]> Gitweb @ Texas Instruments - Open Source Git Repositories - git.TI.com/gitweb - apps/tidep0084.git/blob - Sub-1GHzSensortoCloudIndustrialIoTGateway_manifest.html
Updated to use the latest TI 15.4-Stack v2.1.0 from the SimpleLink CC13x0 SDK v1.30.
[apps/tidep0084.git] / Sub-1GHzSensortoCloudIndustrialIoTGateway_manifest.html
1 <!--
2 Texas Instruments Manifest Format 2.0
3 -->
5 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
6 <html>
8 <head>
9 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
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53         }
54         #TIlogoRight {
55                 background-color: red; 
56                 padding: 0;
57         }
58         #ProductName {
59                 text-align: center;
60         }
61         #ReleaseDate {
62                 text-align: center;
63         }
64         .LogoSection {
65                 margin: 0;
66                 padding: 0;
67         }
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69                 margin: 25px 0 25px 0;
70                 padding: 0;
71         }
72         .LegendSection {
73                 margin: 25px 0 25px 0;
74         }
75         .ExportSection {
76                 margin: 25px 0 25px 0;
77         }
78         .DisclaimerSection {
79                 margin: 25px 0 25px 0;  
80         }
81         .CreditSection {
82                 margin: 25px 0 25px 0;  
83         }
84         .LicenseSection {
85                 margin: 25px 0 25px 0;  
86         }
87         .ManifestTable {
88                 margin: 25px 0 25px 0;  
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90 </style> 
91 <!-- Override style from TI if they have Internet Access -->
92 <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="timanifeststyle.css">
93 <!-- @End Style -->
94 <title>Texas Instruments Manifest</title>
95 </head>
97 <body><!-- Logo display, will need to fix up the URLs, this is just for testing.. Image alternate display not wporking well yet -->
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100   <tbody>
101     <tr>
102       <td id="TIlogoLeft">
103         <a href="http://www.ti.com/">
104           <!-- img src="tilogo.gif" alt="Texas Instruments Incorporated" -->
105                   <img alt="" src="" />
106         </a>
107       </td>
108       <td id="TILogoRight">
109         <!-- img src="titagline.gif" alt="Technology for Innovators(tm)"-->
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111       </td>
112     </tr>
113   </tbody>
114 </table>
115 </div><div class="HeaderSection">
116 <h1 id="ProductName">
117 <!-- @Start Product -->
118 Sub-1 GHz Sensor to Cloud Industrial IoT Gateway Reference Design Demo Manifest
119 <!-- @End Product -->
120 </h1>
122 <h2 id="ReleaseDate">
123 <!-- @Start Date -->
124 10-13-2016
125 <!-- @End Date -->
126 </h2>
129 <h2 id="SRASID">
130 <!-- @Start Date -->
131 Manifest ID - SRAS00003343
132 <!-- @End Date -->
133 </h2>
134 </div><div class="LegendSection">
135 <h2>Legend</h2>
136 <p>(explanation of the fields in the Manifest Table below)</p>
137 <table>
138 <tbody>
139 <tr>
140 <td>
141 <b>Software Name </b>
142 </td>
143 <td>
144 The name of the application or file
145 </td>
146 </tr>
147 <tr>
148 <td>
149 <b>Version</b>
150 </td>
151 <td>
152 Version of the application or file
153 </td>
154 </tr>
155 <tr>
156 <td>
157 <b>License Type</b>
158 </td>
159 <td>
160 Type of license(s) under which TI will be providing
161 software to the licensee (e.g. BSD-3-Clause, GPL-2.0, TI TSPA License, TI
162 Commercial License). The license could be under Commercial terms or Open Source. See Open Source Reference License Disclaimer in
163 the Disclaimers Section. Whenever possible, TI will use an <a href="http://spdx.org/licenses/"> SPDX Short Identifier </a> for an Open Source
164 License. TI Commercial license terms are not usually included in the manifest and are conveyed through a variety 
165 of means such as a clickwrap license upon install, 
166 a signed license agreement and so forth.
167 </td>
168 </tr>
169 <tr>
170 <td>
171 <b>Location</b>
172 </td>
173 <td>
174 The directory name and path on the media or a specific file where the Software is located. Typically fully qualified path names 
175 are not used and instead the relevant top level directory of the application is given. 
176 A notation often used in the manifests is [as installed]/directory/*. Note that the asterisk implies that all
177 files under that directory are licensed as the License Type field denotes. Any exceptions to this will 
178 generally be denoted as [as installed]/directory/* except as noted below which means as shown in subsequent rows of 
179 the manifest.
180 </td>
181 </tr>
182 <tr>
183 <td>
184 <b>Delivered As</b>
185 </td>
186 <td>
187 This field will either be &#8220;Source&#8221;, &#8220;Binary&#8221; or &#8220;Source
188 and Binary&#8221; and is the primary form the content of the Software is delivered
189 in. If the Software is delivered in an archive format, this field
190 applies to the contents of the archive. If the word Limited is used
191 with Source, as in &#8220;Limited Source&#8221; or &#8220;Limited Source and Binary&#8221; then
192 only portions of the Source for the application are provided.
193 </td>
194 </tr>
195 <tr>
196 <td>
197 <b>Modified by TI</b>
198 </td>
199 <td>
200 This field will either be &#8220;Yes&#8221; or &#8220;No&#8221;. A &#8220;Yes&#8221; means
201 TI has made changes to the Software. A &#8220;No&#8221; means TI has not made any
202 changes. Note: This field is not applicable for Software &#8220;Obtained
203 from&#8221; TI.
204 </td>
205 </tr>
206 <tr>
207 <td>
208 <b>Obtained from</b>
209 </td>
210 <td>
211 This field specifies from where or from whom TI obtained
212 the Software. It may be a URL to an Open Source site, a 3<sup>rd</sup>
213 party licensor, or TI. See Links Disclaimer in the Disclaimers
214 Section.
215 </td>
216 </tr>
217 </tbody>
218 </table>
219 </div><div class="DisclaimerSection">
220 <h2>Disclaimers</h2>
221 <h3>Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)</h3>
222 <p>Any use of ECCNs listed in the Manifest is at the user&#8217;s risk
223 and without recourse to TI. Your
224 company, as the exporter of record, is responsible for determining the
225 correct classification of any item at
226 the time of export. Any export classification by TI of Software is for
227 TI&#8217;s internal use only and shall not be construed as a representation
228 or warranty
229 regarding the proper export classification for such Software or whether
230 an export
231 license or other documentation is required for exporting such Software</p>
232 <h3>Links in the Manifest</h3>
233 <p>Any
234 links appearing on this Manifest
235 (for example in the &#8220;Obtained from&#8221; field) were verified at the time
236 the Manifest was created. TI makes no guarantee that any listed links
237 will
238 remain active in the future.</p>
239 <h3>Open Source License References</h3>
240 <p>Your company is responsible for confirming the
241 applicable license terms for any open source Software
242 listed in this Manifest that was not &#8220;Obtained from&#8221; TI. Any open
243 source license
244 specified in this Manifest for Software that was
245 not &#8220;Obtained from&#8221; TI is for TI&#8217;s internal use only and shall not be
246 construed as a representation or warranty regarding the proper open
247 source license terms
248 for such Software.</p>
249 </div><div class="ExportSection">
250 <h2>Export Information</h2>
251 <p>ECCN for Software included in this release:</p>
252 Publicly Available  - Open Source or TI TSPA License
253 </div><div class="ManifestTable">
254 <!-- h2>Manifest Table</h2 -->
256  <table> 
257  <tbody> 
259  <h2> 
260   Sub-1 GHz Sensor to Cloud Industrial IoT Gateway Reference Design Demo Manifest Table 
261  </h2> 
264  <p> 
266  See the Legend above for a description of these columns. 
268  </p> 
270  <table id="targetpackages" name="targetpackages"> 
271  <thead>  
272         <tr> 
273                 <td><b>Software Name</b></td> 
274                 <td><b>Version</b></td> 
275                 <td><b>License Type</b></td> 
276                 <td><b>Delivered As</b></td> 
277                 <td><b>Modified by TI</b></td> 
278                 <td></td> 
279                 <td></td> 
280         </tr> 
281  </thead>  
284  <tbody> 
285         <tr> 
286                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
287  Sub-1 GHz Sensor to Cloud Industrial IoT Gateway Demo Source 
288  </td> 
289                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
290  1.0.0 
291  </td> 
292                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
293  BSD-3 Clause 
294  </td> 
295                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
296  Source 
297  </td> 
298                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
299  N/A 
300  </td> 
301                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
302                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
303  [as installed] 
304  </td> 
305         </tr> 
306         <tr> 
307                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
308                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
309  Texas Instruments 
310  </td> 
311         </tr> 
313  <tbody> 
314         <tr> 
315                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
316  Sub-1 GHz Sensor to Cloud Industrial IoT Gateway Firmware Binaries 
317  </td> 
318                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
319  1.0.0 
320  </td> 
321                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
322  Texas Instruments Text File License 
323  </td> 
324                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
325  Binaries 
326  </td> 
327                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
328  N/A 
329  </td> 
330                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
331                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
332  [as installed\firmware] 
333  </td> 
334         </tr> 
335         <tr> 
336                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
337                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
338  Texas Instruments 
339  </td> 
340         </tr> 
342  <tbody> 
343         <tr> 
344                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
345  accepts 
346  </td> 
347                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
348  1.2.5 
349  </td> 
350                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
351  MIT 
352  </td> 
353                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
354  Source 
355  </td> 
356                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
357  No 
358  </td> 
359                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
360                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
361  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
362  </td> 
363         </tr> 
364         <tr> 
365                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
366                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
367  https://github.com/jshttp/accepts 
368  </td> 
369         </tr> 
371  <tbody> 
372         <tr> 
373                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
374  acorn 
375  </td> 
376                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
377  1.2.2 
378  </td> 
379                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
380  MIT 
381  </td> 
382                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
383  Source 
384  </td> 
385                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
386  No 
387  </td> 
388                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
389                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
390  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
391  </td> 
392         </tr> 
393         <tr> 
394                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
395                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
396  https://github.com/marijnh/acorn 
397  </td> 
398         </tr> 
400  <tbody> 
401         <tr> 
402                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
403  after 
404  </td> 
405                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
406  0.8.1 
407  </td> 
408                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
409  MIT 
410  </td> 
411                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
412  Source 
413  </td> 
414                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
415  No 
416  </td> 
417                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
418                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
419  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
420  </td> 
421         </tr> 
422         <tr> 
423                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
424                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
425  http://github.com/Raynos/after 
426  </td> 
427         </tr> 
429  <tbody> 
430         <tr> 
431                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
432  amdefine 
433  </td> 
434                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
435  1.0.0 
436  </td> 
437                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
438  BSD-3-Clause AND MIT 
439  </td> 
440                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
441  Source 
442  </td> 
443                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
444  No 
445  </td> 
446                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
447                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
448  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
449  </td> 
450         </tr> 
451         <tr> 
452                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
453                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
454  https://github.com/jrburke/amdefine 
455  </td> 
456         </tr> 
458  <tbody> 
459         <tr> 
460                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
461  arraybuffer.slice 
462  </td> 
463                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
464  0.0.6 
465  </td> 
466                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
467  MIT 
468  </td> 
469                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
470  Source 
471  </td> 
472                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
473  No 
474  </td> 
475                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
476                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
477  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
478  </td> 
479         </tr> 
480         <tr> 
481                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
482                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
483  github.com/rase-/arraybuffer.slice 
484  </td> 
485         </tr> 
487  <tbody> 
488         <tr> 
489                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
490  aws-iot-device-sdk 
491  </td> 
492                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
493  1.0.12 
494  </td> 
495                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
496  Apache-2.0 
497  </td> 
498                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
499  Source 
500  </td> 
501                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
502  Yes 
503  </td> 
504                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
505                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
506  [ as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules] 
507  </td> 
508         </tr> 
509         <tr> 
510                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
511                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
512  http://github.com/aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-js 
513  </td> 
514         </tr> 
516  <tbody> 
517         <tr> 
518                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
519  backo2 
520  </td> 
521                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
522  1.0.2 
523  </td> 
524                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
525  MIT 
526  </td> 
527                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
528  Source 
529  </td> 
530                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
531  No 
532  </td> 
533                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
534                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
535  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
536  </td> 
537         </tr> 
538         <tr> 
539                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
540                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
541  https://github.com/mokesmokes/backo 
542  </td> 
543         </tr> 
545  <tbody> 
546         <tr> 
547                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
548  base64-arraybuffer 
549  </td> 
550                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
551  0.1.2 
552  </td> 
553                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
554  MIT 
555  </td> 
556                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
557  Source 
558  </td> 
559                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
560  No 
561  </td> 
562                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
563                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
564  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
565  </td> 
566         </tr> 
567         <tr> 
568                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
569                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
570  https://github.com/niklasvh/base64-arraybuffer 
571  </td> 
572         </tr> 
574  <tbody> 
575         <tr> 
576                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
577  base64id 
578  </td> 
579                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
580  0.1.0 
581  </td> 
582                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
583  MIT 
584  </td> 
585                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
586  Source 
587  </td> 
588                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
589  No 
590  </td> 
591                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
592                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
593  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
594  </td> 
595         </tr> 
596         <tr> 
597                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
598                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
599  http://github.com/faeldt/base64id 
600  </td> 
601         </tr> 
603  <tbody> 
604         <tr> 
605                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
606  benchmark 
607  </td> 
608                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
609  1.0.0 
610  </td> 
611                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
612  MIT 
613  </td> 
614                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
615  Source 
616  </td> 
617                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
618  No 
619  </td> 
620                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
621                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
622  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
623  </td> 
624         </tr> 
625         <tr> 
626                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
627                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
628  https://github.com/bestiejs/benchmark.js 
629  </td> 
630         </tr> 
632  <tbody> 
633         <tr> 
634                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
635  better-assert 
636  </td> 
637                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
638  1.0.2 
639  </td> 
640                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
641  MIT 
642  </td> 
643                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
644  Source 
645  </td> 
646                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
647  No 
648  </td> 
649                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
650                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
651  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
652  </td> 
653         </tr> 
654         <tr> 
655                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
656                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
657  https://github.com/visionmedia/better-assert 
658  </td> 
659         </tr> 
661  <tbody> 
662         <tr> 
663                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
664  bl 
665  </td> 
666                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
667  0.9.5 
668  </td> 
669                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
670  MIT 
671  </td> 
672                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
673  Source 
674  </td> 
675                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
676  No 
677  </td> 
678                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
679                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
680  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\mqtt\node_modules\mqtt-packet\node_modules] 
681  </td> 
682         </tr> 
683         <tr> 
684                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
685                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
686  https://github.com/rvagg/bl 
687  </td> 
688         </tr> 
690  <tbody> 
691         <tr> 
692                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
693  blob 
694  </td> 
695                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
696  0.0.2 
697  </td> 
698                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
699  MIT 
700  </td> 
701                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
702  Source 
703  </td> 
704                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
705  No 
706  </td> 
707                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
708                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
709  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
710  </td> 
711         </tr> 
712         <tr> 
713                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
714                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
715  github.com/rase-/blob 
716  </td> 
717         </tr> 
719  <tbody> 
720         <tr> 
721                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
722  brfs 
723  </td> 
724                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
725  1.4.1 
726  </td> 
727                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
728  MIT 
729  </td> 
730                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
731  Source 
732  </td> 
733                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
734  No 
735  </td> 
736                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
737                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
738  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
739  </td> 
740         </tr> 
741         <tr> 
742                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
743                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
744  http://github.com/substack/brfs 
745  </td> 
746         </tr> 
748  <tbody> 
749         <tr> 
750                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
751  buffer-equal 
752  </td> 
753                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
754  0.0.1 
755  </td> 
756                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
757  MIT 
758  </td> 
759                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
760  Source 
761  </td> 
762                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
763  No 
764  </td> 
765                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
766                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
767  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
768  </td> 
769         </tr> 
770         <tr> 
771                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
772                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
773  http://github.com/substack/node-buffer-equal 
774  </td> 
775         </tr> 
777  <tbody> 
778         <tr> 
779                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
780  busyman 
781  </td> 
782                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
783  0.1.2 
784  </td> 
785                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
786  MIT 
787  </td> 
788                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
789  Source 
790  </td> 
791                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
792  No 
793  </td> 
794                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
795                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
796  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\smartobject\node_modules] 
797  </td> 
798         </tr> 
799         <tr> 
800                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
801                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
802  https://github.com/simenkid/busyman 
803  </td> 
804         </tr> 
806  <tbody> 
807         <tr> 
808                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
809  bytebuffer 
810  </td> 
811                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
812  5.0.0 
813  </td> 
814                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
815  Apache-2.0 
816  </td> 
817                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
818  Source 
819  </td> 
820                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
821  No 
822  </td> 
823                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
824                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
825  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
826  </td> 
827         </tr> 
828         <tr> 
829                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
830                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
831  https://github.com/dcodeIO/bytebuffer.js 
832  </td> 
833         </tr> 
835  <tbody> 
836         <tr> 
837                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
838  callsite 
839  </td> 
840                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
841  1.0.0 
842  </td> 
843                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
844  MIT 
845  </td> 
846                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
847  Source 
848  </td> 
849                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
850  No 
851  </td> 
852                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
853                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
854  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
855  </td> 
856         </tr> 
857         <tr> 
858                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
859                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
860  https://www.npmjs.com/package/callsite 
861  </td> 
862         </tr> 
864  <tbody> 
865         <tr> 
866                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
867  commist 
868  </td> 
869                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
870  1.0.0 
871  </td> 
872                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
873  MIT 
874  </td> 
875                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
876  Source 
877  </td> 
878                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
879  No 
880  </td> 
881                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
882                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
883  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\mqtt\node_modules] 
884  </td> 
885         </tr> 
886         <tr> 
887                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
888                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
889  https://github.com/mcollina/commist 
890  </td> 
891         </tr> 
893  <tbody> 
894         <tr> 
895                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
896  commander 
897  </td> 
898                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
899  0.6.1 
900  </td> 
901                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
902  MIT 
903  </td> 
904                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
905  Source 
906  </td> 
907                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
908  No 
909  </td> 
910                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
911                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
912  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
913  </td> 
914         </tr> 
915         <tr> 
916                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
917                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
918  http://github.com/visionmedia/commander.js 
919  </td> 
920         </tr> 
922  <tbody> 
923         <tr> 
924                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
925  component-bind 
926  </td> 
927                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
