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[build-utilities/hostap.git] / wpa_supplicant / sme.c
1 /*
2  * wpa_supplicant - SME
3  * Copyright (c) 2009-2010, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8  *
9  * Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of BSD
10  * license.
11  *
12  * See README and COPYING for more details.
13  */
15 #include "includes.h"
17 #include "common.h"
18 #include "utils/eloop.h"
19 #include "common/ieee802_11_defs.h"
20 #include "common/ieee802_11_common.h"
21 #include "eapol_supp/eapol_supp_sm.h"
22 #include "common/wpa_common.h"
23 #include "rsn_supp/wpa.h"
24 #include "rsn_supp/pmksa_cache.h"
25 #include "config.h"
26 #include "wpa_supplicant_i.h"
27 #include "driver_i.h"
28 #include "wpas_glue.h"
29 #include "wps_supplicant.h"
30 #include "p2p_supplicant.h"
31 #include "notify.h"
32 #include "bss.h"
33 #include "scan.h"
34 #include "sme.h"
36 #define SME_AUTH_TIMEOUT 5
37 #define SME_ASSOC_TIMEOUT 5
39 static void sme_auth_timer(void *eloop_ctx, void *timeout_ctx);
40 static void sme_assoc_timer(void *eloop_ctx, void *timeout_ctx);
41 #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211W
42 static void sme_stop_sa_query(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
43 #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211W */
46 void sme_authenticate(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
47                       struct wpa_bss *bss, struct wpa_ssid *ssid)
48 {
49         struct wpa_driver_auth_params params;
50         struct wpa_ssid *old_ssid;
51 #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211R
52         const u8 *ie;
53 #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211R */
54 #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211R
55         const u8 *md = NULL;
56 #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211R */
57         int i, bssid_changed;
59         if (bss == NULL) {
60                 wpa_msg(wpa_s, MSG_ERROR, "SME: No scan result available for "
61                         "the network");
62                 return;
63         }
65         wpa_s->current_bss = bss;
67         os_memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
68         wpa_s->reassociate = 0;
70         params.freq = bss->freq;
71         params.bssid = bss->bssid;
72         params.ssid = bss->ssid;
73         params.ssid_len = bss->ssid_len;
74         params.p2p = ssid->p2p_group;
76         if (wpa_s->sme.ssid_len != params.ssid_len ||
77             os_memcmp(wpa_s->sme.ssid, params.ssid, params.ssid_len) != 0)
78                 wpa_s->sme.prev_bssid_set = 0;
80         wpa_s->sme.freq = params.freq;
81         os_memcpy(wpa_s->sme.ssid, params.ssid, params.ssid_len);
82         wpa_s->sme.ssid_len = params.ssid_len;
84         params.auth_alg = WPA_AUTH_ALG_OPEN;
85 #ifdef IEEE8021X_EAPOL
86         if (ssid->key_mgmt & WPA_KEY_MGMT_IEEE8021X_NO_WPA) {
87                 if (ssid->leap) {
88                         if (ssid->non_leap == 0)
89                                 params.auth_alg = WPA_AUTH_ALG_LEAP;
90                         else
91                                 params.auth_alg |= WPA_AUTH_ALG_LEAP;
92                 }
93         }
94 #endif /* IEEE8021X_EAPOL */
95         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Automatic auth_alg selection: 0x%x",
96                 params.auth_alg);
97         if (ssid->auth_alg) {
98                 params.auth_alg = ssid->auth_alg;
99                 wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "Overriding auth_alg selection: "
100                         "0x%x", params.auth_alg);
101         }
103         for (i = 0; i < NUM_WEP_KEYS; i++) {
104                 if (ssid->wep_key_len[i])
105                         params.wep_key[i] = ssid->wep_key[i];
106                 params.wep_key_len[i] = ssid->wep_key_len[i];
107         }
108         params.wep_tx_keyidx = ssid->wep_tx_keyidx;
110         bssid_changed = !is_zero_ether_addr(wpa_s->bssid);
111         os_memset(wpa_s->bssid, 0, ETH_ALEN);
112         os_memcpy(wpa_s->pending_bssid, bss->bssid, ETH_ALEN);
113         if (bssid_changed)
114                 wpas_notify_bssid_changed(wpa_s);
116         if ((wpa_bss_get_vendor_ie(bss, WPA_IE_VENDOR_TYPE) ||
117              wpa_bss_get_ie(bss, WLAN_EID_RSN)) &&
118             wpa_key_mgmt_wpa(ssid->key_mgmt)) {
119                 int try_opportunistic;
