/* * Copyright (c) 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * ======== lad.c ======== */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <_MessageQ.h> #include #include <_NameServer.h> #include #include <_lad.h> #define DAEMON 1 /* 1 = run as a daemon; 0 = run as app */ Bool logFile = FALSE; FILE *logPtr = NULL; static String commandFIFOFile = LAD_COMMANDFIFO; static FILE *commandFIFOFilePtr = NULL; static String serverDir; /* LAD client info arrays */ static Bool clientConnected[LAD_MAXNUMCLIENTS]; static UInt clientPID[LAD_MAXNUMCLIENTS]; static Char clientFIFOName[LAD_MAXNUMCLIENTS][LAD_MAXLENGTHFIFONAME]; static FILE * responseFIFOFilePtr[LAD_MAXNUMCLIENTS]; /* local internal routines */ static LAD_ClientHandle assignClientId(Void); static Void cleanupDepartedClients(Void); static Int connectToLAD(String clientName, Int pid, String clientProto, Int *clientIdPtr); static Void disconnectFromLAD(Int clientId); static Void doDisconnect(Int clientId); struct LAD_CommandObj cmd; union LAD_ResponseObj rsp; /* * ======== main ======== */ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { MessageQ_Handle handle; UInt16 *procIdPtr; Int statusIO; Int clientId; Int command; Int flags; Int i; Int n; #if DAEMON pid_t pid; pid_t sid; #endif /* if more than two args: turn "ON" launch status printfs */ if (argc > 2) { printf("\nLAD starting up..."); } /* check for env variable indicating server exe repository */ serverDir = getenv("LAD_SERVERPATH"); if (argc > 2) { if (serverDir != NULL) { printf("\nLAD_SERVERPATH = %s\n", serverDir); } else { printf("\nLAD_SERVERPATH = \n"); } } /* change to LAD's working directory */ if ((chdir(LAD_WORKINGDIR)) < 0) { /* if can't change directory assume it needs to be created, do it */ if ((mkdir(LAD_WORKINGDIR, 0666)) < 0) { printf("\nERROR: Failed to create LAD's working directory!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* now change to the new directory */ if ((chdir(LAD_WORKINGDIR)) < 0) { printf("\nERROR: Failed to change to LAD's working directory!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* process command line args */ if (argc > 1) { logPtr = fopen(argv[1], "w"); if (logPtr == NULL) { printf("\nERROR: unable to open log file %s\n", argv[1]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { logFile = TRUE; if (argc > 2) { printf("\nOpened log file: %s", argv[1]); } /* close log file upon LAD termination */ flags = fcntl(fileno(logPtr), F_GETFD); if (flags != -1) { fcntl(fileno(logPtr), F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC); } } } #if DAEMON /* fork off a child process */ pid = fork(); /* if fork of child failed then exit immediately; no child created */ if (pid < 0) { printf("\nERROR: Failed to fork child process!"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* if pid > 0 this is the parent; time to die ... */ if (pid > 0) { if (argc > 2) { printf("\nSpawned daemon: %s\n\n", argv[0]); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* child continues from here (pid == 0) ... */ /* change file mode mask */ umask(0); /* create new session ID for the child */ sid = setsid(); /* exit with failure code if failed to get session ID... */ if (sid < 0) { printf("\nERROR: Failed to acquire new session ID!"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* disassociate from the standard file descriptors */ close(STDIN_FILENO); close(STDOUT_FILENO); close(STDERR_FILENO); #endif LOG0("\nInitializing LAD... ") /* TODO:L make sure LAD is not already running? */ /* initialize client info arrays */ for (i = 0; i < LAD_MAXNUMCLIENTS; i++) { clientConnected[i] = FALSE; responseFIFOFilePtr[i] = NULL; } /* if command FIFO exists from previous LAD session delete it now */ unlink(commandFIFOFile); /* create command FIFO */ statusIO = mkfifo(commandFIFOFile, 0777); if (statusIO != 0) { LOG2("\nERROR: unable to create %s, errno = %x\n", commandFIFOFile, errno) return(0); } /* set FIFO permissions to read/write */ chmod(commandFIFOFile, 0666); opencommandFIFO: /* now open file for FIFO - will block until writer arrives... */ LOG1("\n opening FIFO: %s\n", commandFIFOFile) commandFIFOFilePtr = fopen(commandFIFOFile, "r"); if (commandFIFOFilePtr == NULL) { LOG0("\nERROR: unable to open command FIFO\n") unlink(commandFIFOFile); return(0); } /* COMMAND PROCESSING LOOP */ while (1) { LOG0("Retrieving command...