/* * @file syslink_main.c * * @brief syslink main * * * @ver * * ============================================================================ * * Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * Contact information for paper mail: * Texas Instruments * Post Office Box 655303 * Dallas, Texas 75265 * Contact information: * http://www-k.ext.ti.com/sc/technical-support/product-information-centers.htm? * DCMP=TIHomeTracking&HQS=Other+OT+home_d_contact * ============================================================================ * */ #include "proto.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP4430) #include #endif #include /* OSAL & Utils headers */ #include #include #include #include <_MultiProc.h> #include #include #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP4430) || defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP5430) #include <_ipu_pm.h> #endif #include #include #include #include #if (_NTO_VERSION >= 800) #include #endif #include #define DENY_ALL \ PROCMGR_ADN_ROOT \ | PROCMGR_ADN_NONROOT \ | PROCMGR_AOP_DENY \ | PROCMGR_AOP_LOCK // Ducati trace to slog2 static variables and defines #define TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 // polling interval in microseconds #define TRACE_POLLING_INTERVAL_US 1000000 #if (_NTO_VERSION >= 800) static int verbosity = SLOG2_ERROR; static slog2_buffer_t buffer_handle; #else static int verbosity = 2; #endif static char trace_buffer[TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE]; static pthread_mutex_t trace_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static Bool trace_active; static pthread_t thread_traces; // Syslink hibernation global variables Bool syslink_hib_enable = TRUE; #if !defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP4430) && !defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP5430) #define PM_HIB_DEFAULT_TIME 5000 #endif uint32_t syslink_hib_timeout = PM_HIB_DEFAULT_TIME; Bool syslink_hib_hibernating = FALSE; pthread_mutex_t syslink_hib_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_cond_t syslink_hib_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; extern Int rpmsg_rpc_setup (Void); extern Void rpmsg_rpc_destroy (Void); extern Void GateHWSpinlock_LeaveLockForPID(int pid); typedef struct syslink_firmware_info_t { uint16_t proc_id; char * proc; char * firmware; } syslink_firmware_info; static syslink_firmware_info syslink_firmware[MultiProc_MAXPROCESSORS]; static unsigned int syslink_num_cores = 0; int init_ipc(syslink_dev_t * dev, syslink_firmware_info * firmware, bool recover); int deinit_ipc(syslink_dev_t * dev, bool recover); static RscTable_Handle rscHandle[MultiProc_MAXPROCESSORS]; static ProcMgr_Handle procH[MultiProc_MAXPROCESSORS]; static unsigned int procH_fileId[MultiProc_MAXPROCESSORS]; static ProcMgr_State errStates[] = {ProcMgr_State_Mmu_Fault, ProcMgr_State_Error, ProcMgr_State_Watchdog, ProcMgr_State_EndValue}; typedef struct syslink_trace_info_t { uintptr_t va; uint32_t len; uint32_t * widx; uint32_t * ridx; Bool firstRead; } syslink_trace_info; static syslink_trace_info proc_traces[MultiProc_MAXPROCESSORS]; int syslink_read(resmgr_context_t *ctp, io_read_t *msg, syslink_ocb_t *ocb) { int nbytes; int nparts; int status; int nleft; uint32_t len; uint16_t procid = ocb->ocb.attr->procid; if ((status = iofunc_read_verify (ctp, msg, &ocb->ocb, NULL)) != EOK) return (status); if ((msg->i.xtype & _IO_XTYPE_MASK) != _IO_XTYPE_NONE) return (ENOSYS); /* check to see where the trace buffer is */ if (proc_traces[procid].va == NULL) { return (ENOSYS); } /* need to abort ducati trace thread if it is running as only want one reader */ pthread_mutex_lock(&trace_mutex); if (trace_active == TRUE) { trace_active = FALSE; pthread_mutex_unlock(&trace_mutex); // Wake up if waiting on hibernation pthread_mutex_lock(&syslink_hib_mutex); syslink_hib_hibernating = FALSE; pthread_cond_broadcast(&syslink_hib_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&syslink_hib_mutex); pthread_join(thread_traces, NULL); } else { pthread_mutex_unlock(&trace_mutex); } if (ocb->ocb.offset == 0) { ocb->widx = *(proc_traces[procid].widx); ocb->ridx = *(proc_traces[procid].ridx); *(proc_traces[procid].ridx) = ocb->widx; } /* Check for wrap-around */ if (ocb->widx < ocb->ridx) len = proc_traces[procid].len - ocb->ridx + ocb->widx; else len = ocb->widx - ocb->ridx; /* Determine the amount left to print */ if (ocb->widx >= ocb->ridx) nleft = len - ocb->ocb.offset; else if (ocb->ocb.offset < proc_traces[procid].len - ocb->ridx) nleft = proc_traces[procid].len - ocb->ridx - ocb->ocb.offset; else nleft = proc_traces[procid].len - ocb->ridx + ocb->widx - ocb->ocb.offset; nbytes = min (msg->i.nbytes, nleft); /* Make sure the user has supplied a big enough buffer */ if (nbytes > 0) { /* set up the return data IOV */ if (ocb->widx < ocb->ridx && ocb->ocb.offset >= proc_traces[procid].len - ocb->ridx) SETIOV (ctp->iov, (char *)proc_traces[procid].va + ocb->ocb.offset - (proc_traces[procid].len - ocb->ridx), nbytes); else SETIOV (ctp->iov, (char *)proc_traces[procid].va + ocb->ridx + ocb->ocb.offset, nbytes); /* set up the number of bytes (returned by client's read()) */ _IO_SET_READ_NBYTES (ctp, nbytes); ocb->ocb.offset += nbytes; nparts = 1; } else { _IO_SET_READ_NBYTES (ctp, 0); /* reset offset */ ocb->ocb.offset = 0; nparts = 0; } /* mark the access time as invalid (we just accessed it) */ if (msg->i.nbytes > 0) ocb->ocb.attr->attr.flags |= IOFUNC_ATTR_ATIME; return (_RESMGR_NPARTS (nparts)); } extern OsalSemaphore_Handle mqcopy_test_sem; int syslink_unblock(resmgr_context_t *ctp, io_pulse_t *msg, syslink_ocb_t *ocb) { int status = _RESMGR_NOREPLY; struct _msg_info info; /* * Try to run the default unblock for this message. */ if ((status = iofunc_unblock_default(ctp,msg,&(ocb->ocb))) != _RESMGR_DEFAULT) { return status; } /* * Check if rcvid is still valid and still has an unblock * request pending. */ if (MsgInfo(ctp->rcvid, &info) == -1 || !(info.flags & _NTO_MI_UNBLOCK_REQ)) { return _RESMGR_NOREPLY; } if (mqcopy_test_sem) OsalSemaphore_post(mqcopy_test_sem); return _RESMGR_NOREPLY; } IOFUNC_OCB_T * syslink_ocb_calloc (resmgr_context_t * ctp, IOFUNC_ATTR_T * device) { syslink_ocb_t *ocb = NULL; /* Allocate the OCB */ ocb = (syslink_ocb_t *) calloc (1, sizeof (syslink_ocb_t)); if (ocb == NULL){ errno = ENOMEM; return (NULL); } ocb->pid = ctp->info.pid; return (IOFUNC_OCB_T *)(ocb); } void syslink_ocb_free (IOFUNC_OCB_T * i_ocb) { syslink_ocb_t * ocb = (syslink_ocb_t *)i_ocb; if (ocb) { GateHWSpinlock_LeaveLockForPID(ocb->pid); free (ocb); } } int init_syslink_trace_device(syslink_dev_t *dev) { resmgr_attr_t resmgr_attr; int i; syslink_attr_t * trace_attr; char trace_name[_POSIX_PATH_MAX]; int status = 0; unsigned int da = 0, pa = 0; unsigned int len; memset(&resmgr_attr, 0, sizeof resmgr_attr); resmgr_attr.nparts_max = 10; resmgr_attr.msg_max_size = 2048; for (i = 0; i < syslink_num_cores; i++) { iofunc_func_init(_RESMGR_CONNECT_NFUNCS, &dev->syslink.cfuncs_trace[i], _RESMGR_IO_NFUNCS, &dev->syslink.iofuncs_trace[i]); trace_attr = &dev->syslink.cattr_trace[i]; iofunc_attr_init(&trace_attr->attr, S_IFCHR | 0777, NULL, NULL); trace_attr->attr.mount = &dev->syslink.mattr; trace_attr->procid = i; iofunc_time_update(&trace_attr->attr); snprintf (dev->syslink.device_name, _POSIX_PATH_MAX, "/dev/ipc-trace%d", syslink_firmware[i].proc_id); dev->syslink.iofuncs_trace[i].read = syslink_read; snprintf (trace_name, _POSIX_PATH_MAX, "%d", 0); pa = 0; status = RscTable_getInfo(syslink_firmware[i].proc_id, TYPE_TRACE, 0, &da, &pa, &len); if (status == 0) { /* last 8 bytes are for writeIdx/readIdx */ proc_traces[i].len = len - (sizeof(uint32_t) * 2); if (da && !pa) { /* need to translate da->pa */ status = ProcMgr_translateAddr (procH[syslink_firmware[i].proc_id], (Ptr *) &pa, ProcMgr_AddrType_MasterPhys, (Ptr) da, ProcMgr_AddrType_SlaveVirt); } else { GT_setFailureReason(curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "init_syslink_trace_device", status, "not performing ProcMgr_translate"); } /* map length aligned to page size */ proc_traces[i].va = mmap_device_io (((len + 0x1000 - 1) / 0x1000) * 0x1000, pa); proc_traces[i].widx = (uint32_t *)(proc_traces[i].va + \ proc_traces[i].len); proc_traces[i].ridx = (uint32_t *)((uint32_t)proc_traces[i].widx + \ sizeof(uint32_t)); if (proc_traces[i].va == MAP_DEVICE_FAILED) { GT_setFailureReason(curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "init_syslink_trace_device", status, "mmap_device_io failed"); GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "errno %d", errno); proc_traces[i].va = NULL; } proc_traces[i].firstRead = TRUE; } else { GT_setFailureReason(curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "init_syslink_trace_device", status, "RscTable_getInfo failed"); proc_traces[i].va = NULL; } if (-1 == (dev->syslink.resmgr_id_trace[i] = resmgr_attach(dev->dpp, &resmgr_attr, dev->syslink.device_name, _FTYPE_ANY, 