120                 try_opportunistic = ssid->proactive_key_caching &&
121                         (ssid->proto & WPA_PROTO_RSN);
122                 if (pmksa_cache_set_current(wpa_s->wpa, NULL, bss->bssid,
123                                             wpa_s->current_ssid,
124                                             try_opportunistic) == 0)
125                         eapol_sm_notify_pmkid_attempt(wpa_s->eapol, 1);
126                 wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len = sizeof(wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie);
127                 if (wpa_supplicant_set_suites(wpa_s, bss, ssid,
128                                               wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie,
129                                               &wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len)) {
130                         wpa_msg(wpa_s, MSG_WARNING, "SME: Failed to set WPA "
131                                 "key management and encryption suites");
132                         return;
133                 }
134         } else if (wpa_key_mgmt_wpa_any(ssid->key_mgmt)) {
135                 wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len = sizeof(wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie);
136                 if (wpa_supplicant_set_suites(wpa_s, NULL, ssid,
137                                               wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie,
138                                               &wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len)) {
139                         wpa_msg(wpa_s, MSG_WARNING, "SME: Failed to set WPA "
140                                 "key management and encryption suites (no "
141                                 "scan results)");
142                         return;
143                 }
144 #ifdef CONFIG_WPS
145         } else if (ssid->key_mgmt & WPA_KEY_MGMT_WPS) {
146                 struct wpabuf *wps_ie;
147                 wps_ie = wps_build_assoc_req_ie(wpas_wps_get_req_type(ssid));
148                 if (wps_ie && wpabuf_len(wps_ie) <=
149                     sizeof(wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie)) {
150                         wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len = wpabuf_len(wps_ie);
151                         os_memcpy(wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie, wpabuf_head(wps_ie),
152                                   wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len);
153                 } else
154                         wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len = 0;
155                 wpabuf_free(wps_ie);
156                 wpa_supplicant_set_non_wpa_policy(wpa_s, ssid);
157 #endif /* CONFIG_WPS */
158         } else {
159                 wpa_supplicant_set_non_wpa_policy(wpa_s, ssid);
160                 wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len = 0;
161         }
163 #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211R
164         ie = wpa_bss_get_ie(bss, WLAN_EID_MOBILITY_DOMAIN);
165         if (ie && ie[1] >= MOBILITY_DOMAIN_ID_LEN)
166                 md = ie + 2;
167         wpa_sm_set_ft_params(wpa_s->wpa, ie, ie ? 2 + ie[1] : 0);
168         if (md) {
169                 /* Prepare for the next transition */
170                 wpa_ft_prepare_auth_request(wpa_s->wpa, ie);
171         }
173         if (md && wpa_key_mgmt_ft(ssid->key_mgmt)) {
174                 if (wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len + 5 <
175                     sizeof(wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie)) {
176                         struct rsn_mdie *mdie;
177                         u8 *pos = wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie +
178                                 wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len;
179                         *pos++ = WLAN_EID_MOBILITY_DOMAIN;
180                         *pos++ = sizeof(*mdie);
181                         mdie = (struct rsn_mdie *) pos;
182                         os_memcpy(mdie->mobility_domain, md,
183                                   MOBILITY_DOMAIN_ID_LEN);
184                         mdie->ft_capab = md[MOBILITY_DOMAIN_ID_LEN];
185                         wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len += 5;
186                 }
188                 if (wpa_s->sme.ft_used &&
189                     os_memcmp(md, wpa_s->sme.mobility_domain, 2) == 0 &&
