]> Gitweb @ Texas Instruments - Open Source Git Repositories - git.TI.com/gitweb - apps/thermostat-demo.git/blob - schedulepoint.cpp
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[apps/thermostat-demo.git] / schedulepoint.cpp
1 #include "schedulepoint.h"\r
2 #include "schedulescreen.h"\r
3 #include "settingscreen.h"\r
4 #include "globalsettings.h"\r
5 #include "utilities.h"\r
6 \r
7 #include <QtGui>\r
8 \r
9 \r
10 #define MAXTEMP 100\r
11 #define MINTEMP 50\r
12 \r
13 SchedulePoint::SchedulePoint(int seqNumber)\r
14 {\r
15     m_globalSettings = GlobalSettings::getInstance();\r
16 \r
17     // create schedule point with necessary information\r
18     ID = seqNumber;\r
19     temp = 72;\r
20     pen.setColor((Qt::white));\r
21     setFlags(ItemIsSelectable);\r
22     location=0;\r
23     m_pressed = false;\r
24     m_disabled = false;\r
25     m_selected = false;\r
26     updateUnit();\r
27 }\r
28 \r
29 SchedulePoint::~SchedulePoint()\r
30 {\r
31     // destructor\r
32 }\r
33 \r
34 //calculation to make color vary linearly from defined MINTEMP to MAXTEMP\r
35 //based on passed temp\r
36 \r
37 QColor SchedulePoint::tempToColor(int temp)\r
38 {\r
39      float pct = ((float)temp-MINTEMP)/100.0 *((float)MAXTEMP/MINTEMP);\r
40      return QColor(200*pct, 20, 200*(1-pct));\r
41 }\r
42 \r
43 void SchedulePoint::setText(const QString &text)\r
44 {\r
45     // add new text\r
46     prepareGeometryChange();\r
47     myText = text;\r
48     update();\r
49 }\r
50 \r
51 void SchedulePoint::setTimeBlockWidth(float timeBlockWidth)\r
52 {\r
53     m_timeBlockWidth = timeBlockWidth;\r
54 }\r
55 \r
56 void SchedulePoint::setWeekHeight(int weekHeight)\r
57 {\r
58     m_weekHeight = weekHeight;\r
59 }\r
60 \r
61 void SchedulePoint::setPointArea(QRectF pointArea)\r
62 {\r
63     m_pointArea = pointArea;\r
64 }\r
65 \r
66 QRectF SchedulePoint::outlineRect() const\r
67 {\r
68     // define outline rectangle\r
69     QRectF rect;\r
70     //choose either to go smallest size to fit the text or 90% of the row Height\r
71     rect.setHeight(qMax(rect.height(), (qreal)(m_weekHeight*.90)));\r
72     //adjust to make wider and look normal\r
73     rect.adjust(-m_timeBlockWidth*2.5, 0, m_timeBlockWidth*2.5, 0);\r
74     //make it so the coords represent the center\r
75     rect.translate(-rect.center());\r
76     return rect;\r
77 }\r
78 \r
79 QRectF SchedulePoint::boundingRect() const\r
80 {\r
81     // provide size of each point for collision detection\r
82     const int margin = 1;\r
83     return outlineRect().adjusted(-margin, -margin, +margin, +margin);\r
84 }\r
85 \r
86 QPainterPath SchedulePoint::shape() const\r
87 {\r
88     // provide shape of each point\r
89     QRectF rect = outlineRect();\r
90     QPainterPath path;\r
91     path.addRoundRect(rect,roundness(rect.width()), roundness(rect.height()));\r
92     return path;\r
93 }\r
94 \r
95 void SchedulePoint::paint(QPainter *painter,\r
96                           const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget * /*widget*/)\r
97 {\r
98     // draw point itself\r
99 \r
100     if(option->state & QStyle::State_Selected) {\r
101 \r
102     }\r
103 \r
104 \r
105 \r
106     if(m_disabled)\r
107     {\r
108         painter->setBrush(QColor(150,150,150));\r
109         painter->setPen(QColor(110,110,110));\r
110     }\r
111 \r
112     else if(m_selected)\r
113     {\r
114         pen.setWidth(3);\r
115         pen.setColor(QColor(255, 189, 43));\r
116         painter->setPen(pen);\r
117         myBackgroundColor = tempToColor(temp);\r
118         painter->setBrush(myBackgroundColor);\r
119     }\r
120     else\r
121     {\r
122         myBackgroundColor = tempToColor(temp);\r
123         pen.setColor(Qt::white);\r
124         pen.setWidth(1);\r
125         painter->setPen(pen);\r
126         painter->setBrush(myBackgroundColor);\r
127     }\r
128 \r
129     QRectF rect = outlineRect();\r
130     painter->drawRoundRect(rect, roundness(rect.width()), roundness(rect.height()));\r
131     painter->setPen(Qt::white);\r
132     painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignCenter, myText);\r
133 }\r
134 \r
135 void SchedulePoint::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e)\r
136 {\r
137     if(disabled())\r
138         return;\r
139 \r
140     // provide event handler for mouse click\r
141     emit clicked(this);\r
142     m_pressed = true;\r
143     pen.setColor(Qt::black);\r
144     setZValue(10);\r
145     m_xClickPos = e->pos().x();\r
146     m_yClickPos = e->pos().y();\r
147 }\r
148 \r
149 void SchedulePoint::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e)\r
