]> Gitweb @ Texas Instruments - Open Source Git Repositories - git.TI.com/gitweb - glsdk/xserver.git/blob - hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaInit.c
Imported Upstream version 1.11.4
[glsdk/xserver.git] / hw / xfree86 / xaa / xaaInit.c
3 #include <xorg-config.h>
4 #endif
6 #include "misc.h"
7 #include "xf86.h"
8 #include "xf86_OSproc.h"
10 #include <X11/X.h>
11 #include "scrnintstr.h"
12 #include "pixmapstr.h"
13 #include "windowstr.h"
14 #include "xf86str.h"
15 #include "mi.h"
16 #include "miline.h"
17 #include "xaa.h"
18 #include "xaalocal.h"
19 #include "xaawrap.h"
20 #include "xf86fbman.h"
21 #include "servermd.h"
22 #ifdef COMPOSITE
23 #include "cw.h"
24 #endif
26 #define MAX_PREALLOC_MEM        65536   /* MUST be >= 1024 */
28 #define MIN_OFFPIX_SIZE         (320*200)
30 static Bool XAACloseScreen(int i, ScreenPtr pScreen);
31 static void XAAGetImage(DrawablePtr pDrawable, int sx, int sy, int w, int h,
32                         unsigned int format, unsigned long planemask,
33                         char *pdstLine);
34 static void XAAGetSpans(DrawablePtr pDrawable, int wMax, DDXPointPtr ppt,
35                         int *pwidth, int nspans, char *pdstStart);
36 static PixmapPtr XAACreatePixmap(ScreenPtr pScreen, int w, int h, int depth,
37                                  unsigned usage_hint);
38 static Bool XAADestroyPixmap(PixmapPtr pPixmap);
39 static Bool XAAEnterVT (int index, int flags);
40 static void XAALeaveVT (int index, int flags);
41 static int  XAASetDGAMode(int index, int num, DGADevicePtr devRet);
42 static void XAAEnableDisableFBAccess (int index, Bool enable);
43 static Bool XAAChangeWindowAttributes (WindowPtr pWin, unsigned long mask);
45 static DevPrivateKeyRec XAAScreenKeyRec;
46 #define XAAScreenKey (&XAAScreenKeyRec)
47 static DevPrivateKeyRec XAAGCKeyRec;
48 #define XAAGCKey (&XAAGCKeyRec)
49 static DevPrivateKeyRec XAAPixmapKeyRec;
50 #define XAAPixmapKey (&XAAPixmapKeyRec)
52 DevPrivateKey XAAGetScreenKey(void) {
53     return XAAScreenKey;
54 }
56 DevPrivateKey XAAGetGCKey(void) {
57     return XAAGCKey;
58 }
60 DevPrivateKey XAAGetPixmapKey(void) {
61     return XAAPixmapKey;
62 }
64 /* temp kludge */
65 static Bool SwitchedOut = FALSE;
67 XAAInfoRecPtr
68 XAACreateInfoRec(void)
69 {
70     XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec;
72     infoRec = calloc(1, sizeof(XAAInfoRec));
73     if(infoRec)
74         infoRec->CachePixelGranularity = -1;
76     return infoRec;
77 }
79 void
80 XAADestroyInfoRec(XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec)
81 {
82     if(!infoRec) return;
84     if(infoRec->ClosePixmapCache)
85         (*infoRec->ClosePixmapCache)(infoRec->pScrn->pScreen);
87     free(infoRec->PreAllocMem);
89     free(infoRec->PixmapCachePrivate);
91     free(infoRec);
92 }
95 Bool
96 XAAInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec)
97 {
98     ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum];
99     XAAScreenPtr pScreenPriv;
100     int i;
101     PictureScreenPtr    ps = GetPictureScreenIfSet(pScreen);
103     /* Return successfully if no acceleration wanted */
104     if (!infoRec)
105         return TRUE;
107     if (!dixRegisterPrivateKey(&XAAGCKeyRec, PRIVATE_GC, sizeof(XAAGCRec)))
108         return FALSE;
110     if (!dixRegisterPrivateKey(&XAAPixmapKeyRec, PRIVATE_PIXMAP, sizeof(XAAPixmapRec)))
111         return FALSE;
113     if (!dixRegisterPrivateKey(&XAAScreenKeyRec, PRIVATE_SCREEN, 0))
114         return FALSE;
116     if (!(pScreenPriv = malloc(sizeof(XAAScreenRec))))