928  1.0.0 
929  </td> 
930                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
931  MIT 
932  </td> 
933                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
934  Source 
935  </td> 
936                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
937  No 
938  </td> 
939                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
940                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
941  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
942  </td> 
943         </tr> 
944         <tr> 
945                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
946                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
947  https://github.com/component/bind 
948  </td> 
949         </tr> 
951  <tbody> 
952         <tr> 
953                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
954  component-emitter 
955  </td> 
956                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
957  1.1.2 
958  </td> 
959                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
960  MIT 
961  </td> 
962                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
963  Source 
964  </td> 
965                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
966  No 
967  </td> 
968                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
969                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
970  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
971  </td> 
972         </tr> 
973         <tr> 
974                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
975                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
976  https://github.com/component/emitter 
977  </td> 
978         </tr> 
980  <tbody> 
981         <tr> 
982                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
983  component-inherit 
984  </td> 
985                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
986  0.0.3 
987  </td> 
988                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
989  MIT 
990  </td> 
991                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
992  Source 
993  </td> 
994                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
995  No 
996  </td> 
997                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
998                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
999  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1000  </td> 
1001         </tr> 
1002         <tr> 
1003                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1004                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1005  https://github.com/component/inherit 
1006  </td> 
1007         </tr> 
1009  <tbody> 
1010         <tr> 
1011                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1012  concat-stream 
1013  </td> 
1014                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1015  1.4.10 
1016  </td> 
1017                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1018  MIT 
1019  </td> 
1020                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1021  Source 
1022  </td> 
1023                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1024  No 
1025  </td> 
1026                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1027                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1028  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1029  </td> 
1030         </tr> 
1031         <tr> 
1032                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1033                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1034  github.com/maxogden/concat-stream 
1035  </td> 
1036         </tr> 
1038  <tbody> 
1039         <tr> 
1040                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1041  content-disposition 
1042  </td> 
1043                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1044  0.5.0 
1045  </td> 
1046                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1047  MIT 
1048  </td> 
1049                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1050  Source 
1051  </td> 
1052                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1053  No 
1054  </td> 
1055                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1056                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1057  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1058  </td> 
1059         </tr> 
1060         <tr> 
1061                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1062                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1063  https://github.com/jshttp/content-disposition 
1064  </td> 
1065         </tr> 
1067  <tbody> 
1068         <tr> 
1069                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1070  content-type 
1071  </td> 
1072                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1073  1.0.1 
1074  </td> 
1075                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1076  MIT 
1077  </td> 
1078                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1079  Source 
1080  </td> 
1081                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1082  No 
1083  </td> 
1084                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1085                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1086  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1087  </td> 
1088         </tr> 
1089         <tr> 
1090                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1091                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1092  https://github.com/jshttp/content-type 
1093  </td> 
1094         </tr> 
1096  <tbody> 
1097         <tr> 
1098                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1099  cookie 
1100  </td> 
1101                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1102  0.1.2 
1103  </td> 
1104                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1105  MIT 
1106  </td> 
1107                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1108  Source 
1109  </td> 
1110                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1111  No 
1112  </td> 
1113                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1114                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1115  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1116  </td> 
1117         </tr> 
1118         <tr> 
1119                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1120                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1121  http://github.com/shtylman/node-cookie 
1122  </td> 
1123         </tr> 
1125  <tbody> 
1126         <tr> 
1127                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1128  cookie-signature 
1129  </td> 
1130                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1131  1.0.6 
1132  </td> 
1133                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1134  MIT 
1135  </td> 
1136                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1137  Source 
1138  </td> 
1139                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1140  No 
1141  </td> 
1142                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1143                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1144  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1145  </td> 
1146         </tr> 
1147         <tr> 
1148                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1149                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1150  https://github.com/visionmedia/node-cookie-signature 
1151  </td> 
1152         </tr> 
1154  <tbody> 
1155         <tr> 
1156                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1157  core-util-is 
1158  </td> 
1159                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1160  1.0.2 
1161  </td> 
1162                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1163  MIT 
1164  </td> 
1165                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1166  Source 
1167  </td> 
1168                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1169  No 
1170  </td> 
1171                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1172                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1173  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1174  </td> 
1175         </tr> 
1176         <tr> 
1177                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1178                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1179  http://github.com/isaacs/core-util-is 
1180  </td> 
1181         </tr> 
1183  <tbody> 
1184         <tr> 
1185                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1186  crc 
1187  </td> 
1188                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1189  3.2.1 
1190  </td> 
1191                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1192  MIT 
1193  </td> 
1194                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1195  Source 
1196  </td> 
1197                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1198  No 
1199  </td> 
1200                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1201                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1202  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1203  </td> 
1204         </tr> 
1205         <tr> 
1206                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1207                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1208  http://github.com/alexgorbatchev/node-crc 
1209  </td> 
1210         </tr> 
1212  <tbody> 
1213         <tr> 
1214                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1215  crypto-js 
1216  </td> 
1217                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1218  3.1.6 
1219  </td> 
1220                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1221  MIT 
1222  </td> 
1223                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1224  Source 
1225  </td> 
1226                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1227  No 
1228  </td> 
1229                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1230                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1231  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules] 
1232  </td> 
1233         </tr> 
1234         <tr> 
1235                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1236                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1237  github.com/brix/crypto-js 
1238  </td> 
1239         </tr> 
1241  <tbody> 
1242         <tr> 
1243                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1244  debug 
1245  </td> 
1246                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1247  1.0.2 
1248  </td> 
1249                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1250  MIT 
1251  </td> 
1252                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1253  Source 
1254  </td> 
1255                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1256  No 
1257  </td> 
1258                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1259                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1260  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1261  </td> 
1262         </tr> 
1263         <tr> 
1264                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1265                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1266  http://github.com/visionmedia/debug 
1267  </td> 
1268         </tr> 
1270  <tbody> 
1271         <tr> 
1272                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1273  debug 
1274  </td> 
1275                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1276  2.1.0 
1277  </td> 
1278                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1279  MIT 
1280  </td> 
1281                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1282  Source 
1283  </td> 
1284                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1285  No 
1286  </td> 
1287                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1288                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1289  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1290  </td> 
1291         </tr> 
1292         <tr> 
1293                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1294                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1295  http://github.com/visionmedia/debug 
1296  </td> 
1297         </tr> 
1299  <tbody> 
1300         <tr> 
1301                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1302  debug 
1303  </td> 
1304                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1305  2.1.3 
1306  </td> 
1307                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1308  MIT 
1309  </td> 
1310                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1311  Source 
1312  </td> 
1313                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1314  No 
1315  </td> 
1316                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1317                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1318  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1319  </td> 
1320         </tr> 
1321         <tr> 
1322                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1323                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1324  http://github.com/visionmedia/debug 
1325  </td> 
1326         </tr> 
1328  <tbody> 
1329         <tr> 
1330                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1331  debug 
1332  </td> 
1333                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1334  2.2.0 
1335  </td> 
1336                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1337  MIT 
1338  </td> 
1339                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1340  Source 
1341  </td> 
1342                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1343  No 
1344  </td> 
1345                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1346                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1347  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules] 
1348  </td> 
1349         </tr> 
1350         <tr> 
1351                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1352                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1353  http://github.com/visionmedia/debug 
1354  </td> 
1355         </tr> 
1357  <tbody> 
1358         <tr> 
1359                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1360  debug 
1361  </td> 
1362                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1363  0.7.4 
1364  </td> 
1365                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1366  MIT 
1367  </td> 
1368                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1369  Source 
1370  </td> 
1371                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1372  No 
1373  </td> 
1374                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1375                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1376  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1377  </td> 
1378         </tr> 
1379         <tr> 
1380                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1381                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1382  http://github.com/visionmedia/debug 
1383  </td> 
1384         </tr> 
1386  <tbody> 
1387         <tr> 
1388                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1389  debug 
1390  </td> 
1391                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1392  1.0.3 
1393  </td> 
1394                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1395  MIT 
1396  </td> 
1397                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1398  Source 
1399  </td> 
1400                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1401  No 
1402  </td> 
1403                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1404                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1405  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1406  </td> 
1407         </tr> 
1408         <tr> 
1409                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1410                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1411  http://github.com/visionmedia/debug 
1412  </td> 
1413         </tr> 
1415  <tbody> 
1416         <tr> 
1417                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1418  debug 
1419  </td> 
1420                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1421  1.0.4 
1422  </td> 
1423                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1424  MIT 
1425  </td> 
1426                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1427  Source 
1428  </td> 
1429                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1430  No 
1431  </td> 
1432                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1433                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1434  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1435  </td> 
1436         </tr> 
1437         <tr> 
1438                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1439                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1440  http://github.com/visionmedia/debug 
1441  </td> 
1442         </tr> 
1444  <tbody> 
1445         <tr> 
1446                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1447  depd 
1448  </td> 
1449                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1450  1.0.1 
1451  </td> 
1452                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1453  MIT 
1454  </td> 
1455                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1456  Source 
1457  </td> 
1458                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1459  No 
1460  </td> 
1461                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1462                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1463  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1464  </td> 
1465         </tr> 
1466         <tr> 
1467                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1468                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1469  https://github.com/dougwilson/nodejs-depd 
1470  </td> 
1471         </tr> 
1473  <tbody> 
1474         <tr> 
1475                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1476  destroy 
1477  </td> 
1478                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1479  1.0.3 
1480  </td> 
1481                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1482  MIT 
1483  </td> 
1484                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1485  Source 
1486  </td> 
1487                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1488  No 
1489  </td> 
1490                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1491                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1492  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1493  </td> 
1494         </tr> 
1495         <tr> 
1496                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1497                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1498  https://github.com/stream-utils/destroy 
1499  </td> 
1500         </tr> 
1502  <tbody> 
1503         <tr> 
1504                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1505  duplexer2 
1506  </td> 
1507                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1508  0.0.2 
1509  </td> 
1510                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1511  BSD-3 Clause 
1512  </td> 
1513                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1514  Source 
1515  </td> 
1516                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1517  No 
1518  </td> 
1519                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1520                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1521  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1522  </td> 
1523         </tr> 
1524         <tr> 
1525                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1526                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1527  http://github.com/deoxxa/duplexer2 
1528  </td> 
1529         </tr> 
1531  <tbody> 
1532         <tr> 
1533                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1534  duplexify 
1535  </td> 
1536                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1537  3.4.5 
1538  </td> 
1539                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1540  MIT 
1541  </td> 
1542                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1543  Source 
1544  </td> 
1545                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1546  No 
1547  </td> 
1548                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1549                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1550  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\websocket-stream\node_modules] 
1551  </td> 
1552         </tr> 
1553         <tr> 
1554                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1555                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1556  http://github.com/mafintosh/duplexify 
1557  </td> 
1558         </tr> 
1560  <tbody> 
1561         <tr> 
1562                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1563  ee-first 
1564  </td> 
1565                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1566  1.1.0 
1567  </td> 
1568                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1569  MIT 
1570  </td> 
1571                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1572  Source 
1573  </td> 
1574                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1575  No 
1576  </td> 
1577                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1578                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1579  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1580  </td> 
1581         </tr> 
1582         <tr> 
1583                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1584                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1585  https://github.com/jonathanong/ee-first 
1586  </td> 
1587         </tr> 
1589  <tbody> 
1590         <tr> 
1591                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1592  end-of-stream 
1593  </td> 
1594                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1595  1.0.0 
1596  </td> 
1597                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1598  MIT 
1599  </td> 
1600                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1601  Source 
1602  </td> 
1603                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1604  No 
1605  </td> 
1606                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1607                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1608  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\mqtt\node_modules] 
1609  </td> 
1610         </tr> 
1611         <tr> 
1612                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1613                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1614  http://github.com/mafintosh/end-of-stream 
1615  </td> 
1616         </tr> 
1618  <tbody> 
1619         <tr> 
1620                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1621  end-of-stream 
1622  </td> 
1623                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1624  1.1.0 
1625  </td> 
1626                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1627  MIT 
1628  </td> 
1629                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1630  Source 
1631  </td> 
1632                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1633  No 
1634  </td> 
1635                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1636                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1637  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\mqtt\node_modules] 
1638  </td> 
1639         </tr> 
1640         <tr> 
1641                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1642                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1643  http://github.com/mafintosh/end-of-stream 
1644  </td> 
1645         </tr> 
1647  <tbody> 
1648         <tr> 
1649                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1650  engine.io 
1651  </td> 
1652                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1653  1.5.1 
1654  </td> 
1655                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1656  MIT 
1657  </td> 
1658                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1659  Source 
1660  </td> 
1661                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1662  No 
1663  </td> 
1664                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1665                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1666  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1667  </td> 
1668         </tr> 
1669         <tr> 
1670                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1671                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1672  github.com/Automattic/engine.io 
1673  </td> 
1674         </tr> 
1676  <tbody> 
1677         <tr> 
1678                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1679  engine.io-client 
1680  </td> 
1681                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1682  1.5.1 
1683  </td> 
1684                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1685  MIT 
1686  </td> 
1687                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1688  Source 
1689  </td> 
1690                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1691  No 
1692  </td> 
1693                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1694                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1695  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1696  </td> 
1697         </tr> 
1698         <tr> 
1699                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1700                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1701  https://github.com/Automattic/engine.io-client 
1702  </td> 
1703         </tr> 
1705  <tbody> 
1706         <tr> 
1707                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1708  engine.io-parser 
1709  </td> 
1710                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1711  1.2.1 
1712  </td> 
1713                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1714  MIT 
1715  </td> 
1716                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1717  Source 
1718  </td> 
1719                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1720  No 
1721  </td> 
1722                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1723                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1724  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1725  </td> 
1726         </tr> 
1727         <tr> 
1728                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1729                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1730  github.com/LearnBoost/engine.io-parser 
1731  </td> 
1732         </tr> 
1734  <tbody> 
1735         <tr> 
1736                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1737  enum 
1738  </td> 
1739                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1740  2.3.0 
1741  </td> 
1742                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1743  MIT 
1744  </td> 
1745                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1746  Source 
1747  </td> 
1748                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1749  No 
1750  </td> 
1751                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1752                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1753  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\smartobject\node_modules\lwm2m-id\node_modules] 
1754  </td> 
1755         </tr> 
1756         <tr> 
1757                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1758                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1759  github.com/adrai/enum 
1760  </td> 
1761         </tr> 
1763  <tbody> 
1764         <tr> 
1765                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1766  escape-html 
1767  </td> 
1768                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1769  1.0.1 
1770  </td> 
1771                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1772  MIT 
1773  </td> 
1774                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1775  Source 
1776  </td> 
1777                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1778  No 
1779  </td> 
1780                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1781                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1782  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1783  </td> 
1784         </tr> 
1785         <tr> 
1786                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1787                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1788  https://github.com/component/escape-html 
1789  </td> 
1790         </tr> 
1792  <tbody> 
1793         <tr> 
1794                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1795  escodegen 
1796  </td> 
1797                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1798  0.0.28 
1799  </td> 
1800                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1801  BSD-2 Clause 
1802  </td> 