0, &dev->syslink.cfuncs_trace[i], &dev->syslink.iofuncs_trace[i], &trace_attr->attr))) { GT_setFailureReason(curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "init_syslink_trace_device", status, "resmgr_attach failed"); return(-1); } } return (status); } int deinit_syslink_trace_device(syslink_dev_t *dev) { int status = EOK; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < syslink_num_cores; i++) { status = resmgr_detach(dev->dpp, dev->syslink.resmgr_id_trace[i], 0); if (status < 0) { Osal_printf("syslink: resmgr_detach failed %d", errno); status = errno; } if (proc_traces[i].va && proc_traces[i].va != MAP_DEVICE_FAILED) { munmap((void *)proc_traces[i].va, ((proc_traces[i].len + 8 + 0x1000 - 1) / 0x1000) * 0x1000); } proc_traces[i].va = NULL; } return (status); } /* Initialize the syslink device */ int init_syslink_device(syslink_dev_t *dev) { iofunc_attr_t * attr; resmgr_attr_t resmgr_attr; int status = 0; pthread_mutex_init(&dev->lock, NULL); memset(&resmgr_attr, 0, sizeof resmgr_attr); resmgr_attr.nparts_max = 10; resmgr_attr.msg_max_size = 2048; memset(&dev->syslink.mattr, 0, sizeof(iofunc_mount_t)); dev->syslink.mattr.flags = ST_NOSUID | ST_NOEXEC; dev->syslink.mattr.conf = IOFUNC_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED | IOFUNC_PC_NO_TRUNC | IOFUNC_PC_SYNC_IO; dev->syslink.mattr.funcs = &dev->syslink.mfuncs; memset(&dev->syslink.mfuncs, 0, sizeof(iofunc_funcs_t)); dev->syslink.mfuncs.nfuncs = _IOFUNC_NFUNCS; iofunc_func_init(_RESMGR_CONNECT_NFUNCS, &dev->syslink.cfuncs, _RESMGR_IO_NFUNCS, &dev->syslink.iofuncs); iofunc_attr_init(attr = &dev->syslink.cattr, S_IFCHR | 0777, NULL, NULL); dev->syslink.mfuncs.ocb_calloc = syslink_ocb_calloc; dev->syslink.mfuncs.ocb_free = syslink_ocb_free; dev->syslink.iofuncs.devctl = syslink_devctl; dev->syslink.iofuncs.unblock = syslink_unblock; attr->mount = &dev->syslink.mattr; iofunc_time_update(attr); if (-1 == (dev->syslink.resmgr_id = resmgr_attach(dev->dpp, &resmgr_attr, IPC_DEVICE_PATH, _FTYPE_ANY, 0, &dev->syslink.cfuncs, &dev->syslink.iofuncs, attr))) { return(-1); } status = init_syslink_trace_device(dev); if (status < 0) { return status; } return(0); } /* De-initialize the syslink device */ int deinit_syslink_device(syslink_dev_t *dev) { int status = EOK; status = resmgr_detach(dev->dpp, dev->syslink.resmgr_id, 0); if (status < 0) { Osal_printf("syslink: resmgr_detach failed %d", errno); status = errno; } status = deinit_syslink_trace_device(dev); return(status); } /* Initialize the devices */ int init_devices(syslink_dev_t *dev) { if (init_syslink_device(dev) < 0) { Osal_printf("syslink: syslink device init failed"); return(-1); } return(0); } /* De-initialize the devices */ int deinit_devices(syslink_dev_t *dev) { int status = EOK; if ((status = deinit_syslink_device(dev)) < 0) { fprintf( stderr, "syslink: syslink device de-init failed %d\n", status); status = errno; } return(status); } static void ipc_recover(Ptr args) { syslink_dev_t * dev = (syslink_dev_t *)args; deinit_ipc(dev, TRUE); init_ipc(dev, syslink_firmware, TRUE); deinit_syslink_trace_device(dev); init_syslink_trace_device(dev); } Int syslink_error_cb (UInt16 procId, ProcMgr_Handle handle, ProcMgr_State fromState, ProcMgr_State toState, ProcMgr_EventStatus status, Ptr args) { Int ret = 0; String errString = NULL; syslink_dev_t * dev = (syslink_dev_t *)args; if (status == ProcMgr_EventStatus_Event) { switch (toState) { case ProcMgr_State_Mmu_Fault: errString = "MMU Fault"; break; case ProcMgr_State_Error: errString = "Exception"; break; case ProcMgr_State_Watchdog: errString = "Watchdog"; break; default: errString = "Unexpected State"; ret = -1; break; } GT_2trace (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "syslink_error_cb: Received Error Callback for %s : %s\n", MultiProc_getName(procId), errString); /* Don't allow re-schedule of recovery until complete */ pthread_mutex_lock(&dev->lock); if (ret != -1 && dev->recover == FALSE) { /* Schedule recovery. */ dev->recover = TRUE; /* Activate a thread to handle the recovery. */ GT_0trace (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "syslink_error_cb: Scheduling recovery..."); OsalThread_activate(dev->ipc_recovery_work); } else { GT_0trace (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "syslink_error_cb: Recovery already scheduled."); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&dev->lock); } else if (status == ProcMgr_EventStatus_Canceled) { GT_1trace (curTrace, GT_3CLASS, "SysLink Error Callback Cancelled for %s", MultiProc_getName(procId)); } else { GT_1trace (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "SysLink