/* * TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE PUBLICLY AVAILABLE * * Copyright (c) 2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated. * * All rights reserved. * */ #========================================================================== # SGX Binaries #========================================================================== sgx.tgz a set of binaries built for SGX544. The SGXCORE and SGC_CORE_REV is appended to the end of each file. pvrsrvinit is now a wrapper which detects the current processor and loads the corresponding core specific pvrsrvinit. [DDK Version] 1.9/2291151 [DDK commit ID] e7405ce SGX-UM-Fix for graphics init race condition. [Branch] origin/1.9/2291151_k3.8 [Kernel modules built against] Kernel Version: 3.8.y with CONFIG_MODVERSIONS=y #=========================================================================== # Building SGX Kernel Modules #=========================================================================== SGX kernel modules source is located in sgx_src/eurasia_km/ Make sure kernel is built before building modules # cd ANDROID_ROOT/device/ti/proprietary-open/jacinto6/sgx_src/eurasia_km/eurasiacon/build/linux2/omap4430_android/ # export KERNELDIR=path_to_kernel To build for OMAP5 (SGX 544 multi core): # make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- TARGET_PRODUCT="omap5sevm" BUILD=release TARGET_SGX=544es2 Once the .ko is built, install it onto device (/system/lib/modules) # cd ANDROID_ROOT/device/ti/proprietary-open/omap5/sgx_src/eurasia_km/eurasiacon/binary2_544_116_omap4430_android_release/target/ # adb push pvrsrvkm_sgx544_116.ko /system/lib/modules/ If you build the kernel module, it is highly advisable to replace the binaries in your device with the ones located in sgx.tgz to avoid incompatibility. Reboot device.