]> Gitweb @ Texas Instruments - Open Source Git Repositories - git.TI.com/gitweb - android/external-libkmsxx.git/blob - kmscube/cube-gbm.cpp
kmscube: hacking
[android/external-libkmsxx.git] / kmscube / cube-gbm.cpp
1 #include <chrono>
2 #include <cstdio>
3 #include <vector>
4 #include <memory>
5 #include <algorithm>
6 #include <poll.h>
8 #include <xf86drm.h>
9 #include <xf86drmMode.h>
10 #include <gbm.h>
12 #include <kms++.h>
13 #include "test.h"
14 #include "cube-egl.h"
15 #include "cube-gles2.h"
17 using namespace kms;
18 using namespace std;
20 static int s_flip_pending;
21 static bool s_need_exit;
23 static bool s_support_planes;
25 class GbmDevice
26 {
27 public:
28         GbmDevice(Card& card)
29         {
30                 m_dev = gbm_create_device(card.fd());
31                 FAIL_IF(!m_dev, "failed to create gbm device");
32         }
34         ~GbmDevice()
35         {
36                 gbm_device_destroy(m_dev);
37         }
39         GbmDevice(const GbmDevice& other) = delete;
40         GbmDevice& operator=(const GbmDevice& other) = delete;
42         struct gbm_device* handle() const { return m_dev; }
44 private:
45         struct gbm_device* m_dev;
46 };
48 class GbmSurface
49 {
50 public:
51         GbmSurface(GbmDevice& gdev, int width, int height)
52         {
53                 m_surface = gbm_surface_create(gdev.handle(), width, height,
54                                                GBM_FORMAT_XRGB8888,
55                                                GBM_BO_USE_SCANOUT | GBM_BO_USE_RENDERING);
56                 FAIL_IF(!m_surface, "failed to create gbm surface");
57         }
59         ~GbmSurface()
60         {
61                 gbm_surface_destroy(m_surface);
62         }
64         GbmSurface(const GbmSurface& other) = delete;
65         GbmSurface& operator=(const GbmSurface& other) = delete;
67         bool has_free()
68         {
69                 return gbm_surface_has_free_buffers(m_surface);
70         }
72         gbm_bo* lock_front_buffer()
73         {
74                 return gbm_surface_lock_front_buffer(m_surface);
75         }
77         void release_buffer(gbm_bo *bo)
78         {
79                 gbm_surface_release_buffer(m_surface, bo);
80         }
82         struct gbm_surface* handle() const { return m_surface; }
84 private:
85         struct gbm_surface* m_surface;
86 };
88 class GbmEglSurface
89 {
90 public:
91         GbmEglSurface(Card& card, GbmDevice& gdev, const EglState& egl, int width, int height)
92                 : card(card), gdev(gdev), egl(egl), m_width(width), m_height(height),
93                   bo_prev(0), bo_next(0)
94         {
95                 gsurface = unique_ptr<GbmSurface>(new GbmSurface(gdev, width, height));
96                 esurface = eglCreateWindowSurface(egl.display(), egl.config(), gsurface->handle(), NULL);
97                 FAIL_IF(esurface == EGL_NO_SURFACE, "failed to create egl surface");
98         }
100         ~GbmEglSurface()
101         {
102                 if (bo_next)
103                         gsurface->release_buffer(bo_next);
104                 eglDestroySurface(egl.display(), esurface);
105         }
107         void make_current()
108         {
109                 FAIL_IF(!gsurface->has_free(), "No free buffers");
111                 eglMakeCurrent(egl.display(), esurface, esurface, egl.context());
112         }
114         void swap_buffers()
115         {
116                 eglSwapBuffers(egl.display(), esurface);
117         }
119         static void drm_fb_destroy_callback(struct gbm_bo *bo, void *data)
120         {
121                 auto fb = reinterpret_cast<Framebuffer*>(data);
122                 delete fb;
123         }
125         static Framebuffer* drm_fb_get_from_bo(struct gbm_bo *bo, Card& card)
126         {
127                 auto fb = reinterpret_cast<Framebuffer*>(gbm_bo_get_user_data(bo));
128                 if (fb)
129                         return fb;
131                 uint32_t width = gbm_bo_get_width(bo);
132                 uint32_t height = gbm_bo_get_height(bo);
133                 uint32_t stride = gbm_bo_get_stride(bo);
134                 uint32_t handle = gbm_bo_get_handle(bo).u32;
136                 fb = new ExtFramebuffer(card, width, height, 24, 32, stride, handle);
138                 gbm_bo_set_user_data(bo, fb, drm_fb_destroy_callback);
140                 return fb;
141         }
143         struct Framebuffer* lock_next()
144         {
145                 bo_prev = bo_next;
