/** * @file ProcMgr.h * * @brief The Processor Manager on a master processor provides control * functionality for a slave device.
* * The ProcMgr module provides the following services for the * slave processor:
* * -Slave processor boot-loading
* -Read from or write to slave processor memory
* -Slave processor power management
* -Slave processor error handling
* -Dynamic Memory Mapping
* * The Device Manager (Processor module) shall have interfaces for:
* * -Loader: There may be multiple implementations of the Loader * interface within a single Processor instance. * For example, COFF, ELF, dynamic loader, custom types * of loaders may be written and plugged in.
* * -Power Manager: The Power Manager implementation can be a * separate module that is plugged into the Processor * module. This allows the Processor code to remain * generic, and the Power Manager may be written and * maintained either by a separate team, or by customer.
* * -Processor: The implementation of this interface provides all * other functionality for the slave processor, including * setup and initialization of the Processor module, * management of slave processor MMU (if available), * functions to write to and read from slave memory etc.
* * All processors in the system shall be identified by unique * processor ID. The management of this processor ID is done by the * MultiProc module.
* * * @ver * * ============================================================================ * * Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * Contact information for paper mail: * Texas Instruments * Post Office Box 655303 * Dallas, Texas 75265 * Contact information: * http://www-k.ext.ti.com/sc/technical-support/product-information-centers.htm? * DCMP=TIHomeTracking&HQS=Other+OT+home_d_contact * ============================================================================ * */ #ifndef ProcMgr_H_0xf2ba #define ProcMgr_H_0xf2ba #if defined (__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /* ============================================================================= * All success and failure codes for the module * ============================================================================= */ /*! * @def ProcMgr_S_CANCELED * @brief The function was successfully canceled. */ #define ProcMgr_S_CANCELED 7 /*! * @def ProcMgr_S_REPLYLATER * @brief The function will send the reply later. */ #define ProcMgr_S_REPLYLATER 6 /*! * @def ProcMgr_S_OPENHANDLE * @brief Other ProcMgr clients have still setup the ProcMgr module. */ #define ProcMgr_S_SETUP 5 /*! * @def ProcMgr_S_OPENHANDLE * @brief Other ProcMgr handles are still open in this process. */ #define ProcMgr_S_OPENHANDLE 4 /*! * @def ProcMgr_S_ALREADYEXISTS * @brief The ProcMgr instance has already been created/opened in this process */ #define ProcMgr_S_ALREADYEXISTS 3 /*! * @def ProcMgr_S_BUSY * @brief The resource is still in use */ #define ProcMgr_S_BUSY 2 /*! * @def ProcMgr_S_ALREADYSETUP * @brief The module has been already setup */ #define ProcMgr_S_ALREADYSETUP 1 /*! * @def ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS * @brief Operation is successful. */ #define ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS 0 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_FAIL * @brief Generic failure. */ #define ProcMgr_E_FAIL -1 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG * @brief Argument passed to function is invalid. */ #define ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG -2 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_MEMORY * @brief Operation resulted in memory failure. */ #define ProcMgr_E_MEMORY -3 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_ALREADYEXISTS * @brief The specified entity already exists. */ #define ProcMgr_E_ALREADYEXISTS -4 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_NOTFOUND * @brief Unable to find the specified entity. */ #define ProcMgr_E_NOTFOUND -5 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_TIMEOUT * @brief Operation timed out. */ #define ProcMgr_E_TIMEOUT -6 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE * @brief Module is not initialized. */ #define ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE -7 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE * @brief A failure occurred in an OS-specific call */ #define ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE -8 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_RESOURCE * @brief Specified resource is not available */ #define ProcMgr_E_RESOURCE -9 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_RESTART * @brief Operation was interrupted. Please restart the operation */ #define ProcMgr_E_RESTART -10 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_HANDLE * @brief Invalid object handle specified */ #define ProcMgr_E_HANDLE -11 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_ACCESSDENIED * @brief The operation is not permitted in this