Error Callback Unexpected Event for %s", MultiProc_getName(procId)); } return ret; } #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP4430) #define SYSLINK_CARVEOUT #ifdef SYSLINK_CARVEOUT #define IPU_MEM_SIZE 49 * 1024 * 1024 #define IPU_MEM_PHYS 0x97F00000 #else #define IPU_MEM_SIZE 104 * 1024 * 1024 #define IPU_MEM_ALIGN 0x1000000 #endif #else // only need mem for DEVMEM entries, rest is allocated dynamically #define IPU_MEM_SIZE 90 * 1024 * 1024 #define IPU_MEM_ALIGN 0x0 #endif unsigned int syslink_ipu_mem_size = IPU_MEM_SIZE; #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP5430) unsigned int syslink_dsp_mem_size = IPU_MEM_SIZE; #endif /* * Initialize the syslink ipc * * This function sets up the "kernel"-side IPC modules, and does any special * initialization required for QNX and the platform being used. This function * also registers for error notifications and initializes the recovery thread. */ int init_ipc(syslink_dev_t * dev, syslink_firmware_info * firmware, bool recover) { int status = 0; #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP4430) || defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP5430) int32_t ret = 0; uint32_t len = 0; #ifndef SYSLINK_CARVEOUT int64_t pa = 0; void * da; #endif int64_t paddr = 0; #endif Ipc_Config iCfg; OsalThread_Params threadParams; ProcMgr_AttachParams attachParams; UInt16 procId; int i; #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP4430) || defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP5430) /* Map a contiguous memory section for ipu - currently hard-coded */ if (!recover) { #ifdef SYSLINK_CARVEOUT dev->da_virt = mmap64(NULL, IPU_MEM_SIZE, PROT_NOCACHE | PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PHYS, NOFD, IPU_MEM_PHYS); #else #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP5430) dev->da_tesla_virt = #endif dev->da_virt = mmap64(NULL, IPU_MEM_SIZE + IPU_MEM_ALIGN, PROT_NOCACHE | PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANON | MAP_PHYS | MAP_SHARED, NOFD, 0); #endif if (dev->da_virt == MAP_FAILED) { status = ENOMEM; goto exit; } } if (status >= 0) { #ifdef SYSLINK_CARVEOUT /* Make sure the memory is contiguous */ ret = mem_offset64(dev->da_virt, NOFD, IPU_MEM_SIZE, &paddr, &len); if (ret) status = ret; else if (len != IPU_MEM_SIZE) status = ENOMEM; #else /* Make sure the memory is contiguous */ ret = mem_offset64(dev->da_virt, NOFD, IPU_MEM_SIZE + IPU_MEM_ALIGN, &paddr, &len); if (ret) status = ret; else if (len != IPU_MEM_SIZE + IPU_MEM_ALIGN) status = ENOMEM; else { #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP4430) pa = (paddr + IPU_MEM_ALIGN - 1) / IPU_MEM_ALIGN * IPU_MEM_ALIGN; if ((pa - paddr) < 0x900000) pa += 0x900000; else pa -= 0x700000; da = dev->da_virt + (pa - paddr); #else pa = paddr; da = dev->da_virt; #endif } #endif if (status != 0) goto memoryos_fail; } #endif #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP5430) if (status >= 0) { iCfg.pAddr_dsp = (uint32_t)pa; iCfg.vAddr_dsp = (uint32_t)da; } #endif if (status >= 0) { if (!recover) { /* Set up the MemoryOS module */ status = MemoryOS_setup(); if (status < 0) goto memoryos_fail; } /* Setup IPC and platform-specific items */ #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP4430) || defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP5430) #ifdef SYSLINK_CARVEOUT iCfg.vAddr = (uint32_t)dev->da_virt; iCfg.pAddr = (uint32_t)paddr; #else iCfg.vAddr = (uint32_t)da; iCfg.pAddr = (uint32_t)pa; #endif #endif status = Ipc_setup (&iCfg); if (status < 0) goto ipcsetup_fail; /* NOTE: this is for handling the procmgr event notifications to userspace list */ if (!recover) { /* Setup Fault recovery items. */ /* Create the thread object used for the interrupt handler. */ threadParams.priority = OsalThread_Priority_Medium; threadParams.priorityType = OsalThread_PriorityType_Generic; threadParams.once = FALSE; dev->ipc_recovery_work = OsalThread_create ((OsalThread_CallbackFxn) ipc_recover, dev, &threadParams); if (dev->ipc_recovery_work == NULL) goto osalthreadcreate_fail; } else { pthread_mutex_lock(&dev->lock); dev->recover = FALSE; pthread_mutex_unlock(&dev->lock); } for (i = 0; i < syslink_num_cores; i++) { procId = firmware[i].proc_id = MultiProc_getId(firmware[i].proc); if (procId >= MultiProc_MAXPROCESSORS || procH[procId]) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "init_ipc", status, "invalid proc!"); break; } if (syslink_firmware[i].firmware) { rscHandle[procId] = RscTable_alloc(firmware[i].firmware, procId); if (rscHandle[procId] == NULL) { status = -1; break; } } status = ProcMgr_open(&procH[procId], procId); if (status < 0 || procH[procId] == NULL) goto procmgropen_fail; /* Load and start the remote processor. */ ProcMgr_getAttachParams (procH[procId], &attachParams); status = ProcMgr_attach (procH[procId], &attachParams); if (status < 0) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "init_ipc", status, "ProcMgr_attach failed!"); goto procmgrattach_fail; } if (syslink_firmware[i].firmware) { status = ProcMgr_load (procH[procId], (String)firmware[i].firmware, 0, NULL, NULL, &procH_fileId[procId]); if (status < 0) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "init_ipc", status, "ProcMgr_load failed!"); goto procmgrload_fail; } } status = Ipc_attach (procId); if (status < 0) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "init_ipc", status, "Ipc_attach failed!"); goto ipcattach_fail; } status = ProcMgr_start(procH[procId], NULL); if (status < 0) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "init_ipc", status, "ProcMgr_start failed!"); goto procmgrstart_fail; } status = ProcMgr_registerNotify(procH[procId], syslink_error_cb, (Ptr)dev, -1, errStates); if (status < 0) goto procmgrreg_fail; continue; procmgrreg_fail: ProcMgr_stop(procH[procId]); procmgrstart_fail: Ipc_detach(procId); ipcattach_fail: if (syslink_firmware[i].firmware) ProcMgr_unload(procH[procId], procH_fileId[procId]); procmgrload_fail: ProcMgr_detach(procH[procId]); procmgrattach_fail: ProcMgr_close(&procH[procId]); procH[procId] = NULL; procmgropen_fail: RscTable_free(&rscHandle[procId]); break; } if (status < 0) goto tiipcsetup_fail; /* Set up rpmsg_mq */ status = ti_ipc_setup(); if (status < 0) goto tiipcsetup_fail; /* Set up rpmsg_rpc */ status = rpmsg_rpc_setup(); if (status < 0) goto rpcsetup_fail; goto exit; } rpcsetup_fail: ti_ipc_destroy(recover); tiipcsetup_fail: for (i-=1; i >= 0; i--) { procId = firmware[i].proc_id; ProcMgr_unregisterNotify(procH[procId], syslink_error_cb, (Ptr)dev, errStates); ProcMgr_stop(procH[procId]); if (procH_fileId[procId]) { ProcMgr_unload(procH[procId], procH_fileId[procId]); procH_fileId[procId] = 0; } ProcMgr_detach(procH[procId]); ProcMgr_close(&procH[procId]); procH[procId] = NULL; RscTable_free(&rscHandle[procId]); rscHandle[procId] = NULL; } OsalThread_delete(&dev->ipc_recovery_work); osalthreadcreate_fail: Ipc_destroy(); ipcsetup_fail: MemoryOS_destroy(); memoryos_fail: #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP4430) || defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP5430) if (dev->da_virt != MAP_FAILED) #ifdef SYSLINK_CARVEOUT munmap(dev->da_virt, IPU_MEM_SIZE); #else munmap(dev->da_virt, IPU_MEM_SIZE + IPU_MEM_ALIGN); #endif #endif exit: return status; } int deinit_ipc(syslink_dev_t * dev, bool recover) { int status = EOK; uint32_t i = 0, id = 0; // Stop the remote cores right away for (i = 0; i < MultiProc_MAXPROCESSORS; i++) { if (procH[i]) { GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "stopping %s", MultiProc_getName(i)); ProcMgr_stop(procH[i]); } } rpmsg_rpc_destroy(); ti_ipc_destroy(recover); for (i = 0; i < MultiProc_MAXPROCESSORS; i++) { if (procH[i]) { ProcMgr_unregisterNotify (procH[i], syslink_error_cb, (Ptr)dev, errStates); Ipc_detach(i); if (procH_fileId[i]) { ProcMgr_unload(procH[i], procH_fileId[i]); procH_fileId[i] = 0; } ProcMgr_detach(procH[i]); ProcMgr_close(&procH[i]); procH[i] = NULL; RscTable_free(&rscHandle[i]); rscHandle[i] = NULL; } } if (!recover && dev->ipc_recovery_work != NULL) { OsalThread_delete (&dev->ipc_recovery_work); dev->ipc_recovery_work = NULL; } if (recover) { static FILE *log; /* Dump the trace information */ Osal_printf("syslink: printing remote core trace dump to" " /var/log/ducati-m3-traces.log"); log = fopen ("/var/log/ducati-m3-traces.log", "a+"); if (log) { for (id = 0; id < syslink_num_cores; id++) { if (proc_traces[id].va) { /* print traces */ /* wait a little bit for traces to finish dumping */ sleep(1); fprintf(log, "****************************************\n"); fprintf(log, "*** CORE%d TRACE DUMP ***\n", id); fprintf(log, "****************************************\n"); for (i = (*proc_traces[id].widx + 1); i < (proc_traces[id].len - 8); i++) { fprintf(log, "%c", *(char *)((uint32_t)proc_traces[id].va + i)); } for (i = 0; i < *proc_traces[id].widx; i++) { fprintf(log, "%c", *(char *)((uint32_t)proc_traces[id].va + i)); } } } fclose(log); } else { GT_setFailureReason(curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "deinit_ipc", errno, "error