]> Gitweb @ Texas Instruments - Open Source Git Repositories - git.TI.com/gitweb - ep-processor-libraries/dsplib.git/blob - ti/dsplib/src/DSPF_dp_lud_inv_cmplx/c66/DSPF_dp_lud_inv_cmplx.c
DSPLIB: optimized signal processing functions for TI DSPs
[ep-processor-libraries/dsplib.git] / ti / dsplib / src / DSPF_dp_lud_inv_cmplx / c66 / DSPF_dp_lud_inv_cmplx.c
1 /* ======================================================================= */
2 /* DSPF_dp_lud_inv_cmplx.c - complex matrix inversion by LUD double precision*/
3 /*                        optimized C Implementation                       */
4 /*                                                                         */
5 /* Rev 1.0.0                                                               */
6 /*                                                                         */
7 /* Copyright (C) 2013 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/  */
8 /*                                                                         */
9 /*                                                                         */
10 /*  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without     */
11 /*  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions     */
12 /*  are met:                                                               */
13 /*                                                                         */
14 /*    Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright       */
15 /*    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.        */
16 /*                                                                         */
17 /*    Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright    */
18 /*    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the  */
19 /*    documentation and/or other materials provided with the               */
20 /*    distribution.                                                        */
21 /*                                                                         */
22 /*    Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of  */
23 /*    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived  */
24 /*    from this software without specific prior written permission.        */
25 /*                                                                         */
37 /*                                                                         */
38 /* ======================================================================= */\
39 #include <math.h>
40 #include <string.h>
42 #pragma CODE_SECTION(DSPF_dp_lud_inverse_cmplx,".text:optimized");
44 #include "DSPF_dp_lud_inv_cmplx.h"
46 #define ENABLE_NR 1
47 #define ENABLE_MATHLIB 1
50 #include <ti/mathlib/src/atan2dp/c66/atan2dp.h>
51 #include <ti/mathlib/src/cosdp/c66/cosdp.h>
52 #include <ti/mathlib/src/sindp/c66/sindp.h>
53 #endif
55 static void complex_dp_div(double x_real,double x_imag,double y_real,double y_imag,
56                            double *z_real,double *z_imag);
57 static void complex_dp_inv(double y_real,double y_imag,double *z_real,double *z_imag);
60 int DSPF_dp_lud_inverse_cmplx(const int Nrows,unsigned short *restrict P,double *restrict L,
61                               double *restrict U,double *restrict inv_A) {
63   int row,col,Ncols,k;
64   double xreal,ximag,yreal,yimag,zreal,zimag;
65   double factor_real,factor_imag,sum_real,sum_imag;
66   double *inv_L,*inv_U,*inv_U_x_inv_L;
68   _nassert(Nrows>0);
69   _nassert((int)P % 2 == 0);
70   _nassert((int)L % 8 == 0);
71   _nassert((int)U % 8 == 0);
72   _nassert((int)inv_A % 8 == 0);
74   /* set inv_A matrix to identity */
75   inv_L=&inv_A[0];
76   Ncols=2*Nrows;
77   memset(inv_L,0.0,sizeof(double)*Nrows*Ncols);
78 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
79   for (row=0;row<Nrows;row++) {
80         inv_L[2*row  +row*Ncols]=1;
81   }
83   /* use Gauss Jordan algorithm to invert L whose result is in inv_L */
84 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
85   for (col=0;col<Nrows-1;col++) {
86         yreal=L[2*col  +col*Ncols];
87         yimag=L[2*col+1+col*Ncols];
88         complex_dp_inv(yreal,yimag,&zreal,&zimag);
90 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
91     for (row=col+1;row<Nrows;row++) {
92       xreal=L[2*col  +row*Ncols];
93       ximag=L[2*col+1+row*Ncols];
94           factor_real=xreal*zreal-ximag*zimag;
95           factor_imag=xreal*zimag+ximag*zreal;
97 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
98           for (k=0;k<row;k++) {
99                 xreal=factor_real;
100                 ximag=factor_imag;
101                 yreal=inv_L[2*k  +col*Ncols];
102                 yimag=inv_L[2*k+1+col*Ncols];
103                 inv_L[2*k  +row*Ncols]-=xreal*yreal-ximag*yimag;
104                 inv_L[2*k+1+row*Ncols]-=xreal*yimag+ximag*yreal;
105           }
106         }
107   }
109   /* set inv_U matrix to identity */
110   inv_U=&L[0];
111   memset(inv_U,0.0,sizeof(double)*Nrows*Ncols);
112 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
113   for (row=0;row<Nrows;row++) {
