 %right <nothing> '^' '`'
95 %token <nothing> ','
96 %token <nothing> EOL
97 %token <line> BUS
98 %token <line> LABEL
99 %token <line> SET
100 %token <line> CHIP
101 %token <line> COMPUTE
102 %token <line> IGNORE
103 %token <value> FLOAT
104 %token <name> NAME
105 %token <nothing> ERROR
107 %type <chips> chip_name_list
108 %type <expr> expression
109 %type <bus> bus_id
110 %type <name> adapter_name
111 %type <name> function_name
112 %type <name> string
113 %type <chip> chip_name
115 %start input
117 %%
119 input:    /* empty */
120         | input line
123 line:     bus_statement EOL
124         | label_statement EOL
125         | set_statement EOL
126         | chip_statement EOL
127         | compute_statement EOL
128         | ignore_statement EOL
129         | error EOL
132 bus_statement:    BUS bus_id adapter_name
133                   { sensors_bus new_el;
134                     new_el.line = $1;
135                     new_el.bus = $2;
136                     new_el.adapter = $3;
137                     bus_add_el(&new_el);
138                   }
141 label_statement:          LABEL function_name string
142                           { sensors_label new_el;
143                             if (!current_chip) {
144                               sensors_yyerror("Label statement before first chip statement");
145                               free($2);
146                               free($3);
147                               YYERROR;
148                             }
149                             new_el.line = $1;
150                             new_el.name = $2;
151                             new_el.value = $3;
152                             label_add_el(&new_el);
153                           }
156 set_statement:    SET function_name expression
157                   { sensors_set new_el;
158                     if (!current_chip) {
159                       sensors_yyerror("Set statement before first chip statement");
160                       free($2);
161                       sensors_free_expr($3);
162                       YYERROR;
163                     }
164                     new_el.line = $1;
165                     new_el.name = $2;
166                     new_el.value = $3;
167                     set_add_el(&new_el);
168                   }
171 compute_statement:        COMPUTE function_name expression ',' expression
172                           { sensors_compute new_el;
173                             if (!current_chip) {
174                               sensors_yyerror("Compute statement before first chip statement");
175                               free($2);
176                               sensors_free_expr($3);
177                               sensors_free_expr($5);
178                               YYERROR;
179                             }
180                             new_el.line = $1;
181                             new_el.name = $2;
182                             new_el.from_proc = $3;
183                             new_el.to_proc = $5;
184                             compute_add_el(&new_el);
185                           }
188 ignore_statement:       IGNORE function_name
189                         { sensors_ignore new_el;
190                           if (!current_chip) {
191                             sensors_yyerror("Ignore statement before first chip statement");
192                             free($2);
193                             YYERROR;
194                           }
195                           new_el.line = $1;
196                           new_el.name = $2;
197                           ignore_add_el(&new_el);
198                         }
201 chip_statement:   CHIP chip_name_list
202                   { sensors_chip new_el;
203                     new_el.line = $1;
204                     new_el.labels = NULL;
205                     new_el.sets = NULL;
206                     new_el.computes = NULL;
207                     new_el.ignores = NULL;
208                     new_el.labels_count = new_el.labels_max = 0;
209                     new_el.sets_count = new_el.sets_max = 0;
210                     new_el.computes_count = new_el.computes_max = 0;
211                     new_el.ignores_count = new_el.ignores_max = 0;
212                     new_el.chips = $2;
213                     chip_add_el(&new_el);
214                     current_chip = sensors_config_chips + 
215                                    sensors_config_chips_count - 1;
216                   }
219 chip_name_list:   chip_name
220                   { 
