'kmsprint' tool to print everything about kms objects port 'capture' test from omapdrm-tests Wrap the drm event handling (especially for py/lua) - how is the void* passed to drm handled, i.e. how to keep py/lua reference to the object Is it possible to use python coroutines for page flipping, i.e. a separate coroutine while-loop for each output? C++ move semantics for classes (especially for Framebuffers)? enum class for fourcc formats Proper error checks and use of exceptions Free drmModeConnectorPtr (and similar for other drm objects) after use, instead of storing it. Helpers to easily get common connector-crtc setupts (i.e. get all connected connectors and a crtc for each connector). Bug: when drawing YUV test pattern, R and B are swapped.