117         return FALSE;
119     dixSetPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, XAAScreenKey, pScreenPriv);
121     if(!xf86FBManagerRunning(pScreen))
122         infoRec->Flags &= ~(PIXMAP_CACHE | OFFSCREEN_PIXMAPS);
123     if(!(infoRec->Flags & LINEAR_FRAMEBUFFER))
124         infoRec->Flags &= ~OFFSCREEN_PIXMAPS;
126     if(!infoRec->FullPlanemask) { /* for backwards compatibility */
127         infoRec->FullPlanemask =  (1 << pScrn->depth) - 1;
128         infoRec->FullPlanemasks[pScrn->depth - 1] = infoRec->FullPlanemask;
129     }
131     for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
132         if(!infoRec->FullPlanemasks[i]) /* keep any set by caller */
133             infoRec->FullPlanemasks[i] = (1 << (i+1)) - 1;      
134     }
136     if(!XAAInitAccel(pScreen, infoRec)) return FALSE;
137     pScreenPriv->AccelInfoRec = infoRec;
138     infoRec->ScratchGC.pScreen = pScreen;
141     if(!infoRec->GetImage)
142         infoRec->GetImage = XAAGetImage;
143     if(!infoRec->GetSpans)
144         infoRec->GetSpans = XAAGetSpans;
145     if(!infoRec->CopyWindow)
146         infoRec->CopyWindow = XAACopyWindow;
148     pScreenPriv->CreateGC = pScreen->CreateGC;
149     pScreen->CreateGC = XAACreateGC;
150     pScreenPriv->CloseScreen = pScreen->CloseScreen;
151     pScreen->CloseScreen = XAACloseScreen;
152     pScreenPriv->GetImage = pScreen->GetImage;
153     pScreen->GetImage = infoRec->GetImage;
154     pScreenPriv->GetSpans = pScreen->GetSpans;
155     pScreen->GetSpans = infoRec->GetSpans;
156     pScreenPriv->CopyWindow = pScreen->CopyWindow;
157     pScreen->CopyWindow = infoRec->CopyWindow;
158     pScreenPriv->CreatePixmap = pScreen->CreatePixmap;
159     pScreen->CreatePixmap = XAACreatePixmap;
160     pScreenPriv->DestroyPixmap = pScreen->DestroyPixmap;
161     pScreen->DestroyPixmap = XAADestroyPixmap;
162     pScreenPriv->ChangeWindowAttributes = pScreen->ChangeWindowAttributes;
163     pScreen->ChangeWindowAttributes = XAAChangeWindowAttributes;
165     pScreenPriv->EnterVT = pScrn->EnterVT;
166     pScrn->EnterVT = XAAEnterVT; 
167     pScreenPriv->LeaveVT = pScrn->LeaveVT;
168     pScrn->LeaveVT = XAALeaveVT;
169     pScreenPriv->SetDGAMode = pScrn->SetDGAMode;
170     pScrn->SetDGAMode = XAASetDGAMode;
171     pScreenPriv->EnableDisableFBAccess = pScrn->EnableDisableFBAccess;
172     pScrn->EnableDisableFBAccess = XAAEnableDisableFBAccess;
174     pScreenPriv->WindowExposures = pScreen->WindowExposures;
175     if (ps)
176     {
177         pScreenPriv->Composite = ps->Composite;
178         ps->Composite = XAAComposite;
179         pScreenPriv->Glyphs = ps->Glyphs;
180         ps->Glyphs = XAAGlyphs;
181     }
182     if(pScrn->overlayFlags & OVERLAY_8_32_PLANAR)
183         XAASetupOverlay8_32Planar(pScreen);
185     infoRec->PreAllocMem = malloc(MAX_PREALLOC_MEM);
186     if(infoRec->PreAllocMem)
187         infoRec->PreAllocSize = MAX_PREALLOC_MEM;
189     if(infoRec->Flags & PIXMAP_CACHE) 
190         xf86RegisterFreeBoxCallback(pScreen, infoRec->InitPixmapCache,
191                                                 (pointer)infoRec);
193     if(infoRec->Flags & MICROSOFT_ZERO_LINE_BIAS)
194         miSetZeroLineBias(pScreen, OCTANT1 | OCTANT2 | OCTANT3 | OCTANT4);
196 #ifdef COMPOSITE
197     /* Initialize the composite wrapper.  This needs to happen after the
198      * wrapping above (so it comes before us), but before all other extensions,
199      * so it doesn't confuse them. (particularly damage).