146                 bo_next = gsurface->lock_front_buffer();
147                 FAIL_IF(!bo_next, "could not lock gbm buffer");
148                 return drm_fb_get_from_bo(bo_next, card);
149         }
151         void free_prev()
152         {
153                 if (bo_prev) {
154                         gsurface->release_buffer(bo_prev);
155                         bo_prev = 0;
156                 }
157         }
159         uint32_t width() const { return m_width; }
160         uint32_t height() const { return m_height; }
162 private:
163         Card& card;
164         GbmDevice& gdev;
165         const EglState& egl;
167         unique_ptr<GbmSurface> gsurface;
168         EGLSurface esurface;
170         int m_width;
171         int m_height;
173         struct gbm_bo* bo_prev;
174         struct gbm_bo* bo_next;
175 };
177 class OutputHandler : private PageFlipHandlerBase
179 public:
180         OutputHandler(Card& card, GbmDevice& gdev, const EglState& egl, Connector* connector, Crtc* crtc, Videomode& mode, Plane* plane, float rotation_mult)
181                 : m_frame_num(0), m_connector(connector), m_crtc(crtc), m_plane(plane), m_mode(mode),
182                   m_rotation_mult(rotation_mult)
183         {
184                 m_surface1 = unique_ptr<GbmEglSurface>(new GbmEglSurface(card, gdev, egl, mode.hdisplay, mode.vdisplay));
185                 m_scene1 = unique_ptr<GlScene>(new GlScene());
186                 m_scene1->set_viewport(m_surface1->width(), m_surface1->height());
188                 if (m_plane) {
189                         m_surface2 = unique_ptr<GbmEglSurface>(new GbmEglSurface(card, gdev, egl, 400, 400));
190                         m_scene2 = unique_ptr<GlScene>(new GlScene());
191                         m_scene2->set_viewport(m_surface2->width(), m_surface2->height());
192                 }
193         }
195         OutputHandler(const OutputHandler& other) = delete;
196         OutputHandler& operator=(const OutputHandler& other) = delete;
198         void setup()
199         {
200                 int ret;
202                 m_surface1->make_current();
203                 m_surface1->swap_buffers();
204                 struct Framebuffer* fb = m_surface1->lock_next();
206                 struct Framebuffer* planefb = 0;
208                 if (m_plane) {
209                         m_surface2->make_current();
210                         m_surface2->swap_buffers();
211                         planefb = m_surface2->lock_next();
212                 }
215                 ret = m_crtc->set_mode(m_connector, *fb, m_mode);
216                 FAIL_IF(ret, "failed to set mode");
218                 if (m_crtc->card().has_atomic()) {
219                         Plane* root_plane = 0;
220                         for (Plane* p : m_crtc->get_possible_planes()) {
221                                 if (p->crtc_id() == m_crtc->id()) {
222                                         root_plane = p;
223                                         break;
224                                 }
225                         }
227                         FAIL_IF(!root_plane, "No primary plane for crtc %d", m_crtc->id());
229                         m_root_plane = root_plane;
230                 }
232                 if (m_plane) {
233                         ret = m_crtc->set_plane(m_plane, *planefb,
234                                                 0, 0, planefb->width(), planefb->height(),
235                                                 0, 0, planefb->width(), planefb->height());
236                         FAIL_IF(ret, "failed to set plane");
237                 }
238         }
240         void start_flipping()
241         {
242                 m_t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
243                 queue_next();
244         }
246 private:
247         void handle_page_flip(uint32_t frame, double time)
248         {
249                 ++m_frame_num;
251                 if (m_frame_num  % 100 == 0) {
252                         auto t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
253                         chrono::duration<float> fsec = t2 - m_t1;
254                         printf("fps: %f\n", 100.0 / fsec.count());
255                         m_t1 = t2;
256                 }
258                 s_flip_pending--;
260                 m_surface1->free_prev();
261                 if (m_plane)
262                         m_surface2->free_prev();
264                 if (s_need_exit)