1803                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1804  Source 
1805  </td> 
1806                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1807  No 
1808  </td> 
1809                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1810                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1811  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1812  </td> 
1813         </tr> 
1814         <tr> 
1815                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1816                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1817  github.com/Constellation/escodegen 
1818  </td> 
1819         </tr> 
1821  <tbody> 
1822         <tr> 
1823                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1824  escodegen 
1825  </td> 
1826                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1827  1.3.3 
1828  </td> 
1829                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1830  BSD-2 Clause 
1831  </td> 
1832                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1833  Source 
1834  </td> 
1835                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1836  No 
1837  </td> 
1838                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1839                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1840  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1841  </td> 
1842         </tr> 
1843         <tr> 
1844                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1845                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1846  github.com/Constellation/escodegen 
1847  </td> 
1848         </tr> 
1850  <tbody> 
1851         <tr> 
1852                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1853  esprima 
1854  </td> 
1855                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1856  1.0.4 
1857  </td> 
1858                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1859  BSD-2 Clause 
1860  </td> 
1861                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1862  Source 
1863  </td> 
1864                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1865  No 
1866  </td> 
1867                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1868                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1869  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1870  </td> 
1871         </tr> 
1872         <tr> 
1873                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1874                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1875  github.com/ariya/esprima 
1876  </td> 
1877         </tr> 
1879  <tbody> 
1880         <tr> 
1881                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1882  esprima 
1883  </td> 
1884                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1885  1.1.1 
1886  </td> 
1887                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1888  BSD-2 Clause 
1889  </td> 
1890                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1891  Source 
1892  </td> 
1893                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1894  No 
1895  </td> 
1896                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1897                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1898  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1899  </td> 
1900         </tr> 
1901         <tr> 
1902                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1903                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1904  github.com/ariya/esprima 
1905  </td> 
1906         </tr> 
1908  <tbody> 
1909         <tr> 
1910                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1911  estraverse 
1912  </td> 
1913                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1914  1.3.2 
1915  </td> 
1916                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1917  BSD-2 Clause 
1918  </td> 
1919                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1920  Source 
1921  </td> 
1922                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1923  No 
1924  </td> 
1925                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1926                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1927  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1928  </td> 
1929         </tr> 
1930         <tr> 
1931                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1932                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1933  github.com/Constellation/estraverse 
1934  </td> 
1935         </tr> 
1937  <tbody> 
1938         <tr> 
1939                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1940  estraverse 
1941  </td> 
1942                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1943  1.5.1 
1944  </td> 
1945                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1946  BSD-2 Clause 
1947  </td> 
1948                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1949  Source 
1950  </td> 
1951                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1952  No 
1953  </td> 
1954                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1955                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1956  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1957  </td> 
1958         </tr> 
1959         <tr> 
1960                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1961                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1962  github.com/Constellation/estraverse 
1963  </td> 
1964         </tr> 
1966  <tbody> 
1967         <tr> 
1968                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1969  esutils 
1970  </td> 
1971                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
1972  1.0.0 
1973  </td> 
1974                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
1975  BSD-2 Clause 
1976  </td> 
1977                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
1978  Source 
1979  </td> 
1980                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
1981  No 
1982  </td> 
1983                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
1984                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
1985  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
1986  </td> 
1987         </tr> 
1988         <tr> 
1989                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
1990                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
1991  github.com/Constellation/esutils 
1992  </td> 
1993         </tr> 
1995  <tbody> 
1996         <tr> 
1997                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
1998  etag 
1999  </td> 
2000                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2001  1.5.1 
2002  </td> 
2003                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2004  MIT 
2005  </td> 
2006                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2007  Source 
2008  </td> 
2009                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2010  No 
2011  </td> 
2012                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2013                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2014  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2015  </td> 
2016         </tr> 
2017         <tr> 
2018                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2019                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2020  https://github.com/jshttp/etag 
2021  </td> 
2022         </tr> 
2024  <tbody> 
2025         <tr> 
2026                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2027  express 
2028  </td> 
2029                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2030  4.12.3 
2031  </td> 
2032                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2033  MIT 
2034  </td> 
2035                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2036  Source 
2037  </td> 
2038                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2039  No 
2040  </td> 
2041                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2042                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2043  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2044  </td> 
2045         </tr> 
2046         <tr> 
2047                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2048                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2049  https://github.com/strongloop/express 
2050  </td> 
2051         </tr> 
2053  <tbody> 
2054         <tr> 
2055                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2056  falafel 
2057  </td> 
2058                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2059  1.2.0 
2060  </td> 
2061                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2062  MIT 
2063  </td> 
2064                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2065  Source 
2066  </td> 
2067                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2068  No 
2069  </td> 
2070                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2071                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2072  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2073  </td> 
2074         </tr> 
2075         <tr> 
2076                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2077                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2078  http://github.com/substack/node-falafel 
2079  </td> 
2080         </tr> 
2082  <tbody> 
2083         <tr> 
2084                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2085  finalhandler 
2086  </td> 
2087                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2088  0.3.4 
2089  </td> 
2090                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2091  MIT 
2092  </td> 
2093                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2094  Source 
2095  </td> 
2096                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2097  No 
2098  </td> 
2099                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2100                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2101  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2102  </td> 
2103         </tr> 
2104         <tr> 
2105                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2106                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2107  https://github.com/pillarjs/finalhandler 
2108  </td> 
2109         </tr> 
2111  <tbody> 
2112         <tr> 
2113                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2114  foreach 
2115  </td> 
2116                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2117  2.0.5 
2118  </td> 
2119                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2120  MIT 
2121  </td> 
2122                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2123  Source 
2124  </td> 
2125                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2126  No 
2127  </td> 
2128                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2129                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2130  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2131  </td> 
2132         </tr> 
2133         <tr> 
2134                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2135                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2136  http://github.com/manuelstofer/foreach 
2137  </td> 
2138         </tr> 
2140  <tbody> 
2141         <tr> 
2142                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2143  forwarded 
2144  </td> 
2145                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2146  0.1.0 
2147  </td> 
2148                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2149  MIT 
2150  </td> 
2151                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2152  Source 
2153  </td> 
2154                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2155  No 
2156  </td> 
2157                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2158                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2159  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2160  </td> 
2161         </tr> 
2162         <tr> 
2163                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2164                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2165  https://github.com/jshttp/forwarded 
2166  </td> 
2167         </tr> 
2169  <tbody> 
2170         <tr> 
2171                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2172  fresh 
2173  </td> 
2174                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2175  0.2.4 
2176  </td> 
2177                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2178  MIT 
2179  </td> 
2180                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2181  Source 
2182  </td> 
2183                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2184  No 
2185  </td> 
2186                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2187                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2188  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2189  </td> 
2190         </tr> 
2191         <tr> 
2192                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2193                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2194  https://github.com/jshttp/fresh 
2195  </td> 
2196         </tr> 
2198  <tbody> 
2199         <tr> 
2200                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2201  fs 
2202  </td> 
2203                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2204  0.0.2 
2205  </td> 
2206                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2207  MIT 
2208  </td> 
2209                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2210  Source 
2211  </td> 
2212                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2213  No 
2214  </td> 
2215                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2216                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2217  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2218  </td> 
2219         </tr> 
2220         <tr> 
2221                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2222                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2223  http://registry.npmjs.org/fs/-/fs-0.0.2.tgz 
2224  </td> 
2225         </tr> 
2227  <tbody> 
2228         <tr> 
2229                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2230  function-bind 
2231  </td> 
2232                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2233  1.0.2 
2234  </td> 
2235                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2236  MIT 
2237  </td> 
2238                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2239  Source 
2240  </td> 
2241                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2242  No 
2243  </td> 
2244                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2245                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2246  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2247  </td> 
2248         </tr> 
2249         <tr> 
2250                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2251                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2252  http://github.com/Raynos/function-bind 
2253  </td> 
2254         </tr> 
2256  <tbody> 
2257         <tr> 
2258                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2259  generate-function 
2260  </td> 
2261                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2262  2.0.0 
2263  </td> 
2264                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2265  MIT 
2266  </td> 
2267                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2268  Source 
2269  </td> 
2270                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2271  No 
2272  </td> 
2273                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2274                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2275  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2276  </td> 
2277         </tr> 
2278         <tr> 
2279                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2280                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2281  https://github.com/mafintosh/generate-function 
2282  </td> 
2283         </tr> 
2285  <tbody> 
2286         <tr> 
2287                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2288  generate-object-property 
2289  </td> 
2290                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2291  1.2.0 
2292  </td> 
2293                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2294  MIT 
2295  </td> 
2296                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2297  Source 
2298  </td> 
2299                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2300  No 
2301  </td> 
2302                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2303                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2304  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules][as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2305  </td> 
2306         </tr> 
2307         <tr> 
2308                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2309                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2310  https://github.com/mafintosh/generate-object-property 
2311  </td> 
2312         </tr> 
2314  <tbody> 
2315         <tr> 
2316                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2317  global 
2318  </td> 
2319                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2320  2.0.1 
2321  </td> 
2322                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2323  MIT 
2324  </td> 
2325                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2326  Source 
2327  </td> 
2328                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2329  No 
2330  </td> 
2331                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2332                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2333  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2334  </td> 
2335         </tr> 
2336         <tr> 
2337                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2338                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2339  http://github.com/component/global 
2340  </td> 
2341         </tr> 
2343  <tbody> 
2344         <tr> 
2345                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2346  has 
2347  </td> 
2348                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2349  1.0.1 
2350  </td> 
2351                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2352  MIT 
2353  </td> 
2354                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2355  Source 
2356  </td> 
2357                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2358  No 
2359  </td> 
2360                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2361                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2362  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2363  </td> 
2364         </tr> 
2365         <tr> 
2366                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2367                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2368  http://github.com/tarruda/has 
2369  </td> 
2370         </tr> 
2372  <tbody> 
2373         <tr> 
2374                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2375  has-binary 
2376  </td> 
2377                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2378  0.1.6 
2379  </td> 
2380                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2381  MIT 
2382  </td> 
2383                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2384  Source 
2385  </td> 
2386                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2387  No 
2388  </td> 
2389                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2390                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2391  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2392  </td> 
2393         </tr> 
2394         <tr> 
2395                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2396                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2397  http://registry.npmjs.org/has-binary/-/has-binary-0.1.7.tgz 
2398  </td> 
2399         </tr> 
2401  <tbody> 
2402         <tr> 
2403                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2404  has-binary 
2405  </td> 
2406                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2407  0.1.5 
2408  </td> 
2409                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2410  MIT 
2411  </td> 
2412                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2413  Source 
2414  </td> 
2415                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2416  No 
2417  </td> 
2418                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2419                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2420  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2421  </td> 
2422         </tr> 
2423         <tr> 
2424                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2425                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2426  http://registry.npmjs.org/has-binary/-/has-binary-0.1.7.tgz 
2427  </td> 
2428         </tr> 
2430  <tbody> 
2431         <tr> 
2432                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2433  has-binary-data 
2434  </td> 
2435                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2436  0.1.3 
2437  </td> 
2438                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2439  ISC;MIT 
2440  </td> 
2441                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2442  Source 
2443  </td> 
2444                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2445  No 
2446  </td> 
2447                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2448                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2449  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2450  </td> 
2451         </tr> 
2452         <tr> 
2453                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2454                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2455  http://registry.npmjs.org/has-binary/-/has-binary-0.1.7.tgz 
2456  </td> 
2457         </tr> 
2459  <tbody> 
2460         <tr> 
2461                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2462  has-cors 
2463  </td> 
2464                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2465  1.0.3 
2466  </td> 
2467                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2468  MIT 
2469  </td> 
2470                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2471  Source 
2472  </td> 
2473                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2474  No 
2475  </td> 
2476                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2477                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2478  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2479  </td> 
2480         </tr> 
2481         <tr> 
2482                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2483                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2484  http://github.com/component/has-cors 
2485  </td> 
2486         </tr> 
2488  <tbody> 
2489         <tr> 
2490                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2491  help-me 
2492  </td> 
2493                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2494  0.1.0 
2495  </td> 
2496                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2497  MIT 
2498  </td> 
2499                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2500  Source 
2501  </td> 
2502                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2503  No 
2504  </td> 
2505                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2506                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2507  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\mqtt\node_modules] 
2508  </td> 
2509         </tr> 
2510         <tr> 
2511                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2512                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2513  https://github.com/mcollina/help-me 
2514  </td> 
2515         </tr> 
2517  <tbody> 
2518         <tr> 
2519                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2520  indexof 
2521  </td> 
2522                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2523  0.0.1 
2524  </td> 
2525                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2526  MIT 
2527  </td> 
2528                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2529  Source 
2530  </td> 
2531                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2532  No 
2533  </td> 
2534                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2535                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2536  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2537  </td> 
2538         </tr> 
2539         <tr> 
2540                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2541                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2542  https://github.com/component/indexof 
2543  </td> 
2544         </tr> 
2546  <tbody> 
2547         <tr> 
2548                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2549  inherits 
2550  </td> 
2551                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2552  2.0.1 
2553  </td> 
2554                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2555  ISC 
2556  </td> 
2557                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2558  Source 
2559  </td> 
2560                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2561  No 
2562  </td> 
2563                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2564                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2565  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2566  </td> 
2567         </tr> 
2568         <tr> 
2569                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2570                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2571  http://github.com/isaacs/inherits 
2572  </td> 
2573         </tr> 
2575  <tbody> 
2576         <tr> 
2577                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2578  ipaddr.js 
2579  </td> 
2580                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2581  0.1.9 
2582  </td> 
2583                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2584  MIT 
2585  </td> 
2586                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2587  Source 
2588  </td> 
2589                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2590  No 
2591  </td> 
2592                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2593                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2594  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2595  </td> 
2596         </tr> 
2597         <tr> 
2598                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2599                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2600  http://github.com/whitequark/ipaddr.js 
2601  </td> 
2602         </tr> 
2604  <tbody> 
2605         <tr> 
2606                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2607  is-property 
2608  </td> 
2609                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2610  1.0.2 
2611  </td> 
2612                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2613  MIT 
2614  </td> 
2615                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2616  Source 
2617  </td> 
2618                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2619  No 
2620  </td> 
2621                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2622                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2623  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2624  </td> 
2625         </tr> 
2626         <tr> 
2627                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2628                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2629  http://github.com/mikolalysenko/is-property 
2630  </td> 
2631         </tr> 
2633  <tbody> 
2634         <tr> 
2635                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2636  isarray 
2637  </td> 
2638                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2639  0.0.1 
2640  </td> 
2641                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2642  MIT 
2643  </td> 
2644                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2645  Source 
2646  </td> 
2647                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2648  No 
2649  </td> 
2650                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2651                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2652  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2653  </td> 
2654         </tr> 
2655         <tr> 
2656                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2657                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2658  http://github.com/juliangruber/isarray 
2659  </td> 
2660         </tr> 
2662  <tbody> 
2663         <tr> 
2664                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2665  json3 
2666  </td> 
2667                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2668  3.2.6 
2669  </td> 
2670                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2671  MIT 
2672  </td> 
2673                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2674  Source 
2675  </td> 
2676                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2677  No 