\n") /* read the next command packet */ n = fread(&cmd, LAD_COMMANDLENGTH, 1, commandFIFOFilePtr); /* * if last client closes FIFO then it must be closed and reopened ... */ if (!n) { LOG1(" EOF detected on FIFO, closing FIFO: %s\n", commandFIFOFile) fclose(commandFIFOFilePtr); goto opencommandFIFO; } /* cleanup for any connected/started clients that have departed */ cleanupDepartedClients(); command = cmd.cmd; clientId = cmd.clientId; /* process individual commands */ switch (command) { /* * Since cmd is a union of rcv and snd structs, don't write * any snd elements before all rcv elements have been referenced * (either saved in separate variables or passed to a function). * * cmd.cmd has already been saved in 'command' * cmd.clientId has already been saved in 'clientId' */ case LAD_CONNECT: connectToLAD(cmd.args.connect.name, cmd.args.connect.pid, cmd.args.connect.protocol, NULL); break; case LAD_DISCONNECT: disconnectFromLAD(clientId); break; case LAD_NAMESERVER_SETUP: LOG0("LAD_NAMESERVER_SETUP: calling NameServer_setup()...\n") rsp.status = NameServer_setup(); LOG1(" status = %d\n", rsp.status) LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_NAMESERVER_DESTROY: LOG0("LAD_NAMESERVER_DESTROY: calling NameServer_destroy()...\n") rsp.status = NameServer_destroy(); LOG1(" status = %d\n", rsp.status) LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_NAMESERVER_PARAMS_INIT: LOG0("LAD_NAMESERVER_PARAMS_INIT: calling NameServer_Params_init()...\n") NameServer_Params_init(&rsp.params); LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_NAMESERVER_CREATE: LOG1("LAD_NAMESERVER_CREATE: calling NameServer_create('%s')...\n", cmd.args.create.name) rsp.handle = NameServer_create(cmd.args.create.name, &cmd.args.create.params); LOG1(" handle = %p\n", rsp.handle) LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_NAMESERVER_DELETE: LOG1("LAD_NAMESERVER_DELETE: calling NameServer_delete(%p)...\n", cmd.args.delete.handle) rsp.delete.handle = cmd.args.delete.handle; rsp.delete.status = NameServer_delete(&rsp.delete.handle); LOG1(" status = %d\n", rsp.status) LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_NAMESERVER_ADDUINT32: LOG1("LAD_NAMESERVER_ADDUINT32: calling NameServer_addUInt32(%p, ", cmd.args.addUInt32.handle) LOG2("'%s', 0x%x)...\n", cmd.args.addUInt32.name, cmd.args.addUInt32.val) rsp.entryPtr = NameServer_addUInt32( cmd.args.addUInt32.handle, cmd.args.addUInt32.name, cmd.args.addUInt32.val); LOG1(" entryPtr = %p\n", rsp.entryPtr) LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_NAMESERVER_GETUINT32: LOG2("LAD_NAMESERVER_GETUINT32: calling NameServer_getUInt32(%p, '%s')...\n", cmd.args.getUInt32.handle, cmd.args.getUInt32.name) if (cmd.args.getUInt32.procId[0] == (UInt16)-1) { procIdPtr = NULL; } else { procIdPtr = cmd.args.getUInt32.procId; } rsp.status = NameServer_getUInt32( cmd.args.getUInt32.handle, cmd.args.getUInt32.name, &rsp.getUInt32.val, procIdPtr); LOG1(" value = 0x%x\n", rsp.getUInt32.val) LOG1(" status = %d\n", rsp.status) LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_NAMESERVER_REMOVE: LOG2("LAD_NAMESERVER_REMOVE: calling NameServer_remove(%p, '%s')...\n", cmd.args.remove.handle, cmd.args.remove.name) rsp.status = NameServer_remove(cmd.args.remove.handle, cmd.args.remove.name); LOG1(" status = %d\n", rsp.status) LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_NAMESERVER_REMOVEENTRY: LOG2("LAD_NAMESERVER_REMOVEENTRY: calling NameServer_removeEntry(%p, %p)...