process. */ #define ProcMgr_E_ACCESSDENIED -12 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_TRANSLATE * @brief An address translation error occurred. */ #define ProcMgr_E_TRANSLATE -13 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_SYMBOLNOTFOUND * @brief Could not find the specified symbol in the loaded file */ #define ProcMgr_E_SYMBOLNOTFOUND -14 /*! * @def ProcMgr_E_MAP * @brief Failed to map/unmap an address range */ #define ProcMgr_E_MAP -15 /* ============================================================================= * Macros and types * ============================================================================= */ /*! * @brief Maximum number of memory regions supported by ProcMgr module. */ #define ProcMgr_MAX_MEMORY_REGIONS 32u /*! * @def IS_VALID_PROCID * @brief Checks if the Processor ID is valid */ #define IS_VALID_PROCID(id) (id < MultiProc_MAXPROCESSORS) /*! * @brief Defines ProcMgr object handle */ typedef struct ProcMgr_Object * ProcMgr_Handle; /*! * @brief Enumerations to indicate Processor states. */ typedef enum { ProcMgr_State_Unknown = 0u, /*!< Unknown Processor state (e.g. at startup or error). */ ProcMgr_State_Powered = 1u, /*!< Indicates the Processor is powered up. */ ProcMgr_State_Reset = 2u, /*!< Indicates the Processor is reset. */ ProcMgr_State_Loaded = 3u, /*!< Indicates the Processor is loaded. */ ProcMgr_State_Running = 4u, /*!< Indicates the Processor is running. */ ProcMgr_State_Suspended = 5u, /*!< Indicates the Processor is suspended. */ ProcMgr_State_Unavailable = 6u, /*!< Indicates the Processor is unavailable to the physical transport. */ ProcMgr_State_Error = 7u, /*!< Indicates the Processor is in an error state (general error). */ ProcMgr_State_Watchdog = 8u, /*!< Indicates the Processor is in an error state (Watchdog error). */ ProcMgr_State_Mmu_Fault = 9u, /*!< Indicates the Processor is in an error state (MMU fault error). */ ProcMgr_State_EndValue = 10u /*!< End delimiter indicating start of invalid values for this enum */ } ProcMgr_State ; /*! * @brief Enumerations to identify the Processor */ typedef enum { PROC_DSP = 0, PROC_CORE1 = 1, PROC_CORE0 = 2, PROC_MPU = 3, PROC_END = 4 } ProcMgr_ProcId; /*! * @brief Enumerations to indicate different types of slave boot modes. */ typedef enum { ProcMgr_BootMode_Boot = 0u, /*!< ProcMgr is responsible for loading the slave and its reset control. */ ProcMgr_BootMode_NoLoad_Pwr = 1u, /*!< ProcMgr is not responsible for loading the slave. It is responsible for reset control of the slave. */ ProcMgr_BootMode_NoLoad_NoPwr = 2u, /*!< ProcMgr is not responsible for loading the slave. It is partial responsible for reset control of the slave. It doesn't put in reset while procMgr_attach but release reset while procMgr_start operation. */ ProcMgr_BootMode_NoBoot = 3u, /*!< ProcMgr is not responsible for loading or reset control of the slave. The slave either self-boots, or this is done by some entity outside of the ProcMgr module. */ ProcMgr_BootMode_EndValue = 4u /*!< End delimiter indicating start of invalid values for this enum */ } ProcMgr_BootMode ; /*! * @brief Enumerations to indicate address types used for translation */ typedef enum { ProcMgr_AddrType_MasterKnlVirt = 0u, /*!< Kernel Virtual address on master processor */ ProcMgr_AddrType_MasterUsrVirt = 1u, /*!< User Virtual address on master processor */ ProcMgr_AddrType_MasterPhys = 2u, /*!< Physical address on master processor */ ProcMgr_AddrType_SlaveVirt = 3u, /*!< Virtual address on slave processor */ ProcMgr_AddrType_SlavePhys = 4u, /*!< Physical address on slave processor */ ProcMgr_AddrType_EndValue = 5u /*!< End delimiter indicating start of invalid values for this enum */ } ProcMgr_AddrType; /** * @brief Address Map Mask type */ typedef UInt32 ProcMgr_MapMask; /** * @brief Kernel virtual address on master processor */ #define ProcMgr_MASTERKNLVIRT (ProcMgr_MapMask)(1 << 0) /** * @brief User virtual address on master processor */ #define ProcMgr_MASTERUSRVIRT (ProcMgr_MapMask)(1 << 1) /** * @brief Virtual address on slave processor */ #define ProcMgr_SLAVEVIRT (ProcMgr_MapMask)(1 << 2) /** * @brief Tiler address on slave processor */ #define ProcMgr_TILER (ProcMgr_MapMask)(1 << 3) /*! * @brief Event types */ typedef enum { PROC_MMU_FAULT = 0u, /*!< MMU fault event */ PROC_ERROR = 1u, /*!< Proc Error event */ PROC_STOP = 2u, /*!< Proc Stop event */ PROC_START = 3u, /*!< Proc start event */ PROC_WATCHDOG = 4u, /*!< Proc WatchDog Timer event */ } ProcMgr_EventType; /*! * @brief Enumerations to indicate the available device address memory pools */ typedef enum { ProcMgr_DMM_MemPool = 0u, /*!< Map/unmap to virtual address space (user) */ ProcMgr_TILER_MemPool = 1u, /*!< Map/unmap to Tiler address space */ ProcMgr_NONE_MemPool = -1, /*!< Provide valid Device address as input*/ } ProcMgr_MemPoolType; /*! * @brief Configuration parameters specific to the slave ProcMgr instance. */ typedef struct ProcMgr_AttachParams_tag { ProcMgr_BootMode bootMode; /*!