190                     wpa_sm_has_ptk(wpa_s->wpa)) {
191                         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Trying to use FT "
192                                 "over-the-air");
193                         params.auth_alg = WPA_AUTH_ALG_FT;
194                         params.ie = wpa_s->sme.ft_ies;
195                         params.ie_len = wpa_s->sme.ft_ies_len;
196                 }
197         }
198 #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211R */
200 #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211W
201         wpa_s->sme.mfp = ssid->ieee80211w;
202         if (ssid->ieee80211w != NO_MGMT_FRAME_PROTECTION) {
203                 const u8 *rsn = wpa_bss_get_ie(bss, WLAN_EID_RSN);
204                 struct wpa_ie_data _ie;
205                 if (rsn && wpa_parse_wpa_ie(rsn, 2 + rsn[1], &_ie) == 0 &&
206                     _ie.capabilities &
207                     (WPA_CAPABILITY_MFPC | WPA_CAPABILITY_MFPR)) {
208                         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Selected AP supports "
209                                 "MFP: require MFP");
210                         wpa_s->sme.mfp = MGMT_FRAME_PROTECTION_REQUIRED;
211                 }
212         }
213 #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211W */
215 #ifdef CONFIG_P2P
216         if (wpa_s->global->p2p) {
217                 u8 *pos;
218                 size_t len;
219                 int res;
220                 pos = wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie + wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len;
221                 len = sizeof(wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie) -
222                         wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len;
223                 res = wpas_p2p_assoc_req_ie(wpa_s, bss, pos, len,
224                                             ssid->p2p_group);
225                 if (res >= 0)
226                         wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len += res;
227         }
228 #endif /* CONFIG_P2P */
231         if (wpa_s->conf->interworking) {
232                 u8 *pos = wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie;
233                 if (wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len > 0 && pos[0] == WLAN_EID_RSN)
234                         pos += 2 + pos[1];
235                 os_memmove(pos + 6, pos,
236                            wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len -
237                            (pos - wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie));
238                 wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len += 6;
239                 *pos++ = WLAN_EID_EXT_CAPAB;
240                 *pos++ = 4;
241                 *pos++ = 0x00;
242                 *pos++ = 0x00;
243                 *pos++ = 0x00;
244                 *pos++ = 0x80; /* Bit 31 - Interworking */
245         }
246 #endif /* CONFIG_INTERWORKING */
248         wpa_supplicant_cancel_sched_scan(wpa_s);
249         wpa_supplicant_cancel_scan(wpa_s);
251         wpa_msg(wpa_s, MSG_INFO, "SME: Trying to authenticate with " MACSTR
252                 " (SSID='%s' freq=%d MHz)", MAC2STR(params.bssid),
253                 wpa_ssid_txt(params.ssid, params.ssid_len), params.freq);
255         wpa_clear_keys(wpa_s, bss->bssid);
256         wpa_supplicant_set_state(wpa_s, WPA_AUTHENTICATING);
257         old_ssid = wpa_s->current_ssid;
258         wpa_s->current_ssid = ssid;
259         wpa_supplicant_rsn_supp_set_config(wpa_s, wpa_s->current_ssid);
260         wpa_supplicant_initiate_eapol(wpa_s);
261         if (old_ssid != wpa_s->current_ssid)
262                 wpas_notify_network_changed(wpa_s);
264         wpa_s->sme.auth_alg = params.auth_alg;
265         if (wpa_drv_authenticate(wpa_s, &params) < 0) {
266                 wpa_msg(wpa_s, MSG_INFO, "SME: Authentication request to the "
267                         "driver failed");
268                 wpas_connection_failed(wpa_s, bss->bssid);
269                 wpa_supplicant_mark_disassoc(wpa_s);
270                 return;
271         }
273         eloop_register_timeout(SME_AUTH_TIMEOUT, 0, sme_auth_timer, wpa_s,
274                                NULL);
276         /*
277          * Association will be started based on the authentication event from
278          * the driver.
