/* * @file HWSpinlock.c * * @brief Usr lib to access Hardware SpinLock. * * * @ver * * ============================================================================ * * Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * Contact information for paper mail: * Texas Instruments * Post Office Box 655303 * Dallas, Texas 75265 * Contact information: * http://www-k.ext.ti.com/sc/technical-support/product-information-centers.htm? * DCMP=TIHomeTracking&HQS=Other+OT+home_d_contact * ============================================================================ * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define IPC_DRIVER_NAME "/dev/ipc" #if defined (__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /* defined (__cplusplus) */ static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static int syslinkHandler = -1; static int ref_cnt = 0; int moduleUnInitialized() { if(syslinkHandler < 0) return 1; else return 0; } int initSYSKLINKHandler(int *SyslinkDrv_handle) { int status = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); if (ref_cnt++ == 0) { *SyslinkDrv_handle = open (IPC_DRIVER_NAME, O_SYNC | O_RDWR); if (*SyslinkDrv_handle < 0) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "initSYSKLINKHandler", -1, "couldn't open syslink device\n"); ref_cnt--; *SyslinkDrv_handle = -1; status = -errno; } else { status = fcntl (*SyslinkDrv_handle, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); if (status != 0) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "initSYSKLINKHandler", -1, "Failed to set file descriptor flags\n"); close (*SyslinkDrv_handle); *SyslinkDrv_handle = -1; ref_cnt--; status = -errno; } } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); return status; } void deinitSYSLINKHandler(int *SyslinkDrv_handle) { if(SyslinkDrv_handle == 0 || *SyslinkDrv_handle < 0){ GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "deinitSYSLINKHandler", -1, "Incorrect handle passed"); return; } pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); if (--ref_cnt == 0) { close (*SyslinkDrv_handle); *SyslinkDrv_handle = -1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } int HwSpinlock_create(int lockID, GateHWSpinlock_LocalProtect protectType) { Int status = GateHWSpinlock_S_SUCCESS; int osStatus = 0; HWSpinLockDrv_CmdArgs cmdArgs; if (lockID < 0) { status = GateHWSpinlock_E_INVALIDARG; GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_create", status, "Incorrect parameter passed"); return -1; } status = initSYSKLINKHandler(&syslinkHandler); if (status < 0) { status = GateHWSpinlock_E_FAIL; GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_create", status, "Failed to initiate module"); return -1; } cmdArgs.apiStatus = -1; cmdArgs.handleID = -1; cmdArgs.resID = lockID; cmdArgs.protectType = protectType; osStatus = ioctl (syslinkHandler, CMD_HWSPINLOCK_CREATE, &cmdArgs); if (osStatus < 0) { status = GateHWSpinlock_E_OSFAILURE; GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_delete", status, "ioctl failed!"); return -1; } else if (cmdArgs.apiStatus != 0) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_create", status, "API failed"); return -1; } return cmdArgs.handleID; } int HwSpinlock_delete (int token) { Int status = GateHWSpinlock_S_SUCCESS; int osStatus = 0; HWSpinLockDrv_CmdArgs cmdArgs; if(moduleUnInitialized()) { status = GateHWSpinlock_E_INVALIDSTATE; GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_delete", status, "Module not initialized!"); return status; } if(token < 0) { status = GateHWSpinlock_E_INVALIDARG; GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_delete", status, "Incorrect arguments passed!"); return status; } cmdArgs.apiStatus = -1; cmdArgs.handleID = token; osStatus = ioctl (syslinkHandler, CMD_HWSPINLOCK_DELETE, &cmdArgs); if (osStatus < 0) { status = GateHWSpinlock_E_OSFAILURE; GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_delete", status, "ioctl failed!"); } else { status = cmdArgs.apiStatus; } deinitSYSLINKHandler(&syslinkHandler); return status; } int* HwSpinlock_enter(int token) { int status; int osStatus; HWSpinLockDrv_CmdArgs cmdArgs; if(token < 0) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_enter", -1, "Module not initialized!"); return (int *)(-1); } if(moduleUnInitialized()) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_enter", -1, "Module not initialized!"); return (int *)(-1); } cmdArgs.apiStatus = -1; cmdArgs.handleID = token; osStatus = ioctl (syslinkHandler, CMD_HWSPINLOCK_ENTER, &cmdArgs); if (osStatus < 0) { status = GateHWSpinlock_E_OSFAILURE; GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_enter", status, "ioctl failed!"); return (int *)(-1); } else if(cmdArgs.apiStatus != 0) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_enter", cmdArgs.apiStatus, "API failed!"); return (int *)(-1); } return cmdArgs.key; } int HwSpinlock_leave(int* key, int token) { int status; int osStatus; HWSpinLockDrv_CmdArgs cmdArgs; if(token < 0) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_leave", -1, "Incorrect arguments passed!"); return -1; } if(moduleUnInitialized()) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_leave", -1, "Module not initialized!"); return -1; } cmdArgs.apiStatus = -1; cmdArgs.handleID = token; cmdArgs.key = key; osStatus = ioctl (syslinkHandler, CMD_HWSPINLOCK_LEAVE, &cmdArgs); if (osStatus < 0) { status = GateHWSpinlock_E_OSFAILURE; GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_leave", status, "ioctl failed!"); return -1; } else if (cmdArgs.apiStatus != 0) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_leave", cmdArgs.apiStatus, "API failed!"); return -1; } return 0; } int HwSpinlock_GetLockId(int token) { int status; int osStatus = 0; HWSpinLockDrv_CmdArgs cmdArgs; if(token < 0) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_GetLockId", -1, "Incorrect arguments passed!"); return -1; } if(moduleUnInitialized()) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_GetLockId", -1, "Module not initialized!"); return -1; } cmdArgs.apiStatus = -1; cmdArgs.handleID = token; osStatus = ioctl (syslinkHandler, CMD_HWSPINLOCK_GETLOCKID, &cmdArgs); if (osStatus < 0) { status = GateHWSpinlock_E_OSFAILURE; GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_GetLockId", status, "ioctl failed!"); return -1; } else if(cmdArgs.apiStatus != 0) { GT_setFailureReason (curTrace, GT_4CLASS, "HwSpinlock_GetLockId", -1, "API failed!"); return -1; } return cmdArgs.resID; } #if defined (__cplusplus) } #endif /* defined (__cplusplus) */