/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Texas Instruments * Author: Rob Clark * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by * the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "demux.h" /* Padding for width as per Codec Requirement (for h264) */ #define PADX 32 /* Padding for height as per Codec requirement (for h264)*/ #define PADY 24 struct decoder { struct display *disp; struct demux *demux; struct buffer *framebuf; Engine_Handle engine; VIDDEC3_Handle codec; VIDDEC3_Params *params; VIDDEC3_DynamicParams *dynParams; VIDDEC3_Status *status; XDM2_BufDesc *inBufs; XDM2_BufDesc *outBufs; VIDDEC3_InArgs *inArgs; VIDDEC3_OutArgs *outArgs; char *input; struct omap_bo *input_bo; int input_sz, uv_offset; suseconds_t tdisp; }; /* When true, do not actually call VIDDEC3_process. For benchmarking. */ static int no_process = 0; /* When true, loop at end of playback. */ static int loop = 0; static void usage(char *name) { MSG("Usage: %s [OPTIONS] INFILE", name); MSG("Test of viddec3 decoder."); MSG(""); MSG("viddec3test options:"); MSG("\t-h, --help: Print this help and exit."); MSG("\t--loop\tRestart playback at end of stream."); MSG("\t--no-process\tDo not actually call VIDDEC3_process method. For benchmarking."); MSG(""); disp_usage(); } static void decoder_close(struct decoder *decoder) { if (decoder->codec) VIDDEC3_delete(decoder->codec); if (decoder->engine) Engine_close(decoder->engine); if (decoder->params) dce_free(decoder->params); if (decoder->dynParams) dce_free(decoder->dynParams); if (decoder->status) dce_free(decoder->status); if (decoder->inBufs) free(decoder->inBufs); if (decoder->outBufs) free(decoder->outBufs); if (decoder->inArgs) dce_free(decoder->inArgs); if (decoder->outArgs) dce_free(decoder->outArgs); if (decoder->input_bo) omap_bo_del(decoder->input_bo); if (decoder->demux) demux_deinit(decoder->demux); if (decoder->disp) disp_close(decoder->disp); free(decoder); } static struct decoder * decoder_open(int argc, char **argv) { struct decoder *decoder; char *infile = NULL; int i, num_buffers; int width, height, padded_width, padded_height; Engine_Error ec; XDAS_Int32 err; decoder = calloc(1, sizeof(*decoder)); if (!decoder) return NULL; MSG("%p: Opening Display..", decoder); decoder->disp = disp_open(argc, argv); if (!decoder->disp) goto usage; /* loop thru args, find input file.. */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { int fd; if (!argv[i]) { continue; } fd = open(argv[i], 0); if (fd > 0) { infile = argv[i]; argv[i] = NULL; close(fd); break; } break; } if (check_args(argc, argv) || !infile) goto usage; MSG("%p: Opening Demuxer..", decoder); decoder->demux = demux_init(infile, &width, &height); if (!decoder->demux) { ERROR("%p: could not open demuxer", decoder); goto fail; } MSG("%p: infile=%s, width=%d, height=%d", decoder, infile, width, height); /* calculate output buffer parameters: */ width = ALIGN2 (width, 4); /* round up to macroblocks */ height = ALIGN2 (height, 4); /* round up to macroblocks */ padded_width = ALIGN2 (width + (2*PADX), 7); padded_height = height + 4*PADY; num_buffers = MIN(16, 32768 / ((width/16) * (height/16))) + 3; MSG("%p: padded_width=%d, padded_height=%d, num_buffers=%d", decoder, padded_width, padded_height, num_buffers); if (!decoder->disp->multiplanar) { decoder->uv_offset = padded_width * padded_height; MSG("%p: uv_offset=%d", decoder, decoder->uv_offset); } decoder->input_sz = width * height; decoder->input_bo = omap_bo_new(decoder->disp->dev, decoder->input_sz, OMAP_BO_WC); decoder->input = omap_bo_map(decoder->input_bo); decoder->framebuf = disp_get_fb(decoder->disp); if (! disp_get_vid_buffers(decoder->disp, num_buffers, FOURCC_STR("NV12"), padded_width, padded_height)) { ERROR("%p: could not allocate buffers", decoder); goto fail; } MSG("%p: Opening Engine..", decoder); dce_set_fd(decoder->disp->fd); decoder->engine = Engine_open("ivahd_vidsvr", NULL, &ec); if (!decoder->engine) { ERROR("%p: could not open engine", decoder); goto fail; } decoder->params = dce_alloc(sizeof(IVIDDEC3_Params)); decoder->params->size = sizeof(IVIDDEC3_Params); decoder->params->maxWidth = width; decoder->params->maxHeight = height; decoder->params->maxFrameRate = 30000; decoder->params->maxBitRate = 10000000; decoder->params->dataEndianness = XDM_BYTE; decoder->params->forceChromaFormat= XDM_YUV_420SP; decoder->params->operatingMode = IVIDEO_DECODE_ONLY; decoder->params->displayDelay = IVIDDEC3_DISPLAY_DELAY_AUTO; decoder->params->displayBufsMode = IVIDDEC3_DISPLAYBUFS_EMBEDDED; MSG("displayBufsMode: %d", decoder->params->displayBufsMode); decoder->params->inputDataMode = IVIDEO_ENTIREFRAME; decoder->params->metadataType[0] = IVIDEO_METADATAPLANE_NONE; decoder->params->metadataType[1] = IVIDEO_METADATAPLANE_NONE; decoder->params->metadataType[2] = IVIDEO_METADATAPLANE_NONE; decoder->params->numInputDataUnits= 0; decoder->params->outputDataMode = IVIDEO_ENTIREFRAME; decoder->params->numOutputDataUnits = 0; decoder->params->errorInfoMode = IVIDEO_ERRORINFO_OFF; decoder->codec = VIDDEC3_create(decoder->engine, "ivahd_h264dec", decoder->params); if (!decoder->codec) { ERROR("%p: could not create codec", decoder); goto fail; } decoder->dynParams = dce_alloc(sizeof(IVIDDEC3_DynamicParams)); decoder->dynParams->size = sizeof(IVIDDEC3_DynamicParams); decoder->dynParams->decodeHeader = XDM_DECODE_AU; /*Not Supported: Set default*/ decoder->dynParams->displayWidth = 0; decoder->dynParams->frameSkipMode = IVIDEO_NO_SKIP; decoder->dynParams->newFrameFlag = XDAS_TRUE; decoder->status = dce_alloc(sizeof(IVIDDEC3_Status)); decoder->status->size = sizeof(IVIDDEC3_Status); err = VIDDEC3_control(decoder->codec, XDM_SETPARAMS, decoder->dynParams, decoder->status); if (err) { ERROR("%p: fail: %d", decoder, err); goto fail; } /* not entirely sure why we need to call this here.. just copying omx.. */ err = VIDDEC3_control(decoder->codec, XDM_GETBUFINFO, decoder->dynParams, decoder->status); if (err) { ERROR("%p: fail: %d", decoder, err); goto fail; } decoder->inBufs = calloc(1, sizeof(XDM2_BufDesc)); decoder->inBufs->numBufs = 1; decoder->inBufs->descs[0].buf = (XDAS_Int8 *)omap_bo_handle(decoder->input_bo); decoder->inBufs->descs[0].bufSize.bytes = omap_bo_size(decoder->input_bo); decoder->inBufs->descs[0].memType = XDM_MEMTYPE_BO; decoder->outBufs = calloc(1, sizeof(XDM2_BufDesc)); decoder->outBufs->numBufs = 2; decoder->outBufs->descs[0].memType = XDM_MEMTYPE_BO; if (decoder->disp->multiplanar) { decoder->outBufs->descs[1].memType = XDM_MEMTYPE_BO; } else { decoder->outBufs->descs[1].memType = XDM_MEMTYPE_BO_OFFSET; } decoder->inArgs = dce_alloc(sizeof(IVIDDEC3_InArgs)); decoder->inArgs->size = sizeof(IVIDDEC3_InArgs); decoder->outArgs = dce_alloc(sizeof(IVIDDEC3_OutArgs)); decoder->outArgs->size = sizeof(IVIDDEC3_OutArgs); decoder->tdisp = mark(NULL); return decoder; usage: usage(argv[0]); fail: if (decoder) decoder_close(decoder); return NULL; } static int decoder_process(struct decoder *decoder) { XDM2_BufDesc *inBufs = decoder->inBufs; XDM2_BufDesc *outBufs = decoder->outBufs; VIDDEC3_InArgs *inArgs = decoder->inArgs; VIDDEC3_OutArgs *outArgs = decoder->outArgs; struct buffer *buf; int i, n; buf = disp_get_vid_buffer(decoder->disp); if (!buf) { ERROR("%p: fail: out of buffers", decoder); return -1; } /* demux; in loop mode, we can do two tries at the end of the stream. */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { n = demux_read(decoder->demux, decoder->input, decoder->input_sz); if (n) { inBufs->descs[0].bufSize.bytes = n; inArgs->numBytes = n; DBG("%p: push: %d bytes (%p)", decoder, n, buf); } else { /* end of input.. do we need to flush? */ MSG("%p: end of input", decoder); /* In loop mode: rewind and retry once. */ if (loop && i == 0) { int err = demux_rewind(decoder->demux); if (err < 0) { ERROR("%p: demux_rewind returned error: %d", decoder, err); return -1; } MSG("%p: rewound.", decoder); continue; } /* Not in loop or second try: end. */ inBufs->numBufs = 0; inArgs->inputID = 0; } break; } inArgs->inputID = (XDAS_Int32)buf; outBufs->descs[0].buf = (XDAS_Int8 *)omap_bo_handle(buf->bo[0]); if (buf->multiplanar) { outBufs->descs[0].bufSize.bytes = omap_bo_size(buf->bo[0]); outBufs->descs[1].buf = (XDAS_Int8 *)omap_bo_handle(buf->bo[1]); outBufs->descs[1].bufSize.bytes = omap_bo_size(buf->bo[1]); } else { outBufs->descs[0].bufSize.bytes = decoder->uv_offset; outBufs->descs[1].buf = (XDAS_Int8 *)decoder->uv_offset; outBufs->descs[1].bufSize.bytes = omap_bo_size(buf->bo[0]) - decoder->uv_offset; } if (no_process) { /* Do not process. This is for benchmarking. We need to "fake" * the outArgs. */ outArgs->outputID[0] = buf; outArgs->outputID[1] = NULL; outArgs->freeBufID[0] = buf; outArgs->freeBufID[1] = NULL; outArgs->outBufsInUseFlag = 0; } else { XDAS_Int32 err; suseconds_t tproc; tproc = mark(NULL); err = VIDDEC3_process(decoder->codec, inBufs, outBufs, inArgs, outArgs); DBG("%p: processed returned in: %ldus", decoder, (long int)mark(&tproc)); if (err) { ERROR("%p: process returned error: %d", decoder, err); ERROR("%p: extendedError: %08x", decoder, outArgs->extendedError); if (XDM_ISFATALERROR(outArgs->extendedError)) return -1; } } for (i = 0; outArgs->outputID[i]; i++) { /* calculate offset to region of interest */ XDM_Rect *r = &(outArgs->displayBufs.bufDesc[0].activeFrameRegion); /* get the output buffer and write it to file */ buf = (struct buffer *)outArgs->outputID[i]; DBG("%p: post buffer: %p %d,%d %d,%d", decoder, buf, r->topLeft.x, r->topLeft.y, r->bottomRight.x, r->bottomRight.y); disp_post_vid_buffer(decoder->disp, buf, r->topLeft.x, r->topLeft.y, r->bottomRight.x - r->topLeft.x, r->bottomRight.y - r->topLeft.y); DBG("%p: display in: %ldus", decoder, (long int)mark(&decoder->tdisp)); } for (i = 0; outArgs->freeBufID[i]; i++) { buf = (struct buffer *)outArgs->freeBufID[i]; disp_put_vid_buffer(decoder->disp, buf); } if (outArgs->outBufsInUseFlag) { MSG("%p: TODO... outBufsInUseFlag", decoder); // XXX } return (inBufs->numBufs > 0) ? 0 : -1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct decoder *decoders[8] = {}; int i, n, first = 0, ndecoders = 0; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) { usage(argv[0]); exit(0); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--loop")) { loop = 1; argv[i] = NULL; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--no-process")) { no_process = 1; argv[i] = NULL; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--")) { argv[first] = argv[0]; decoders[ndecoders++] = decoder_open(i - first, &argv[first]); first = i; } } argv[first] = argv[0]; decoders[ndecoders++] = decoder_open(i - first, &argv[first]); do { for (i = 0, n = 0; i < ndecoders; i++) { if (decoders[i]) { int ret = decoder_process(decoders[i]); if (ret) { decoder_close(decoders[i]); decoders[i] = NULL; continue; } n++; } } } while(n > 0); return 0; }