]> Gitweb @ Texas Instruments - Open Source Git Repositories - git.TI.com/gitweb - apps/tidep0079.git/blob - EC_Master_SysBios_Am572x_20170214/Workspace/SYSBIOS_AM57xx/emllICSS/Debug/makefile
EC-Mater + TTS (PDK1.0.6 PSDK3.3.0.4)
[apps/tidep0079.git] / EC_Master_SysBios_Am572x_20170214 / Workspace / SYSBIOS_AM57xx / emllICSS / Debug / makefile
1 ################################################################################
2 # Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
3 ################################################################################
5 SHELL = cmd.exe
7 CG_TOOL_ROOT := C:/TI/ccsv7/tools/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3
9 GEN_OPTS__FLAG := @"configPkg/compiler.opt"
10 GEN_CMDS__FLAG := "configPkg/linker.cmd"
13 "./UART_soc.o" \
14 "./icss_emacSoc.o" \
15 "./icss_emac_ec_device.o" \
16 "./icss_emac_osal.o" \
17 "./icss_switch_emac.o" \
18 "./test_mdio.o" \
20 -include ../makefile.init
22 RM := DEL /F
25 # All of the sources participating in the build are defined here
26 -include sources.mk
27 -include subdir_vars.mk
28 -include subdir_rules.mk
29 -include objects.mk
31 ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
32 ifneq ($(strip $(C55_DEPS)),)
33 -include $(C55_DEPS)
34 endif
35 ifneq ($(strip $(C_UPPER_DEPS)),)
36 -include $(C_UPPER_DEPS)
37 endif
38 ifneq ($(strip $(S67_DEPS)),)
39 -include $(S67_DEPS)
40 endif
41 ifneq ($(strip $(S62_DEPS)),)
42 -include $(S62_DEPS)
43 endif
44 ifneq ($(strip $(S_DEPS)),)
45 -include $(S_DEPS)
46 endif
47 ifneq ($(strip $(OPT_DEPS)),)
48 -include $(OPT_DEPS)
49 endif
50 ifneq ($(strip $(C??_DEPS)),)
51 -include $(C??_DEPS)
52 endif
53 ifneq ($(strip $(ASM_UPPER_DEPS)),)
54 -include $(ASM_UPPER_DEPS)
55 endif
56 ifneq ($(strip $(S??_DEPS)),)
57 -include $(S??_DEPS)
58 endif
59 ifneq ($(strip $(C64_DEPS)),)
60 -include $(C64_DEPS)
61 endif
62 ifneq ($(strip $(CXX_DEPS)),)
63 -include $(CXX_DEPS)
64 endif
65 ifneq ($(strip $(S64_DEPS)),)
66 -include $(S64_DEPS)
67 endif
68 ifneq ($(strip $(INO_DEPS)),)
69 -include $(INO_DEPS)
70 endif
71 ifneq ($(strip $(CLA_DEPS)),)
72 -include $(CLA_DEPS)
73 endif
74 ifneq ($(strip $(S55_DEPS)),)
75 -include $(S55_DEPS)
76 endif
77 ifneq ($(strip $(SV7A_DEPS)),)
78 -include $(SV7A_DEPS)
79 endif
80 ifneq ($(strip $(C62_DEPS)),)
81 -include $(C62_DEPS)
82 endif
83 ifneq ($(strip $(C67_DEPS)),)
84 -include $(C67_DEPS)
85 endif
86 ifneq ($(strip $(PDE_DEPS)),)
87 -include $(PDE_DEPS)
88 endif
89 ifneq ($(strip $(K_DEPS)),)
90 -include $(K_DEPS)
91 endif
92 ifneq ($(strip $(C_DEPS)),)
93 -include $(C_DEPS)
94 endif
95 ifneq ($(strip $(CC_DEPS)),)
96 -include $(CC_DEPS)
97 endif
98 ifneq ($(strip $(C++_DEPS)),)
99 -include $(C++_DEPS)
100 endif
101 ifneq ($(strip $(C43_DEPS)),)
102 -include $(C43_DEPS)
103 endif
104 ifneq ($(strip $(S43_DEPS)),)
105 -include $(S43_DEPS)
106 endif
107 ifneq ($(strip $(ASM_DEPS)),)
108 -include $(ASM_DEPS)
109 endif
110 ifneq ($(strip $(S_UPPER_DEPS)),)
111 -include $(S_UPPER_DEPS)
112 endif
113 ifneq ($(strip $(CPP_DEPS)),)
114 -include $(CPP_DEPS)
115 endif
116 ifneq ($(strip $(SA_DEPS)),)
117 -include $(SA_DEPS)
118 endif
119 endif
121 -include ../makefile.defs
123 # Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables 
124 LIB_OUTPUTS += \
125 ../../../../SDK/LIB/SYSBIOS/am572x/Debug/libemllICSS.a \
128 "..\..\..\..\SDK\LIB\SYSBIOS\am572x\Debug\libemllICSS.a" \
131 # All Target
132 all:
133         @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory configPkg/linker.cmd
134         @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory main-build
136 # Main-build Target
137 main-build: ../../../../SDK/LIB/SYSBIOS/am572x/Debug/libemllICSS.a
139 # Tool invocations
140 ../../../../SDK/LIB/SYSBIOS/am572x/Debug/libemllICSS.a: $(OBJS) $(O_SRCS) $(CMD_SRCS) $(A_SRCS)
141 ifneq ($(strip $(ORDERED_OBJS)),)
142         @echo 'Building target: $@'
143         @echo 'Invoking: GNU Librarian'
144         "C:/TI/ccsv7/tools/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3/bin/arm-none-eabi-ar.exe" -r "../../../../SDK/LIB/SYSBIOS/am572x/Debug/libemllICSS.a" $(ORDERED_OBJS) $(A_SRCS)
145         @echo 'Finished building target: $@'
146         @echo ' '
147 endif
149 # Other Targets
150 clean:
152         -$(RMDIR) $(GEN_MISC_DIRS__QUOTED)
153         -$(RM) "UART_soc.o" "icss_emacSoc.o" "icss_emac_ec_device.o" "icss_emac_osal.o" "icss_switch_emac.o" "test_mdio.o" 
154         -$(RM) "UART_soc.d" "icss_emacSoc.d" "icss_emac_ec_device.d" "icss_emac_osal.d" "icss_switch_emac.d" "test_mdio.d" 
155         -@echo 'Finished clean'
156         -@echo ' '
158 .PHONY: all clean dependents
161 -include ../makefile.targets