2678  </td> 
2679                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2680                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2681  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2682  </td> 
2683         </tr> 
2684         <tr> 
2685                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2686                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2687  http://github.com/bestiejs/json3 
2688  </td> 
2689         </tr> 
2691  <tbody> 
2692         <tr> 
2693                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2694  leven 
2695  </td> 
2696                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2697  1.0.2 
2698  </td> 
2699                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2700  MIT 
2701  </td> 
2702                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2703  Source 
2704  </td> 
2705                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2706  No 
2707  </td> 
2708                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2709                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2710  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\mqtt\node_modules\commist\node_modules] 
2711  </td> 
2712         </tr> 
2713         <tr> 
2714                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2715                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2716  https://github.com/sindresorhus/leven 
2717  </td> 
2718         </tr> 
2720  <tbody> 
2721         <tr> 
2722                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2723  long 
2724  </td> 
2725                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2726  3.0.1 
2727  </td> 
2728                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2729  Apache-2.0 
2730  </td> 
2731                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2732  Source 
2733  </td> 
2734                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2735  No 
2736  </td> 
2737                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2738                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2739  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2740  </td> 
2741         </tr> 
2742         <tr> 
2743                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2744                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2745  https://github.com/dcodeIO/long.js 
2746  </td> 
2747         </tr> 
2749  <tbody> 
2750         <tr> 
2751                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2752  lwm2m-id 
2753  </td> 
2754                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2755  1.3.0 
2756  </td> 
2757                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2758  MIT 
2759  </td> 
2760                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2761  Source 
2762  </td> 
2763                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2764  No 
2765  </td> 
2766                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2767                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2768  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\smartobject\node_modules] 
2769  </td> 
2770         </tr> 
2771         <tr> 
2772                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2773                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2774  https://github.com/simenkid/lwm2m-id 
2775  </td> 
2776         </tr> 
2778  <tbody> 
2779         <tr> 
2780                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2781  media-typer 
2782  </td> 
2783                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2784  0.3.0 
2785  </td> 
2786                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2787  MIT 
2788  </td> 
2789                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2790  Source 
2791  </td> 
2792                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2793  No 
2794  </td> 
2795                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2796                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2797  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2798  </td> 
2799         </tr> 
2800         <tr> 
2801                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2802                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2803  https://github.com/jshttp/media-typer 
2804  </td> 
2805         </tr> 
2807  <tbody> 
2808         <tr> 
2809                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2810  merge-descriptors 
2811  </td> 
2812                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2813  1.0.0 
2814  </td> 
2815                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2816  MIT 
2817  </td> 
2818                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2819  Source 
2820  </td> 
2821                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2822  No 
2823  </td> 
2824                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2825                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2826  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2827  </td> 
2828         </tr> 
2829         <tr> 
2830                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2831                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2832  https://github.com/component/merge-descriptors 
2833  </td> 
2834         </tr> 
2836  <tbody> 
2837         <tr> 
2838                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2839  methods 
2840  </td> 
2841                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2842  1.1.1 
2843  </td> 
2844                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2845  MIT 
2846  </td> 
2847                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2848  Source 
2849  </td> 
2850                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2851  No 
2852  </td> 
2853                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2854                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2855  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2856  </td> 
2857         </tr> 
2858         <tr> 
2859                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2860                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2861  https://github.com/jshttp/methods 
2862  </td> 
2863         </tr> 
2865  <tbody> 
2866         <tr> 
2867                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2868  mime 
2869  </td> 
2870                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2871  1.3.4 
2872  </td> 
2873                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2874  MIT 
2875  </td> 
2876                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2877  Source 
2878  </td> 
2879                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2880  No 
2881  </td> 
2882                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2883                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2884  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2885  </td> 
2886         </tr> 
2887         <tr> 
2888                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2889                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2890  https://github.com/broofa/node-mime 
2891  </td> 
2892         </tr> 
2894  <tbody> 
2895         <tr> 
2896                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2897  mime-db 
2898  </td> 
2899                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2900  1.8.0 
2901  </td> 
2902                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2903  MIT 
2904  </td> 
2905                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2906  Source 
2907  </td> 
2908                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2909  No 
2910  </td> 
2911                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2912                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2913  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2914  </td> 
2915         </tr> 
2916         <tr> 
2917                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2918                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2919  https://github.com/jshttp/mime-db 
2920  </td> 
2921         </tr> 
2923  <tbody> 
2924         <tr> 
2925                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2926  mime-types 
2927  </td> 
2928                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2929  2.0.10 
2930  </td> 
2931                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2932  MIT 
2933  </td> 
2934                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2935  Source 
2936  </td> 
2937                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2938  No 
2939  </td> 
2940                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2941                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2942  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2943  </td> 
2944         </tr> 
2945         <tr> 
2946                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2947                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2948  https://github.com/jshttp/mime-types 
2949  </td> 
2950         </tr> 
2952  <tbody> 
2953         <tr> 
2954                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2955  minimist 
2956  </td> 
2957                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2958  0.0.8 
2959  </td> 
2960                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2961  MIT 
2962  </td> 
2963                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2964  Source 
2965  </td> 
2966                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2967  No 
2968  </td> 
2969                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2970                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
2971  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
2972  </td> 
2973         </tr> 
2974         <tr> 
2975                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
2976                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
2977  http://github.com/substack/minimist 
2978  </td> 
2979         </tr> 
2981  <tbody> 
2982         <tr> 
2983                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
2984  minimist 
2985  </td> 
2986                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
2987  1.2.0 
2988  </td> 
2989                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
2990  MIT 
2991  </td> 
2992                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
2993  Source 
2994  </td> 
2995                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
2996  No 
2997  </td> 
2998                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
2999                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3000  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3001  </td> 
3002         </tr> 
3003         <tr> 
3004                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3005                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3006  http://github.com/substack/minimist 
3007  </td> 
3008         </tr> 
3010  <tbody> 
3011         <tr> 
3012                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3013  mqtt 
3014  </td> 
3015                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3016  1.8.0 
3017  </td> 
3018                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3019  MIT 
3020  </td> 
3021                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3022  Source 
3023  </td> 
3024                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3025  No 
3026  </td> 
3027                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3028                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3029  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules] 
3030  </td> 
3031         </tr> 
3032         <tr> 
3033                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3034                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3035  http://github.com/mqttjs/MQTT.js 
3036  </td> 
3037         </tr> 
3039  <tbody> 
3040         <tr> 
3041                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3042  mqtt-connection 
3043  </td> 
3044                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3045  2.1.1 
3046  </td> 
3047                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3048  MIT 
3049  </td> 
3050                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3051  Source 
3052  </td> 
3053                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3054  No 
3055  </td> 
3056                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3057                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3058  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\mqtt\node_modules] 
3059  </td> 
3060         </tr> 
3061         <tr> 
3062                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3063                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3064  https://github.com/mqttjs/mqtt-connection 
3065  </td> 
3066         </tr> 
3068  <tbody> 
3069         <tr> 
3070                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3071  mqtt-packet 
3072  </td> 
3073                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3074  3.4.7 
3075  </td> 
3076                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3077  MIT 
3078  </td> 
3079                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3080  Source 
3081  </td> 
3082                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3083  No 
3084  </td> 
3085                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3086                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3087  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\mqtt\node_modules] 
3088  </td> 
3089         </tr> 
3090         <tr> 
3091                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3092                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3093  https://github.com/mqttjs/mqtt-packet 
3094  </td> 
3095         </tr> 
3097  <tbody> 
3098         <tr> 
3099                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3100  ms 
3101  </td> 
3102                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3103  0.6.2 
3104  </td> 
3105                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3106  MIT 
3107  </td> 
3108                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3109  Source 
3110  </td> 
3111                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3112  No 
3113  </td> 
3114                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3115                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3116  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3117  </td> 
3118         </tr> 
3119         <tr> 
3120                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3121                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3122  http://github.com/guille/ms.js 
3123  </td> 
3124         </tr> 
3126  <tbody> 
3127         <tr> 
3128                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3129  ms 
3130  </td> 
3131                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3132  0.7.0 
3133  </td> 
3134                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3135  MIT 
3136  </td> 
3137                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3138  Source 
3139  </td> 
3140                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3141  No 
3142  </td> 
3143                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3144                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3145  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3146  </td> 
3147         </tr> 
3148         <tr> 
3149                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3150                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3151  http://github.com/guille/ms.js 
3152  </td> 
3153         </tr> 
3155  <tbody> 
3156         <tr> 
3157                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3158  nan 
3159  </td> 
3160                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3161  1.4.3 
3162  </td> 
3163                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3164  MIT 
3165  </td> 
3166                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3167  Source 
3168  </td> 
3169                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3170  No 
3171  </td> 
3172                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3173                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3174  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3175  </td> 
3176         </tr> 
3177         <tr> 
3178                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3179                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3180  http://github.com/rvagg/nan 
3181  </td> 
3182         </tr> 
3184  <tbody> 
3185         <tr> 
3186                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3187  nan 
3188  </td> 
3189                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3190  0.3.2 
3191  </td> 
3192                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3193  MIT 
3194  </td> 
3195                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3196  Source 
3197  </td> 
3198                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3199  No 
3200  </td> 
3201                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3202                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3203  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3204  </td> 
3205         </tr> 
3206         <tr> 
3207                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3208                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3209  http://github.com/rvagg/nan 
3210  </td> 
3211         </tr> 
3213  <tbody> 
3214         <tr> 
3215                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3216  negotiator 
3217  </td> 
3218                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3219  0.5.1 
3220  </td> 
3221                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3222  MIT 
3223  </td> 
3224                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3225  Source 
3226  </td> 
3227                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3228  No 
3229  </td> 
3230                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3231                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3232  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3233  </td> 
3234         </tr> 
3235         <tr> 
3236                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3237                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3238  https://github.com/jshttp/negotiator 
3239  </td> 
3240         </tr> 
3242  <tbody> 
3243         <tr> 
3244                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3245  object-component 
3246  </td> 
3247                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3248  0.0.3 
3249  </td> 
3250                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3251  MIT 
3252  </td> 
3253                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3254  Source 
3255  </td> 
3256                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3257  No 
3258  </td> 
3259                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3260                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3261  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3262  </td> 
3263         </tr> 
3264         <tr> 
3265                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3266                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3267  https://www.npmjs.com/package/object-component 
3268  </td> 
3269         </tr> 
3271  <tbody> 
3272         <tr> 
3273                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3274  object-inspect 
3275  </td> 
3276                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3277  0.4.0 
3278  </td> 
3279                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3280  MIT 
3281  </td> 
3282                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3283  Source 
3284  </td> 
3285                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3286  No 
3287  </td> 
3288                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3289                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3290  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3291  </td> 
3292         </tr> 
3293         <tr> 
3294                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3295                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3296  http://github.com/substack/object-inspect 
3297  </td> 
3298         </tr> 
3300  <tbody> 
3301         <tr> 
3302                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3303  object-keys 
3304  </td> 
3305                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3306  1.0.9 
3307  </td> 
3308                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3309  MIT 
3310  </td> 
3311                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3312  Source 
3313  </td> 
3314                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3315  No 
3316  </td> 
3317                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3318                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3319  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3320  </td> 
3321         </tr> 
3322         <tr> 
3323                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3324                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3325  http://github.com/ljharb/object-keys 
3326  </td> 
3327         </tr> 
3329  <tbody> 
3330         <tr> 
3331                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3332  object-keys 
3333  </td> 
3334                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3335  0.4.0 
3336  </td> 
3337                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3338  MIT 
3339  </td> 
3340                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3341  Source 
3342  </td> 
3343                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3344  No 
3345  </td> 
3346                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3347                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3348  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3349  </td> 
3350         </tr> 
3351         <tr> 
3352                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3353                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3354  http://github.com/ljharb/object-keys 
3355  </td> 
3356         </tr> 
3358  <tbody> 
3359         <tr> 
3360                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3361  object-keys 
3362  </td> 
3363                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3364  1.0.1 
3365  </td> 
3366                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3367  MIT 
3368  </td> 
3369                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3370  Source 
3371  </td> 
3372                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3373  No 
3374  </td> 
3375                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3376                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3377  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3378  </td> 
3379         </tr> 
3380         <tr> 
3381                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3382                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3383  http://github.com/ljharb/object-keys 
3384  </td> 
3385         </tr> 
3387  <tbody> 
3388         <tr> 
3389                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3390  on-finished 
3391  </td> 
3392                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3393  2.2.0 
3394  </td> 
3395                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3396  MIT 
3397  </td> 
3398                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3399  Source 
3400  </td> 
3401                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3402  No 
3403  </td> 
3404                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3405                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3406  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3407  </td> 
3408         </tr> 
3409         <tr> 
3410                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3411                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3412  https://github.com/jshttp/on-finished 
3413  </td> 
3414         </tr> 
3416  <tbody> 
3417         <tr> 
3418                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3419  once 
3420  </td> 
3421                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3422  1.3.3 
3423  </td> 
3424                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3425  ISC 
3426  </td> 
3427                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3428  Source 
3429  </td> 
3430                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3431  No 
3432  </td> 
3433                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3434                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3435  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\websocket-stream\node_modules\duplexify\node_modules\end-of-stream\node_modules] 
3436  </td> 
3437         </tr> 
3438         <tr> 
3439                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3440                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3441  http://github.com/isaacs/once 
3442  </td> 
3443         </tr> 
3445  <tbody> 
3446         <tr> 
3447                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3448  options 
3449  </td> 
3450                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3451  0.0.6 
3452  </td> 
3453                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3454  MIT 
3455  </td> 
3456                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3457  Source 
3458  </td> 
3459                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3460  No 
3461  </td> 
3462                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3463                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3464  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3465  </td> 
3466         </tr> 
3467         <tr> 
3468                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3469                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3470  http://github.com/einaros/options.js 
3471  </td> 
3472         </tr> 
3474  <tbody> 
3475         <tr> 
3476                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3477  parsejson 
3478  </td> 
3479                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3480  0.0.1 
3481  </td> 
3482                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3483  MIT 
3484  </td> 
3485                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3486  Source 
3487  </td> 
3488                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3489  No 
3490  </td> 
3491                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3492                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3493  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3494  </td> 
3495         </tr> 
3496         <tr> 
3497                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3498                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3499  https://www.npmjs.com/package/parse-json 
3500  </td> 
3501         </tr> 
3503  <tbody> 
3504         <tr> 
3505                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3506  parseqs 
3507  </td> 
3508                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3509  0.0.2 
3510  </td> 
3511                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3512  MIT 
3513  </td> 
3514                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3515  Source 
3516  </td> 
3517                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3518  No 
3519  </td> 
3520                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3521                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3522  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3523  </td> 
3524         </tr> 
3525         <tr> 
3526                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3527                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3528  http://registry.npmjs.org/parseqs/-/parseqs-0.0.2.tgz 
3529  </td> 
3530         </tr> 
3532  <tbody> 
3533         <tr> 
3534                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3535  parseuri 
3536  </td> 
3537                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3538  0.0.2 
3539  </td> 
3540                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3541  MIT 
3542  </td> 
3543                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3544  Source 
3545  </td> 
3546                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3547  No 
3548  </td> 
