/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "OmapRpc.h" typedef struct OmapRpc_Object { Char channelName[OMAPRPC_MAX_CHANNEL_NAMELEN]; UInt16 dstProc; UInt32 port; RPMessage_Handle msgq; UInt32 localEndPt; Task_Handle taskHandle; volatile Bool shutdown; Semaphore_Handle exitSem; OmapRpc_SrvDelNotifyFxn srvDelCB; RcmServer_Params rcmParams; UInt32 numFuncs; OmapRpc_FuncSignature *funcSigs; } OmapRpc_Object; Int32 OmapRpc_GetSvrMgrHandle(Void *srvc, Int32 num, Int32 *params) { System_printf("OMAPRPC: Calling RCM Service Manager Create Function!\n"); return 0; } static Void omapRpcTask(UArg arg0, UArg arg1) { OmapRpc_Object *obj = (OmapRpc_Object *)arg0; UInt32 local; UInt32 remote; Int status; UInt16 len; Char * msg = NULL; OmapRpc_MsgHeader *hdr = NULL; msg = Memory_alloc(NULL, 512, 0, NULL); /* maximum rpmsg size is probably * smaller, but we need to * be cautious */ if (msg == NULL) { System_printf("OMAPRPC: Failed to allocate msg!\n"); return; } hdr = (OmapRpc_MsgHeader *)&msg[0]; if (obj == NULL) { System_printf("OMAPRPC: Failed to start task as arguments are NULL!\n"); return; } if (obj->msgq == NULL) { System_printf("OMAPRPC: Failed to start task as MessageQ was NULL!\n"); return; } /* get the local endpoint we are to use */ local = obj->localEndPt; System_printf("OMAPRPC: connecting from local endpoint %u to port %u\n", obj->localEndPt, obj->port); NameMap_register("rpmsg-rpc", obj->channelName, obj->port); System_printf("OMAPRPC: started channel %s on port: %d\n", obj->channelName, obj->port); while (!obj->shutdown) { /* clear out the message and our message vars */ _memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); len = 0; remote = 0; /* receive the message */ status = RPMessage_recv(obj->msgq, (Ptr)msg, &len, &remote, RPMessage_FOREVER); if (status == RPMessage_E_UNBLOCKED) { System_printf("OMAPRPC: unblocked while waiting for messages\n"); continue; } System_printf("OMAPRPC: received msg type: %d len: %d from addr: %d\n", hdr->msgType, len, remote); switch (hdr->msgType) { case OmapRpc_MsgType_CREATE_INSTANCE: { /* temp pointer to payload */ OmapRpc_CreateInstance *create = OmapRpc_PAYLOAD(msg, OmapRpc_CreateInstance); /* local copy of name */ Char name[sizeof(create->name)]; /* return structure */ OmapRpc_InstanceHandle *handle = OmapRpc_PAYLOAD(msg, OmapRpc_InstanceHandle); /* save a copy of the input structure data */ _strcpy(name, create->name); /* clear out the old data */ _memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); /* create a new instance of the service */ handle->status = ServiceMgr_createService(name, &handle->endpointAddress); System_printf("OMAPRPC: created service instance named: %s " "(status=%d) addr: %d\n", name, handle->status, handle->endpointAddress); hdr->msgType = OmapRpc_MsgType_INSTANCE_CREATED; hdr->msgLen = sizeof(OmapRpc_InstanceHandle); break; } case OmapRpc_MsgType_DESTROY_INSTANCE: { /* temp pointer to payload */ OmapRpc_InstanceHandle *handle = OmapRpc_PAYLOAD(msg, OmapRpc_InstanceHandle); /* Stash away endpointAddress for MmServiceMgr_getId to work */ Task_setEnv(Task_self(), (Ptr)handle->endpointAddress); if (obj->srvDelCB != NULL) { obj->srvDelCB(); } Task_setEnv(Task_self(), NULL); /* don't clear out the old data... */ System_printf("OMAPRPC: destroying instance addr: %d\n", handle->endpointAddress); handle->status = ServiceMgr_deleteService( handle->endpointAddress); hdr->msgType = OmapRpc_MsgType_INSTANCE_DESTROYED; hdr->msgLen = sizeof(OmapRpc_InstanceHandle); /* leave the endpoint address alone. */ break; } case OmapRpc_MsgType_QUERY_CHAN_INFO: { OmapRpc_ChannelInfo *chanInfo = OmapRpc_PAYLOAD(msg, OmapRpc_ChannelInfo); chanInfo->numFuncs = obj->numFuncs; System_printf("OMAPRPC: channel info query - name %s fxns %u\n", obj->channelName, chanInfo->numFuncs); hdr->msgType = OmapRpc_MsgType_CHAN_INFO; hdr->msgLen = sizeof(OmapRpc_ChannelInfo); break; } case OmapRpc_MsgType_QUERY_FUNCTION: { OmapRpc_QueryFunction *fxnInfo = OmapRpc_PAYLOAD(msg, OmapRpc_QueryFunction); System_printf("OMAPRPC: function query of type %u\n", fxnInfo->infoType); switch (fxnInfo->infoType) { case OmapRpc_InfoType_FUNC_SIGNATURE: if (fxnInfo->funcIndex < obj->numFuncs) memcpy(&fxnInfo->info.signature, &obj->funcSigs[fxnInfo->funcIndex], sizeof(OmapRpc_FuncSignature)); break; case OmapRpc_InfoType_FUNC_PERFORMANCE: break; case OmapRpc_InfoType_NUM_CALLS: break; default: System_printf("OMAPRPC: Invalid info type!