265                         return;
267                 queue_next();
268         }
270         void queue_next()
271         {
272                 m_surface1->make_current();
273                 m_scene1->draw(m_frame_num * m_rotation_mult);
274                 m_surface1->swap_buffers();
275                 struct Framebuffer* fb = m_surface1->lock_next();
277                 struct Framebuffer* planefb = 0;
279                 if (m_plane) {
280                         m_surface2->make_current();
281                         m_scene2->draw(m_frame_num * m_rotation_mult * 2);
282                         m_surface2->swap_buffers();
283                         planefb = m_surface2->lock_next();
284                 }
286                 if (m_crtc->card().has_atomic()) {
287                         int r;
289                         AtomicReq req(m_crtc->card());
291                         req.add(m_root_plane, "FB_ID", fb->id());
292                         if (m_plane)
293                                 req.add(m_plane, "FB_ID", planefb->id());
295                         r = req.test();
296                         FAIL_IF(r, "atomic test failed");
298                         r = req.commit(this);
299                         FAIL_IF(r, "atomic commit failed");
300                 } else {
301                         int ret;
303                         ret = m_crtc->page_flip(*fb, this);
304                         FAIL_IF(ret, "failed to queue page flip");
306                         if (m_plane) {
307                                 ret = m_crtc->set_plane(m_plane, *planefb,
308                                                         0, 0, planefb->width(), planefb->height(),
309                                                         0, 0, planefb->width(), planefb->height());
310                                 FAIL_IF(ret, "failed to set plane");
311                         }
312                 }
314                 s_flip_pending++;
315         }
317         int m_frame_num;
318         chrono::steady_clock::time_point m_t1;
320         Connector* m_connector;
321         Crtc* m_crtc;
322         Plane* m_plane;
323         Videomode m_mode;
324         Plane* m_root_plane;
326         unique_ptr<GbmEglSurface> m_surface1;
327         unique_ptr<GbmEglSurface> m_surface2;
329         unique_ptr<GlScene> m_scene1;
330         unique_ptr<GlScene> m_scene2;
332         float m_rotation_mult;
333 };
335 void main_gbm()
337         Card card;
339         GbmDevice gdev(card);
340         EglState egl(gdev.handle());
342         vector<unique_ptr<OutputHandler>> outputs;
343         vector<Plane*> used_planes;
345         float rot_mult = 1;
347         for (auto pipe : card.get_connected_pipelines()) {
348                 auto connector = pipe.connector;
349                 auto crtc = pipe.crtc;
350                 auto mode = connector->get_default_mode();
352                 Plane* plane = 0;
354                 if (s_support_planes) {
355                         for (Plane* p : crtc->get_possible_planes()) {
356                                 if (find(used_planes.begin(), used_planes.end(), p) != used_planes.end())
357                                         continue;
359                                 if (p->plane_type() != PlaneType::Overlay)
360                                         continue;
362                                 plane = p;
363                                 break;
364                         }
365                 }
367                 if (plane)
368                         used_planes.push_back(plane);
370                 auto out = new OutputHandler(card, gdev, egl, connector, crtc, mode, plane, rot_mult);
371                 outputs.emplace_back(out);
373                 rot_mult *= 1.33;
374         }
376         for (auto& out : outputs)
377                 out->setup();
379         for (auto& out : outputs)
380                 out->start_flipping();
382         struct pollfd fds[2] = { };
383         fds[0].fd = 0;
384         fds[0].events =  POLLIN;
385         fds[1].fd = card.fd();
386         fds[1].events =  POLLIN;
388         while (!s_need_exit || s_flip_pending) {
389                 int r = poll(fds, ARRAY_SIZE(fds), -1);
390                 FAIL_IF(r < 0, "poll error %d", r);
392                 if (fds[0].revents)
393                         s_need_exit = true;
395                 if (fds[1].revents)
396                         card.call_page_flip_handlers();
397         }