3549                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3550                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3551  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3552  </td> 
3553         </tr> 
3554         <tr> 
3555                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3556                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3557  https://github.com/get/parseuri 
3558  </td> 
3559         </tr> 
3561  <tbody> 
3562         <tr> 
3563                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3564  parseuri 
3565  </td> 
3566                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3567  0.0.4 
3568  </td> 
3569                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3570  MIT 
3571  </td> 
3572                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3573  Source 
3574  </td> 
3575                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3576  No 
3577  </td> 
3578                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3579                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3580  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3581  </td> 
3582         </tr> 
3583         <tr> 
3584                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3585                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3586  https://github.com/get/parseuri 
3587  </td> 
3588         </tr> 
3590  <tbody> 
3591         <tr> 
3592                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3593  parseurl 
3594  </td> 
3595                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3596  1.3.0 
3597  </td> 
3598                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3599  MIT 
3600  </td> 
3601                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3602  Source 
3603  </td> 
3604                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3605  No 
3606  </td> 
3607                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3608                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3609  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3610  </td> 
3611         </tr> 
3612         <tr> 
3613                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3614                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3615  https://github.com/get/parseuri 
3616  </td> 
3617         </tr> 
3619  <tbody> 
3620         <tr> 
3621                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3622  path-to-regexp 
3623  </td> 
3624                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3625  0.1.3 
3626  </td> 
3627                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3628  MIT 
3629  </td> 
3630                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3631  Source 
3632  </td> 
3633                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3634  No 
3635  </td> 
3636                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3637                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3638  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3639  </td> 
3640         </tr> 
3641         <tr> 
3642                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3643                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3644  https://github.com/component/path-to-regexp 
3645  </td> 
3646         </tr> 
3648  <tbody> 
3649         <tr> 
3650                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3651  process-nextick-args 
3652  </td> 
3653                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3654  1.0.6 
3655  </td> 
3656                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3657  MIT 
3658  </td> 
3659                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3660  Source 
3661  </td> 
3662                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3663  No 
3664  </td> 
3665                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3666                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3667  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3668  </td> 
3669         </tr> 
3670         <tr> 
3671                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3672                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3673  https://github.com/calvinmetcalf/process-nextick-args 
3674  </td> 
3675         </tr> 
3677  <tbody> 
3678         <tr> 
3679                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3680  protocol-buffers 
3681  </td> 
3682                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3683  3.1.4 
3684  </td> 
3685                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3686  MIT 
3687  </td> 
3688                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3689  Source 
3690  </td> 
3691                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3692  No 
3693  </td> 
3694                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3695                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3696  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3697  </td> 
3698         </tr> 
3699         <tr> 
3700                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3701                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3702  https://github.com/mafintosh/protocol-buffers 
3703  </td> 
3704         </tr> 
3706  <tbody> 
3707         <tr> 
3708                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3709  protocol-buffers-schema 
3710  </td> 
3711                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3712  2.2.0 
3713  </td> 
3714                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3715  MIT 
3716  </td> 
3717                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3718  Source 
3719  </td> 
3720                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3721  No 
3722  </td> 
3723                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3724                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3725  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3726  </td> 
3727         </tr> 
3728         <tr> 
3729                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3730                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3731  https://github.com/mafintosh/protocol-buffers-schema 
3732  </td> 
3733         </tr> 
3735  <tbody> 
3736         <tr> 
3737                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3738  proxy-addr 
3739  </td> 
3740                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3741  1.0.7 
3742  </td> 
3743                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3744  MIT 
3745  </td> 
3746                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3747  Source 
3748  </td> 
3749                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3750  No 
3751  </td> 
3752                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3753                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3754  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3755  </td> 
3756         </tr> 
3757         <tr> 
3758                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3759                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3760  https://github.com/jshttp/proxy-addr 
3761  </td> 
3762         </tr> 
3764  <tbody> 
3765         <tr> 
3766                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3767  pump 
3768  </td> 
3769                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3770  1.0.1 
3771  </td> 
3772                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3773  MIT 
3774  </td> 
3775                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3776  Source 
3777  </td> 
3778                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3779  No 
3780  </td> 
3781                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3782                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3783  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\mqtt\node_modules\help-me\node_modules] 
3784  </td> 
3785         </tr> 
3786         <tr> 
3787                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3788                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3789  http://github.com/mafintosh/pump 
3790  </td> 
3791         </tr> 
3793  <tbody> 
3794         <tr> 
3795                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3796  qs 
3797  </td> 
3798                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3799  2.4.1 
3800  </td> 
3801                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3802  BSD-3 Clause 
3803  </td> 
3804                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3805  Source 
3806  </td> 
3807                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3808  No 
3809  </td> 
3810                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3811                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3812  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3813  </td> 
3814         </tr> 
3815         <tr> 
3816                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3817                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3818  https://github.com/hapijs/qs 
3819  </td> 
3820         </tr> 
3822  <tbody> 
3823         <tr> 
3824                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3825  quote-stream 
3826  </td> 
3827                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3828  1.0.2 
3829  </td> 
3830                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3831  MIT 
3832  </td> 
3833                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3834  Source 
3835  </td> 
3836                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3837  No 
3838  </td> 
3839                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3840                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3841  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3842  </td> 
3843         </tr> 
3844         <tr> 
3845                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3846                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3847  http://github.com/substack/quote-stream 
3848  </td> 
3849         </tr> 
3851  <tbody> 
3852         <tr> 
3853                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3854  quote-stream 
3855  </td> 
3856                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3857  0.0.0 
3858  </td> 
3859                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3860  MIT 
3861  </td> 
3862                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3863  Source 
3864  </td> 
3865                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3866  No 
3867  </td> 
3868                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3869                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3870  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3871  </td> 
3872         </tr> 
3873         <tr> 
3874                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3875                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3876  http://github.com/substack/quote-stream 
3877  </td> 
3878         </tr> 
3880  <tbody> 
3881         <tr> 
3882                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3883  range-parser 
3884  </td> 
3885                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3886  1.0.2 
3887  </td> 
3888                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3889  MIT 
3890  </td> 
3891                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3892  Source 
3893  </td> 
3894                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3895  No 
3896  </td> 
3897                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3898                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3899  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3900  </td> 
3901         </tr> 
3902         <tr> 
3903                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3904                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3905  https://github.com/jshttp/range-parser 
3906  </td> 
3907         </tr> 
3909  <tbody> 
3910         <tr> 
3911                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3912  readable-stream 
3913  </td> 
3914                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3915  1.0.33 
3916  </td> 
3917                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3918  MIT 
3919  </td> 
3920                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3921  Source 
3922  </td> 
3923                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3924  No 
3925  </td> 
3926                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3927                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3928  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3929  </td> 
3930         </tr> 
3931         <tr> 
3932                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3933                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3934  http://github.com/isaacs/readable-stream 
3935  </td> 
3936         </tr> 
3938  <tbody> 
3939         <tr> 
3940                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3941  readable-stream 
3942  </td> 
3943                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3944  1.0.34 
3945  </td> 
3946                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3947  MIT 
3948  </td> 
3949                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3950  Source 
3951  </td> 
3952                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3953  No 
3954  </td> 
3955                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3956                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3957  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\mqtt\node_modules] 
3958  </td> 
3959         </tr> 
3960         <tr> 
3961                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3962                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3963  http://github.com/isaacs/readable-stream 
3964  </td> 
3965         </tr> 
3967  <tbody> 
3968         <tr> 
3969                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3970  readable-stream 
3971  </td> 
3972                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
3973  1.1.13 
3974  </td> 
3975                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
3976  MIT 
3977  </td> 
3978                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
3979  Source 
3980  </td> 
3981                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
3982  No 
3983  </td> 
3984                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
3985                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
3986  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
3987  </td> 
3988         </tr> 
3989         <tr> 
3990                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
3991                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
3992  http://github.com/isaacs/readable-stream 
3993  </td> 
3994         </tr> 
3996  <tbody> 
3997         <tr> 
3998                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
3999  readable-stream 
4000  </td> 
4001                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4002  2.0.5 
4003  </td> 
4004                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4005  MIT 
4006  </td> 
4007                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4008  Source 
4009  </td> 
4010                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4011  No 
4012  </td> 
4013                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4014                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4015  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4016  </td> 
4017         </tr> 
4018         <tr> 
4019                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4020                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4021  http://github.com/nodejs/readable-stream 
4022  </td> 
4023         </tr> 
4025  <tbody> 
4026         <tr> 
4027                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4028  reduplexer 
4029  </td> 
4030                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4031  1.1.0 
4032  </td> 
4033                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4034  ISC 
4035  </td> 
4036                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4037  Source 
4038  </td> 
4039                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4040  No 
4041  </td> 
4042                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4043                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4044  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\mqtt\node_modules\mqtt-connection\node_modules] 
4045  </td> 
4046         </tr> 
4047         <tr> 
4048                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4049                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4050  https://github.com/mcollina/reduplexer 
4051  </td> 
4052         </tr> 
4054  <tbody> 
4055         <tr> 
4056                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4057  reinterval 
4058  </td> 
4059                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4060  1.1.0 
4061  </td> 
4062                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4063  MIT 
4064  </td> 
4065                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4066  Source 
4067  </td> 
4068                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4069  No 
4070  </td> 
4071                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4072                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4073  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\mqtt\node_modules] 
4074  </td> 
4075         </tr> 
4076         <tr> 
4077                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4078                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4079  https://github.com/4rzael/reInterval 
4080  </td> 
4081         </tr> 
4083  <tbody> 
4084         <tr> 
4085                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4086  resolve 
4087  </td> 
4088                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4089  1.1.6 
4090  </td> 
4091                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4092  MIT 
4093  </td> 
4094                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4095  Source 
4096  </td> 
4097                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4098  No 
4099  </td> 
4100                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4101                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4102  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4103  </td> 
4104         </tr> 
4105         <tr> 
4106                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4107                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4108  http://github.com/substack/node-resolve 
4109  </td> 
4110         </tr> 
4112  <tbody> 
4113         <tr> 
4114                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4115  send 
4116  </td> 
4117                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4118  0.12.2 
4119  </td> 
4120                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4121  MIT 
4122  </td> 
4123                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4124  Source 
4125  </td> 
4126                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4127  No 
4128  </td> 
4129                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4130                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4131  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4132  </td> 
4133         </tr> 
4134         <tr> 
4135                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4136                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4137  https://github.com/pillarjs/send 
4138  </td> 
4139         </tr> 
4141  <tbody> 
4142         <tr> 
4143                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4144  serve-static 
4145  </td> 
4146                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4147  1.9.2 
4148  </td> 
4149                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4150  MIT 
4151  </td> 
4152                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4153  Source 
4154  </td> 
4155                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4156  No 
4157  </td> 
4158                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4159                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4160  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4161  </td> 
4162         </tr> 
4163         <tr> 
4164                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4165                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4166  https://github.com/expressjs/serve-static 
4167  </td> 
4168         </tr> 
4170  <tbody> 
4171         <tr> 
4172                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4173  shallow-copy 
4174  </td> 
4175                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4176  0.0.1 
4177  </td> 
4178                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4179  MIT 
4180  </td> 
4181                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4182  Source 
4183  </td> 
4184                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4185  No 
4186  </td> 
4187                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4188                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4189  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4190  </td> 
4191         </tr> 
4192         <tr> 
4193                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4194                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4195  http://github.com/substack/shallow-copy 
4196  </td> 
4197         </tr> 
4199  <tbody> 
4200         <tr> 
4201                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4202  signed-varint 
4203  </td> 
4204                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4205  2.0.0 
4206  </td> 
4207                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4208  MIT 
4209  </td> 
4210                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4211  Source 
4212  </td> 
4213                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4214  No 
4215  </td> 
4216                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4217                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4218  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4219  </td> 
4220         </tr> 
4221         <tr> 
4222                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4223                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4224  http://github.com/dominictarr/signed-varint 
4225  </td> 
4226         </tr> 
4228  <tbody> 
4229         <tr> 
4230                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4231  smartobject 
4232  </td> 
4233                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4234  0.1.2 
4235  </td> 
4236                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4237  MIT 
4238  </td> 
4239                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4240  Source 
4241  </td> 
4242                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4243  No 
4244  </td> 
4245                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4246                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4247  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules] 
4248  </td> 
4249         </tr> 
4250         <tr> 
4251                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4252                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4253  https://github.com/PeterEB/smartobject 
4254  </td> 
4255         </tr> 
4257  <tbody> 
4258         <tr> 
4259                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4260  socket.io 
4261  </td> 
4262                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4263  1.3.5 
4264  </td> 
4265                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4266  MIT 
4267  </td> 
4268                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4269  Source 
4270  </td> 
4271                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4272  No 
4273  </td> 
4274                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4275                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4276  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4277  </td> 
4278         </tr> 
4279         <tr> 
4280                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4281                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4282  http://github.com/Automattic/socket.io 
4283  </td> 
4284         </tr> 
4286  <tbody> 
4287         <tr> 
4288                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4289  socket.io-adapter 
4290  </td> 
4291                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4292  0.3.1 
4293  </td> 
4294                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4295  MIT 
4296  </td> 
4297                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4298  Source 
4299  </td> 
4300                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4301  No 
4302  </td> 
4303                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4304                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4305  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4306  </td> 
4307         </tr> 
4308         <tr> 
4309                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4310                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4311  http://github.com/Automattic/socket.io-adapter 
4312  </td> 
4313         </tr> 
4315  <tbody> 
4316         <tr> 
4317                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4318  socket.io-client 
4319  </td> 
4320                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4321  1.3.5 
4322  </td> 
4323                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4324  MIT 
4325  </td> 
4326                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4327  Source 
4328  </td> 
4329                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4330  No 
4331  </td> 
4332                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4333                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4334  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4335  </td> 
4336         </tr> 
4337         <tr> 
4338                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4339                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4340  https://github.com/Automattic/socket.io-client 
4341  </td> 
4342         </tr> 
4344  <tbody> 
4345         <tr> 
4346                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4347  socket.io-parser 
4348  </td> 
4349                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4350  2.2.4 
4351  </td> 
4352                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4353  MIT 
4354  </td> 
4355                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4356  Source 
4357  </td> 
4358                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4359  No 
4360  </td> 
4361                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4362                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4363  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4364  </td> 
4365         </tr> 
4366         <tr> 
4367                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4368                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4369  https://github.com/Automattic/socket.io-parser 
4370  </td> 
4371         </tr> 
4373  <tbody> 
4374         <tr> 
4375                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4376  socket.io-parser 
4377  </td> 
4378                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4379  2.2.2 
4380  </td> 
4381                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4382  MIT 
4383  </td> 
4384                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4385  Source 
4386  </td> 
4387                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4388  No 
4389  </td> 
4390                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4391                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4392  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4393  </td> 
4394         </tr> 
4395         <tr> 
4396                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4397                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4398  https://github.com/Automattic/socket.io-parser 
4399  </td> 
4400         </tr> 
4402  <tbody> 
4403         <tr> 
4404                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4405  source-map 
4406  </td> 
4407                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4408  0.1.43 
4409  </td> 
4410                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4411  BSD-3 Clause 
4412  </td> 
4413                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4414  Source 
4415  </td> 
4416                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4417  No 
4418  </td> 