279          */
283 void sme_event_auth(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s, union wpa_event_data *data)
285         struct wpa_ssid *ssid = wpa_s->current_ssid;
287         if (ssid == NULL) {
288                 wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Ignore authentication event "
289                         "when network is not selected");
290                 return;
291         }
293         if (wpa_s->wpa_state != WPA_AUTHENTICATING) {
294                 wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Ignore authentication event "
295                         "when not in authenticating state");
296                 return;
297         }
299         if (os_memcmp(wpa_s->pending_bssid, data->auth.peer, ETH_ALEN) != 0) {
300                 wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Ignore authentication with "
301                         "unexpected peer " MACSTR,
302                         MAC2STR(data->auth.peer));
303                 return;
304         }
306         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Authentication response: peer=" MACSTR
307                 " auth_type=%d status_code=%d",
308                 MAC2STR(data->auth.peer), data->auth.auth_type,
309                 data->auth.status_code);
310         wpa_hexdump(MSG_MSGDUMP, "SME: Authentication response IEs",
311                     data->auth.ies, data->auth.ies_len);
313         eloop_cancel_timeout(sme_auth_timer, wpa_s, NULL);
315         if (data->auth.status_code != WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
316                 wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Authentication failed (status "
317                         "code %d)", data->auth.status_code);
319                 if (data->auth.status_code !=
320                     WLAN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_ALG ||
321                     wpa_s->sme.auth_alg == data->auth.auth_type ||
322                     wpa_s->current_ssid->auth_alg == WPA_AUTH_ALG_LEAP) {
323                         wpas_connection_failed(wpa_s, wpa_s->pending_bssid);
324                         return;
325                 }
327                 switch (data->auth.auth_type) {
328                 case WLAN_AUTH_OPEN:
329                         wpa_s->current_ssid->auth_alg = WPA_AUTH_ALG_SHARED;
331                         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Trying SHARED auth");
332                         wpa_supplicant_associate(wpa_s, wpa_s->current_bss,
333                                                  wpa_s->current_ssid);
334                         return;
336                 case WLAN_AUTH_SHARED_KEY:
337                         wpa_s->current_ssid->auth_alg = WPA_AUTH_ALG_LEAP;
339                         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Trying LEAP auth");
340                         wpa_supplicant_associate(wpa_s, wpa_s->current_bss,
341                                                  wpa_s->current_ssid);
342                         return;
344                 default:
345                         return;
346                 }
347         }
349 #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211R
350         if (data->auth.auth_type == WLAN_AUTH_FT) {
351                 union wpa_event_data edata;
352                 os_memset(&edata, 0, sizeof(edata));
353                 edata.ft_ies.ies = data->auth.ies;
354                 edata.ft_ies.ies_len = data->auth.ies_len;
355                 os_memcpy(edata.ft_ies.target_ap, data->auth.peer, ETH_ALEN);
356                 wpa_supplicant_event(wpa_s, EVENT_FT_RESPONSE, &edata);
357         }
358 #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211R */
360         sme_associate(wpa_s, ssid->mode, data->auth.peer,
361                       data->auth.auth_type);
365 void sme_associate(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s, enum wpas_mode mode,
366                    const u8 *bssid, u16 auth_type)
368         struct wpa_driver_associate_params params;
369         struct ieee802_11_elems elems;
371         struct ieee80211_ht_capabilities htcaps;
372         struct ieee80211_ht_capabilities htcaps_mask;
373 #endif /* CONFIG_HT_OVERRIDES */
375         os_memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
376         params.bssid = bssid;
377         params.ssid = wpa_s->sme.ssid;
378         params.ssid_len = wpa_s->sme.ssid_len;
379         params.freq = wpa_s->sme.freq;
380         params.wpa_ie = wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len ?