200      */
201     miInitializeCompositeWrapper(pScreen);
202 #endif
204     return TRUE;
209 static Bool
210 XAACloseScreen (int i, ScreenPtr pScreen)
212     ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum];
213     XAAScreenPtr pScreenPriv = 
214         (XAAScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, XAAScreenKey);
216     pScrn->EnterVT = pScreenPriv->EnterVT; 
217     pScrn->LeaveVT = pScreenPriv->LeaveVT; 
218     pScrn->EnableDisableFBAccess = pScreenPriv->EnableDisableFBAccess;
220     pScreen->CreateGC = pScreenPriv->CreateGC;
221     pScreen->CloseScreen = pScreenPriv->CloseScreen;
222     pScreen->GetImage = pScreenPriv->GetImage;
223     pScreen->GetSpans = pScreenPriv->GetSpans;
224     pScreen->CopyWindow = pScreenPriv->CopyWindow;
225     pScreen->WindowExposures = pScreenPriv->WindowExposures;
226     pScreen->CreatePixmap = pScreenPriv->CreatePixmap;
227     pScreen->DestroyPixmap = pScreenPriv->DestroyPixmap;
228     pScreen->ChangeWindowAttributes = pScreenPriv->ChangeWindowAttributes;
230     /* We leave it up to the client to free the XAAInfoRec */
232     free((pointer) pScreenPriv);
234     return (*pScreen->CloseScreen) (i, pScreen);
237 static void
238 XAAGetImage (
239     DrawablePtr pDraw,
240     int sx, int sy, int w, int h,
241     unsigned int    format,
242     unsigned long   planemask,
243     char            *pdstLine 
246     ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen;
247     XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec = GET_XAAINFORECPTR_FROM_SCREEN(pScreen);
248     ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = infoRec->pScrn;
250     if(pScrn->vtSema && 
251         ((pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) || IS_OFFSCREEN_PIXMAP(pDraw))) 
252     {
253         if(infoRec->ReadPixmap && (format == ZPixmap) && 
254            ((planemask & infoRec->FullPlanemasks[pDraw->depth - 1]) == 
255                            infoRec->FullPlanemasks[pDraw->depth - 1]) &&
256            (pDraw->bitsPerPixel == BitsPerPixel(pDraw->depth)))
257         {
258             (*infoRec->ReadPixmap)(pScrn, 
259                    sx + pDraw->x, sy + pDraw->y, w, h,
260                    (unsigned char *)pdstLine,
261                    PixmapBytePad(w, pDraw->depth), 
262                    pDraw->bitsPerPixel, pDraw->depth);
263             return;
264         }
265         SYNC_CHECK(pDraw);
266     }
268     XAA_SCREEN_PROLOGUE (pScreen, GetImage);
269     (*pScreen->GetImage) (pDraw, sx, sy, w, h, format, planemask, pdstLine);
270     XAA_SCREEN_EPILOGUE (pScreen, GetImage, XAAGetImage);
273 static void
274 XAAGetSpans (
275     DrawablePtr pDraw,
276     int         wMax,
277     DDXPointPtr ppt,
278     int         *pwidth,
279     int         nspans,
280     char        *pdstStart
283     ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen;
284     XAA_SCREEN_PROLOGUE (pScreen, GetSpans);
285     if(xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]->vtSema && 
286         ((pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) || IS_OFFSCREEN_PIXMAP(pDraw))) {
287         SYNC_CHECK(pDraw);
288     }
289     (*pScreen->GetSpans) (pDraw, wMax, ppt, pwidth, nspans, pdstStart);
290     XAA_SCREEN_EPILOGUE (pScreen, GetSpans, XAAGetSpans);
294 static int
295 XAAPixmapBPP (ScreenPtr pScreen, int depth)
297     PixmapPtr   pPix;
298     int         bpp;
299     DestroyPixmapProcPtr    destroyPixmap;
301     XAA_SCREEN_PROLOGUE (pScreen, CreatePixmap);
302     pPix = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap) (pScreen, 1, 1, depth,
303                                      CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_SCRATCH);
304     XAA_SCREEN_EPILOGUE (pScreen, CreatePixmap, XAACreatePixmap);
305     if (!pPix)
306         return 0;
307     bpp = pPix->drawable.bitsPerPixel;