4419                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4420                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4421  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4422  </td> 
4423         </tr> 
4424         <tr> 
4425                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4426                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4427  github.com/mozilla/source-map 
4428  </td> 
4429         </tr> 
4431  <tbody> 
4432         <tr> 
4433                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4434  static-eval 
4435  </td> 
4436                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4437  0.2.4 
4438  </td> 
4439                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4440  MIT 
4441  </td> 
4442                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4443  Source 
4444  </td> 
4445                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4446  No 
4447  </td> 
4448                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4449                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4450  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4451  </td> 
4452         </tr> 
4453         <tr> 
4454                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4455                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4456  http://github.com/substack/static-eval 
4457  </td> 
4458         </tr> 
4460  <tbody> 
4461         <tr> 
4462                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4463  static-module 
4464  </td> 
4465                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4466  1.1.3 
4467  </td> 
4468                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4469  MIT 
4470  </td> 
4471                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4472  Source 
4473  </td> 
4474                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4475  No 
4476  </td> 
4477                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4478                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4479  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4480  </td> 
4481         </tr> 
4482         <tr> 
4483                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4484                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4485  http://github.com/substack/static-module 
4486  </td> 
4487         </tr> 
4489  <tbody> 
4490         <tr> 
4491                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4492  statuses 
4493  </td> 
4494                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4495  1.2.1 
4496  </td> 
4497                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4498  MIT 
4499  </td> 
4500                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4501  Source 
4502  </td> 
4503                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4504  No 
4505  </td> 
4506                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4507                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4508  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules] 
4509  </td> 
4510         </tr> 
4511         <tr> 
4512                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4513                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4514  https://github.com/jshttp/statuses 
4515  </td> 
4516         </tr> 
4518  <tbody> 
4519         <tr> 
4520                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4521  stream-shift 
4522  </td> 
4523                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4524  1.0.0 
4525  </td> 
4526                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4527  MIT 
4528  </td> 
4529                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4530  Source 
4531  </td> 
4532                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4533  No 
4534  </td> 
4535                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4536                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4537  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\websocket-stream\node_modules\duplexify\node_modules] 
4538  </td> 
4539         </tr> 
4540         <tr> 
4541                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4542                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4543  https://github.com/mafintosh/stream-shift 
4544  </td> 
4545         </tr> 
4547  <tbody> 
4548         <tr> 
4549                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4550  string_decoder 
4551  </td> 
4552                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4553  0.10.31 
4554  </td> 
4555                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4556  MIT 
4557  </td> 
4558                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4559  Source 
4560  </td> 
4561                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4562  No 
4563  </td> 
4564                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4565                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4566  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4567  </td> 
4568         </tr> 
4569         <tr> 
4570                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4571                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4572  http://github.com/rvagg/string_decoder 
4573  </td> 
4574         </tr> 
4576  <tbody> 
4577         <tr> 
4578                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4579  through2 
4580  </td> 
4581                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4582  2.0.0 
4583  </td> 
4584                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4585  Through2 
4586  </td> 
4587                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4588  Source 
4589  </td> 
4590                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4591  No 
4592  </td> 
4593                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4594                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4595  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4596  </td> 
4597         </tr> 
4598         <tr> 
4599                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4600                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4601  https://github.com/rvagg/through2 
4602  </td> 
4603         </tr> 
4605  <tbody> 
4606         <tr> 
4607                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4608  through2 
4609  </td> 
4610                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4611  0.6.5 
4612  </td> 
4613                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4614  Through2 
4615  </td> 
4616                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4617  Source 
4618  </td> 
4619                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4620  No 
4621  </td> 
4622                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4623                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4624  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\mqtt\node_modules\mqtt-connection\node_modules] 
4625  </td> 
4626         </tr> 
4627         <tr> 
4628                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4629                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4630  https://github.com/rvagg/through2 
4631  </td> 
4632         </tr> 
4634  <tbody> 
4635         <tr> 
4636                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4637  through2 
4638  </td> 
4639                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4640  0.4.2 
4641  </td> 
4642                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4643  Through2 
4644  </td> 
4645                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4646  Source 
4647  </td> 
4648                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4649  No 
4650  </td> 
4651                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4652                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4653  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4654  </td> 
4655         </tr> 
4656         <tr> 
4657                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4658                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4659  https://github.com/rvagg/through2 
4660  </td> 
4661         </tr> 
4663  <tbody> 
4664         <tr> 
4665                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4666  tinycolor 
4667  </td> 
4668                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4669  0.0.1 
4670  </td> 
4671                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4672  MIT 
4673  </td> 
4674                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4675  Source 
4676  </td> 
4677                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4678  No 
4679  </td> 
4680                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4681                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4682  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4683  </td> 
4684         </tr> 
4685         <tr> 
4686                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4687                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4688  http://github.com/einaros/tinycolor 
4689  </td> 
4690         </tr> 
4692  <tbody> 
4693         <tr> 
4694                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4695  to-array 
4696  </td> 
4697                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4698  0.1.3 
4699  </td> 
4700                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4701  MIT 
4702  </td> 
4703                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4704  Source 
4705  </td> 
4706                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4707  No 
4708  </td> 
4709                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4710                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4711  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4712  </td> 
4713         </tr> 
4714         <tr> 
4715                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4716                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4717  http://github.com/Raynos/to-array 
4718  </td> 
4719         </tr> 
4721  <tbody> 
4722         <tr> 
4723                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4724  type-is 
4725  </td> 
4726                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4727  1.6.1 
4728  </td> 
4729                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4730  MIT 
4731  </td> 
4732                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4733  Source 
4734  </td> 
4735                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4736  No 
4737  </td> 
4738                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4739                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4740  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4741  </td> 
4742         </tr> 
4743         <tr> 
4744                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4745                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4746  https://github.com/jshttp/type-is 
4747  </td> 
4748         </tr> 
4750  <tbody> 
4751         <tr> 
4752                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4753  typedarray 
4754  </td> 
4755                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4756  0.0.6 
4757  </td> 
4758                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4759  MIT 
4760  </td> 
4761                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4762  Source 
4763  </td> 
4764                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4765  No 
4766  </td> 
4767                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4768                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4769  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4770  </td> 
4771         </tr> 
4772         <tr> 
4773                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4774                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4775  http://github.com/substack/typedarray 
4776  </td> 
4777         </tr> 
4779  <tbody> 
4780         <tr> 
4781                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4782  ultron 
4783  </td> 
4784                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4785  1.0.1 
4786  </td> 
4787                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4788  MIT 
4789  </td> 
4790                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4791  Source 
4792  </td> 
4793                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4794  No 
4795  </td> 
4796                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4797                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4798  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4799  </td> 
4800         </tr> 
4801         <tr> 
4802                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4803                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4804  https://github.com/unshiftio/ultron 
4805  </td> 
4806         </tr> 
4808  <tbody> 
4809         <tr> 
4810                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4811  utf8 
4812  </td> 
4813                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4814  2.0.0 
4815  </td> 
4816                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4817  MIT 
4818  </td> 
4819                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4820  Source 
4821  </td> 
4822                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4823  No 
4824  </td> 
4825                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4826                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4827  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4828  </td> 
4829         </tr> 
4830         <tr> 
4831                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4832                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4833  https://github.com/mathiasbynens/utf8.js 
4834  </td> 
4835         </tr> 
4837  <tbody> 
4838         <tr> 
4839                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4840  util-deprecate 
4841  </td> 
4842                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4843  1.0.2 
4844  </td> 
4845                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4846  MIT 
4847  </td> 
4848                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4849  Source 
4850  </td> 
4851                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4852  No 
4853  </td> 
4854                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4855                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4856  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4857  </td> 
4858         </tr> 
4859         <tr> 
4860                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4861                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4862  http://github.com/TooTallNate/util-deprecate 
4863  </td> 
4864         </tr> 
4866  <tbody> 
4867         <tr> 
4868                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4869  utils-merge 
4870  </td> 
4871                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4872  1.0.0 
4873  </td> 
4874                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4875  MIT 
4876  </td> 
4877                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4878  Source 
4879  </td> 
4880                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4881  No 
4882  </td> 
4883                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4884                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4885  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4886  </td> 
4887         </tr> 
4888         <tr> 
4889                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4890                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4891  http://github.com/jaredhanson/utils-merge 
4892  </td> 
4893         </tr> 
4895  <tbody> 
4896         <tr> 
4897                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4898  varint 
4899  </td> 
4900                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4901  3.0.1 
4902  </td> 
4903                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4904  MIT 
4905  </td> 
4906                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4907  Source 
4908  </td> 
4909                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4910  No 
4911  </td> 
4912                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4913                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4914  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4915  </td> 
4916         </tr> 
4917         <tr> 
4918                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4919                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4920  http://github.com/chrisdickinson/varint 
4921  </td> 
4922         </tr> 
4924  <tbody> 
4925         <tr> 
4926                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4927  varint 
4928  </td> 
4929                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4930  4.0.0 
4931  </td> 
4932                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4933  MIT 
4934  </td> 
4935                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4936  Source 
4937  </td> 
4938                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4939  No 
4940  </td> 
4941                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4942                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4943  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4944  </td> 
4945         </tr> 
4946         <tr> 
4947                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4948                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4949  http://github.com/chrisdickinson/varint 
4950  </td> 
4951         </tr> 
4953  <tbody> 
4954         <tr> 
4955                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4956  vary 
4957  </td> 
4958                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4959  1.0.0 
4960  </td> 
4961                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4962  MIT 
4963  </td> 
4964                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4965  Source 
4966  </td> 
4967                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4968  No 
4969  </td> 
4970                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
4971                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
4972  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
4973  </td> 
4974         </tr> 
4975         <tr> 
4976                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
4977                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
4978  https://github.com/jshttp/vary 
4979  </td> 
4980         </tr> 
4982  <tbody> 
4983         <tr> 
4984                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
4985  websocket-stream 
4986  </td> 
4987                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
4988  3.2.1 
4989  </td> 
4990                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
4991  BSD-2 Clause 
4992  </td> 
4993                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
4994  Source 
4995  </td> 
4996                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
4997  No 
4998  </td> 
4999                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
5000                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
5001  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules] 
5002  </td> 
5003         </tr> 
5004         <tr> 
5005                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
5006                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
5007  github.com/maxogden/websocket-stream 
5008  </td> 
5009         </tr> 
5011  <tbody> 
5012         <tr> 
5013                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
5014  wrappy 
5015  </td> 
5016                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
5017  1.0.2 
5018  </td> 
5019                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
5020  ISC 
5021  </td> 
5022                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
5023  Source 
5024  </td> 
5025                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
5026  No 
5027  </td> 
5028                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
5029                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
5030  [as installed\example\iot-gateway\node_modules\aws-iot-device-sdk\node_modules\websocket-stream\node_modules\duplexify\node_modules\end-of-stream\node_modules\once\node_modules] 
5031  </td> 
5032         </tr> 
5033         <tr> 
5034                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
5035                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
5036  https://github.com/npm/wrappy 
5037  </td> 
5038         </tr> 
5040  <tbody> 
5041         <tr> 
5042                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
5043  ws 
5044  </td> 
5045                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
5046  0.5.0 
5047  </td> 
5048                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
5049  MIT 
5050  </td> 
5051                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
5052  Source 
5053  </td> 
5054                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
5055  No 
5056  </td> 
5057                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
5058                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
5059  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
5060  </td> 
5061         </tr> 
5062         <tr> 
5063                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
5064                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
5065  http://github.com/einaros/ws 
5066  </td> 
5067         </tr> 
5069  <tbody> 
5070         <tr> 
5071                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
5072  ws 
5073  </td> 
5074                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
5075  0.4.31 
5076  </td> 
5077                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
5078  MIT 
5079  </td> 
5080                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
5081  Source 
5082  </td> 
5083                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
5084  No 
5085  </td> 
5086                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
5087                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
5088  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
5089  </td> 
5090         </tr> 
5091         <tr> 
5092                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
5093                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
5094  http://github.com/einaros/ws 
5095  </td> 
5096         </tr> 
5098  <tbody> 
5099         <tr> 
5100                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
5101  xmlhttprequest 
5102  </td> 
5103                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
5104  1.5.0 
5105  </td> 
5106                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
5107  MIT 
5108  </td> 
5109                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
5110  Source 
5111  </td> 
5112                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
5113  No 
5114  </td> 
5115                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
5116                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
5117  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
5118  </td> 
5119         </tr> 
5120         <tr> 
5121                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
5122                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
5123  http://github.com/driverdan/node-XMLHttpRequest 
5124  </td> 
5125         </tr> 
5127  <tbody> 
5128         <tr> 
5129                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
5130  xtend 
5131  </td> 
5132                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
5133  2.1.2 
5134  </td> 
5135                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
5136  MIT 
5137  </td> 
5138                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
5139  Source 
5140  </td> 
5141                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
5142  No 
5143  </td> 
5144                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
5145                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
5146  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
5147  </td> 
5148         </tr> 
5149         <tr> 
5150                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
5151                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
5152  http://github.com/Raynos/xtend 
5153  </td> 
5154         </tr> 
5156  <tbody> 
5157         <tr> 
5158                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
5159  xtend 
5160  </td> 
5161                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
5162  4.0.1 
5163  </td> 
5164                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
5165  MIT 
5166  </td> 
5167                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
5168  Source 
5169  </td> 
5170                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
5171  No 
5172  </td> 
5173                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
5174                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
5175  [as installed\example\gateway\node_modules] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
5176  </td> 
5177         </tr> 
5178         <tr> 
5179                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
5180                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
5181  http://github.com/Raynos/xtend 
5182  </td> 
5183         </tr> 
5185  <tbody> 
5186         <tr> 
5187                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
5188  Jquery 
5189  </td> 
5190                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
5191  1.12.0 
5192  </td> 
5193                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
5194  MIT 
5195  </td> 
5196                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
5197  Source 
5198  </td> 
5199                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
5200  No 
5201  </td> 
5202                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
5203                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
5204  [as installed\example\gateway\public\] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
5205  </td> 
5206         </tr> 
5207         <tr> 
5208                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
5209                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
5210  https://jquery.com/download/ 
5211  </td> 
5212         </tr> 
5214  <tbody> 
5215         <tr> 
5216                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
5217  Bootstrap 
5218  </td> 
5219                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
5220  3.3.6 
5221  </td> 
5222                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
5223  MIT 
5224  </td> 
5225                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
5226  Source 
5227  </td> 
5228                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
5229  No 
5230  </td> 
5231                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
5232                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
5233  [as installed\example\gateway\public\] [as installed\prebuilt\gateway\node_modules] 
5234  </td> 
5235         </tr> 
5236         <tr> 
5237                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
5238                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
5239  http://getbootstrap.com/ 
5240  </td> 
5241         </tr> 
5243  <tbody> 
5244         <tr> 
5245                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
5246  Protobuf-c 
5247  </td> 
5248                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
5249  Version as on 3/30/2016 on git 
5250  </td> 
5251                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
5252  BSD 3-Clause 
5253  </td> 
5254                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
5255  Source 
5256  </td> 
5257                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
5258  No 
5259  </td> 
5260                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
5261                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
5262  [as installed] 
5263  </td> 
5264         </tr> 
5265         <tr> 
5266                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
5267                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
5268  https://github.com/google/protobuf.git 
5269  </td> 
5270         </tr> 
5272  <tbody> 
5273         <tr> 
5274                 <td id="name" name="name" rowspan="2"> 
5275  TI Example Application icons 
5276  </td> 
5277                 <td id="version" name="version" rowspan="2"> 
5278  3.9.2 
5279  </td> 
5280                 <td id="license" name="license" rowspan="2"> 
5281  Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 
5282  </td> 
5283                 <td id="delivered" name="delivered" rowspan="2"> 
5284  Binary 
5285  </td> 