381                 wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie : NULL;
382         params.wpa_ie_len = wpa_s->sme.assoc_req_ie_len;
383         params.pairwise_suite = cipher_suite2driver(wpa_s->pairwise_cipher);
384         params.group_suite = cipher_suite2driver(wpa_s->group_cipher);
386         os_memset(&htcaps, 0, sizeof(htcaps));
387         os_memset(&htcaps_mask, 0, sizeof(htcaps_mask));
388         params.htcaps = (u8 *) &htcaps;
389         params.htcaps_mask = (u8 *) &htcaps_mask;
390         wpa_supplicant_apply_ht_overrides(wpa_s, wpa_s->current_ssid, &params);
391 #endif /* CONFIG_HT_OVERRIDES */
392 #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211R
393         if (auth_type == WLAN_AUTH_FT && wpa_s->sme.ft_ies) {
394                 params.wpa_ie = wpa_s->sme.ft_ies;
395                 params.wpa_ie_len = wpa_s->sme.ft_ies_len;
396         }
397 #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211R */
398         params.mode = mode;
399         params.mgmt_frame_protection = wpa_s->sme.mfp;
400         if (wpa_s->sme.prev_bssid_set)
401                 params.prev_bssid = wpa_s->sme.prev_bssid;
403         wpa_msg(wpa_s, MSG_INFO, "Trying to associate with " MACSTR
404                 " (SSID='%s' freq=%d MHz)", MAC2STR(params.bssid),
405                 params.ssid ? wpa_ssid_txt(params.ssid, params.ssid_len) : "",
406                 params.freq);
408         wpa_supplicant_set_state(wpa_s, WPA_ASSOCIATING);
410         if (params.wpa_ie == NULL ||
411             ieee802_11_parse_elems(params.wpa_ie, params.wpa_ie_len, &elems, 0)
412             < 0) {
413                 wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Could not parse own IEs?!");
414                 os_memset(&elems, 0, sizeof(elems));
415         }
416         if (elems.rsn_ie) {
417                 params.wpa_proto = WPA_PROTO_RSN;
418                 wpa_sm_set_assoc_wpa_ie(wpa_s->wpa, elems.rsn_ie - 2,
419                                         elems.rsn_ie_len + 2);
420         } else if (elems.wpa_ie) {
421                 params.wpa_proto = WPA_PROTO_WPA;
422                 wpa_sm_set_assoc_wpa_ie(wpa_s->wpa, elems.wpa_ie - 2,
423                                         elems.wpa_ie_len + 2);
424         } else
425                 wpa_sm_set_assoc_wpa_ie(wpa_s->wpa, NULL, 0);
426         if (wpa_s->current_ssid && wpa_s->current_ssid->p2p_group)
427                 params.p2p = 1;
429         if (wpa_s->parent->set_sta_uapsd)
430                 params.uapsd = wpa_s->parent->sta_uapsd;
431         else
432                 params.uapsd = -1;
434         if (wpa_drv_associate(wpa_s, &params) < 0) {
435                 wpa_msg(wpa_s, MSG_INFO, "SME: Association request to the "
436                         "driver failed");
437                 wpas_connection_failed(wpa_s, wpa_s->pending_bssid);
438                 os_memset(wpa_s->pending_bssid, 0, ETH_ALEN);
439                 return;
440         }
442         eloop_register_timeout(SME_ASSOC_TIMEOUT, 0, sme_assoc_timer, wpa_s,
443                                NULL);
447 int sme_update_ft_ies(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s, const u8 *md,
448                       const u8 *ies, size_t ies_len)
450         if (md == NULL || ies == NULL) {
451                 wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Remove mobility domain");
452                 os_free(wpa_s->sme.ft_ies);
453                 wpa_s->sme.ft_ies = NULL;
454                 wpa_s->sme.ft_ies_len = 0;
455                 wpa_s->sme.ft_used = 0;
456                 return 0;
457         }
459         os_memcpy(wpa_s->sme.mobility_domain, md, MOBILITY_DOMAIN_ID_LEN);
460         wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "SME: FT IEs", ies, ies_len);
461         os_free(wpa_s->sme.ft_ies);
462         wpa_s->sme.ft_ies = os_malloc(ies_len);
463         if (wpa_s->sme.ft_ies == NULL)
464                 return -1;
465         os_memcpy(wpa_s->sme.ft_ies, ies, ies_len);
466         wpa_s->sme.ft_ies_len = ies_len;
467         return 0;
471 static void sme_deauth(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
473         int bssid_changed;
475         bssid_changed = !is_zero_ether_addr(wpa_s->bssid);
477         if (wpa_drv_deauthenticate(wpa_s, wpa_s->pending_bssid,
478                                    WLAN_REASON_DEAUTH_LEAVING) < 0) {
479                 wpa_msg(wpa_s, MSG_INFO, "SME: Deauth request to the driver "