308     destroyPixmap = pScreen->DestroyPixmap;
309     XAA_SCREEN_PROLOGUE (pScreen, DestroyPixmap);
310     (*pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (pPix);
311     XAA_SCREEN_EPILOGUE (pScreen, DestroyPixmap, destroyPixmap);
312     return bpp;
315 static void
316 XAAInitializeOffscreenDepths (ScreenPtr pScreen)
318     XAAInfoRecPtr   infoRec = GET_XAAINFORECPTR_FROM_SCREEN(pScreen);
319     ScrnInfoPtr     pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum];
320     int             d, dep;
322     infoRec->offscreenDepthsInitialized = TRUE;
323     infoRec->offscreenDepths = 0;
324     if (infoRec->Flags & OFFSCREEN_PIXMAPS) {
325         for (d = 0; d < pScreen->numDepths; d++) {
326             dep = pScreen->allowedDepths[d].depth;
327             if (XAAPixmapBPP (pScreen, dep) == pScrn->bitsPerPixel)
328                 infoRec->offscreenDepths |= (1 << (dep - 1));
329         }
330     }
333 static PixmapPtr 
334 XAACreatePixmap(ScreenPtr pScreen, int w, int h, int depth, unsigned usage_hint)
336     XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec = GET_XAAINFORECPTR_FROM_SCREEN(pScreen);
337     ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum];
338     XAAPixmapPtr pPriv;
339     PixmapPtr pPix = NULL;
340     int size = w * h;
342     if (w > 32767 || h > 32767)
343         return NullPixmap;
345     if (!infoRec->offscreenDepthsInitialized)
346         XAAInitializeOffscreenDepths (pScreen);
348     if(pScrn->vtSema &&
349         (usage_hint != CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_GLYPH_PICTURE) &&
350         (infoRec->offscreenDepths & (1 << (depth - 1))) &&
351         (size >= MIN_OFFPIX_SIZE) && !SwitchedOut &&
352         (!infoRec->maxOffPixWidth || (w <= infoRec->maxOffPixWidth)) &&
353         (!infoRec->maxOffPixHeight || (h <= infoRec->maxOffPixHeight)) )
354     {
355         PixmapLinkPtr pLink;
356         PixmapPtr pScreenPix;
357         FBAreaPtr area;
358         int gran = 0;
360         switch(pScrn->bitsPerPixel) {
361         case 24: 
362         case 8:  gran = 4;  break;
363         case 16: gran = 2;  break;
364         case 32: gran = 1;  break;
365         default: break;
366         }
368         if(BITMAP_SCANLINE_PAD == 64)
369            gran *= 2;
371         if(!(area = xf86AllocateOffscreenArea(pScreen, w, h, gran, 0,
372                                 XAARemoveAreaCallback, NULL))) {
373             goto BAILOUT;
374         }
376         if(!(pLink = malloc(sizeof(PixmapLink)))) {
377             xf86FreeOffscreenArea(area);
378             goto BAILOUT;
379         }
381         XAA_SCREEN_PROLOGUE (pScreen, CreatePixmap);
382         pPix = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap) (pScreen, 0, 0, depth, usage_hint);
383         XAA_SCREEN_EPILOGUE (pScreen, CreatePixmap, XAACreatePixmap);
385         if (!pPix) {
386             free(pLink);
387             xf86FreeOffscreenArea(area);
388             goto BAILOUT;
389         }
391         pScreenPix = (*pScreen->GetScreenPixmap)(pScreen);
393         pPriv = XAA_GET_PIXMAP_PRIVATE(pPix);
394         pPix->drawable.x = area->box.x1;
395         pPix->drawable.y = area->box.y1;
396         pPix->drawable.width = w;
397         pPix->drawable.height = h;
398         pPix->drawable.bitsPerPixel = pScrn->bitsPerPixel;
399         pPix->devKind = pScreenPix->devKind;
400         pPix->devPrivate.ptr = pScreenPix->devPrivate.ptr;
401         area->devPrivate.ptr = pPix;
403         pPriv->flags = OFFSCREEN;
404         pPriv->offscreenArea = area;
405         pPriv->freeData = FALSE;
407         pLink->next = infoRec->OffscreenPixmaps;
408         pLink->pPix = pPix;
409         infoRec->OffscreenPixmaps = pLink;
410         return pPix;
411     }
413     XAA_SCREEN_PROLOGUE (pScreen, CreatePixmap);
414     pPix = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap) (pScreen, w, h, depth, usage_hint);
