#!/usr/bin/python # Python script to automatically generate the IO pad and delay data # Author:- Nikhil Devshatwar # This script uses regdump of the pad registers to figure out the muxmodes # Based on the pad and muxmode, it find out all possible virtual/manual modes # by referring to the PCT XML model. Using the, selection file, script # decides which modes to be selected. Finally it dumps the required array entries # This script depends on following files:- # * XML data files - Shipped with the DRA7xx PCT tool # * Pad register dump - Generate using omapconf dump 0x4a003400 0x4a00380c # * selection file - List of selected virtual/manual modes to be used import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import re import argparse # Handle the command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='iodelay-autogen.py', description='Python script to generate the IOdelay data.\n' \ 'This script refers to the XML data and automatically generates\n' \ 'PAD and DELAY data for the same use case.\n' \ 'Note that only the PADs which are used in the dump are configured.', epilog='Generate the pad and delay data using pad register dumps. For this,\n' \ 'Run omapconf dump 0x4a003400 0x4a00380c and save the output') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store', type=int, choices=[0, 1, 2], default=0, help='set the debug level') parser.add_argument('-i', '--interactive', dest='interactive', action='store', type=int, choices=[0, 1], default=1, help='run interactively with menus for resolving conflicts') parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', dest='format', action='store', type=str, choices=["linux", "uboot", "bios"], default="uboot", help='select the output format to be used') parser.add_argument('-r', '--revision', dest='revision', action='store', type=str, choices=["1.0", "1.1", "2.0"], default="1.1", help='select the silicon revision') parser.add_argument('-p', '--part', dest='part', action='store', type=str, choices=["dra74x", "dra75x", "dra72x"], default="dra74x", help='select the device part') parser.add_argument('-m', '--module', dest='module', action='store', type=str, default="", help='generate only for modules matching the provided RE') parser.add_argument('-s', '--strict', dest='strict', action='store_true', help='strict mode - ask for each pad of the group, do not save selection.\n' \ 'For some peripherals, same delaymode cannot be used for all the pads.\n' \ 'Use this mode to select different modes for each pad') parser.add_argument('-g', '--gpio', dest='gpio', action='store_true', help='generate script to read pad data from GPIO') parser.add_argument('-c', '--check', dest='check_xml', action='store_true', help='check consistency of the XML files and other data') args = parser.parse_args() # Some more knobs for developers, Don't want to expose them to cmd line args.resetslew = True # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # VERSION = "2.4" if (args.part == "dra74x" or args.part == "dra75x"): XML_PATH = "XMLFiles/DRA75x_DRA74x" PART = "DRA75x_DRA74x" PCT_VERSION = "v1.0.10" elif (args.part == "dra72x"): XML_PATH = "XMLFiles/DRA72x" PART = "DRA72x" PCT_VERSION = "v1.0.7" pad_data_xml = XML_PATH + "/CTRL_MODULE_CORE.xml" iod_data_xml = XML_PATH + "/IODELAYCONFIG.xml" model_data_xml = XML_PATH + "/model_" + PART + "_SR" + args.revision + "_" + PCT_VERSION + ".xml" modehelp_file = XML_PATH + "/guidelines.txt" pad_file = "ctrl-core.dump" sel_file = "selected-modes.txt" print "iodelay-autogen.py - Python script to generate the IOdelay data." print "v" + VERSION + " using PCT version " + PCT_VERSION print "Parsing PCT data from " + model_data_xml + "..." print "" # Read the XML file database for pad and delay registers pad_xml = ET.parse(pad_data_xml).getroot() iod_xml = ET.parse(iod_data_xml).getroot() model_xml = ET.parse(model_data_xml).getroot() # Functions to parse the input files and build data structures def read_guidelines(fname): modehelp = {} pattern = re.compile('([^\t.]