480                         "failed");
481         }
482         wpa_s->sme.prev_bssid_set = 0;
484         wpas_connection_failed(wpa_s, wpa_s->pending_bssid);
485         wpa_supplicant_set_state(wpa_s, WPA_DISCONNECTED);
486         os_memset(wpa_s->bssid, 0, ETH_ALEN);
487         os_memset(wpa_s->pending_bssid, 0, ETH_ALEN);
488         if (bssid_changed)
489                 wpas_notify_bssid_changed(wpa_s);
493 void sme_event_assoc_reject(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
494                             union wpa_event_data *data)
496         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Association with " MACSTR " failed: "
497                 "status code %d", MAC2STR(wpa_s->pending_bssid),
498                 data->assoc_reject.status_code);
500         eloop_cancel_timeout(sme_assoc_timer, wpa_s, NULL);
502         /*
503          * For now, unconditionally terminate the previous authentication. In
504          * theory, this should not be needed, but mac80211 gets quite confused
505          * if the authentication is left pending.. Some roaming cases might
506          * benefit from using the previous authentication, so this could be
507          * optimized in the future.
508          */
509         sme_deauth(wpa_s);
513 void sme_event_auth_timed_out(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
514                               union wpa_event_data *data)
516         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Authentication timed out");
517         wpas_connection_failed(wpa_s, wpa_s->pending_bssid);
518         wpa_supplicant_mark_disassoc(wpa_s);
522 void sme_event_assoc_timed_out(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
523                                union wpa_event_data *data)
525         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Association timed out");
526         wpas_connection_failed(wpa_s, wpa_s->pending_bssid);
527         wpa_supplicant_mark_disassoc(wpa_s);
531 void sme_event_disassoc(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
532                         union wpa_event_data *data)
534         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Disassociation event received");
535         if (wpa_s->sme.prev_bssid_set) {
536                 /*
537                  * cfg80211/mac80211 can get into somewhat confused state if
538                  * the AP only disassociates us and leaves us in authenticated
539                  * state. For now, force the state to be cleared to avoid
540                  * confusing errors if we try to associate with the AP again.
541                  */
542                 wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Deauthenticate to clear "
543                         "driver state");
544                 wpa_drv_deauthenticate(wpa_s, wpa_s->sme.prev_bssid,
545                                        WLAN_REASON_DEAUTH_LEAVING);
546         }
550 static void sme_auth_timer(void *eloop_ctx, void *timeout_ctx)
552         struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s = eloop_ctx;
553         if (wpa_s->wpa_state == WPA_AUTHENTICATING) {
554                 wpa_msg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Authentication timeout");
555                 sme_deauth(wpa_s);
556         }
560 static void sme_assoc_timer(void *eloop_ctx, void *timeout_ctx)
562         struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s = eloop_ctx;
563         if (wpa_s->wpa_state == WPA_ASSOCIATING) {
564                 wpa_msg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Association timeout");
565                 sme_deauth(wpa_s);
566         }
570 void sme_state_changed(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
572         /* Make sure timers are cleaned up appropriately. */
573         if (wpa_s->wpa_state != WPA_ASSOCIATING)
574                 eloop_cancel_timeout(sme_assoc_timer, wpa_s, NULL);
575         if (wpa_s->wpa_state != WPA_AUTHENTICATING)
576                 eloop_cancel_timeout(sme_auth_timer, wpa_s, NULL);
580 void sme_disassoc_while_authenticating(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
581                                        const u8 *prev_pending_bssid)
583         /*
584          * mac80211-workaround to force deauth on failed auth cmd,
585          * requires us to remain in authenticating state to allow the
586          * second authentication attempt to be continued properly.