415     XAA_SCREEN_EPILOGUE (pScreen, CreatePixmap, XAACreatePixmap);
417     if(pPix) {
418        pPriv = XAA_GET_PIXMAP_PRIVATE(pPix);
419        pPriv->flags = 0;
420        pPriv->offscreenArea = NULL;
421        pPriv->freeData = FALSE;
422        if(!w || !h) /* either scratch or shared memory */
423             pPriv->flags |= SHARED_PIXMAP;
424     }
426     return pPix;
429 static Bool 
430 XAADestroyPixmap(PixmapPtr pPix)
432     ScreenPtr pScreen = pPix->drawable.pScreen;
433     XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec = GET_XAAINFORECPTR_FROM_SCREEN(pScreen);
434     XAAPixmapPtr pPriv = XAA_GET_PIXMAP_PRIVATE(pPix);
435     Bool ret;
437     if(pPix->refcnt == 1) {
438         if(pPriv->flags & OFFSCREEN) {
439             if(pPriv->flags & DGA_PIXMAP)
440                 free(pPriv->offscreenArea);
441             else {
442                 FBAreaPtr area = pPriv->offscreenArea;
443                 PixmapLinkPtr pLink = infoRec->OffscreenPixmaps;
444                 PixmapLinkPtr prev = NULL;
446                 while(pLink->pPix != pPix) {
447                     prev = pLink;
448                     pLink = pLink->next;
449                 }
451                 if(prev) prev->next = pLink->next;
452                 else infoRec->OffscreenPixmaps = pLink->next;
454                 if(!area) area = pLink->area;
456                 xf86FreeOffscreenArea(area);
457                 pPriv->offscreenArea = NULL;
458                 free(pLink);
459             } 
460         }
462         if(pPriv->freeData) { /* pixmaps that were once in video ram */
463             free(pPix->devPrivate.ptr);
464             pPix->devPrivate.ptr = NULL;
465         }
466     }
468     XAA_SCREEN_PROLOGUE (pScreen, DestroyPixmap);
469     ret = (*pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (pPix);
470     XAA_SCREEN_EPILOGUE (pScreen, DestroyPixmap, XAADestroyPixmap);
472     return ret;
475 static Bool
476 XAAChangeWindowAttributes (WindowPtr pWin, unsigned long mask)
478    ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;
479    Bool ret;
481    XAA_SCREEN_PROLOGUE (pScreen, ChangeWindowAttributes);
482    ret = (*pScreen->ChangeWindowAttributes) (pWin, mask);
483    XAA_SCREEN_EPILOGUE (pScreen, ChangeWindowAttributes, XAAChangeWindowAttributes);
485    /* we have to assume that shared memory pixmaps are dirty
486       because we can't wrap operations on them */
488    if((mask & CWBackPixmap) && (pWin->backgroundState == BackgroundPixmap) &&
489       PIXMAP_IS_SHARED(pWin->background.pixmap))
490    {
491         XAAPixmapPtr pPixPriv = XAA_GET_PIXMAP_PRIVATE(pWin->background.pixmap);
492         pPixPriv->flags |= DIRTY;
493    }
494    if((mask & CWBorderPixmap) && !(pWin->borderIsPixel) &&
495       PIXMAP_IS_SHARED(pWin->border.pixmap))
496    {
497         XAAPixmapPtr pPixPriv = XAA_GET_PIXMAP_PRIVATE(pWin->border.pixmap);
498         pPixPriv->flags |= DIRTY;
499    }
501    return ret;
506 /*  These two aren't really needed for anything */
508 static Bool 
509 XAAEnterVT(int index, int flags)
511     ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[index];
512     Bool ret;
513     ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
514     XAAScreenPtr pScreenPriv = 
515         (XAAScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, XAAScreenKey);
517     pScrn->EnterVT = pScreenPriv->EnterVT;
518     ret = ((*pScreenPriv->EnterVT)(index, flags));
519     pScreenPriv->EnterVT = pScrn->EnterVT;
520     pScrn->EnterVT = XAAEnterVT;
521     return ret;
524 static void 
525 XAALeaveVT(int index, int flags)
527     ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[index];
528     ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
529     XAAScreenPtr pScreenPriv = 
530         (XAAScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, XAAScreenKey);