5286                 <td id="modified" name="modified" rowspan="2"> 
5287  No 
5288  </td> 
5289                 <td><b>Location</b></td> 
5290                 <td id="location" name="location"> 
5291  [as installed\example\gateway\public\images] 
5292  </td> 
5293         </tr> 
5294         <tr> 
5295                 <td><b>Obtained from</b></td> 
5296                 <td id="obtained" name="obtained"> 
5297  http://www.fatcow.com/ 
5298  </td> 
5299         </tr> 
5301  </tbody> 
5302  </table> 
5304  </p> 
5305  </p> 
5306  <p> 
5308 </div><div class="CreditSection">
5309 <h2>Credits</h2>
5310 <BR> <BR><BR><BR>
5311 </div><div class="LicenseSection">
5312 <h2>Licenses</h2>
5313 <BR><h3><b> Sub-1 GHz Sensor to Cloud Industrial IoT Gateway Reference Design Demo Licenses </b></h3><BR> <BR><BR>TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TEXT FILE LICENSE<BR>===================================<BR>Copyright (c) 2016 Texas Instruments Incorporated<BR><BR>All rights reserved not granted herein.<BR><BR>Limited License.  <BR><BR>Texas Instruments Incorporated grants a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license under copyrights and patents it now or hereafter owns or controls to make, have made, use, import, offer to sell and sell ("Utilize") this software subject to the terms herein.  With respect to the foregoing patent license, such license is granted  solely to the extent that any such patent is necessary to Utilize the software alone.  The patent license shall not apply to any combinations which include this software, other than combinations with devices manufactured by or for TI (â\80\9cTI Devicesâ\80\9d).  No hardware patent is licensed hereunder.<BR><BR>Redistributions must preserve existing copyright notices and reproduce this license (including the above copyright notice and the disclaimer and (if applicable) source code license limitations below) in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution<BR><BR>Redistribution and use in binary form, without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:<BR><BR>*        No reverse engineering, decompilation, or disassembly of this software is permitted with respect to any software provided in binary form.<BR><BR>*      any redistribution and use are licensed by TI for use only with TI Devices.<BR><BR>*    Nothing shall obligate TI to provide you with source code for the software licensed and provided to you in object code.<BR><BR>If software source code is provided to you, modification and redistribution of the source code are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:<BR><BR>*    any redistribution and use of the source code, including any resulting derivative works, are licensed by TI for use only with TI Devices.<BR><BR>*      any redistribution and use of any object code compiled from the source code and any resulting derivative works, are licensed by TI for use only with TI Devices.<BR><BR>Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of its suppliers may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.<BR><BR>DISCLAIMER.<BR><BR>THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY TI AND TIâ\80\99S LICENSORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL TI AND TIâ\80\99S LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.<BR><BR><BR>ISC License<BR>============================<BR>Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.<BR><BR>THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.<BR><BR>Apache License <BR>============================<BR>Version 2.0, January 2004 <BR>http://www.apache.org/licenses/<BR>TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION<BR><BR>1. Definitions.<BR><BR>"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.<BR><BR>"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License.<BR><BR>"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.<BR><BR>"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License.<BR><BR>"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files.<BR><BR>"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types.<BR><BR>"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below).<BR><BR>"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof.<BR><BR>"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."<BR><BR>"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work.<BR><BR>2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.<BR><BR>3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.<BR><BR>4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions:<BR><BR>(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and<BR><BR>(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and<BR><BR>(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and<BR><BR>(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License.<BR><BR>You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License.<BR><BR>5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions.<BR><BR>6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.<BR><BR>7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.<BR><BR>8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages.<BR><BR>9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.<BR><BR>END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS<BR><BR><BR>TI-15.4-STACK Linux SDK<BR>==================================<BR> Copyright (c) 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated<BR> All rights reserved.<BR><BR> IMPORTANT: Your use of this Software is limited to those specific rights<BR> granted under the terms of a software license agreement between the user<BR> who downloaded the software, his/her employer (which must be your employer)<BR> and Texas Instruments Incorporated (the "License"). You may not use this<BR> Software unless you agree to abide by the terms of the License. The License<BR> limits your use, and you acknowledge, that the Software may not be modified,<BR> copied or distributed unless embedded on a Texas Instruments microcontroller<BR> or used solely and exclusively in conjunction with a Texas Instruments radio<BR> frequency transceiver, which is integrated into your product. Other than for<BR> the foregoing purpose, you may not use, reproduce, copy, prepare derivative<BR> works of, modify, distribute, perform, display or sell this Software and/or<BR> its documentation for any purpose.<BR><BR> YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE<BR> PROVIDED \93AS IS\94 WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,<BR> INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE,<BR> NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL<BR> TEXAS INSTRUMENTS OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE OR OBLIGATED UNDER CONTRACT,<BR> NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, CONTRIBUTION, BREACH OF WARRANTY, OR OTHER<BR> LEGAL EQUITABLE THEORY ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR EXPENSES<BR> INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE<BR> OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS OR LOST DATA, COST OF PROCUREMENT<BR> OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS, TECHNOLOGY, SERVICES, OR ANY CLAIMS BY THIRD PARTIES<BR> (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY DEFENSE THEREOF), OR OTHER SIMILAR COSTS.<BR><BR> Should you have any questions regarding your right to use this Software,<BR> contact Texas Instruments Incorporated at www.TI.com.<BR><BR><BR>TI-15.4-STACK Linux Example Application<BR>============================================<BR>Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated<BR> All rights reserved.<BR><BR> Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without<BR> modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions<BR> are met:<BR><BR> *  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright<BR>    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.<BR><BR> *  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright<BR>    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the<BR>    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.<BR><BR> *  Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of<BR>    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived<BR>    from this software without specific prior written permission.<BR><BR> THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"<BR> AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,<BR> THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR<BR> PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR<BR> CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,<BR> EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,<BR> PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS;<BR> OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY,<BR> WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR<BR> OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE,<BR> EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>MIT Reference License text <BR>---------------------------<BR>(To avoid mass duplication of this license text in this manifest it is included here once,<BR>and referenced.)<BR><BR><BR>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy<BR>of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to<BR>deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the<BR>rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or<BR>sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is<BR>furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:<BR><BR>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in<BR>all copies or substantial portions of the Software.<BR><BR>THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR<BR>IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,<BR>FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE<BR>AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER<BR>LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING<BR>FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS<BR>IN THE SOFTWARE.<BR><BR><BR>Accepts<BR>-------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Ong &ltme@jongleberry.com><BR>Copyright (c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson &ltdoug@somethingdoug.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR><BR>Acorn<BR>------<BR>Copyright (C) 2012-2016 by various contributors (see AUTHORS)<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>List of Acorn contributors. Updated before every release.<BR><BR>Adrian Rakovsky<BR>Alistair Braidwood<BR>Andres Suarez<BR>Angelo<BR>Aparajita Fishman<BR>Arian Stolwijk<BR>Artem Govorov<BR>Brandon Mills<BR>Charles Hughes<BR>Conrad Irwin<BR>David Bonnet<BR>Domenico Matteo<BR>ForbesLindesay<BR>Forbes Lindesay<BR>Gilad Peleg<BR>impinball<BR>Ingvar Stepanyan<BR>Jackson Ray Hamilton<BR>Jesse McCarthy<BR>Jiaxing Wang<BR>Joel Kemp<BR>Johannes Herr<BR>Jordan Klassen<BR>Jürg Lehni<BR>keeyipchan<BR>Keheliya Gallaba<BR>Kevin Kwok<BR>krator<BR>Marijn Haverbeke<BR>Martin Carlberg<BR>Mathias Bynens<BR>Mathieu 'p01' Henri<BR>Matthew Bastien<BR>Max Schaefer<BR>Max Zerzouri<BR>Mihai Bazon<BR>Mike Rennie<BR>Nicholas C. Zakas<BR>Nick Fitzgerald<BR>Olivier Thomann<BR>Oskar Schöldström<BR>Paul Harper<BR>Peter Rust<BR>PlNG<BR>Prayag Verma<BR>ReadmeCritic<BR>r-e-d<BR>Richard Gibson<BR>Rich Harris<BR>Sebastian McKenzie<BR>Timothy Gu<BR>Toru Nagashima<BR>zsjforcn<BR><BR><BR><BR>After<BR>----- <BR>Copyright (c) 2011 Raynos.<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR><BR>Amdefine<BR>--------<BR>Note: Dual licensed, but MIT picked.<BR><BR>Copyright (c) 2011-2015, The Dojo Foundation<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR><BR>Array Buffer.slice<BR>------------------ <BR>Copyright (C) 2013 Rase-<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR>AWS IoT Device SDK<BR>------------------<BR>Copyright 2012-2015 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.<BR><BR>See Apache Version 2.0 Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Backo2<BR>------ <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Mark Mokryn &ltmokesmokes@gmail.com><BR>Copyright (c) 2014 TJ Holowaychuk &lttj@vision-media.ca><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Base64-array-buffer<BR>------------------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2012 Niklas von Hertzen<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Base64id<BR>--------<BR>Copyright (c) 2012 Kristian Faeldt &ltfaeldt_kristian@cyberagent.co.jp><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest. <BR><BR><BR>Benchmark<BR>--------- <BR>Copyright 2010-2016 Mathias Bynens &lthttps://mathiasbynens.be/><BR>Based on JSLitmus.js, copyright Robert Kieffer &lthttp://broofa.com/><BR>Modified by John-David Dalton &lthttp://allyoucanleet.com/><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR><BR>Better-assert<BR>-------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2012 TJ Holowaychuk &lttj@vision-media.ca><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>bl (BufferList)<BR>---------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 bl contributors<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Contributors:<BR>Rod Vagg<BR>Matteo Collina<BR>Jarett Cruger<BR><BR>Blob<BR>----- <BR>Copyright (C) 2014 Rase-<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Callsite<BR>Buffer-equal<BR>Brfs<BR>Falafel<BR>Fs<BR>Global<BR>Has-binary<BR>Has-binary-data<BR>Has-cors<BR>Minimist<BR>Object-Component<BR>Object-inspect<BR>parse-json<BR>parseqs<BR>Quote-stream<BR>Node-resolve<BR>Shallow-copy<BR>Static-eval<BR>Static-module<BR>Varint<BR>-----------------<BR>These modules had no specific copyright statements that could be found, just a statement of licensing.<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>busyman<BR>-------<BR>Copyright (c) 2016 simen<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Commander<BR>---------<BR>Copyright (c) 2011 TJ Holowaychuk &lttj@vision-media.ca><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest. <BR><BR>commist<BR>-------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Matteo Collina<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest. <BR><BR>Component-bind<BR>--------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2012 TJ Holowaychuk<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest. <BR><BR>Component-emitter<BR>----------------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Component contributors &ltdev@component.io><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest. <BR><BR>Component-inherit<BR>-----------------  <BR>Copyright (c) 2013 TJ Holowaychuk<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest. <BR><BR>Concat-Stream<BR>-------------  <BR>Copyright (c) 2013 Max Ogden<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Content-disposition<BR>------------------- <BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Content-type<BR>------------ <BR>Copyright (c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest. <BR><BR>Cookie<BR>--------<BR>Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Roman Shtylman &ltshtylman@gmail.com><BR>Copyright (c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson &ltdoug@somethingdoug.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Cookie-signature<BR>---------------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2012 LearnBoost &lttj@learnboost.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Core-util-js<BR>------------<BR>Copyright Node.js contributors. All rights reserved.<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>crc<BR>----<BR>Copyright 2014 Alex Gorbatchev<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Debug<BR>------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 TJ Holowaychuk &lttj@vision-media.ca><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Depd<BR>----- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Destroy<BR>------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Ong me@jongleberry.com<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Duplexer2<BR>--------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2013, Deoxxa Development<BR>======================================<BR>All rights reserved.<BR>--------------------<BR>  <BR>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without<BR>modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:  <BR>1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright<BR>   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.  <BR>2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright<BR>   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the<BR>   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.  <BR>3. Neither the name of Deoxxa Development nor the names of its contributors<BR>   may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software<BR>   without specific prior written permission.  <BR>  <BR>THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY DEOXXA DEVELOPMENT ''AS IS'' AND ANY<BR>EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED<BR>WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE<BR>DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL DEOXXA DEVELOPMENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY<BR>DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES<BR>(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;<BR>LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND<BR>ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT<BR>(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS<BR>SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.<BR><BR>duplexify<BR>---------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Mathias Buus<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>ee-first<BR>--------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Ong me@jongleberry.com<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>end-of-stream<BR>-------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Mathias Buus<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Engine-io<BR>---------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Guillermo Rauch &ltguillermo@learnboost.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Engine-io-client<BR>---------------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Automattic &ltdev@cloudup.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Engine-io-parser<BR>-----------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Automattic &ltdev@cloudup.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>enum<BR>----<BR>Copyright (c) 2015 Adriano Raiano, Christoph Hermann<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Escape-html<BR>-----------<BR>Copyright (c) 2012-2013 TJ Holowaychuk<BR>Copyright (c) 2015 Andreas Lubbe<BR>Copyright (c) 2015 Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>escodegen<BR>---------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Mozilla Foundation and contributors<BR>All rights reserved<BR><BR>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without<BR>modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:<BR><BR>  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright<BR>    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.<BR>  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright<BR>    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the<BR>    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.<BR><BR>THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"<BR>AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE<BR>IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE<BR>ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL &ltCOPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY<BR>DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES<BR>(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;<BR>LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND<BR>ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT<BR>(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF<BR>THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.<BR><BR>Copyright (C) 2012 Yusuke Suzuki &ltutatane.tea@gmail.com><BR><BR>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without<BR>modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:<BR><BR>    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright<BR>      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.<BR>    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright<BR>      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the<BR>      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.<BR><BR>THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"<BR>AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE<BR>IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE<BR>ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL &ltCOPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY<BR>DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES<BR>(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;<BR>LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND<BR>ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT<BR>(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF<BR>THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.<BR><BR>Esprima<BR>-------- <BR>Copyright (c) jQuery Foundation, Inc. and Contributors, All Rights Reserved.<BR><BR>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without<BR>modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:<BR><BR>  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright<BR>    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.<BR>  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright<BR>    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the<BR>    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.<BR><BR>THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"<BR>AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE<BR>IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE<BR>ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL &ltCOPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY<BR>DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES<BR>(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;<BR>LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND<BR>ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT<BR>(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF<BR>THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.<BR><BR>Estraverse<BR>---------- <BR>Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Yusuke Suzuki &ltutatane.tea@gmail.com><BR>Copyright (C) 2012 Ariya Hidayat &ltariya.hidayat@gmail.com><BR><BR>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without<BR>modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:<BR><BR>  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright<BR>    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.<BR>  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright<BR>    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the<BR>    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.<BR><BR>THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"<BR>AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE<BR>IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE<BR>ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL &ltCOPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY<BR>DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES<BR>(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;<BR>LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND<BR>ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT<BR>(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF<BR>THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.<BR><BR><BR>esutils<BR>--------<BR>Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Yusuke Suzuki &ltutatane.tea@gmail.com><BR>Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Nikulin &ltifaaan@gmail.com><BR><BR>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without<BR>modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:<BR><BR>  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright<BR>    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.<BR>  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright<BR>    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the<BR>    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.<BR><BR>THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"<BR>AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE<BR>IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE<BR>ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL &ltCOPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY<BR>DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES<BR>(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;<BR>LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND<BR>ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT<BR>(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF<BR>THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.<BR><BR>Etag<BR>----- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Express<BR>------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2009-2014 TJ Holowaychuk &lttj@vision-media.ca><BR>Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Roman Shtylman &ltshtylman+expressjs@gmail.com><BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson &ltdoug@somethingdoug.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Finalhandler<BR>------------ <BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson &ltdoug@somethingdoug.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Foreach<BR>-------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2013 Manuel Stofer<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Forwarded<BR>---------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Douglas Christopher Wilson<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Fresh<BR>------ <BR>Copyright (c) 2012 TJ Holowaychuk &lttj@vision-media.ca><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>function-bind<BR>-------------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2013 Raynos.<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Generate-function<BR>------------------ <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Mathias Buus<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Generate-object-property<BR>-------------------------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Mathias Buus <BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Has<BR>-----<BR>Copyright (c) 2013 Thiago de Arruda<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>help-me<BR>-------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Matteo Collina<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>IndexOf<BR>------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2012 TJ Holowaychuk<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR><BR>Inherits<BR>----------<BR>Copyright (c) Isaac Z. Schlueter<BR><BR>Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any<BR>purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above<BR>copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.<BR><BR>THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH<BR>REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND<BR>FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT,<BR>INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM<BR>LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR<BR>OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR<BR>PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.<BR><BR>Ipaddr.js<BR>--------- <BR>Copyright (C) 2011 Peter Zotov &ltwhitequark@whitequark.org><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR><BR>Is-property<BR>------------ <BR>Copyright (c) 2013 Mikola Lysenko<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>IsArray<BR>------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2013 Julian Gruber &ltjulian@juliangruber.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Json3<BR>------<BR>Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Kit Cambridge.<BR>http://kitcambridge.be/<BR>Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Benjamin Tan.<BR>https://d10.github.io/<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>leven<BR>-----<BR>Copyright (c) Sindre Sorhus &ltsindresorhus@gmail.com> (sindresorhus.com)<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>lwm2m-id<BR>--------<BR>Copyright (c) 2015 simen<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Media-typer<BR>------------ <BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Merge-descriptors<BR>------------------ <BR>Copyright (c) 2013 Jonathan Ong &ltme@jongleberry.com><BR>Copyright (c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson &ltdoug@somethingdoug.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Methods<BR>-------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2013-2014 TJ Holowaychuk &lttj@vision-media.ca><BR>Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Douglas Christopher Wilson &ltdoug@somethingdoug.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Mime<BR>----- <BR>Copyright (c) 2010 Benjamin Thomas, Robert Kieffer<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Mime-db<BR>-------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Ong me@jongleberry.com<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Mime-types<BR>---------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Ong &ltme@jongleberry.com><BR>Copyright (c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson &ltdoug@somethingdoug.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>MQTT.js<BR>-------<BR>Copyright (c) 2015-2016 MQTT.js contributors<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Contributors:<BR>Adam Rudd<BR>Matteo Collina<BR>Maxime Agor<BR><BR>mqtt-connection<BR>---------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2015 mqtt-connection contributors<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Contributors:<BR>Matteo Collina<BR>Adam Rudd<BR><BR>mqtt-packet<BR>---------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2016 mqtt-packet contributors<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Contributors:<BR>Matteo Collina<BR>Adam Rudd<BR>Peter Sorowka<BR><BR><BR>ms<BR>--------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Guillermo Rauch &ltrauchg@gmail.