587          */
588         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Allow pending authentication "
589                 "to proceed after disconnection event");
590         wpa_supplicant_set_state(wpa_s, WPA_AUTHENTICATING);
591         os_memcpy(wpa_s->pending_bssid, prev_pending_bssid, ETH_ALEN);
593         /*
594          * Re-arm authentication timer in case auth fails for whatever reason.
595          */
596         eloop_cancel_timeout(sme_auth_timer, wpa_s, NULL);
597         eloop_register_timeout(SME_AUTH_TIMEOUT, 0, sme_auth_timer, wpa_s,
598                                NULL);
602 void sme_deinit(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
604         os_free(wpa_s->sme.ft_ies);
605         wpa_s->sme.ft_ies = NULL;
606         wpa_s->sme.ft_ies_len = 0;
607 #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211W
608         sme_stop_sa_query(wpa_s);
609 #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211W */
611         eloop_cancel_timeout(sme_assoc_timer, wpa_s, NULL);
612         eloop_cancel_timeout(sme_auth_timer, wpa_s, NULL);
616 #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211W
618 static const unsigned int sa_query_max_timeout = 1000;
619 static const unsigned int sa_query_retry_timeout = 201;
621 static int sme_check_sa_query_timeout(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
623         u32 tu;
624         struct os_time now, passed;
625         os_get_time(&now);
626         os_time_sub(&now, &wpa_s->sme.sa_query_start, &passed);
627         tu = (passed.sec * 1000000 + passed.usec) / 1024;
628         if (sa_query_max_timeout < tu) {
629                 wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: SA Query timed out");
630                 sme_stop_sa_query(wpa_s);
631                 wpa_supplicant_deauthenticate(
632                         wpa_s, WLAN_REASON_PREV_AUTH_NOT_VALID);
633                 return 1;
634         }
636         return 0;
640 static void sme_send_sa_query_req(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
641                                   const u8 *trans_id)
643         u8 req[2 + WLAN_SA_QUERY_TR_ID_LEN];
644         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Sending SA Query Request to "
645                 MACSTR, MAC2STR(wpa_s->bssid));
646         wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "SME: SA Query Transaction ID",
647                     trans_id, WLAN_SA_QUERY_TR_ID_LEN);
648         req[0] = WLAN_ACTION_SA_QUERY;
649         req[1] = WLAN_SA_QUERY_REQUEST;
650         os_memcpy(req + 2, trans_id, WLAN_SA_QUERY_TR_ID_LEN);
651         if (wpa_drv_send_action(wpa_s, wpa_s->assoc_freq, 0, wpa_s->bssid,
652                                 wpa_s->own_addr, wpa_s->bssid,
653                                 req, sizeof(req), 0) < 0)
654                 wpa_msg(wpa_s, MSG_INFO, "SME: Failed to send SA Query "
655                         "Request");
659 static void sme_sa_query_timer(void *eloop_ctx, void *timeout_ctx)
661         struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s = eloop_ctx;
662         unsigned int timeout, sec, usec;
663         u8 *trans_id, *nbuf;
665         if (wpa_s->sme.sa_query_count > 0 &&
666             sme_check_sa_query_timeout(wpa_s))
667                 return;
669         nbuf = os_realloc(wpa_s->sme.sa_query_trans_id,
670                           (wpa_s->sme.sa_query_count + 1) *
671                           WLAN_SA_QUERY_TR_ID_LEN);
672         if (nbuf == NULL)
673                 return;
674         if (wpa_s->sme.sa_query_count == 0) {
675                 /* Starting a new SA Query procedure */