531     XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec = pScreenPriv->AccelInfoRec;
533     if(infoRec->NeedToSync) {
534         (*infoRec->Sync)(infoRec->pScrn);
535         infoRec->NeedToSync = FALSE;
536     }
538     pScrn->LeaveVT = pScreenPriv->LeaveVT;
539     (*pScreenPriv->LeaveVT)(index, flags);
540     pScreenPriv->LeaveVT = pScrn->LeaveVT;
541     pScrn->LeaveVT = XAALeaveVT;
544 typedef struct {
545    Bool UsingPixmapCache;
546    Bool CanDoColor8x8;
547    Bool CanDoMono8x8;
548 } SavedCacheState, *SavedCacheStatePtr;
550 static int  
551 XAASetDGAMode(int index, int num, DGADevicePtr devRet)
553     ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
554     XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec = GET_XAAINFORECPTR_FROM_SCREEN(pScreen);
555     XAAScreenPtr pScreenPriv = 
556         (XAAScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, XAAScreenKey);
557     int ret;
559     if (!num && infoRec->dgaSaves) { /* restore old pixmap cache state */
560         SavedCacheStatePtr state = (SavedCacheStatePtr)infoRec->dgaSaves;
562         infoRec->UsingPixmapCache = state->UsingPixmapCache;    
563         infoRec->CanDoColor8x8 = state->CanDoColor8x8;  
564         infoRec->CanDoMono8x8 = state->CanDoMono8x8;
565         free(infoRec->dgaSaves);
566         infoRec->dgaSaves = NULL;
567     }
569     ret = (*pScreenPriv->SetDGAMode)(index, num, devRet);
570     if(ret != Success) return ret;
572     if(num && devRet->pPix) {  /* accelerate this pixmap */
573         XAAPixmapPtr pixPriv = XAA_GET_PIXMAP_PRIVATE(devRet->pPix);
574         FBAreaPtr area;
576         if((area = malloc(sizeof(FBArea)))) {
577             area->pScreen = pScreen;
578             area->box.x1 = 0;
579             area->box.x2 = 0;
580             area->box.y1 = devRet->mode->pixmapWidth;
581             area->box.y2 = devRet->mode->pixmapHeight;
582             area->granularity = 0;
583             area->MoveAreaCallback = 0;
584             area->RemoveAreaCallback = 0;
585             area->devPrivate.ptr = 0;   
587             pixPriv->flags |= OFFSCREEN | DGA_PIXMAP;
588             pixPriv->offscreenArea = area;
590             if(!infoRec->dgaSaves) { /* save pixmap cache state */
591                 SavedCacheStatePtr state = malloc(sizeof(SavedCacheState));
593                 state->UsingPixmapCache = infoRec->UsingPixmapCache;    
594                 state->CanDoColor8x8 = infoRec->CanDoColor8x8;  
595                 state->CanDoMono8x8 = infoRec->CanDoMono8x8;    
596                 infoRec->dgaSaves = (char*)state;
598                 infoRec->UsingPixmapCache = FALSE;
599                 if(infoRec->PixmapCacheFlags & CACHE_MONO_8x8)
600                     infoRec->CanDoMono8x8 = FALSE;
601                 if(infoRec->PixmapCacheFlags & CACHE_COLOR_8x8)
602                     infoRec->CanDoColor8x8 = FALSE;
603             }
604         }
605     }
607     return ret;
612 static void
613 XAAEnableDisableFBAccess (int index, Bool enable)
615     ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
616     XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec = GET_XAAINFORECPTR_FROM_SCREEN(pScreen);
617     XAAScreenPtr pScreenPriv = 
618         (XAAScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, XAAScreenKey);
620     if(!enable) {
621         if((infoRec->Flags & OFFSCREEN_PIXMAPS) && (infoRec->OffscreenPixmaps))
622             XAAMoveOutOffscreenPixmaps(pScreen);
623         if(infoRec->Flags & PIXMAP_CACHE)
624             XAAInvalidatePixmapCache(pScreen);
625         SwitchedOut = TRUE;
626     }
628     (*pScreenPriv->EnableDisableFBAccess)(index, enable);
630     if(enable) {
631         if((infoRec->Flags & OFFSCREEN_PIXMAPS) && (infoRec->OffscreenPixmaps))
632             XAAMoveInOffscreenPixmaps(pScreen);
633         SwitchedOut = FALSE;
634     }