+\w)\t+(.+)') f = open(fname) for line in f.readlines(): list = re.match(pattern, line) if ( list == None): continue mode = list.groups(0)[0] info = list.groups(0)[1] modehelp[mode] = info if (args.debug >= 2): print "Help: Mode '%s' is used for '%s'" % (mode, info) return modehelp def read_selmodes(fname): sel = {} pattern = re.compile('(\w+)\W*,\W*(\w*)') f = open(fname) for line in f.readlines(): list = re.match(pattern, line) if ( list == None): continue module = list.groups(0)[0] mode = list.groups(0)[1] sel[module] = mode if (args.debug >= 2): print "INFO: Select '%s' for '%s'" % (mode, module) return sel def read_pad_dump(file): regmap = {} pattern = re.compile('.*(0x[0-9A-F]+).*(0x[0-9A-F]+).*') f = open(file, 'r') for line in f: list = re.match(pattern, line) if ( list == None): continue addr = int(list.groups(0)[0], 16) val = int(list.groups(0)[1], 16) #print "PADXML: Addr = %08x Value = %08x" % (addr, val) regmap[addr] = val return regmap # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Helper functions to parse XML nodes and get the desired data # Hugely dependent on the XML format of the PCT files # Uses XPath to search elements with queries and filters # Parse the nodes to generate data in desired format def xml_pad_get_name(offset): padlist = pad_xml.findall("register[@offset='0x%X']" % offset) if (len(padlist) == 0): return "Unknown" else: return padlist[0].get("id") def xml_pad_get_slew(offset): padlist = pad_xml.findall("register[@offset='0x%X']" % offset) if (len(padlist) == 0): return 0x0 else: bitlist = padlist[0].findall("bitfield[@begin='19']") if (len(bitlist) == 0): return 0x0 else: return int(bitlist[0].get("resetval"), 16) # For DRA72x SoC, for "ball compatibility" purpose, some signals have same muxmode. # CTRL_CORE_ALT_SELECT_MUX register allows to select between one of the signals # Its like a board mux has been added inside the SoC, except it uses same muxmode. def resolve_group(muxmode_str): mmlist = muxmode_str.split(" ") mmlen = len(mmlist) if (mmlen == 1): def_mode = mmlist[0] return mmlist[0] elif (mmlen == 2): def_mode = mmlist[0] grp1_mode = mmlist[1] elif (mmlen == 3): def_mode = mmlist[0] grp1_mode = mmlist[1] grp2_mode = mmlist[2] else: print "ERR: Cannot resolve muxmode group for '%s'" % muxmode_str #HACK for now return def_mode def xml_model_get_signal(offset, muxmode): padlist = pad_xml.findall("register[@offset='0x%X']" % offset) if (len(padlist) == 0): return "Unknown" else: mux_field = padlist[0].findall("./bitfield[@end='0']") if (len(mux_field) == 0): return "Unknown" modes = mux_field[0].findall("./bitenum[@value='%d']" % muxmode) if (len(modes) == 0): return "Unknown" return resolve_group(modes[0].get("id")) def xml_iodelay_get_reg(name): delaylist = iod_xml.findall("register[@id='%s']" % name) if (len(delaylist) == 0): return 0 else: offset = delaylist[0].get("offset") #print "IOD: Name = %s Offset = %s" % (del_reg, offset) return int(offset, 16) def xml_get_virtual(mode): vmodes = {} signal = mode.findtext("signal") for virt in mode.findall("virtualmode/mode"): virt_mode = virt.findtext("value") virt_name = virt.findtext("name") if (virt_name == "NA"): continue virt_mode = int(virt_mode) vmodes[virt_name] = virt_mode if (args.debug >= 1): print (" * VIRTUAL: %s [%s] => delaymode = %d" % (signal, virt_name, virt_mode)) return vmodes def xml_get_manual(mode): mmodes = {} signal = mode.findtext("signal") for man in mode.findall("manualmode"): regname = man.findtext("cfgreg/name") for sel in man.findall("cfgreg/mode"): adel = sel.findtext("adelay") gdel = sel.findtext("gdelay") man_name = sel.findtext("name") if (man_name == "NA"): continue adel = int(adel) gdel = int(gdel) if (man_name not in mmodes.keys()): mmodes[man_name] = [] mmodes[man_name].append((regname, adel, gdel)) if (args.debug >= 1): print (" * MANUAL: %s [%s] => delay[%s] = %d, %d" % (signal, man_name, regname, adel, gdel)) return