\n"); break; } hdr->msgType = OmapRpc_MsgType_FUNCTION_INFO; hdr->msgLen = sizeof(OmapRpc_QueryFunction); break; } default: { /* temp pointer to payload */ OmapRpc_Error *err = OmapRpc_PAYLOAD(msg, OmapRpc_Error); /* the debugging message before we clear */ System_printf("OMAPRPC: unexpected msg type: %d\n", hdr->msgType); /* clear out the old data */ _memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); hdr->msgType = OmapRpc_MsgType_ERROR; err->endpointAddress = local; err->status = OmapRpc_ErrorType_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } } /* compute the length of the return message. */ len = sizeof(struct OmapRpc_MsgHeader) + hdr->msgLen; System_printf("OMAPRPC: Replying with msg type: %d to addr: %d " " from: %d len: %u\n", hdr->msgType, remote, local, len); /* send the response. All messages get responses! */ RPMessage_send(obj->dstProc, remote, local, msg, len); } System_printf("OMAPRPC: destroying channel on port: %d\n", obj->port); NameMap_unregister("rpmsg-rpc", obj->channelName, obj->port); if (msg != NULL) { Memory_free(NULL, msg, 512); } /* @TODO delete any outstanding ServiceMgr instances if no disconnect * was issued? */ Semaphore_post(obj->exitSem); } /* * ======== OmapRpc_createChannel ======== */ OmapRpc_Handle OmapRpc_createChannel(String channelName, UInt16 dstProc, UInt32 port, RcmServer_Params *rcmParams, MmType_FxnSigTab *fxnSigTab, OmapRpc_SrvDelNotifyFxn srvDelCBFunc) { Task_Params taskParams; UInt32 func; OmapRpc_Object *obj = Memory_alloc(NULL, sizeof(OmapRpc_Object), 0, NULL); if (obj == NULL) { System_printf("OMAPRPC: Failed to allocate memory for object!\n"); goto unload; } _memset(obj, 0, sizeof(OmapRpc_Object)); obj->numFuncs = fxnSigTab->count + 1; #if 0 RcmServer_Params_init(&obj->rcmParams); obj->rcmParams.priority = Thread_Priority_ABOVE_NORMAL; obj->rcmParams.stackSize = 0x1000; obj->rcmParams.fxns.length = obj->numFuncs; obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem = Memory_alloc(NULL, sizeof(RcmServer_FxnDesc) * obj->numFuncs, 0, NULL); if (obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem == NULL) { System_printf("OMAPRPC: Failed to allocate RCM function list!\n"); goto unload; } #else memcpy(&obj->rcmParams, rcmParams, sizeof(RcmServer_Params)); obj->rcmParams.fxns.length = obj->numFuncs; obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem = Memory_calloc(NULL, obj->numFuncs * sizeof(RcmServer_FxnDesc), 0, NULL); if (obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem == NULL) { System_printf("OMAPRPC: Failed to allocate RCM function list!\n"); goto unload; } #endif /* setup other variables... */ obj->shutdown = FALSE; obj->dstProc = dstProc; obj->port = port; strncpy(obj->channelName, channelName, OMAPRPC_MAX_CHANNEL_NAMELEN-1); obj->channelName[OMAPRPC_MAX_CHANNEL_NAMELEN-1]='\0'; obj->srvDelCB = srvDelCBFunc; obj->funcSigs = Memory_alloc(NULL, obj->numFuncs * sizeof(OmapRpc_FuncSignature), 0, NULL); if (obj->funcSigs == NULL) { System_printf("OMAPRPC: Failed to allocate signtures list!\n"); goto unload; } /* setup the RCM functions and Signatures */ for (func = 0; func < obj->numFuncs; func++) { if (func == 0) { /* assign the "first function" */ obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem[func].name = OmapRpc_Stringerize(OmapRpc_GetSvrMgrHandle); obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem[func].addr.createFxn = (RcmServer_MsgCreateFxn)OmapRpc_GetSvrMgrHandle; strncpy(obj->funcSigs[func].name, obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem[0].name, OMAPRPC_MAX_CHANNEL_NAMELEN-1); obj->funcSigs[func].name[OMAPRPC_MAX_CHANNEL_NAMELEN-1] = '\0'; obj->funcSigs[func].numParam = 0; } else { /* assign the other functions */ /* obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem[func].name = fxns[func-1].signature.name; */ obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem[func].name = rcmParams->fxns.elem[func-1].name; /* obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem[func].addr.fxn = (RcmServer_MsgFxn)fxns[func-1].function; */ obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem[func].addr.fxn = rcmParams->fxns.elem[func-1].addr.fxn; /* copy the signature */ /* memcpy(&obj->funcSigs[func], &fxns[func-1].signature, sizeof(OmapRpc_FuncSignature)); */ memcpy(&obj->funcSigs[func], &fxnSigTab->table[func - 1], sizeof(MmType_FxnSig)); } } ServiceMgr_init(); if (ServiceMgr_register(channelName, &obj->rcmParams) == TRUE) { System_printf("OMAPRPC: registered channel: %s\n", obj->channelName); obj->msgq = RPMessage_create(obj->port, NULL, NULL,&obj->localEndPt); if (obj->msgq == NULL) { goto unload; } /* set port to the created local endpoint */ obj->port = obj->localEndPt; Task_Params_init(&taskParams); taskParams.instance->name = channelName; taskParams.stackSize = 0x2000; /* must cover all proxy stack usage */ taskParams.priority = 1; /* lowest priority thread */ taskParams.arg0 = (UArg)obj; obj->exitSem = Semaphore_create(0, NULL, NULL); if (obj->exitSem == NULL) { goto unload; } obj->taskHandle = Task_create(omapRpcTask, &taskParams, NULL); if (obj->taskHandle == NULL) { goto unload; } } else { System_printf("OMAPRPC: FAILED to register channel: %s\n", obj->channelName); } System_printf("OMAPRPC: Returning Object %p\n", obj); return(obj); unload: OmapRpc_deleteChannel(obj); return(NULL); } Int OmapRpc_deleteChannel(OmapRpc_Handle handle) { OmapRpc_Object *obj = (OmapRpc_Object *)handle; if (obj == NULL) { return OmapRpc_E_FAIL; } System_printf("OMAPRPC: deleting channel %s\n", obj->channelName); obj->shutdown = TRUE; if (obj->msgq) { RPMessage_unblock(obj->msgq); if (obj->exitSem) { Semaphore_pend(obj->exitSem, BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER); RPMessage_delete(&obj->msgq); Semaphore_delete(&obj->exitSem); } if (obj->taskHandle) { Task_delete(&obj->taskHandle); } } if (obj->funcSigs) Memory_free(NULL, obj->funcSigs, sizeof(*obj->funcSigs)*(obj->numFuncs-1)); if (obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem) Memory_free(NULL, obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem, sizeof(obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem[0])*obj->numFuncs); Memory_free(NULL, obj, sizeof(*obj)); return OmapRpc_S_SUCCESS; } #if 0 /* * ======== OmapRpc_start ======== */ Int OmapRpc_start(const String name, Int port, Int aryLen, OmapRpc_FuncSignature *sigAry) { Int status = OmapRpc_S_SUCCESS; Task_Params taskParams; OmapRpc_Object *obj; /* create an instance */ obj = Memory_calloc(NULL, sizeof(OmapRpc_Object), 0, NULL); if (obj == NULL) { System_printf("OMAPRPC: Failed to allocate memory for object!\n"); status = OmapRpc_E_FAIL; goto leave; } obj->numFuncs = aryLen + 1; obj->shutdown = FALSE; obj->dstProc = MultiProc_getId("HOST"); obj->port = port; strncpy(obj->channelName, name, OMAPRPC_MAX_CHANNEL_NAMELEN-1); obj->channelName[OMAPRPC_MAX_CHANNEL_NAMELEN-1]='\0'; obj->srvDelCB = srvDelCBFunc; obj->funcSigs = Memory_alloc(NULL, sizeof(OmapRpc_FuncSignature) * obj->numFuncs, 0, NULL); if (obj->funcSigs == NULL) { System_printf("OMAPRPC: Failed to allocate signtures list!\n"); goto unload; } /* setup the functions and signatures */ for (func = 0; func < obj->numFuncs; func++) { if (func == 0) { /* assign the "first function" */ /* strncpy(obj->funcSigs[func].name, obj->rcmParams.fxns.elem[0].name, OMAPRPC_MAX_CHANNEL_NAMELEN); */ strncpy(obj->funcSigs[func].name, OmapRpc_Stringerize(OmapRpc_GetSvrMgrHandle), OMAPRPC_MAX_CHANNEL_NAMELEN); obj->funcSigs[func].numParam = 0; } else { /* copy the signature */ memcpy(&obj->funcSigs[func], &fxns[func-1].signature, sizeof(OmapRpc_FuncSignature)); } } obj->msgq = RPMessage_create(obj->port, NULL, NULL,&obj->localEndPt); if (obj->msgq == NULL) { goto unload; } Task_Params_init(&taskParams); taskParams.instance->name = channelName; taskParams.priority = 1; /* Lowest priority thread */ taskParams.arg0 = (UArg)obj; obj->exitSem = Semaphore_create(0, NULL, NULL); if (obj->exitSem == NULL) { goto unload; } obj->taskHandle = Task_create(omapRpcTask, &taskParams, NULL); if (obj->taskHandle == NULL) { goto unload; } System_printf("OMAPRPC: Returning Object %p\n", obj); return(obj); leave: if (status < 0) { OmapRpc_deleteChannel(obj); } return(status); } #endif