# # ===================================================================== # Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated # # All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated. # Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are # granted through contract. # # The program may not be used without the written permission # of Texas Instruments Incorporated or against the terms and conditions # stipulated in the agreement under which this program has been # supplied. # ===================================================================== # # Repo BIOSTOOLSROOT ?= /opt/ti REPO := $(BIOSTOOLSROOT) # Different tool versions can easily be programmed by defining below variables # in your environment. XDCVERSION ?= xdctools_3_25_06_96 BIOSVERSION ?= bios_6_37_03_30 IPCVERSION ?= ipc_3_23_01_03 CEVERSION ?= codec_engine_3_24_00_08 FCVERSION ?= framework_components_3_24_02_15 XDAISVERSION ?= xdais_7_24_00_04 OSALVERSION ?= osal_1_24_00_09 # TI Compiler Settings export C66XCGTOOLSPATH ?= /opt/ti/C6000CGT7.4.2 # Define where the sources are DSPDCEMMSRC = $(shell pwd) TIVIDEOTOOLSROOT ?= $(BIOSTOOLSROOT) # Generate the full package paths for tools BIOSPROD = $(REPO)/$(BIOSVERSION) CEPROD = $(TIVIDEOTOOLSROOT)/$(CEVERSION) FCPROD = $(TIVIDEOTOOLSROOT)/$(FCVERSION) XDAISPROD = $(REPO)/$(XDAISVERSION) OSALPROD = $(REPO)/$(OSALVERSION) # XDC settings export XDCBUILDCFG = $(DSPDCEMMSRC)/build/config.bld XDCDIST_TREE = $(REPO)/$(XDCVERSION) export XDCROOT = $(XDCDIST_TREE) export XDCPATH = $(BIOSPROD)/packages;$(IPCSRC)/packages;$(CEPROD)/packages;$(FCPROD)/packages;$(XDAISPROD)/packages;$(OSALPROD)/packages;$(DSPDCEMMSRC)/extrel/ti/dsp_codecs/packages;$(DSPDCEMMSRC)/src; # Custom settings for build JOBS ?= 1 # Set profile, always set as release version. Alternate option is "debug" PROFILE ?= release # Set debug/trace level from 0 to 4 TRACELEVEL ?= 0 # Offloads core to sysm3 code OFFLOAD ?= 1 # Set to Non-SMP by default FORSMP ?= 0 # Set Instrumentation to be allowed (ENABLE to enable it) SETINST ?= ENABLE # Set HW revision type- OMAP5:ES20, VAYU:ES10 HWVERSION ?= ES10 all: dspbin # Include platform build configuration config: ifeq (bldcfg.mk,$(wildcard bldcfg.mk)) include bldcfg.mk else @echo "No config selected. Please configure the build first and then try to build." @echo "For more info, use 'make help'" @exit 1 endif unconfig: @echo "Removed existing configuration" @rm -f bldcfg.mk vayu_config: unconfig @echo "Creating new config\c" @echo DSP_CONFIG = vayu_config > bldcfg.mk @echo ".\c" @echo MYXDCARGS=\"profile=$(PROFILE) trace_level=$(TRACELEVEL) hw_type=VAYU hw_version=$(HWVERSION) BIOS_type=non-SMP\" >> bldcfg.mk @echo ".\c" @echo CHIP = VAYU >> bldcfg.mk @echo ".\c" @echo FORSMP = 0 >> bldcfg.mk @echo ".\c" @echo DSPBINNAME = "dra7xx-c66x-dsp.xe66" >> bldcfg.mk @echo INTBINNAME = "dsp.xe66" >> bldcfg.mk @echo ".