mmodes def xml_find_delaymodes(pad_name, muxmode): padlist = model_xml.findall("padDB/clockNode/type/pad") for pad in padlist: if (pad_name == pad.findtext("confregisters/regbit/register")): muxmodes = pad.findall("muxmode") break if not muxmodes: return None for mode in muxmodes: if ("%d" % muxmode == mode.findtext("mode")): virt = xml_get_virtual(mode) man = xml_get_manual(mode) return (virt, man) return None def xml_check_correctness(modehelp): if(args.check_xml == False): return print "###########################################" print "XML correctness checks:" padcore_list = [] padmodel_list = [] modes = {} # Fint all the pads in core XML pad_list = pad_xml.findall("register") for i in pad_list: name = i.get("id") if (re.match("CTRL_CORE_PAD_.*", name) == None): continue padcore_list.append(name) print ">> Total pads defined in core XML = %d" % len(padcore_list) # Find all the pads in model XML pad_list = model_xml.findall("padDB/clockNode/type/pad/confregisters/regbit") for i in pad_list: name = i.findtext("register") padmodel_list.append(name) print ">> Total pads defined in model XML = %d" % len(padmodel_list) # Find all the manual modes manmode_list = model_xml.findall("padDB/clockNode/type/pad/muxmode/manualmode/cfgreg/mode") for i in manmode_list: man_name = i.findtext("name") modes[man_name] = "manual" # Find all the virtual modes virtmode_list = model_xml.findall("padDB/clockNode/type/pad/muxmode/virtualmode/mode") for i in virtmode_list: virt_name = i.findtext("name") modes[virt_name] = "virtual" print ">> Total delaymodes defined in model XML = %d" % len(modes) # Print out all the errors found in the tests print "== Pads defined in core XML but not in model XML ==" for i in padcore_list: if (i not in padmodel_list): print "\t%s" % i print "== Pads defined in model XML but not in core XML ==" for i in padmodel_list: if (i not in padcore_list): print "\t%s" % i # Check if description for each mode is available print "== Delaymodes missing description in the guidelines.txt ==" for i in modes: if (i not in modehelp): print "\t%s" % i print "###########################################" # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Decision point of the script # For each pad/pin, decide what delay method is used # Lookup in the selection file or ask user with a menu def select_mode(pad, pin, module, virt, man, modehelp, sel): modelist = [] for modename in virt.keys(): modelist.append(modename) for modename in man.keys(): modelist.append(modename) if (len(modelist) == 0): return "LEGACY" if (module in sel.keys()): mode = sel[module] if (mode == "SKIP" or mode == "LEGACY" or mode in modelist): return mode else: print("ERR: Invalid delaymode '%s' for module '%s'" % (mode, module)) if (args.interactive == 0): print "WARN: No delay modes for %s found, skipping" % module mode = "SKIP" return mode # Display the menu and ask user to select the 'right' mode while True: print "" print "MENU: Select delay mode for %s -> %s" % (pad, pin) i = 0 print "MENU: %d: %s \t\t\t%s" % (i, "SKIP", "Skips this module for now") i = 1 print "MENU: %d: %s \t\t%s" % (i, "LEGACY", "No external delay config (No virtual/manual needed)") for mode in modelist: i += 1 if (mode in modehelp): helptext = modehelp[mode] else: helptext = "Unknown" print "MENU: %d: %s \t\t%s" % (i, mode, helptext) try: choice = int(raw_input("Select delay mode #> ")) if (choice == 0): mode = "SKIP" break elif (choice == 1): mode = "LEGACY" break elif (choice >=2 and choice <= len(modelist) + 1): mode = modelist[choice - 2] break print "ERROR: Invalid choice" except ValueError: print "ERROR: Invalid choice" print "MENU: Selected mode is %s" % mode print "" return mode # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Pad read using GPIO - Specific to linux only # As each pad is muxed with a SoC gpio (for most of the pads) # It's possible to read the pad data using gpio datain