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR><BR>Nan<BR>----<BR>Copyright (c) 2016 NAN contributors<BR>-----------------------------------<BR>*NAN contributors listed at &lthttps://github.com/nodejs/nan#contributors>*<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Negotiator<BR>----------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Federico Romero<BR>Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Isaac Z. Schlueter<BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Object-keys<BR>----------- <BR>Copyright (C) 2013 Jordan Harband<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>once<BR>----<BR>Copyright (c) Isaac Z. Schlueter and Contributors<BR><BR>See ISC Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>On-finished<BR>------------ <BR>Copyright (c) 2013 Jonathan Ong &ltme@jongleberry.com><BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Douglas Christopher Wilson &ltdoug@somethingdoug.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Options<BR>------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2012 Einar Otto Stangvik &lteinaros@gmail.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>parseuri<BR>---------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Gal Koren<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>path-to-regexp<BR>---------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Blake Embrey (hello@blakeembrey.com)<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>process-nextick-args<BR>---------------------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2015 Calvin Metcalf<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>protocol-buffers<BR>----------------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Mathias Buus<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>protocol-buffers-schema<BR>------------------------ <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Mathias Buus<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Proxy-addr<BR>---------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Douglas Christopher Wilson<BR><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Pump<BR>----<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Mathias Buus<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Qs<BR>--------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Nathan LaFreniere and other contributors.<BR>All rights reserved.<BR><BR>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without<BR>modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:<BR>    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright<BR>      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.<BR>    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright<BR>      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the<BR>      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.<BR>    * The names of any contributors may not be used to endorse or promote<BR>      products derived from this software without specific prior written<BR>      permission.<BR><BR>THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND<BR>ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED<BR>WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE<BR>DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY<BR>DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES<BR>(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;<BR>LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND<BR>ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT<BR>(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS<BR>SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.<BR><BR>                                  *   *   *<BR>The complete list of contributors can be found at: https://github.com/hapijs/qs/graphs/contributors<BR><BR><BR>Range-parser<BR>-------------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2012-2014 TJ Holowaychuk &lttj@vision-media.ca><BR>Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Douglas Christopher Wilson &ltdoug@somethingdoug.com<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Readable-stream<BR>---------------- <BR>Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. All rights reserved.<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Reduplexer<BR>----------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014, Matteo Collina &lthello@matteocollina.com><BR><BR>See ISC Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Reinterval<BR>----------<BR>Copyright (c) 2015 Agor Maxime<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Send<BR>-----<BR>Copyright (c) 2012 TJ Holowaychuk<BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Douglas Christopher Wilson<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Serve-static<BR>------------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2010 Sencha Inc.<BR>Copyright (c) 2011 LearnBoost<BR>Copyright (c) 2011 TJ Holowaychuk<BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Douglas Christopher Wilson<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Signed-varint<BR>--------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Dominic Tarr<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Socket.io<BR>---------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Automattic &ltdev@cloudup.com> <BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Socket.io-adapter<BR>-----------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Guillermo Rauch &ltguillermo@learnboost.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>socket.io-client<BR>----------------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Guillermo Rauch<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Socket.io-parser<BR>----------------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Guillermo Rauch &ltguillermo@learnboost.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Source-map<BR>------------ <BR>Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Mozilla Foundation and contributors<BR>All rights reserved.<BR><BR>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without<BR>modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:<BR><BR>* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this<BR>  list of conditions and the following disclaimer.<BR><BR>* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,<BR>  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation<BR>  and/or other materials provided with the distribution.<BR><BR>* Neither the names of the Mozilla Foundation nor the names of project<BR>  contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this<BR>  software without specific prior written permission.<BR><BR>THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND<BR>ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED<BR>WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE<BR>DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE<BR>FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL<BR>DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR<BR>SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER<BR>CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,<BR>OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE<BR>OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.<BR><BR>stream-shift<BR>------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2016 Mathias Buus<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>String_decoder<BR>--------------- <BR>Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Through2<BR>--------- <BR>Copyright 2013, Rod Vagg (the "Original Author")<BR>All rights reserved.<BR><BR>MIT +no-false-attribs License<BR><BR>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person<BR>obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation<BR>files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without<BR>restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,<BR>copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell<BR>copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the<BR>Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following<BR>conditions:<BR><BR>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be<BR>included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.<BR><BR>Distributions of all or part of the Software intended to be used<BR>by the recipients as they would use the unmodified Software,<BR>containing modifications that substantially alter, remove, or<BR>disable functionality of the Software, outside of the documented<BR>configuration mechanisms provided by the Software, shall be<BR>modified such that the Original Author's bug reporting email<BR>addresses and urls are either replaced with the contact information<BR>of the parties responsible for the changes, or removed entirely.<BR><BR>THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,<BR>EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES<BR>OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND<BR>NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT<BR>HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY,<BR>WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING<BR>FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR<BR>OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.<BR><BR>Except where noted, this license applies to any and all software<BR>programs and associated documentation files created by the<BR>Original Author, when distributed with the Software.<BR><BR>Tinycolor<BR>---------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2012 Einar Otto Stangvik All Rights Reserved.<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>To-array<BR>---------<BR>Copyright (c) 2012 Raynos.<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Type-is<BR>-------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Ong &ltme@jongleberry.com><BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson &ltdoug@somethingdoug.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Typedarray<BR>----------- <BR>Copyright (c) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.<BR>Copyright (c) 2012, Joshua Bell<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Original can be found at:<BR>   https://bitbucket.org/lindenlab/llsd<BR>Modifications by Joshua Bell inexorabletash@gmail.com<BR>   https://github.com/inexorabletash/polyfill<BR><BR>ES3/ES5 implementation of the Krhonos Typed Array Specification<BR>   Ref: http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/<BR>   Date: 2011-02-01<BR><BR>Ultron<BR>---------<BR>Copyright (c) 2015 Unshift.io, Arnout Kazemier,  the Contributors.<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR><BR>Utf8<BR>-----<BR>Copyright Mathias Bynens &lthttps://mathiasbynens.be/><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Util-deprecate<BR>--------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014 Nathan Rajlich &ltnathan@tootallnate.net><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Utils-merge<BR>------------ <BR>Copyright (c) 2013 Jared Hanson<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Vary<BR>----------<BR>Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>websocket-stream<BR>----------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2013, Max Ogden<BR><BR>See BSD-2 Clause Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>wrappy<BR>------<BR>Copyright (c) Isaac Z. Schlueter and Contributors<BR><BR>See ISC Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Ws<BR>----------<BR>Copyright (c) 2011 Einar Otto Stangvik &lteinaros@gmail.com><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>XMLHttpRequest<BR>---------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2010 passive.ly LLC<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Xtend<BR>--------<BR>Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Raynos.<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR>Jquery<BR>-------- <BR>Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors, https://jquery.org/<BR><BR>This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many<BR>individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision history<BR>available at https://github.com/jquery/jquery<BR><BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR><BR>Bootstrap<BR>------------<BR>Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc<BR><BR>See MIT Reference License text in this manifest.<BR><BR><BR>Protobuf<BR>---------<BR>This license applies to all parts of Protocol Buffers except the following:<BR><BR>  - Atomicops support for generic gcc, located in<BR>    src/google/protobuf/stubs/atomicops_internals_generic_gcc.h.<BR>    This file is copyrighted by Red Hat Inc.<BR><BR>  - Atomicops support for AIX/POWER, located in<BR>    src/google/protobuf/stubs/atomicops_internals_power.h.<BR>    This file is copyrighted by Bloomberg Finance LP.<BR><BR>Copyright 2014, Google Inc.  All rights reserved.<BR><BR>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without<BR>modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are<BR>met:<BR><BR>    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright<BR>notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.<BR>    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above<BR>copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer<BR>in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the<BR>distribution.<BR>    * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its<BR>contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from<BR>this software without specific prior written permission.<BR><BR>THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS<BR>"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT<BR>LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR<BR>A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT<BR>OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,<BR>SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT<BR>LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,<BR>DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY<BR>THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT<BR>(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE<BR>OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.<BR><BR>Code generated by the Protocol Buffer compiler is owned by the owner<BR>of the input file used when generating it.  This code is not<BR>standalone and requires a support library to be linked with it.  This<BR>support library is itself covered by the above license.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States<BR><BR>License<BR><BR>THE WORK (AS DEFINED BELOW) IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS CREATIVE COMMONS PUBLIC LICENSE ("CCPL" OR "LICENSE"). THE WORK IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND/OR OTHER APPLICABLE LAW. ANY USE OF THE WORK OTHER THAN AS AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS LICENSE OR COPYRIGHT LAW IS PROHIBITED.<BR><BR>BY EXERCISING ANY RIGHTS TO THE WORK PROVIDED HERE, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. TO THE EXTENT THIS LICENSE MAY BE CONSIDERED TO BE A CONTRACT, THE LICENSOR GRANTS YOU THE RIGHTS CONTAINED HERE IN CONSIDERATION OF YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH TERMS AND CONDITIONS.<BR><BR>1. Definitions<BR><BR>    "Collective Work" means a work, such as a periodical issue, anthology or encyclopedia, in which the Work in its entirety in unmodified form, along with one or more other contributions, constituting separate and independent works in themselves, are assembled into a collective whole. A work that constitutes a Collective Work will not be considered a Derivative Work (as defined below) for the purposes of this License.<BR>    "Derivative Work" means a work based upon the Work or upon the Work and other pre-existing works, such as a translation, musical arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization, motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction, abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which the Work may be recast, transformed, or adapted, except that a work that constitutes a Collective Work will not be considered a Derivative Work for the purpose of this License. For the avoidance of doubt, where the Work is a musical composition or sound recording, the synchronization of the Work in timed-relation with a moving image ("synching") will be considered a Derivative Work for the purpose of this License.<BR>    "Licensor" means the individual, individuals, entity or entities that offers the Work under the terms of this License.<BR>    "Original Author" means the individual, individuals, entity or entities who created the Work.<BR>    "Work" means the copyrightable work of authorship offered under the terms of this License.<BR>    "You" means an individual or entity exercising rights under this License who has not previously violated the terms of this License with respect to the Work, or who has received express permission from the Licensor to exercise rights under this License despite a previous violation.<BR><BR>2. Fair Use Rights. Nothing in this license is intended to reduce, limit, or restrict any rights arising from fair use, first sale or other limitations on the exclusive rights of the copyright owner under copyright law or other applicable laws.<BR><BR>3. License Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) license to exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:<BR><BR>    to reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more Collective Works, and to reproduce the Work as incorporated in the Collective Works;<BR>    to create and reproduce Derivative Works provided that any such Derivative Work, including any translation in any medium, takes reasonable steps to clearly label, demarcate or otherwise identify that changes were made to the original Work. For example, a translation could be marked "The original work was translated from English to Spanish," or a modification could indicate "The original work has been modified.";;<BR>    to distribute copies or phonorecords of, display publicly, perform publicly, and perform publicly by means of a digital audio transmission the Work including as incorporated in Collective Works;<BR>    to distribute copies or phonorecords of, display publicly, perform publicly, and perform publicly by means of a digital audio transmission Derivative Works.<BR><BR>    For the avoidance of doubt, where the Work is a musical composition:<BR>        Performance Royalties Under Blanket Licenses. Licensor waives the exclusive right to collect, whether individually or, in the event that Licensor is a member of a performance rights society (e.g. ASCAP, BMI, SESAC), via that society, royalties for the public performance or public digital performance (e.g. webcast) of the Work.<BR>        Mechanical Rights and Statutory Royalties. Licensor waives the exclusive right to collect, whether individually or via a music rights agency or designated agent (e.g. Harry Fox Agency), royalties for any phonorecord You create from the Work ("cover version") and distribute, subject to the compulsory license created by 17 USC Section 115 of the US Copyright Act (or the equivalent in other jurisdictions).<BR>    Webcasting Rights and Statutory Royalties. For the avoidance of doubt, where the Work is a sound recording, Licensor waives the exclusive right to collect, whether individually or via a performance-rights society (e.g. SoundExchange), royalties for the public digital performance (e.g. webcast) of the Work, subject to the compulsory license created by 17 USC Section 114 of the US Copyright Act (or the equivalent in other jurisdictions).<BR><BR>The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now known or hereafter devised. The above rights include the right to make such modifications as are technically necessary to exercise the rights in other media and formats. All rights not expressly granted by Licensor are hereby reserved.<BR><BR>4. Restrictions. The license granted in Section 3 above is expressly made subject to and limited by the following restrictions:<BR><BR>    You may distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly digitally perform the Work only under the terms of this License, and You must include a copy of, or the Uniform Resource Identifier for, this License with every copy or phonorecord of the Work You distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly digitally perform. You may not offer or impose any terms on the Work that restrict the terms of this License or the ability of a recipient of the Work to exercise the rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the License. You may not sublicense the Work. You must keep intact all notices that refer to this License and to the disclaimer of warranties. When You distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly digitally perform the Work, You may not impose any technological measures on the Work that restrict the ability of a recipient of the Work from You to exercise the rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the License. This Section 4(a) applies to the Work as incorporated in a Collective Work, but this does not require the Collective Work apart from the Work itself to be made subject to the terms of this License. If You create a Collective Work, upon notice from any Licensor You must, to the extent practicable, remove from the Collective Work any credit as required by Section 4(b), as requested. If You create a Derivative Work, upon notice from any Licensor You must, to the extent practicable, remove from the Derivative Work any credit as required by Section 4(b), as requested.<BR>    If You distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly digitally perform the Work (as defined in Section 1 above) or any Derivative Works (as defined in Section 1 above) or Collective Works (as defined in Section 1 above), You must, unless a request has been made pursuant to Section 4(a), keep intact all copyright notices for the Work and provide, reasonable to the medium or means You are utilizing: (i) the name of the Original Author (or pseudonym, if applicable) if supplied, and/or (ii) if the Original Author and/or Licensor designate another party or parties (e.g. a sponsor institute, publishing entity, journal) for attribution ("Attribution Parties") in Licensor's copyright notice, terms of service or by other reasonable means, the name of such party or parties; the title of the Work if supplied; to the extent reasonably practicable, the Uniform Resource Identifier, if any, that Licensor specifies to be associated with the Work, unless such URI does not refer to the copyright notice or licensing information for the Work; and, consistent with Section 3(b) in the case of a Derivative Work, a credit identifying the use of the Work in the Derivative Work (e.g., "French translation of the Work by Original Author," or "Screenplay based on original Work by Original Author"). The credit required by this Section 4(b) may be implemented in any reasonable manner; provided, however, that in the case of a Derivative Work or Collective Work, at a minimum such credit will appear, if a credit for all contributing authors of the Derivative Work or Collective Work appears, then as part of these credits and in a manner at least as prominent as the credits for the other contributing authors. For the avoidance of doubt, You may only use the credit required by this Section for the purpose of attribution in the manner set out above and, by exercising Your rights under this License, You may not implicitly or explicitly assert or imply any connection with, sponsorship or endorsement by the Original Author, Licensor and/or Attribution Parties, as appropriate, of You or Your use of the Work, without the separate, express prior written permission of the Original Author, Licensor and/or Attribution Parties.<BR><BR>5. Representations, Warranties and Disclaimer<BR><BR>UNLESS OTHERWISE MUTUALLY AGREED TO BY THE PARTIES IN WRITING, LICENSOR OFFERS THE WORK AS-IS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT OF ANY RIGHTS HELD IN THE LICENSED WORK BY THE LICENSOR. THE LICENSOR MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE WORK, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MARKETABILITY, MERCHANTIBILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR THE ABSENCE OF LATENT OR OTHER DEFECTS, ACCURACY, OR THE PRESENCE OF ABSENCE OF ERRORS, WHETHER OR NOT DISCOVERABLE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO SUCH EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.<BR><BR>6. Limitation on Liability. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL LICENSOR BE LIABLE TO YOU ON ANY LEGAL THEORY FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THIS LICENSE OR THE USE OF THE WORK, EVEN IF LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.<BR><BR>7. Termination<BR><BR>    This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate automatically upon any breach by You of the terms of this License. Individuals or entities who have received Derivative Works (as defined in Section 1 above) or Collective Works (as defined in Section 1 above) from You under this License, however, will not have their licenses terminated provided such individuals or entities remain in full compliance with those licenses. Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will survive any termination of this License.<BR>    Subject to the above terms and conditions, the license granted here is perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright in the Work). Notwithstanding the above, Licensor reserves the right to release the Work under different license terms or to stop distributing the Work at any time; provided, however that any such election will not serve to withdraw this License (or any other license that has been, or is required to be, granted under the terms of this License), and this License will continue in full force and effect unless terminated as stated above.<BR><BR>8. Miscellaneous<BR><BR>    Each time You distribute or publicly digitally perform the Work (as defined in Section 1 above) or a Collective Work (as defined in Section 1 above), the Licensor offers to the recipient a license to the Work on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to You under this License.<BR>    Each time You distribute or publicly digitally perform a Derivative Work, Licensor offers to the recipient a license to the original Work on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to You under this License.<BR>    If any provision of this License is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this License, and without further action by the parties to this agreement, such provision shall be reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.<BR>    No term or provision of this License shall be deemed waived and no breach consented to unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the party to be charged with such waiver or consent.<BR>    This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Work licensed here. There are no understandings, agreements or representations with respect to the Work not specified here. Licensor shall not be bound by any additional provisions that may appear in any communication from You. This License may not be modified without the mutual written agreement of the Licensor and You.<BR><BR>    Creative Commons Notice<BR><BR>    Creative Commons is not a party to this License, and makes no warranty whatsoever in connection with the Work. Creative Commons will not be liable to You or any party on any legal theory for any damages whatsoever, including without limitation any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising in connection to this license. Notwithstanding the foregoing two (2) sentences, if Creative Commons has expressly identified itself as the Licensor hereunder, it shall have all rights and obligations of Licensor.<BR><BR>    Except for the limited purpose of indicating to the public that the Work is licensed under the CCPL, Creative Commons does not authorize the use by either party of the trademark "Creative Commons" or any related trademark or logo of Creative Commons without the prior written consent of Creative Commons. Any permitted use will be in compliance with Creative Commons' then-current trademark usage guidelines, as may be published on its website or otherwise made available upon request from time to time. For the avoidance of doubt, this trademark restriction does not form part of the License.<BR><BR>    Creative Commons may be contacted at https://creativecommons.org/.<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Through2<BR>================<BR>Copyright 2013, Rod Vagg (the "Original Author")<BR>All rights reserved.<BR><BR>MIT +no-false-attribs License<BR><BR>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person<BR>obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation<BR>files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without<BR>restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,<BR>copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell<BR>copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the<BR>Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following<BR>conditions:<BR><BR>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be<BR>included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.<BR><BR>Distributions of all or part of the Software intended to be used<BR>by the recipients as they would use the unmodified Software,<BR>containing modifications that substantially alter, remove, or<BR>disable functionality of the Software, outside of the documented<BR>configuration mechanisms provided by the Software, shall be<BR>modified such that the Original Author's bug reporting email<BR>addresses and urls are either replaced with the contact information<BR>of the parties responsible for the changes, or removed entirely.<BR><BR>THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,<BR>EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES<BR>OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND<BR>NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT<BR>HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY,<BR>WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING<BR>FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR<BR>OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.<BR><BR><BR>Except where noted, this license applies to any and all software<BR>programs and associated documentation files created by the<BR>Original Author, when distributed with the Software.<BR><BR>
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