\c" @echo "done" clean: config export XDCARGS=$(MYXDCARGS); \ $(XDCROOT)/xdc --jobs=$(JOBS) clean -PD $(DSPDCEMMSRC)/platform/ti/dce/baseimage/. build: config ifeq ($(IPCSRC),) @echo "ERROR: IPCSRC not set. Exiting..." @echo "For more info, use 'make help'" @exit 1 else ifeq ($(C66XCGTOOLSPATH),) @echo "ERROR: C66XCGTOOLSPATH not set. Exiting..." @echo "For more info, use 'make help'" @exit 1 endif export XDCARGS=$(MYXDCARGS); \ $(XDCROOT)/xdc --jobs=$(JOBS) -PD $(DSPDCEMMSRC)/platform/ti/dce/baseimage/. dspbin: build ifeq ($(FORSMP),0) $(C66XCGTOOLSPATH)/bin/strip6x $(DSPDCEMMSRC)/platform/ti/dce/baseimage/out/dsp/$(PROFILE)/$(INTBINNAME) -o=$(DSPBINNAME) else @echo "***********Not yet implemented************" endif info: tools sources custom tools: @echo "REPO := $(REPO)" @echo "XDC := $(XDCDIST_TREE)" @echo "BIOS := $(BIOSPROD)" @echo "OSAL := $(OSALPROD)" @echo "FC := $(FCPROD)" @echo "CE := $(CEPROD)" @echo "XDAIS := $(XDAISPROD)" @echo "C66XCGTOOLSPATH := $(C66XCGTOOLSPATH)" @echo " " sources: @echo "IPC := $(IPCSRC)" @echo " " @echo "DSPDCEMMSRC := $(DSPDCEMMSRC)" @echo "DSPDCEMMSRC info: $(shell git --git-dir=$(DSPDCEMMSRC)/.git --work-tree=$(DSPDCEMMSRC)/ log --pretty=format:'%ad %h %d' --oneline --date=short -1 )" @echo "DUCATIMMSRC describe: $(shell git --git-dir=$(DSPDCEMMSRC)/.git --work-tree=$(DSPDCEMMSRC)/ describe --dirty)" @echo " " custom: @echo "JOBS := $(JOBS)" @echo "PROFILE := $(PROFILE)" @echo "TRACELEVEL := $(TRACELEVEL)" @echo "OFFLOAD := $(OFFLOAD)" @echo "FORSMP := $(FORSMP)" @echo "SETINST := $(SETINST)" @echo "HWVERSION := $(HWVERSION)" @echo " " @echo "Ducati configuration used: $(DSP_CONFIG)" @echo "Ducati binary name: $(DSPBINNAME)" @echo " " help: @echo " " @echo "Please export the following variables: " @echo " 1. BIOSTOOLSROOT - Directory where all the BIOS tools are installed." @echo " If not mentioned, picks up the default, /opt/ti" @echo " 2. C66XCGTOOLSPATH - DSP Code Generation Tools installation path" @echo " If not mentioned, tries the default install location, /opt/ti/TI_CGT_TI_ARM_5.0.1" @echo " 3. IPCSRC - Absolute path of the $(IPCVERSION)" @echo " 4. [Optional] - Any of the following variables can be defined to customize your build." @echo " JOBS - To specify the number of parallel build jobs (default is 1)" @echo " PROFILE - 'release' or 'debug' profile for the libraries and binaries (default is release)" @echo " TRACELEVEL - From 0 to 4. Higher the value, more the traces. 0 implies no traces (default is 0)" @echo " OFFLOAD - Enable offloading support (default is 1, set to 0 to disable)" @echo " 5. [Optional] - Any of the following variables can be defined to change the default tool versions." @echo " XDCVERSION = $(XDCDIST_TREE)" @echo " BIOSVERSION = $(BIOSPROD)" @echo " IPCVERSION = $(IPCSRC)" @echo " CEVERSION = $(CEPROD)" @echo " FCVERSION = $(FCPROD)" @echo " XDAISVERSION = $(XDAISPROD)" @echo " OSALVERSION = $(OSALPROD)" @echo " C66XCGTOOLSPATH = $(C66XCGTOOLSPATH)" @echo " " @echo "Use the appropriate make targets from the following: " @echo " Configure Platform: " @echo " OMAP5 (SMP) - export HWVERSION=ES20 && make omap5_smp_config" @echo " VAYU/J6 (SMP) - export HWVERSION=ES10 && make vayu_smp_config" @echo " Build: - make" @echo " Clean: - make clean" @echo " Generate Binary: " @echo " Firmware - make dspbin" @echo " Information: " @echo " Tools - make tools" @echo " Sources - make sources" @echo " Custom - make custom" @echo " all 3 - make info" @echo " Others: " @echo " Check config - make config" @echo " Clean config - make unconfig" @echo " "