registers # Dump the linux commands to read the gpio registers and read the pad data def pad_dump_gpio(padconf, per_padconf): print "###########################################" print "# Read %s signals using GPIO DATA-IN registers" % args.module print "# Works only for the input signals" print "###########################################" gpio_data_addrs = (0, 0x4ae10138, 0x48055138, 0x48057138, 0x48059138, 0x4805b138, 0x4805d138, 0x48051138, 0x48053138) for i in padconf: (pad_name, pin_name, addr, val, mode, delayinfo) = i offset = addr - 0x4a002000 gpio_name = xml_model_get_signal(offset, 14) matchlist = re.match("GPIO(.)_(.*)", gpio_name) if (matchlist == None): print "ERR: No GPIO for pad %s" % pad_name continue inst = int(matchlist.groups(0)[0]) bit = int(matchlist.groups(0)[1]) gpio_addr = gpio_data_addrs[inst] print "#Read GPIO%d_%d to sample %s" % (inst, bit, pin_name) print " echo %d > /sys/class/gpio/export 2>/dev/null;" % ((inst - 1) * 32) print " val=`omapconf read 0x%x 2>&1 | grep -v \"support\"`;" % gpio_addr print " status=$((0x$val >> %d & 0x1));" % bit print " echo -e \"%s (%s)\t = $status\";" % (pin_name, gpio_name) print "" print "" # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Generate the final pad and delay data in the required format def format_pad_regs(padconf, per_padconf): print "###########################################" print "Pad data output (with the delay modes)" print "###########################################" if (args.format == "uboot"): uboot_format_pad_regs(padconf, per_padconf) elif (args.format == "linux"): linux_format_pad_regs(padconf, per_padconf) elif (args.format == "bios"): bios_format_pad_regs(padconf, per_padconf) else: print "ERR: Format %s not suppported" % args.format def format_delay_regs(delayconf, per_delayconf): print "#########################################" print "Delay data output (for manual modes)" print "#########################################" if (args.format == "uboot"): uboot_format_delay_regs(delayconf, per_delayconf) elif (args.format == "linux"): linux_format_delay_regs(delayconf, per_delayconf) elif (args.format == "bios"): bios_format_delay_regs(delayconf, per_delayconf) else: print "ERR: Format %s not suppported" % args.format def get_pin_info(val): slew_fast = (val >> 19) & 0x1 inp_en = (val >> 18) & 0x1 pulltype = (val >> 17) & 0x1 pull_dis = (val >> 16) & 0x1 pin = "PIN" if (inp_en): pin += "_INPUT" else: pin += "_OUTPUT" if (pull_dis == 0): if (pulltype): pin += "_PULLUP" else: pin += "_PULLDOWN" if (slew_fast): pin += " | SLEWCONTROL" return pin # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Generate output in u-boot format def uboot_format_pad_regs(padconf, per_padconf): print "\nconst struct pad_conf_entry dra74x_core_padconf_array[] = {" for i in padconf: (pad_name, pin_name, addr, val, mode, delayinfo) = i muxmode = val & 0xf (method, data) = delayinfo if (method == "LEGACY"): extramode = "" elif (method == "VIRTUAL"): delaymode = data extramode = " | VIRTUAL_MODE%d" % delaymode elif (method == "MANUAL"): extramode = " | MANUAL_MODE" else: print "ERR: Invalid method %s" % method pin_info = get_pin_info(val) + extramode pad_short = re.sub("CTRL_CORE_PAD_", "", pad_name) comment = (pad_short + "." + pin_name).lower() print "\t{ %s, (M%d | %s) },\t/* %s */" % (pad_short, muxmode, pin_info, comment) print "};\n" def uboot_format_delay_regs(delayconf, per_delayconf): manual_del = [] for i in delayconf: (pad_name, pin_name, regname, del_offset, man_name, adel, gdel) = i entry = (del_offset, adel, gdel, regname, pin_name, man_name) manual_del.append(entry) es_rev = args.revision.replace('.', '_') print "\nconst struct iodelay_cfg_entry dra742_es" + es_rev + "_iodelay_cfg_array[] = {" for entry in sorted(manual_del): print "\t{ 0x%04X, %5d, %5d },\t/* %s : %s - %s */" % entry print "};\n" # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Generate output in linux format def linux_format_pad_regs(padconf, per_padconf): print "&dra7_pmx_core {" for per in per_padconf: if (re.match("MMC.