\n", cmd.args.removeEntry.handle, cmd.args.removeEntry.entryPtr) rsp.status = NameServer_removeEntry( cmd.args.removeEntry.handle, cmd.args.removeEntry.entryPtr); LOG1(" status = %d\n", rsp.status) LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_MESSAGEQ_GETCONFIG: LOG0("LAD_MESSAGEQ_GETCONFIG: calling MessageQ_getConfig()...\n") MessageQ_getConfig(&rsp.messageQGetConfig.cfg); rsp.messageQGetConfig.status = 0; LOG1(" status = %d\n", rsp.messageQGetConfig.status) LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_MESSAGEQ_SETUP: LOG0("LAD_MESSAGEQ_SETUP: calling MessageQ_setup()...\n") rsp.setup.status = MessageQ_setup(&cmd.args.messageQSetup.cfg); rsp.setup.nameServerHandle = MessageQ_getNameServerHandle(); LOG1(" status = %d\n", rsp.setup.status) LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_MESSAGEQ_DESTROY: LOG0("LAD_MESSAGEQ_DESTROY: calling MessageQ_destroy()...\n") rsp.status = MessageQ_destroy(); LOG1(" status = %d\n", rsp.status) LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_MESSAGEQ_CREATE: LOG2("LAD_MESSAGEQ_CREATE: calling MessageQ_create(%p, %p)...\n", cmd.args.messageQCreate.name, &cmd.args.messageQCreate.params) handle = MessageQ_create(cmd.args.messageQCreate.name, &cmd.args.messageQCreate.params); rsp.messageQCreate.serverHandle = handle; if (handle) { rsp.messageQCreate.queueId = MessageQ_getQueueId(handle); MessageQ_setQueueOwner(handle, clientPID[clientId]); rsp.messageQCreate.status = 0; } else { rsp.messageQCreate.status = -1; } LOG1(" status = %d\n", rsp.messageQCreate.status) LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_MESSAGEQ_DELETE: LOG1("LAD_MESSAGEQ_DELETE: calling MessageQ_delete(%p)...\n", cmd.args.messageQDelete.serverHandle) rsp.messageQDelete.status = MessageQ_delete((MessageQ_Handle *)&cmd.args.messageQDelete.serverHandle); LOG1(" status = %d\n", rsp.messageQDelete.status) LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_MESSAGEQ_MSGINIT: LOG1("LAD_MESSAGEQ_MSGINIT: calling MessageQ_msgInit(%p)...\n", &rsp.msgInit.msg); MessageQ_msgInit(&rsp.msgInit.msg); rsp.msgInit.status = 0; LOG1(" status = %d\n", rsp.msgInit.status) LOG0("DONE\n") break; case LAD_EXIT: goto exitNow; break; default: LOG1("\nUnrecognized command: 0x%x\n", command) break; } switch (command) { case LAD_CONNECT: case LAD_DISCONNECT: break; case LAD_NAMESERVER_SETUP: case LAD_NAMESERVER_DESTROY: case LAD_NAMESERVER_PARAMS_INIT: case LAD_NAMESERVER_CREATE: case LAD_NAMESERVER_DELETE: case LAD_NAMESERVER_ADDUINT32: case LAD_NAMESERVER_GETUINT32: case LAD_NAMESERVER_REMOVE: case LAD_NAMESERVER_REMOVEENTRY: case LAD_MESSAGEQ_GETCONFIG: case LAD_MESSAGEQ_SETUP: case LAD_MESSAGEQ_DESTROY: case LAD_MESSAGEQ_CREATE: case LAD_MESSAGEQ_DELETE: case LAD_MESSAGEQ_MSGINIT: LOG0("Sending response...\n"); fwrite(&rsp, LAD_RESPONSELENGTH, 1, responseFIFOFilePtr[clientId]); fflush(responseFIFOFilePtr[clientId]); break; default: break; } } exitNow: if (logFile) { LOG0("\n\nLAD IS SELF TERMINATING...\n\n") fclose(logPtr); } unlink(commandFIFOFile); return(0); } /* * ======== assignClientId ======== */ static LAD_ClientHandle assignClientId(Void) { Int clientId = -1; Int i; /* scan connection status flags to acquire a clientId */ for (i = 0; i < LAD_MAXNUMCLIENTS; i++) { /* if slot open then provisionally select this clientId */ if (clientConnected[i] == FALSE) { clientId = i; break; } } return(clientId); } /* * ======== cleanupDepartedClients ======== */ static Void cleanupDepartedClients(Void) { Int killStat; Int i; /* scan all connections to verify client processes still exist... */ for (i = 0; i < LAD_MAXNUMCLIENTS; i++) { /* if connected... */ if (clientConnected[i] == TRUE) { /* check if the client process (PID) still exists */ /* * NOTE - calling kill with signal value of 0 will perform * error checking, but not actually send a signal. Will use this * error check to see if PID still exists. An alternative was * to call getpgid. This worked, but is apparently limited to * USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED configurations. */ killStat = kill(clientPID[i], 0); if ((killStat == -1) && (errno == ESRCH)) { LOG1("\nDETECTED CONNECTED CLIENT #%d HAS DEPARTED!", i) /* will always need to do the disconnect... */ LOG0("\nDoing DISCONNECT on behalf of client...") doDisconnect(i); MessageQ_cleanupOwner(clientPID[i]); // NameServer_cleanupOwner(clientPID[i]); LOG0("DONE\n") } } } } /* * ======== connectToLAD ======== */ static Int connectToLAD(String clientName, Int pid, String clientProto, Int *clientIdPtr) { Int clientId = -1; Bool connectDenied = FALSE; Int status = LAD_SUCCESS; FILE * filePtr; Int statusIO; /* * TODO:L here, and everywhere parse FIFO strings: should * add full error checking for incomplete or corrupted * strings? Since LAD to ladclient comms are "closed", and * tested, the likelihood of problems seems very low. * But should still consider doing full error checking * and, hopefully, recovery. */ LOG0("\nLAD_CONNECT: \n") LOG1(" client FIFO name = %s\n", clientName) LOG1(" client PID = %d\n", pid) /* first check for proper communication protocol */ if (strcmp(clientProto, LAD_PROTOCOLVERSION) != 0) { /* if no match then reject the request */ LOG0(" ERROR: mismatch in communication protocol!\n") LOG1(" LAD protocol = %s\n", LAD_PROTOCOLVERSION) LOG1(" client protocol = %s\n", clientProto) status = LAD_INVALIDVERSION; /* set flag so know to close FIFO after response */ connectDenied = TRUE; /* now jump forward a bit to send response */ goto openResponseFIFO; } /* determine this client's ID */ clientId = assignClientId(); /* if failed to acquire an ID then exit early */ if (clientId == -1) { LOG0(" no free handle; too many connections!\n") status = LAD_ACCESSDENIED; /* set flag so know to close FIFO after response */ connectDenied = TRUE; } else { LOG1(" assigned client handle = %d\n", clientId) /* save the client's FIFO name for when disconnect */ strcpy(clientFIFOName[clientId], clientName); } openResponseFIFO: /* create the dedicated response FIFO to the client */ statusIO = mkfifo(clientName, 0777); if (statusIO != 0) { LOG2("\nERROR: unable to mkfifo %s, errno = %x\n", clientName, errno) status = LAD_IOFAILURE; /* send no response; connection request will timeout */ goto doneconnect; } LOG1(" FIFO %s created\n", clientName) /* set FIFO permissions to read/write */ chmod(clientName, 0666); filePtr = fopen(clientName, "w"); if (filePtr == NULL) { LOG1("\nERROR: unable to open response FIFO %s\n", clientName) /* if failed open, still need to delete the FIFO */ unlink(clientName); status = LAD_IOFAILURE; /* send no response; connection request will timeout */ goto doneconnect; } LOG1(" FIFO %s opened for writing\n", clientName) /* * set "this client is connected" flag; this client ID is now "owned", and * is no longer provisional */ if (connectDenied == FALSE) { responseFIFOFilePtr[clientId] = filePtr; clientPID[clientId] = pid; clientConnected[clientId] = TRUE; } rsp.connect.assignedId = clientId; rsp.status = status; /* put response to FIFO */ fwrite(&rsp, LAD_RESPONSELENGTH, 1, filePtr); fflush(filePtr); LOG0(" sent response\n") /* if connection was denied, must now close FIFO */ if (connectDenied == TRUE) { LOG1(" connect denied; closing FIFO %s\n", clientName) fclose(filePtr); unlink(clientName); } LOG0("DONE\n") doneconnect: if (clientIdPtr != NULL) { *clientIdPtr = clientId; } return(status); } /* * ======== disconnectFromLAD ======== */ static Void disconnectFromLAD(Int clientId) { LOG0("\nLAD_DISCONNECT: ") LOG1("\n client handle = %x", clientId) doDisconnect(clientId); LOG0("DONE\n") return; } /* * ======== doDisconnect ======== */ static Void doDisconnect(Int clientId) { /* set "this client is not connected" flag */ clientConnected[clientId] = FALSE; /* close and remove the response FIFO */ LOG2("\n closing FIFO %s (filePtr=%p)\n", clientFIFOName[clientId], responseFIFOFilePtr[clientId]) fclose(responseFIFOFilePtr[clientId]); LOG1(" done, unlinking %s\n", clientFIFOName[clientId]); unlink(clientFIFOName[clientId]); }