< Boot mode for the slave processor. */ Ptr bootParams; /*!< Params for dependent processors like IVHD for netra. */ } ProcMgr_AttachParams ; /*! * @brief Configuration parameters to be provided while starting the slave * processor. */ typedef struct ProcMgr_StartParams_tag { UInt32 reserved; /*!< Reserved for future params. */ } ProcMgr_StartParams ; /*! * @brief This structure defines information about memory regions mapped by * the ProcMgr module. */ typedef struct ProcMgr_AddrInfo_tag { UInt32 addr [ProcMgr_AddrType_EndValue]; /*!< Addresses for each type of address space */ UInt32 size; /*!< Size of the memory region in bytes */ Bool isCached; /*!< Region cached? */ Bool isMapped; /*!< tells whether the entry is mapped */ ProcMgr_MapMask mapMask; /*!< map type needed for default entries in translation table */ UInt16 refCount; /*!< To ensure entry is added/removed only in appropriate map/unmap */ } ProcMgr_AddrInfo; /*! * @brief Structure containing information of mapped memory regions */ typedef struct ProcMgr_MappedMemEntry { ProcMgr_AddrInfo info; /*!< Address information */ ProcMgr_AddrType srcAddrType; /*!< Source address type used for mapping */ ProcMgr_MapMask mapMask; /*!< Mapping type */ Bool inUse; /*!< Entry index is in use? */ } ProcMgr_MappedMemEntry; /*! * @brief Characteristics of the slave processor */ typedef struct ProcMgr_ProcInfo_tag { ProcMgr_BootMode bootMode; /*!< Boot mode of the processor. */ UInt16 maxMemoryRegions; /*!< Value of ProcMgr_Object.maxMemoryRegions */ UInt16 numMemEntries; /*!< Number of valid memory entries */ ProcMgr_MappedMemEntry memEntries [ProcMgr_MAX_MEMORY_REGIONS]; /*!< Configuration of memory regions */ } ProcMgr_ProcInfo; /*! * @brief Characteristics of sections in executable */ typedef struct ProcMgr_SectionInfo_tag { UInt32 physicalAddress; /*!< Requested/returned section's physicalAddress */ UInt32 virtualAddress; /*!< Requested/returned section's vitualAddress */ UInt16 sectId; /*!< Requested/returned section id */ UInt32 size; /*!< Section size */ } ProcMgr_SectionInfo; /*! * @brief Enumerations to indicate Callback Event Status. */ typedef enum { ProcMgr_EventStatus_Event = 0u, /*!< Indicates the requested event has occurred. */ ProcMgr_EventStatus_Canceled = 1u, /*!< Indicates the request was canceled. */ ProcMgr_EventStatus_Timeout = 2u, /*!< Indicates the request has timed out. */ } ProcMgr_EventStatus ; /*! * @brief Function pointer type that is passed to the * ProcMgr_registerNotify function * * @param procId Processor ID for the processor that is undergoing the * state change. * @param handle Handle to the processor instance. * @param fromState Previous processor state * @param toState New processor state * @param status Indicates the status of the event. * * @sa ProcMgr_registerNotify */ typedef Int (*ProcMgr_CallbackFxn) (UInt16 procId, ProcMgr_Handle handle, ProcMgr_State fromState, ProcMgr_State toState, ProcMgr_EventStatus status, Ptr args); /* ============================================================================= * APIs * ============================================================================= */ /*! * @brief Function to open a handle to an existing ProcMgr object handling * the procId. * * This function returns a handle to an existing ProcMgr instance * created for this procId. It enables other entities to access * and use this ProcMgr instance. * * @param handlePtr Return Parameter: Handle to the ProcMgr instance * @param procId Processor ID represented by this ProcMgr instance * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_S_ALREADYEXISTS Object is already created/opened in this * process * @retval ProcMgr_E_MAP Failed to map address range to host OS * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * @retval ProcMgr_E_MEMORY Memory allocation failed * * @sa ProcMgr_close, Memory_calloc */ Int ProcMgr_open (ProcMgr_Handle * handlePtr, UInt16 procId); /*! * @brief Function to close this handle to the ProcMgr instance. * * This function closes the handle to the ProcMgr instance * obtained through ProcMgr_open call made earlier. The handle in * the passed pointer is reset on success. * * @param handlePtr Pointer to the ProcMgr handle * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_ACCESSDENIED All open handles to this ProcMgr object * are already closed * @retval ProcMgr_S_OPENHANDLE Other threads in this process have * already opened handles to this ProcMgr * instance. * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_open, Memory_free */ Int ProcMgr_close (ProcMgr_Handle * handlePtr); /*! * @brief Function to initialize the parameters for the ProcMgr attach * function. * * This function can be called by the application to get their * configuration parameter to #ProcMgr_attach filled in by the * ProcMgr module with the default parameters. If the user does * not wish to make any change in the default parameters, this API * is not required to be called. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object. If specified as NULL, * the default global configuration values are returned. * @param params Pointer to the ProcMgr attach params structure in * which the default params is to be returned. * * @sa ProcMgr_attach */ Void ProcMgr_getAttachParams (ProcMgr_Handle handle, ProcMgr_AttachParams * params); /*! * @brief Function to attach the client to the specified slave and also * initialize the slave (if required). * * This function attaches to an instance of the ProcMgr module and * performs any hardware initialization required to power up the * slave device. This function also performs the required state * transitions for this ProcMgr instance to ensure that the local * object representing the slave device correctly indicates the * state of the slave device. Depending on the slave boot mode * being used, the slave may be powered up, in reset, or even * running state. * In typical scenarios, after calling ProcMgr_attach, the * application should call ProcMgr_detach during shutdown to * detach the client from the slave and perform any hardware * finalization needed. However, there may be cases * (e.g. in a slave loader application) when it is desirable to * leave the hardware initialized and ready upon exiting the * application. In such cases it is fine to defer the * ProcMgr_detach call to a later point in time. * * Configuration parameters need to be provided to this * function. If the user wishes to change some specific config * parameters, then #ProcMgr_getAttachParams can be called to get * the configuration filled with the default values. After this, * only the required configuration values can be changed. If the * user does not wish to make any change in the default parameters, * the application can simply call ProcMgr_attach with NULL * parameters. * The default parameters would get automatically used. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object. * @param params Optional ProcMgr attach parameters. If provided as * NULL, default configuration is used. * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_MAP Failed to map address range to host OS * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_detach() * @sa ProcMgr_getAttachParams() */ Int ProcMgr_attach (ProcMgr_Handle handle, ProcMgr_AttachParams * params); /*! * @brief Function to detach the client from the specified slave and also * finalze the slave (if required). * * This function detaches from an instance of the ProcMgr module * and performs any hardware finalization required to power down * the slave device. This function also performs the required state * transitions for this ProcMgr instance to ensure that the local * object representing the slave device correctly indicates the * state of the slave device. Depending on the slave boot mode * being used, the slave may be powered down, in reset, or left in * its original state. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_attach */ Int ProcMgr_detach (ProcMgr_Handle handle); /*! * @brief Function to load the specified slave executable on the slave * Processor. * * This function allows usage of different types of loaders. The * loader specified when creating this instance of the ProcMgr * is used for loading the slave executable. Depending on the type * of loader, the imagePath parameter may point to the path of the * file in the host file system, or it may be NULL. Some loaders * may require specific parameters to be passed. This function * * @remarks This function returns a fileId, which can be used for further * function calls that reference a specific file that has been * loaded on the slave processor. * * @remarks Some loaders may not support all features. For example, the * ELF loader may not support passing argc/argv to the slave. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * @param imagePath Full file path * @param argc Number of arguments * @param argv String array of arguments * @param params Loader specific parameters * @param fileId Return parameter: ID of the loaded file * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_unload */ Int ProcMgr_load (ProcMgr_Handle handle, String imagePath, UInt32 argc, String * argv, Ptr params, UInt32 * fileId); /*! * @brief Function to unload the previously loaded file on the slave * processor. * * This function unloads the file that was previously loaded on the * slave processor through the #ProcMgr_load API. It frees up any * resources that were allocated during ProcMgr_load for this file. * * The fileId received from the load function must be passed to * this function. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * @param fileId ID of the loaded file to be unloaded * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_load */ Int ProcMgr_unload (ProcMgr_Handle handle, UInt32 fileId); /*! * @brief Function to initialize the parameters for the ProcMgr start * function. * * This function can be called by the application to get their * configuration parameter to #ProcMgr_start filled in by the * ProcMgr module with the default parameters. If the user does * * not wish to make any change in the default parameters, this API * is not required to be called. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object. If specified as NULL, * the default global configuration values are returned. * @param params Pointer to the ProcMgr start params structure in * which the default params is to be returned. * * @sa ProcMgr_start */ Void ProcMgr_getStartParams (ProcMgr_Handle handle, ProcMgr_StartParams * params); /*! * @brief Function to start the slave processor running. * * Function to start execution of the loaded code on the slave * from the entry point specified in the slave executable loaded * earlier by call to #ProcMgr_load (). * * After successful completion of this function, the ProcMgr * instance is expected to be in the #ProcMgr_State_Running state. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * @param params Optional ProcMgr start parameters. If provided as NULL, * default parameters are used. * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_SYMBOLNOTFOUND Entry ponit symbol not found in loaded * file * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_stop */ Int ProcMgr_start (ProcMgr_Handle handle, ProcMgr_StartParams * params); /*! * @brief Function to stop the slave processor. * * Depending on the boot mode, after successful completion of this * function, the ProcMgr instance may be in the * #ProcMgr_State_Reset state. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_start */ Int ProcMgr_stop (ProcMgr_Handle handle); /*! * @brief Function to get the current state of the slave Processor. * * This function gets the state of the slave processor as * maintained on the master Processor state machine. It does not * go to the slave processor to get its actual state at the time * when this API is called. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * * @retval Processor-state Operation successful */ ProcMgr_State ProcMgr_getState (ProcMgr_Handle handle); /*! * @brief Function to set the current state of the slave Processor. * * This function sets the state of the slave processor as * maintained on the master Processor state machine. It does not * go to the slave processor to set its actual state at the time * when this API is called. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * @param state State to set * * @retval None * * @sa */ Void ProcMgr_setState (ProcMgr_Handle handle, ProcMgr_State state); /*! * @brief Function to read from the slave processor's memory. * * This function reads from the specified address in the * processor's address space and copies the required number of * bytes into the specified buffer. * * It returns the number of bytes actually read in the numBytes * parameter. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * @param procAddr Address in space processor's address space of the * memory region to read from. * @param numBytes IN/OUT parameter. As an IN-parameter, it takes in the * number of bytes to be read. When the function * returns, this parameter contains the number of bytes * actually read. * @param[in,out] buffer User-provided buffer in which the slave processor's * memory contents are to be copied. * * @pre @c handle is a valid (non-NULL) ProcMgr handle. * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_TRANSLATE Address is not mapped * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_write */ Int ProcMgr_read (ProcMgr_Handle handle, UInt32 procAddr, UInt32 * numBytes, Ptr buffer); /*! * @brief Function to write into the slave processor's memory. * * This function writes into the specified address in the * processor's address space and copies the required number of * bytes from the specified buffer. * It returns the number of bytes actually written in the numBytes * parameter. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * @param procAddr Address in space processor's address space of the * memory region to write into. * @param numBytes IN/OUT parameter. As an IN-parameter, it takes in the * number of bytes to be written. When the function * returns, this parameter contains the number of bytes * actually written. * @param buffer User-provided buffer from which the data is to be * written into the slave processor's memory. * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_TRANSLATE Address is not mapped * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_read */ Int ProcMgr_write (ProcMgr_Handle handle, UInt32 procAddr, UInt32 * numBytes, Ptr buffer); /*! * @brief Function to perform device-dependent operations. * * This function performs control operations supported by the * as exposed directly by the specific implementation of the * Processor interface. These commands and their specific argument * types are used with this function. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * @param cmd Device specific processor command * @param arg Arguments specific to the type of command. * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa */ Int ProcMgr_control (ProcMgr_Handle handle, Int32 cmd, Ptr arg); /*! * @brief Function to translate between two types of address spaces. * * This function translates addresses between two types of address * spaces. The destination and source address types are indicated * through parameters specified in this function. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * @param dstAddr Return parameter: Pointer to receive the translated * address. * @param dstAddrType Destination address type requested * @param srcAddr Source address in the source address space * @param srcAddrType Source address type * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_TRANSLATE Failed to translate address. * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_AddrType */ Int ProcMgr_translateAddr (ProcMgr_Handle handle, Ptr * dstAddr, ProcMgr_AddrType dstAddrType, Ptr srcAddr, ProcMgr_AddrType srcAddrType); /*! * @brief Function to retrieve the target address of a symbol from the * specified file. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * @param fileId ID of the file received from the load function * @param symbolName Name of the symbol * @param symValue Return parameter: Symbol address * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_SYMBOLNOTFOUND Symbol not found in loaded file * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa */ Int ProcMgr_getSymbolAddress (ProcMgr_Handle handle, UInt32 fileId, String symbolName, UInt32 * symValue); /*! * @brief Function to map address to specified destination type(s). * * This function maps the provided address of specified srcAddrType * to one or more destination address types, and returns the mapped * addresses and size in the same addrInfo structure. * * @param handle Handle to the Processor object * @param mapType Mask of destination types of mapping to be * performed. One or more types may be ORed together. * @param addrInfo Structure containing map info. When this API is * called, user must provide a valid address for the * address of srcAddrType. On successful completion of * this function, this same structure shall contain * valid addresses for destination address types given * in mapType. * @param srcAddrType Source address type. * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_MAP Failed to map address range to host OS * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_unmap, ProcMgr_MapMask, ProcMgr_AddrInfo */ Int ProcMgr_map (ProcMgr_Handle handle, ProcMgr_MapMask mapMask, ProcMgr_AddrInfo * addrInfo, ProcMgr_AddrType srcAddrType); /*! * @brief Function to map address to slave address space. * * This function unmaps the provided address(es) of specified * one or more destination address types. The srcAddrType indicates * the source address with which the entry for the mapping is to be * identified. It must be the same address that was specified as * the src address when the corresponding mapping was performed. * * @param handle Handle to the Processor object * @param mapType Mask of destination types of unmapping to be * performed. One or more types may be ORed together. * @param addrInfo Structure containing map info. When this API is * called, user must provide a valid address for the * address of srcAddrType, as well as each of the * destination types given in the mapType mask. On * successful completion of this function, the * specified destination mappings are unmapped. * @param srcAddrType Source address type. * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_NOTFOUND Info provided does not match with any * mapped entry * @retval ProcMgr_E_MAP Failed to unmap address range from host * OS * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_map, ProcMgr_MapMask, ProcMgr_AddrInfo */ Int ProcMgr_unmap (ProcMgr_Handle handle, ProcMgr_MapMask mapMask, ProcMgr_AddrInfo * addrInfo, ProcMgr_AddrType srcAddrType); /*! * @brief Function that registers for notification when the slave * processor transitions to any of the states specified. * * This function allows the user application to register for * changes in processor state and take actions accordingly. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * @param fxn Handling function to be registered. * @param args Optional arguments associated with the handler fxn. * @param state Array of target states for which registration is * required. * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_State, ProcMgr_CallbackFxn, ProcMgr_unregisterNotify */ Int ProcMgr_registerNotify (ProcMgr_Handle handle, ProcMgr_CallbackFxn fxn, Ptr args, Int32 timeout, ProcMgr_State state []); /*! * @brief Get the maximum number of memory entries * * @param[in] handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * * @remarks The kernel objects contain tables of size * ProcMgr_MAX_MEMORY_REGIONS, this function retrieves that value * for dynamically-sized arrays. * * @retval Number of max memory entries */ UInt32 ProcMgr_getMaxMemoryRegions(ProcMgr_Handle handle); /*! * @brief Retrieve information about the slave processor * * @param[in] handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * @param[out] procInfo Pointer to the ProcInfo object to be populated. * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call */ Int ProcMgr_getProcInfo (ProcMgr_Handle handle, ProcMgr_ProcInfo * procInfo); /*! * @brief Function that returns section information given the name of * section and number of bytes to read * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * @param fileId ID of the file received from the load function * @param sectionName Name of section to be retrieved * @param sectionInfo Return parameter: Section information * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_SectionInfo */ Int ProcMgr_getSectionInfo (ProcMgr_Handle handle, UInt32 fileId, String sectionName, ProcMgr_SectionInfo * sectionInfo); /*! * @brief Function that returns section data in a buffer given section id * and size to be read * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * @param fileId ID of the file received from the load function * @param sectionInfo Structure filled by ProcMgr_getSectionInfo. * @param buffer Return parameter * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_SectionInfo, ProcMgr_getSectionInfo */ Int ProcMgr_getSectionData (ProcMgr_Handle handle, UInt32 fileId, ProcMgr_SectionInfo * sectionInfo, Ptr buffer); /*! * @brief Function that returns section data in a buffer given section id * and size to be read * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * * @retval fileId Operation successful * * @sa ProcMgr_load */ UInt32 ProcMgr_getLoadedFileId (ProcMgr_Handle handle); /*! * @brief Function that allows the caller to wait on the specified event * * @param procId Id of the processor on which to wait * @param eventType Event type on which to wait * @param timeout Amount of time to wait for the event * * @retval ProcMgr_S_REPLYLATER Operation successful, reply will be sent when * the event happens. * * @sa ProcMgr_WaitForEventCancel */ Int32 ProcMgr_waitForEvent (ProcMgr_ProcId procId, ProcMgr_EventType eventType, Int timeout); /*! * @brief Function that allows the caller to wait on the specified event * * @param procId Id of the processor on which to wait * @param eventType Array of event type on which to wait * @param size Number of events in eventType array * @param timeout Amount of time to wait for the event * @param index Index of the event which occurred. Output param. * * @retval ProcMgr_S_REPLYLATER Operation successful, reply will be sent when * the event happens. * * @sa ProcMgr_WaitForEventCancel */ Int ProcMgr_waitForMultipleEvents (ProcMgr_ProcId procId, ProcMgr_EventType * eventType, UInt32 size, Int timeout, UInt * index); /*! * @brief Function that allows the caller to cancel a wait on the specified event * * @param procId procId on which to cancel wait * @param eventType Event type on which to cancel the wait * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful. * * @sa ProcMgr_WaitForEvent */ Int32 ProcMgr_waitForEventCancel (ProcMgr_ProcId procId, ProcMgr_EventType eventType); /*! * @brief Function that un-registers for notification when the slave * processor transitions to any of the states specified. * * This function allows the user application to un-register for * changes in processor state and take actions accordingly. * * @param handle Handle to the ProcMgr object * @param fxn Handling function to be un-registered. * @param args Optional arguments associated with the handler fxn. * @param state Array of target states for which un-registration is * required. * * @retval ProcMgr_S_SUCCESS Operation successful * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_INVALIDSTATE Module was not initialized * @retval ProcMgr_E_HANDLE Invalid NULL handle specified * @retval ProcMgr_E_OSFAILURE Failed in an OS-specific call * * @sa ProcMgr_State, ProcMgr_CallbackFxn, ProcMgr_registerNotify */ Int ProcMgr_unregisterNotify (ProcMgr_Handle handle, ProcMgr_CallbackFxn fxn, Ptr args, ProcMgr_State state []); /* Function to flush cache */ Int ProcMgr_flushMemory (Ptr bufAddr, UInt32 bufSize, ProcMgr_ProcId procID); /* Function to invalidate cache */ Int ProcMgr_invalidateMemory (Ptr bufAddr, UInt32 bufSize, ProcMgr_ProcId procID); /* Function to get the Id of the ProcMgr handle */ UInt32 ProcMgr_getId (ProcMgr_Handle handle); /* Function to get the handle based on the id. */ ProcMgr_Handle ProcMgr_getHandle (UInt32 id); #if defined (__cplusplus) } #endif /* defined (__cplusplus) */ #endif /* ProcMgr_H_0xf2ba */