*", per) == None): print "WARN: Only MMC padconf is recommended in kernel" # Get the mode from the first entry (pad_name, pin_name, addr, val, mode, delayinfo) = per_padconf[per][0] dtsnode = ("%s_pins_%s" % (per, mode)).lower() print "" print "\t%s: %s {" % (dtsnode, dtsnode) print "\t\tpinctrl-single,pins = <" for i in per_padconf[per]: (pad_name, pin_name, addr, val, mode, delayinfo) = i muxmode = val & 0xf (method, data) = delayinfo if (method == "LEGACY"): extramode = "" elif (method == "VIRTUAL"): delaymode = data extramode = " | MUX_VIRTUAL_MODE%d" % delaymode elif (method == "MANUAL"): extramode = " | MANUAL_MODE" else: print "ERR: Invalid method %s" % method pin_info = get_pin_info(val) + extramode pad_short = re.sub("CTRL_CORE_PAD_", "", pad_name) offset = addr - 0x4a003400 comment = (pad_short + "." + pin_name).lower() print "\t\t\t0x%03X\t(%s | MUX_MODE%d)\t/* %s */" % (offset, pin_info, muxmode, comment) print "\t\t>;" print "\t};" print "};\n" def linux_format_delay_regs(delayconf, per_delayconf): print "&dra7_iodelay_core {" for per in per_delayconf.keys(): if (re.match("MMC.*", per) == None): print "WARN: Only MMC delayconf is recommended in kernel" # Get the mode from the first entry (pad_name, pin_name, regname, del_offset, mode, adel, gdel) = per_delayconf[per][0] dtsnode = ("%s_iodelay_%s_conf" % (per, mode)).lower() print "\t%s: %s {" % (dtsnode, dtsnode) print "\t\tpinctrl-single,pins = <" for i in per_delayconf[per]: (pad_name, pin_name, regname, del_offset, mode, adel, gdel) = i print "\t\t\t0x%03X (A_DELAY(%d) | G_DELAY(%d))\t/* %s */" % (del_offset, adel, gdel, regname) print "\t\t>;" print "\t};" print "};\n" # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Generate output in bios format def bios_format_pad_regs(padconf, per_padconf): for i in padconf: (pad_name, pin_name, addr, val, mode, delayinfo) = i delaylist = [] (method, data) = delayinfo if (method == "VIRTUAL"): virt_mode = data val = val | ( virt_mode<< 4) val = val | (1 << 8) elif (method == "MANUAL"): delaylist = data val = val | (1 << 8) offset = addr - 0x4a003400 out_delreg = out_adel = out_gdel = 0 in_delreg = in_adel = in_gdel = 0 oen_delreg = oen_adel = oen_gdel = 0 for j in delaylist: (regname, adel, gdel) = j if (re.match(".*_IN", regname) != None): in_delreg = xml_iodelay_get_reg(regname) in_adel = adel in_gdel = gdel elif (re.match(".*_OEN", regname) != None): oen_delreg = xml_iodelay_get_reg(regname) oen_adel = adel oen_gdel = gdel elif (re.match(".*_OUT", regname) != None): out_delreg = xml_iodelay_get_reg(regname) out_adel = adel out_gdel = gdel indel = "{ 0x%04X, %4d, %4d }" % (in_delreg, in_adel, in_gdel) oendel = "{ 0x%04X, %4d, %4d }" % (oen_delreg, oen_adel, oen_gdel) outdel = "{ 0x%04X, %4d, %4d }" % (out_delreg, out_adel, out_gdel) pin_info = get_pin_info(val) print "\t/* %s -> %s (%s) %s delaymode */" % (pad_name, pin_name, pin_info, method) print "\t{ 0x%03X, 0x%08X, %s, %s, %s }" % (offset, val, indel, oendel, outdel) def bios_format_delay_regs(delayconf, per_delayconf): print "Manual delays are not configured separately" print "Delays are configured as part of the padconf step only" # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Main execution starts here # * Parse all the XML files - Get the pad data and IOdelay data # * Iterate over the pad register dumps # * For each pad, find out the muxmode being used and the pad direction, etc # * For the muxmode being used, find out available virtual/modes # - Dump the virtual/manual modes available (based on options) # - Build up the gpio script to read the pad data using GPIO module # * Select the correct mode to be used # - Check if the mode is described for the peripheral module, (from selected-modes.txt) # - Otherwise ask the user (with a menu) to decide the delaymode # => Update the selection for