opening /var/log/ducati-m3-traces.log"); } } status = Ipc_destroy(); if (status < 0) { printf("Ipc_destroy() failed 0x%x", status); } if (!recover) { status = MemoryOS_destroy(); if (status < 0) { printf("MemoryOS_destroy() failed 0x%x", status); } #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP4430) || defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP5430) if (dev->da_virt != MAP_FAILED) { #ifdef SYSLINK_CARVEOUT status = munmap(dev->da_virt, IPU_MEM_SIZE); #else status = munmap(dev->da_virt, IPU_MEM_SIZE + IPU_MEM_ALIGN); #endif if (status < 0) { printf("munmap failed %d", errno); } } #endif } return status; } /* Read next line of available data for given 'core' and store it in buffer. * Returns the number of bytes that were written or -1 on error */ static int readNextTrace(int core, char* buffer, int bufSize) { char* readPtr; uint32_t readBytes, ridx, widx; syslink_trace_info* tinfo = &proc_traces[core]; /* Make sure it is valid */ if ( (tinfo == NULL) || (tinfo->va == NULL) ) { return -1; } /* Check to see if something to read */ if (tinfo->ridx == tinfo->widx) { return 0; } readPtr = (char*) tinfo->va; ridx = *tinfo->ridx; widx = *tinfo->widx; /* If first read, make sure that core is ready by validating ridx, widx */ if ( (tinfo->firstRead == TRUE) && ((ridx != 0) || (widx >= tinfo->len)) ) { // not ready - will try again later return 0; } /* Sanity check ridx/widx to make sure they point inside the buffer */ if ( (ridx >= tinfo->len) || (widx >= tinfo->len) ) { Osal_printf("C%d: widx=%d, ridx=%d, len=%d - out of range", core, widx, ridx, tinfo->len); return -1; } readBytes = 0; tinfo->firstRead = FALSE; /* Read until we hit newline indicating end of trace */ while ( (readPtr[ridx] != '\n') && (ridx != widx) && (readBytes < bufSize)) { buffer[readBytes] = readPtr[ridx]; readBytes++; ridx++; // Check for wrap-around if (ridx == tinfo->len) { ridx = 0; } } /* If did not find newline, abort since either not enough info or no room in buffer */ if (readPtr[ridx] != '\n') { if (readBytes >= bufSize) { Osal_printf("C%d: Insufficient size of buffer; read %d, buf %d", core, readBytes, bufSize); return -1; } return 0; } /* Newline may not be valid data if this was not ready to be read */ if (ridx == widx) { return 0; } /* We read a full line - null terminate and update ridx to mark data read */ if (readBytes < bufSize) { buffer[readBytes] = '\0'; } else { Osal_printf("C%d: No room to write NULL character", core); return -1; } readBytes++; ridx++; if (ridx == tinfo->len) { ridx = 0; } *tinfo->ridx = ridx; return readBytes; } /* Thread reading ducati traces and writing them out to slog2 */ static void *ducatiTraceThread(void *parm) { int32_t bytesRead; int core; int err; Bool exit = FALSE; pthread_setname_np(0, "ducati-trace"); pthread_mutex_lock(&trace_mutex); while ( (trace_active == TRUE) && (exit == FALSE) ) { for (core = 0; core < MultiProc_MAXPROCESSORS; core++) { while ((bytesRead = readNextTrace(core, trace_buffer, TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0) { #if (_NTO_VERSION >= 800) slog2f(buffer_handle, 0, 0, "C%d:%s", core, trace_buffer); #else slogf(42, _SLOG_NOTICE, "C%d:%s", core, trace_buffer); #endif if (trace_active == FALSE) { break; } } // Abort trace logger on errors as these should not occur if (bytesRead < 0) { trace_active = FALSE; } if (trace_active == FALSE) { break; } } if (trace_active == FALSE) { continue; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&trace_mutex); // No interrupts/events to trigger reading traces, so need to periodically poll usleep(TRACE_POLLING_INTERVAL_US); // If we are in hibernation, wait on condvar for end of hibernation pthread_mutex_lock(&syslink_hib_mutex); while ((syslink_hib_enable == TRUE) && (syslink_hib_hibernating == TRUE) ) { err = pthread_cond_wait(&syslink_hib_cond, &syslink_hib_mutex); if (err != EOK) { Osal_printf("pthread_cond_wait failed with err=%d", err); exit = TRUE; break; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&syslink_hib_mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(&trace_mutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&trace_mutex); Osal_printf("ducati trace thread exited"); return NULL; } /* Initialize slog2 for Ducati traces */ static int init_ducati_slog2(void) { #if (_NTO_VERSION >= 800) slog2_buffer_set_config_t buffer_config; const char * buffer_set_name = "ducati"; const char * buffer_name = "ducati_buffer"; // Use command line verbosity for default verbosity level uint8_t verbosity_level = (uint8_t) verbosity; if ( verbosity_level > SLOG2_DEBUG2) { verbosity_level = SLOG2_DEBUG2; } // Initialize the buffer configuration buffer_config.buffer_set_name = (char *) buffer_set_name; buffer_config.num_buffers = 1; buffer_config.verbosity_level = verbosity_level; buffer_config.buffer_config[0].buffer_name = (char *) buffer_name; buffer_config.buffer_config[0].num_pages = 8; // Register the Buffer Set if( slog2_register( &buffer_config, &buffer_handle, 0 ) == -1 ) { Osal_printf("syslink error registering slogger2 buffer for Ducati!"); return -1; } #endif return 0; } /** print usage */ static Void printUsage (Char * app) { printf ("\n%s: [-fHT]\n", app); printf (" -f specify the binary file to load to the remote cores)\n"); #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP5430) printf (" -d specify the binary file to load to the dsp)\n"); #endif printf (" -H enable/disable hibernation, 1: ON, 0: OFF, Default: 1)\n"); printf (" -T specify the hibernation timeout in ms, Default: 5000 ms)\n"); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } dispatch_t * syslink_dpp = NULL; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { syslink_dev_t * dev = NULL; thread_pool_attr_t tattr; int status; int error = 0; sigset_t set; int channelid = 0; int c; int hib_enable = 1; uint32_t hib_timeout = PM_HIB_DEFAULT_TIME; char *user_parm = NULL; struct stat sbuf; int i = 0; long max_path_length = 0; char * abs_path = NULL; if (-1 != stat(IPC_DEVICE_PATH, &sbuf)) { printf ("Syslink Already Running...\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf ("Starting syslink resource manager...\n"); /* Parse the input args */ while (1) { c = getopt (argc, argv, "f:d:H:T:U:v:"); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'f': /* for backward compatibility, "-f" option loaded Ducati/Benelli */ syslink_firmware[syslink_num_cores].firmware = optarg; #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP4430) syslink_firmware[syslink_num_cores].proc = "SYSM3"; #else #ifndef SYSLINK_SYSBIOS_SMP syslink_firmware[syslink_num_cores].proc = "CORE0"; #else syslink_firmware[syslink_num_cores].proc = "IPU"; #endif #endif syslink_num_cores++; #ifndef SYSLINK_SYSBIOS_SMP syslink_firmware[syslink_num_cores].firmware = NULL; #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP4430) syslink_firmware[syslink_num_cores].proc = "APPM3"; #else syslink_firmware[syslink_num_cores].proc = "CORE1"; #endif syslink_num_cores++; #endif break; #if defined(SYSLINK_PLATFORM_OMAP5430) case 'd': syslink_firmware[syslink_num_cores].firmware = optarg; syslink_firmware[syslink_num_cores].proc = "DSP"; syslink_num_cores++; break; #endif case 'H': hib_enable = atoi(optarg); if (hib_enable != 0 && hib_enable != 1) { hib_enable = -1; } break; case 'T': hib_timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 'U': user_parm = optarg; break; case 'v': verbosity++; break; default: fprintf (stderr, "Unrecognized argument\n"); } } /* Now parse the operands, which should be in the format: * " ..*/ for (; optind + 1 < argc; optind+=2) { if (syslink_num_cores == MultiProc_MAXPROCESSORS) { printUsage(argv[0]); return (error); } syslink_firmware[syslink_num_cores].proc = argv [optind]; syslink_firmware[syslink_num_cores++].firmware = argv [optind+1]; } /* Get the name of the binary from the input args */ if (!syslink_num_cores) { fprintf(stderr, "-f or -d or option must be specified"); printUsage(argv[0]); return (error); } /* Validate hib_enable args */ if (hib_enable == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "invalid hibernation enable value\n"); printUsage(argv[0]); return (error); } syslink_hib_enable = (Bool)hib_enable; syslink_hib_timeout = hib_timeout; /* Init logging for syslink */ if (Osal_initlogging(verbosity) != 0) { return -1; } /* Obtain I/O privity */ error = ThreadCtl_r (_NTO_TCTL_IO, 0); if (error == -1) { Osal_printf("Unable to obtain I/O privity"); return (error); } /* Get the abs path for all firmware files */ for (i = 0; i < syslink_num_cores; i++) { max_path_length = pathconf( syslink_firmware[i].firmware, _PC_PATH_MAX ); if(max_path_length == -1) { perror("pathconf failed"); return -1; } abs_path = calloc(1, max_path_length + 1); if (abs_path == NULL) { return -1; } if (NULL == realpath(syslink_firmware[i].firmware, abs_path)) { fprintf (stderr, "realpath failed\n"); return -1; } syslink_firmware[i].firmware = abs_path; } /* allocate the device structure */ if (NULL == (dev = calloc(1, sizeof(syslink_dev_t)))) { Osal_printf("syslink: calloc() failed"); return (-1); } /* create the channel */ if ((channelid = ChannelCreate_r (_NTO_CHF_UNBLOCK | _NTO_CHF_DISCONNECT | _NTO_CHF_COID_DISCONNECT | _NTO_CHF_REPLY_LEN | _NTO_CHF_SENDER_LEN)) < 0) { Osal_printf("Unable to create channel %d", channelid); return (channelid); } /* create the dispatch structure */ if (NULL == (dev->dpp = syslink_dpp = dispatch_create_channel (channelid, 0))) { Osal_printf("syslink: dispatch_create() failed"); return(-1); } /* Initialize the thread pool */ memset (&tattr, 0x00, sizeof (thread_pool_attr_t)); tattr.handle = dev->dpp; tattr.context_alloc = dispatch_context_alloc; tattr.context_free = dispatch_context_free; tattr.block_func = dispatch_block; tattr.unblock_func = dispatch_unblock; tattr.handler_func = dispatch_handler; tattr.lo_water = 2; tattr.hi_water = 4; tattr.increment = 1; tattr.maximum = 10; /* Create the thread pool */ if ((dev->tpool = thread_pool_create(&tattr, 0)) == NULL) { Osal_printf("syslink: thread pool create failed"); return(-1); } /* init syslink */ status = init_ipc(dev, syslink_firmware, FALSE); if (status < 0) { Osal_printf("syslink: IPC init failed"); return(-1); } /* init the syslink device */ status = init_devices(dev); if (status < 0) { Osal_printf("syslink: device init failed"); return(-1); } #if (_NTO_VERSION >= 800) /* Relinquish privileges */ status = procmgr_ability( 0, DENY_ALL | PROCMGR_AID_SPAWN, DENY_ALL | PROCMGR_AID_FORK, PROCMGR_ADN_NONROOT | PROCMGR_AOP_ALLOW | PROCMGR_AID_MEM_PEER, PROCMGR_ADN_NONROOT | PROCMGR_AOP_ALLOW | PROCMGR_AID_MEM_PHYS, PROCMGR_ADN_NONROOT | PROCMGR_AOP_ALLOW | PROCMGR_AID_INTERRUPT, PROCMGR_ADN_NONROOT | PROCMGR_AOP_ALLOW | PROCMGR_AID_PATHSPACE, PROCMGR_ADN_NONROOT | PROCMGR_AOP_ALLOW | PROCMGR_AID_RSRCDBMGR, PROCMGR_ADN_ROOT | PROCMGR_AOP_ALLOW | PROCMGR_AOP_LOCK | PROCMGR_AOP_SUBRANGE | PROCMGR_AID_SETUID, (uint64_t)1, (uint64_t)~0, PROCMGR_ADN_ROOT | PROCMGR_AOP_ALLOW | PROCMGR_AOP_LOCK | PROCMGR_AOP_SUBRANGE | PROCMGR_AID_SETGID, (uint64_t)1, (uint64_t)~0, PROCMGR_ADN_ROOT | PROCMGR_AOP_DENY | PROCMGR_AOP_LOCK | PROCMGR_AID_EOL); if (status != EOK) { Osal_printf("procmgr_ability failed! errno=%d", status); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Reduce priority to either what defined from command line or at least nobody */ if (user_parm != NULL) { if (set_ids_from_arg(user_parm) < 0) { Osal_printf("unable to set uid/gid - %s", strerror(errno)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { if (setuid(99) != 0) { Osal_printf("unable to set uid - %s", strerror(errno)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } #endif /* make this a daemon process */ if (-1 == procmgr_daemon(EXIT_SUCCESS, PROCMGR_DAEMON_NOCLOSE | PROCMGR_DAEMON_NODEVNULL)) { Osal_printf("syslink: procmgr_daemon() failed"); return(-1); } /* start the thread pool */ thread_pool_start(dev->tpool); /* Init slog2 and thread for Ducati traces */ if (init_ducati_slog2() != 0) { return -1; } trace_active = TRUE; status = pthread_create (&thread_traces, NULL, ducatiTraceThread, NULL); if (status != EOK) { Osal_printf("pthread_create for trace thread failed err=%d", status); trace_active = FALSE; } /* Mask out unnecessary signals */ sigfillset (&set); sigdelset (&set, SIGINT); sigdelset (&set, SIGTERM); pthread_sigmask (SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); /* Wait for one of these signals */ sigemptyset (&set); sigaddset (&set, SIGINT); sigaddset (&set, SIGQUIT); sigaddset (&set, SIGTERM); Osal_printf("Syslink resource manager started"); /* Wait for a signal */ while (1) { switch (SignalWaitinfo (&set, NULL)) { case SIGTERM: case SIGQUIT: case SIGINT: error = EOK; goto done; default: break; } } error = EOK; done: GT_0trace(curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "Syslink resource manager exiting \n"); /* Stop ducatiTraceThread if running */ pthread_mutex_lock(&trace_mutex); if (trace_active) { trace_active = FALSE; pthread_mutex_unlock(&trace_mutex); // Wake up if waiting on hibernation pthread_mutex_lock(&syslink_hib_mutex); syslink_hib_hibernating = FALSE; pthread_cond_broadcast(&syslink_hib_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&syslink_hib_mutex); error = pthread_join(thread_traces, NULL); if (error < 0) { Osal_printf("syslink: pthread_join failed with err=%d", error); } } else { pthread_mutex_unlock(&trace_mutex); } error = thread_pool_destroy(dev->tpool); if (error < 0) Osal_printf("syslink: thread_pool_destroy returned an error"); deinit_ipc(dev, FALSE); deinit_devices(dev); free(dev); return (EOK); }