221                     $$.fits = NULL;
222                     $$.fits_count = $$.fits_max = 0;
223                     fits_add_el(&$1,$$);
224                   }
225                 | chip_name_list chip_name
226                   { $$ = $1;
227                     fits_add_el(&$2,$$);
228                   }
231 expression:       FLOAT 
232                   { $$ = malloc_expr(); 
233                     $$->data.val = $1; 
234                     $$->kind = sensors_kind_val;
235                   }
236                 | NAME
237                   { $$ = malloc_expr(); 
238                     $$->data.var = $1;
239                     $$->kind = sensors_kind_var;
240                   }
241                 | '@'
242                   { $$ = malloc_expr();
243                     $$->kind = sensors_kind_source;
244                   }
245                 | expression '+' expression
246                   { $$ = malloc_expr(); 
247                     $$->kind = sensors_kind_sub;
248                     $$->data.subexpr.op = sensors_add;
249                     $$->data.subexpr.sub1 = $1;
250                     $$->data.subexpr.sub2 = $3;
251                   }
252                 | expression '-' expression
253                   { $$ = malloc_expr(); 
254                     $$->kind = sensors_kind_sub;
255                     $$->data.subexpr.op = sensors_sub;
256                     $$->data.subexpr.sub1 = $1;
257                     $$->data.subexpr.sub2 = $3;
258                   }
259                 | expression '*' expression
260                   { $$ = malloc_expr(); 
261                     $$->kind = sensors_kind_sub;
262                     $$->data.subexpr.op = sensors_multiply;
263                     $$->data.subexpr.sub1 = $1;
264                     $$->data.subexpr.sub2 = $3;
265                   }
266                 | expression '/' expression
267                   { $$ = malloc_expr(); 
268                     $$->kind = sensors_kind_sub;
269                     $$->data.subexpr.op = sensors_divide;
270                     $$->data.subexpr.sub1 = $1;
271                     $$->data.subexpr.sub2 = $3;
272                   }
273                 | '-' expression  %prec NEG
274                   { $$ = malloc_expr(); 
275                     $$->kind = sensors_kind_sub;
276                     $$->data.subexpr.op = sensors_negate;
277                     $$->data.subexpr.sub1 = $2;
278                     $$->data.subexpr.sub2 = NULL;
279                   }
280                 | '(' expression ')'
281                   { $$ = $2; }
282                 | '^' expression
283                   { $$ = malloc_expr(); 
284                     $$->kind = sensors_kind_sub;
285                     $$->data.subexpr.op = sensors_exp;
286                     $$->data.subexpr.sub1 = $2;
287                     $$->data.subexpr.sub2 = NULL;
288                   }
289                 | '`' expression
290                   { $$ = malloc_expr(); 
291                     $$->kind = sensors_kind_sub;
292                     $$->data.subexpr.op = sensors_log;
293                     $$->data.subexpr.sub1 = $2;
294                     $$->data.subexpr.sub2 = NULL;
295                   }
298 bus_id:           NAME
299                   { int res = sensors_parse_bus_id($1,&$$);
300                     free($1);
301                     if (res) {
302                       sensors_yyerror("Parse error in bus id");
303                       YYERROR;
304                     }
305                   }
308 adapter_name:     NAME
309                   { $$ = $1; }
312 function_name:    NAME
313                   { $$ = $1; }
316 string:   NAME
317           { $$ = $1; }
320 chip_name:        NAME
321                   { int res = sensors_parse_chip_name($1,&$$); 
322                     free($1);
323                     if (res) {
324                       sensors_yyerror("Parse error in chip name");
325                       YYERROR;
326                     }
327                   }
330 %%
332 void sensors_yyerror(const char *err)
334   if (sensors_lex_error[0]) {
335     sensors_parse_error_wfn(sensors_lex_error, sensors_yyfilename, sensors_yylineno);
336     sensors_lex_error[0] = '\0';
337   } else
338     sensors_parse_error_wfn(err, sensors_yyfilename, sensors_yylineno);
341 sensors_expr *malloc_expr(void)
343   sensors_expr *res = malloc(sizeof(sensors_expr));
344   if (! res)
345     sensors_fatal_error(__func__, "Allocating a new expression");
346   return res;