the whole of the peripheral module # - Worst case, skip the delaymode for this pad # * Build the pad and delay register information # * Create the dump for pad and delay data in linux/u-boot format # * Dump the delaymode selection for each peripheral # * Dump the GPIO script for each peripheral (all pads grouped together) # # Read all the input files and parse the required info modehelp = read_guidelines(modehelp_file) sel = read_selmodes(sel_file) regmap = read_pad_dump(pad_file) reglist = regmap.keys() # List of all the pads being configured padconf = [] # List of all the delay registers being configured (for manual mode) delayconf = [] # Dictionary of pads grouped by peripheral/module per_padconf = {} # Dictionary of delay registers grouped by peripheral/module per_delayconf = {} xml_check_correctness(modehelp) # Start iterating over each pad for i in range(0, 260): # Find out the muxmode and pad direction, etc addr = 0x4a003400 + i * 4 offset = 0x1400 + i * 4 dts_offset = offset - 0x1400 if (addr not in reglist): print "WARN: Register dump for pad 0x%X not found" % addr continue val = regmap[addr] muxmode = val & 0xf # Find out the pin based on the muxmode pad_name = xml_pad_get_name(offset) pin_name = xml_model_get_signal(offset, muxmode) if (pad_name == "Unknown" or pin_name == "Unknown"): print "WARN: Cannot find out Pad/Pin name for PAD address 0x%X (%s[%s] = %s)" \ % (addr, pad_name, muxmode, pin_name) continue if (pin_name == "DRIVER"): continue # Find out if the delaymode for this module is already selected module = re.match("([^_]+)_.*", pin_name).groups(0)[0] if (args.module != "" and re.match("%s" % args.module, module) == None): continue # It is recommended to keep the reset value of the slewcontrol bit # Find out the reset value from XML and update if required if (args.resetslew): val |= (xml_pad_get_slew(offset) & 0x1) << 19 if (args.debug >= 1): print "\nPAD: %s: Addr= 0x%08X Value = 0x%08X \"%s\"" \ % (pad_name, addr, val, pin_name) # Find out all the possible virtual, manual modes fot the specific pad -> pin combination (virt, man) = xml_find_delaymodes(pad_name, muxmode) if (args.gpio == True): mode = "LEGACY" else: # Need to select one out of allowed modes mode = select_mode(pad_name, pin_name, module, virt, man, modehelp, sel) # Remember the selection for that module, for later reuse if (args.strict == False and module not in sel.keys()): sel[module] = mode if (mode == "SKIP"): continue elif (mode == "LEGACY"): delayinfo = ("LEGACY", "") elif (mode in virt): delayinfo = ("VIRTUAL", virt[mode]) elif (mode in man): delayinfo = ("MANUAL", man[mode]) else: print "ERR: Unknown mode '%s' selected" % mode continue if (args.debug >= 1): print " => Using mode %s" % mode paddata = (pad_name, pin_name, addr, val, mode, delayinfo) if (module not in per_padconf.keys()): per_padconf[module] = [] padconf.append(paddata) per_padconf[module].append(paddata) if(mode not in man): continue # Add the delay data if using manual mode for regval in man[mode]: (regname, adel, gdel) = regval del_offset = xml_iodelay_get_reg(regname) if (del_offset == 0): print "WARN: Can't find delay offset of register %s" % regname break if (args.debug >= 1): print " => Manual delay[%s] = (%d, %d)" % (regname, adel, gdel) delaydata = (pad_name, pin_name, regname, del_offset, mode, adel, gdel) if (module not in per_delayconf.keys()): per_delayconf[module] = [] delayconf.append(delaydata) per_delayconf[module].append(delaydata) print "" print "Total PAD registers: %d" % len(padconf) print "Total DELAY registers: %d" % len(delayconf) print "" if(args.gpio == True): pad_dump_gpio(padconf, per_padconf) exit() format_pad_regs(padconf, per_padconf) format_delay_regs(delayconf, per_delayconf) # Dump the final selection for reuse print "Selected modes for each peripheral module\n" for group in sel: print "%s,\t%s" % (group, sel[group]) print "" # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #