/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * ======== LAD_client.c ======== */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <_lad.h> /* traces in this file are controlled via _LAD_Client_verbose */ Bool _LAD_Client_verbose = FALSE; #define verbose _LAD_Client_verbose typedef struct _LAD_ClientInfo { Bool connectedToLAD; /* connection status */ UInt PID; /* client's process ID */ Char responseFIFOName[LAD_MAXLENGTHFIFONAME]; /* response FIFO name */ FILE *responseFIFOFilePtr; /* FIFO file pointer */ } _LAD_ClientInfo; static Bool initialized = FALSE; static String commandFIFOFileName = LAD_COMMANDFIFO; static FILE *commandFIFOFilePtr = NULL; static _LAD_ClientInfo clientInfo[LAD_MAXNUMCLIENTS]; static LAD_Status initWrappers(Void); static Bool openCommandFIFO(Void); #if defined(IPC_BUILDOS_ANDROID) static pthread_mutex_t modGate = PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; #else // only _NP (non-portable) type available in CG tools which we're using static pthread_mutex_t modGate = PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP; #endif /* * LAD_findHandle() - finds the LAD_ClientHandle for the calling pid (process ID). * * Assumes that there is only one client per process, which has to be the * case since the pid is used to construct the responseFIFOFileName. * * Multiple threads within a process can all connect since each thread gets * its own pid (which might be an OS-specific thing, some OSes (even some * Linux implementations) use the same process pid for every thread within * a process). * * Returns either the found "handle", or LAD_MAXNUMCLIENTS if the handle * can't be found. */ LAD_ClientHandle LAD_findHandle(Void) { Int i; Int pid; pid = getpid(); for (i = 0; i < LAD_MAXNUMCLIENTS; i++) { if (clientInfo[i].PID == pid && clientInfo[i].connectedToLAD == TRUE) { break; } } return i; } /* * ======== LAD_connect ======== */ LAD_Status LAD_connect(LAD_ClientHandle * handle) { Char responseFIFOName[LAD_MAXLENGTHFIFONAME]; LAD_Status status = LAD_SUCCESS; time_t currentTime; time_t startTime; struct stat statBuf; double delta; Int assignedId; FILE * filePtr; Int n; Int pid; struct LAD_CommandObj cmd; union LAD_ResponseObj rsp; /* sanity check arg */ if (handle == NULL) { return(LAD_INVALIDARG); } /* check and initialize on first connect request */ if (initialized == FALSE) { /* TODO:M does this need to be atomized? */ status = initWrappers(); if (status != LAD_SUCCESS) { return(status); } initialized = TRUE; } /* get caller's process ID */ pid = getpid(); /* form name for dedicated response FIFO */ sprintf(responseFIFOName, "%s%d", LAD_RESPONSEFIFOPATH, pid); PRINTVERBOSE2("\nLAD_connect: PID = %d, fifoName = %s\n", pid, responseFIFOName) /* check if FIFO already exists; if yes, reject the request */ if (stat(responseFIFOName, &statBuf) == 0) { PRINTVERBOSE0("\nLAD_connect: already connected; request denied!\n") return(LAD_ACCESSDENIED); } cmd.cmd = LAD_CONNECT; strcpy(cmd.args.connect.name, responseFIFOName); strcpy(cmd.args.connect.protocol, LAD_PROTOCOLVERSION); cmd.args.connect.pid = pid; if ((status = LAD_putCommand(&cmd)) != LAD_SUCCESS) { return(status); } /* now open the dedicated response FIFO for this client */ startTime = time ((time_t *) 0); while ((filePtr = fopen(responseFIFOName, "r")) == NULL) { /* insert wait to yield, so LAD can process connect command sooner */ usleep(100); currentTime = time ((time_t *) 0); delta = difftime(currentTime, startTime); if (delta > LAD_CONNECTTIMEOUT) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&modGate); return(LAD_IOFAILURE); } } /* now get LAD's response to the connection request */ n = fread(&rsp, LAD_RESPONSELENGTH, 1, filePtr); /* need to unlock mutex obtained by LAD_putCommand() */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&modGate); if (n) { PRINTVERBOSE0("\nLAD_connect: got response\n") /* extract LAD's response code and the client ID */ status = rsp.connect.status; /* if a successful connect ... */ if (status == LAD_SUCCESS) { assignedId = rsp.connect.assignedId; *handle = assignedId; /* setup client info */ clientInfo[assignedId].PID = pid; clientInfo[assignedId].responseFIFOFilePtr = filePtr; strcpy(clientInfo[assignedId].responseFIFOName, responseFIFOName); clientInfo[assignedId].connectedToLAD = TRUE; PRINTVERBOSE1(" status == LAD_SUCCESS, assignedId=%d\n", assignedId); } else { PRINTVERBOSE1(" status != LAD_SUCCESS (status=%d)\n", status); } } else { PRINTVERBOSE0( "\nLAD_connect: 0 bytes read when getting LAD response!\n") status = LAD_IOFAILURE; } /* if connect failed, close client side of FIFO (LAD closes its side) */ if (status != LAD_SUCCESS) { PRINTVERBOSE0("\nLAD_connect failed: closing client-side of FIFO...\n") fclose(filePtr); } return(status); } /* * ======== LAD_disconnect ======== */ LAD_Status LAD_disconnect(LAD_ClientHandle handle) { LAD_Status status = LAD_SUCCESS; Bool waiting = TRUE; struct stat statBuf; time_t currentTime; time_t startTime; double delta; struct LAD_CommandObj cmd; /* sanity check args */ if (handle >= LAD_MAXNUMCLIENTS) { return (LAD_INVALIDARG); } /* check for initialization and connection */ if ((initialized == FALSE) || (clientInfo[handle].connectedToLAD == FALSE)) { return (LAD_NOTCONNECTED); } cmd.cmd = LAD_DISCONNECT; cmd.clientId = handle; if ((status = LAD_putCommand(&cmd)) != LAD_SUCCESS) { return(status); } /* on success, close the dedicated response FIFO */ fclose(clientInfo[handle].responseFIFOFilePtr); /* need to unlock mutex obtained by LAD_putCommand() */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&modGate); /* now wait for LAD to close the connection ... */ startTime = time ((time_t *) 0); while (waiting == TRUE) { /* do a minimal wait, to yield, so LAD can disconnect */ usleep(1); currentTime = time ((time_t *) 0); /* check to see if LAD has shutdown FIFO yet... */ if (stat(clientInfo[handle].responseFIFOName, &statBuf) != 0) { waiting = FALSE; /* yes, so done */ } /* if not, check for timeout */ else { delta = difftime(currentTime, startTime); if (delta > LAD_DISCONNECTTIMEOUT) { PRINTVERBOSE0("\nLAD_disconnect: timeout waiting for LAD!\n") return(LAD_IOFAILURE); } } } /* reset connection status flag */ clientInfo[handle].connectedToLAD = FALSE; return(status); } /* * ======== LAD_getResponse ======== */ LAD_Status LAD_getResponse(LAD_ClientHandle handle, union LAD_ResponseObj *rsp) { LAD_Status status = LAD_SUCCESS; Int n; PRINTVERBOSE1("LAD_getResponse: client = %d\n", handle) n = fread(rsp, LAD_RESPONSELENGTH, 1, clientInfo[handle].responseFIFOFilePtr); pthread_mutex_unlock(&modGate); if (n == 0) { PRINTVERBOSE0("LAD_getResponse: n = 0!\n") status = LAD_IOFAILURE; } else { PRINTVERBOSE0("LAD_getResponse: got response\n") } return(status); } /* * ======== LAD_putCommand ======== */ LAD_Status LAD_putCommand(struct LAD_CommandObj *cmd) { LAD_Status status = LAD_SUCCESS; Int stat; Int n; PRINTVERBOSE1("\nLAD_putCommand: cmd = %d\n", cmd->cmd); pthread_mutex_lock(&modGate); n = fwrite(cmd, LAD_COMMANDLENGTH, 1, commandFIFOFilePtr); if (n == 0) { PRINTVERBOSE0("\nLAD_putCommand: fwrite returned 0!\n") status = LAD_IOFAILURE; } else { stat = fflush(commandFIFOFilePtr); if (stat == (Int) EOF) { PRINTVERBOSE0("\nLAD_putCommand: stat for fflush = EOF!\n") status = LAD_IOFAILURE; } } if (status != LAD_SUCCESS) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&modGate); } PRINTVERBOSE1("LAD_putCommand: status = %d\n", status) return(status); } /* * ======== initWrappers ======== */ static LAD_Status initWrappers(Void) { Int i; /* initialize the client info structures */ for (i = 0; i < LAD_MAXNUMCLIENTS; i++) { clientInfo[i].connectedToLAD = FALSE; clientInfo[i].responseFIFOFilePtr = NULL; } /* now open LAD's command FIFO */ if (openCommandFIFO() == FALSE) { return(LAD_IOFAILURE); } else { return(LAD_SUCCESS); } } /* * ======== openCommandFIFO ======== */ static Bool openCommandFIFO(Void) { /* open a file for writing to FIFO */ commandFIFOFilePtr = fopen(commandFIFOFileName, "w"); if (commandFIFOFilePtr == NULL) { PRINTVERBOSE2("\nERROR: failed to open %s, errno = %x\n", commandFIFOFileName, errno) return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); }