676                 os_get_time(&wpa_s->sme.sa_query_start);
677         }
678         trans_id = nbuf + wpa_s->sme.sa_query_count * WLAN_SA_QUERY_TR_ID_LEN;
679         wpa_s->sme.sa_query_trans_id = nbuf;
680         wpa_s->sme.sa_query_count++;
682         os_get_random(trans_id, WLAN_SA_QUERY_TR_ID_LEN);
684         timeout = sa_query_retry_timeout;
685         sec = ((timeout / 1000) * 1024) / 1000;
686         usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1024;
687         eloop_register_timeout(sec, usec, sme_sa_query_timer, wpa_s, NULL);
689         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Association SA Query attempt %d",
690                 wpa_s->sme.sa_query_count);
692         sme_send_sa_query_req(wpa_s, trans_id);
696 static void sme_start_sa_query(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
698         sme_sa_query_timer(wpa_s, NULL);
702 static void sme_stop_sa_query(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
704         eloop_cancel_timeout(sme_sa_query_timer, wpa_s, NULL);
705         os_free(wpa_s->sme.sa_query_trans_id);
706         wpa_s->sme.sa_query_trans_id = NULL;
707         wpa_s->sme.sa_query_count = 0;
711 void sme_event_unprot_disconnect(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s, const u8 *sa,
712                                  const u8 *da, u16 reason_code)
714         struct wpa_ssid *ssid;
716         if (!(wpa_s->drv_flags & WPA_DRIVER_FLAGS_SME))
717                 return;
718         if (wpa_s->wpa_state != WPA_COMPLETED)
719                 return;
720         ssid = wpa_s->current_ssid;
721         if (ssid == NULL || ssid->ieee80211w == 0)
722                 return;
723         if (os_memcmp(sa, wpa_s->bssid, ETH_ALEN) != 0)
724                 return;
725         if (reason_code != WLAN_REASON_CLASS2_FRAME_FROM_NONAUTH_STA &&
726             reason_code != WLAN_REASON_CLASS3_FRAME_FROM_NONASSOC_STA)
727                 return;
728         if (wpa_s->sme.sa_query_count > 0)
729                 return;
731         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Unprotected disconnect dropped - "
732                 "possible AP/STA state mismatch - trigger SA Query");
733         sme_start_sa_query(wpa_s);
737 void sme_sa_query_rx(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s, const u8 *sa,
738                      const u8 *data, size_t len)
740         int i;
742         if (wpa_s->sme.sa_query_trans_id == NULL ||
743             len < 1 + WLAN_SA_QUERY_TR_ID_LEN ||
744             data[0] != WLAN_SA_QUERY_RESPONSE)
745                 return;
746         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Received SA Query response from "
747                 MACSTR " (trans_id %02x%02x)", MAC2STR(sa), data[1], data[2]);
749         if (os_memcmp(sa, wpa_s->bssid, ETH_ALEN) != 0)
750                 return;
752         for (i = 0; i < wpa_s->sme.sa_query_count; i++) {
753                 if (os_memcmp(wpa_s->sme.sa_query_trans_id +
754                               i * WLAN_SA_QUERY_TR_ID_LEN,
755                               data + 1, WLAN_SA_QUERY_TR_ID_LEN) == 0)
756                         break;
757         }
759         if (i >= wpa_s->sme.sa_query_count) {
760                 wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: No matching SA Query "
761                         "transaction identifier found");
762                 return;
763         }
765         wpa_dbg(wpa_s, MSG_DEBUG, "SME: Reply to pending SA Query received "
766                 "from " MACSTR, MAC2STR(sa));
767         sme_stop_sa_query(wpa_s);
770 #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211W */