150 {\r
151     if(disabled())\r
152         return;\r
153     int oldTemp = temp;\r
154     qreal oldX = pos().x();\r
155     // provide event handler for mouse move\r
156     emit clicked(this);\r
157     if(m_pressed == true)\r
158     {\r
159         if(m_yClickPos - m_weekHeight/4 > e->pos().y())\r
160         {\r
161             m_yClickPos = e->pos().y();\r
162             increaseTemp();\r
163         }\r
164         else if(m_yClickPos + m_weekHeight/4 < e->pos().y())\r
165         {\r
166             m_yClickPos = e->pos().y();\r
167             decreaseTemp();\r
168         }\r
169 \r
170         if(m_xClickPos - m_timeBlockWidth > e->pos().x())\r
171         {\r
172             //m_xClickPos = e->pos().x();\r
173             shiftLeft();\r
174         }\r
175         else if(m_xClickPos + m_timeBlockWidth < e->pos().x())\r
176         {\r
177             //m_xClickPos = e->pos().x();\r
178             shiftRight();\r
179         }\r
180     }\r
181 \r
182     emit(shareAdjustment(temp-oldTemp, pos().x()-oldX));\r
183 \r
184     e->accept();\r
185 }\r
186 \r
187 void SchedulePoint::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e)\r
188 {\r
189     if(disabled())\r
190         return;\r
191     setZValue(0);\r
192     pen.setColor(Qt::white);\r
193     e->accept();\r
194 }\r
195 \r
196 int SchedulePoint::roundness(double size) const\r
197 {\r
198     // rounded edges for rectangle\r
199     const int diameter = 12;\r
200     return 100 * diameter / int(size);\r
201 }\r
202 \r
203 \r
204 void SchedulePoint::shiftLeft()\r
205 {\r
206     if(positionToTimeBlocks()<1)\r
207         return;\r
208     // provide a slot to allow point shifting to the left\r
209     location--;\r
210     this->moveBy(-m_timeBlockWidth, 0.0);\r
211     update();\r
212 }\r
213 \r
214 void SchedulePoint::shiftRight()\r
215 {\r
216     if(positionToTimeBlocks()>94)\r
217         return;\r
218     // provide a slot to allow point shifting to the right\r
219     location++;\r
220     this->moveBy(+m_timeBlockWidth, 0.0);\r
221     update();\r
222 }\r
223 \r
224 void SchedulePoint::increaseTemp()\r
225 {\r
226     // provide a slot to increase point temperature\r
227     temp++;\r
228     if(temp>MAXTEMP)temp=MAXTEMP;\r
229     updateUnit();\r
230 }\r
231 \r
232 void SchedulePoint::decreaseTemp()\r
233 {\r
234     // provide a slot to decrease temperature\r
235     temp--;\r
236     if(temp<MINTEMP)temp=MINTEMP;\r
237     updateUnit();\r
238 }\r
239 \r
240 int SchedulePoint::getID()\r
241 {\r
242     // provide point's unique ID number\r
243     return ID;\r
244 }\r
245 \r
246 void SchedulePoint::setID(int seqNumber)\r
247 {\r
248     // give point a unique ID number\r
249     ID = seqNumber;\r
250 }\r
251 \r
252 void SchedulePoint::setLocation(int num)\r
253 {\r
254     // track point's horizontal movement from starting position\r
255     location=num;\r
256 }\r
257 \r
258 int SchedulePoint::getLocation()\r
259 {\r
260     // return how much point has moved from start\r
261     return location;\r
262 }\r
263 \r
264 QString SchedulePoint::time()\r
265 {\r
266     // output the current time represnted by this point's location\r
267     int timeBlockCount = positionToTimeBlocks();\r
268 \r
269     int hours = (timeBlockCount/4.0f);\r
270     int minutes = (timeBlockCount%4) *15;\r
271 \r
272     QTime time(hours%24, minutes);\r
273     return formatTimeString(time, m_globalSettings->timeFormat());\r
274 }\r
275 \r
276 int SchedulePoint::positionToTimeBlocks()\r
277 {\r
278     return qRound((-3*m_timeBlockWidth + pos().x() -m_pointArea.left())/m_timeBlockWidth);\r
279 }\r
280 \r
281 void SchedulePoint::updateUnit()\r
282 {\r
283     myText = formatTemperatureString(temp, m_globalSettings->temperatureFormat());\r
284     update();\r
285 }\r
286 \r
287 void SchedulePoint::setDisabled(bool disabled)\r
288 {\r
289     m_disabled = disabled;\r
290     update();\r
291 }\r
292 \r
293 bool SchedulePoint::disabled()\r
294 {\r
295     return m_disabled;\r
296 }\r
297 \r
298 void SchedulePoint::setSelected(bool selected)\r
299 {\r
300     m_selected = selected;\r
301     if(selected)\r
302         setZValue(10);\r
303     else\r
304         setZValue(0);\r
305     update();\r
306 }\r
307 \r
308 bool SchedulePoint::selected()\r
309 {\r
310     return m_selected;\r
311 }\r
312 \r
313 void SchedulePoint::adjust(int tempAdjust, qreal xPos)\r
314 {\r
315     if(tempAdjust>0)\r
316         increaseTemp();\r
317     if(tempAdjust<0)\r
318         decreaseTemp();\r
319     if(xPos<0)\r
320         shiftLeft();\r
321     if(xPos>0)\r
322         shiftRight();\r
323 }\r