114         inv_U[2*row  +row*Ncols]=1;
115   }
117   /* use Gauss Jordan algorithm to invert U whose result is in L */
118 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
119   for (col=Nrows-1;col>=1;col--) {
120 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
121         for (row=col-1;row>=0;row--) {
122           xreal=U[2*col  +row*Ncols];
123           ximag=U[2*col+1+row*Ncols];
124           yreal=U[2*col  +col*Ncols];
125           yimag=U[2*col+1+col*Ncols];
126           complex_dp_div(xreal,ximag,yreal,yimag,&zreal,&zimag);
127           factor_real=zreal;
128           factor_imag=zimag;
130 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
131           for (k=col;k<Nrows;k++) {
132                 xreal=factor_real;
133                 ximag=factor_imag;
134                 yreal=inv_U[2*k  +col*Ncols];
135                 yimag=inv_U[2*k+1+col*Ncols];
136                 complex_dp_div(xreal,ximag,yreal,yimag,&zreal,&zimag);
137                 inv_U[2*k  +row*Ncols]-=xreal*yreal-ximag*yimag;
138                 inv_U[2*k+1+row*Ncols]-=xreal*yimag+ximag*yreal;
139                 xreal=factor_real;
140                 ximag=factor_imag;
141                 yreal=U[2*k  +col*Ncols];
142                 yimag=U[2*k+1+col*Ncols];
143                 U[2*k  +row*Ncols]-=xreal*yreal-ximag*yimag;
144                 U[2*k+1+row*Ncols]-=xreal*yimag+ximag*yreal;
145           }
146         }
147   }
149   /* scale U & L to get identity matrix in U */
150 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
151   for (row=Nrows-1;row>=0;row--) {
152         yreal=U[2*row  +row*Ncols];
153         yimag=U[2*row+1+row*Ncols];
154         complex_dp_inv(yreal,yimag,&zreal,&zimag);
155         factor_real=zreal;
156         factor_imag=zimag;
158 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
159         for (col=0;col<Nrows;col++) {
160           xreal=L[2*col  +row*Ncols];
161           ximag=L[2*col+1+row*Ncols];
162           L[2*col  +row*Ncols]=xreal*zreal-ximag*zimag;
163           L[2*col+1+row*Ncols]=xreal*zimag+ximag*zreal;
164         }
165   }
167   /* compute inv_U_x_inv_L=inv(U)*inv(L) */
168   inv_U_x_inv_L=&L[0];
169 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
170   for (row=0;row<Nrows;row++) {
171 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
172     for (col=0;col<Nrows;col++) {
173       sum_real=0;
174       sum_imag=0;
175 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
176           for (k=0;k<Nrows;k++) {
177             xreal=inv_U[2*k  +row*Ncols];
178             ximag=inv_U[2*k+1+row*Ncols];
179             yreal=inv_L[2*col  +k*Ncols];
180             yimag=inv_L[2*col+1+k*Ncols];
181             sum_real+=xreal*yreal-ximag*yimag;
182             sum_imag+=xreal*yimag+ximag*yreal;
183           }
184       inv_U_x_inv_L[2*col  +row*Ncols]=sum_real;
185       inv_U_x_inv_L[2*col+1+row*Ncols]=sum_imag;
186     }
187   }
189   /* compute inv_A=inv(U)*inv(L)*P */
190 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
191   for (row=0;row<Nrows;row++) {
192 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
193     for (col=0;col<Nrows;col++) {
194       sum_real=0;
195       sum_imag=0;
196 #pragma MUST_ITERATE(1,,)
197         for (k=0;k<Nrows;k++) {
198       xreal=inv_U_x_inv_L[2*k  +row*Ncols];
199       ximag=inv_U_x_inv_L[2*k+1+row*Ncols];
200       yreal=P[col+k*Nrows];
201       sum_real+=xreal*yreal;
202       sum_imag+=ximag*yreal;
203         }
204     inv_A[2*col  +row*Ncols]=sum_real;
205     inv_A[2*col+1+row*Ncols]=sum_imag;
206     }
207   }
209   return 0;
212 static void complex_dp_div(double x_real,double x_imag,double y_real,double y_imag,double *z_real,double *z_imag) {
214   double inv_mag_sq;
215 #ifdef ENABLE_NR
216   double x,y;
217 #endif
219 #ifndef ENABLE_NR
220   inv_mag_sq=1/(y_real*y_real+y_imag*y_imag);
221 #else
222   x=y_real*y_real+y_imag*y_imag;
223   y=_rcpdp(x);
224   y=y*(2.0-x*y);
225   y=y*(2.0-x*y);
226   y=y*(2.0-x*y);
227   inv_mag_sq=y;
228 #endif
229   *z_real=(x_real*y_real+x_imag*y_imag)*inv_mag_sq;
230   *z_imag=(x_imag*y_real-x_real*y_imag)*inv_mag_sq;
234 static void complex_dp_inv(double y_real,double y_imag,double *z_real,double *z_imag) {
236   double inv_mag_sq;
237 #ifdef ENABLE_NR
238   double x,y;
239 #endif
241 #ifndef ENABLE_NR
242   inv_mag_sq=1/(y_real*y_real+y_imag*y_imag);
243 #else
244   x=y_real*y_real+y_imag*y_imag;
245   y=_rcpdp(x);
246   y=y*(2.0-x*y);
247   y=y*(2.0-x*y);
248   y=y*(2.0-x*y);
249   inv_mag_sq=y;
250 #endif
251   *z_real= y_real*inv_mag_sq;
252   *z_imag=-y_imag*inv_mag_sq;
256 /* ======================================================================= */
257 /*  End of file:  DSPF_dp_lud_inv_cmplx.c                                  */
258 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
259 /*            Copyright (c) 2013 Texas Instruments, Incorporated.          */
260 /*                           All Rights Reserved.                          */
261 /* ======================================================================= */