/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * ======== common.bld ======== * */ /* * ======== getCores ======== * Determines which cores to build for. * * Any argument in XDCARGS which does not contain core= is treated * as a core name. This way build for multiple cores can be specified by * separating them with a space. */ function getCores(xdcArgs) { var coreNames = new Array(); /* Check for any XDCARGS with core=; these are the corenames */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/core=/)) { coreNames.push(xdcArgs[i].substr(5)); } } return coreNames; } /* * ======== getProfiles ======== * Determines which profiles to build for. * * Any argument in XDCARGS which does not contain platform= is treated * as a profile. This way multiple build profiles can be specified by * separating them with a space. */ function getProfiles(xdcArgs) { var profiles = new Array(); /* Check for any XDCARGS with profile=; these are profiles. */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/profile=/)) { profiles.push(xdcArgs[i].substr(8)); } } return profiles; } function getBuildModes(xdcArgs) { var buildModes = new Array(); /* Check for any XDCARGS with buildMode=; these are specific build configuration */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/buildMode=/)) { buildModes.push(xdcArgs[i].substr(10)); } } return buildModes; } /* * ======== getTraceType ======== * Determines which trace type to build for. * * Any argument in XDCARGS which does not contain trace_type= is treated * as a trace type name. This way build for different trace type can be specified by * separating them with a space. * XDCARGS="profile=debug core=app_m3 target_build=BUILD_OMAP4 trace_type=UIA_SW_ON" */ function getTraceType(xdcArgs) { var trace_type = new Array(); /* Check for any XDCARGS with trace_type=; these are the corenames */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/trace_type=/)) { trace_type.push(xdcArgs[i].substr(11)); } } return trace_type; } /* * ======== getLoadType ======== * Determines whether ducati load is enabled or not . * * XDCARGS="profile=debug core=app_m3 target_build=BUILD_OMAP4 load_type=LOAD_ON */ function getLoadType(xdcArgs) { var load_type = new Array(); /* Check for any XDCARGS with load_type=; these are the corenames */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/load_type=/)) { load_type.push(xdcArgs[i].substr(10)); } } return load_type; } /* * ======== getTimerType ======== * Determines which trace type to build for. * * XDCARGS="profile=debug core=app_m3 target_build=BUILD_OMAP4 timer_type=CTM_ON */ function getTimerType(xdcArgs) { var timer_type = new Array(); /* Check for any XDCARGS with timer_type=; */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/timer_type=/)) { timer_type.push(xdcArgs[i].substr(11)); } } return timer_type; } /* * ======== getVidPerfMsmtMode ======== * Determines whether ducati video performance measurement is turned ON. * * XDCARGS="profile=debug core=app_m3 target_build=BUILD_OMAP4 video_perf_mode=MSMT_ON */ function getVidPerfMsmtMode(xdcArgs) { var video_perf_mode = new Array(); /* Check for any XDCARGS with video_perf_mode=; these are the corenames */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/video_perf_mode=/)) { video_perf_mode.push(xdcArgs[i].substr(16)); } } return video_perf_mode; } /* * ======== getTraceMode ======== * Determines which trace mode to use. * */ function getTraceMode(xdcArgs) { var trace = new Array(); /* Check for any XDCARGS with profile=; these are profiles. */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/trace=/)) { trace.push(xdcArgs[i].substr(6)); } } return trace; } /* * ======== getCacheMode ======== * Determines which Cache mode to use. * */ function getCacheMode(xdcArgs) { var cache_wa = new Array(); /* Check for any XDCARGS with profile=; these are profiles. */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/cache_wa=/)) { cache_wa.push(xdcArgs[i].substr(9)); } } return cache_wa; } /* * ======== getSenPositions ======== * Determines which Cache mode to use. * */ function getSenPositions(xdcArgs) { var SenPosition = new Array(); /* Check for any XDCARGS with profile=; these are profiles. */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/SenPosition=/)) { SenPosition.push(xdcArgs[i].substr(12)); } } return SenPosition; } // Possible options - none Virtio // ISS_SIMULATOR // VIRTIO // ... function getTargetEnvironment(xdcArgs) { var target_env = new Array(); /* Check for any XDCARGS with profile=; these are profiles. */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/target_env=/)) { target_env.push(xdcArgs[i].substr(11)); } } return target_env; } /* * ======== getTargetBuild ======== * Determines which build to use. * */ function getTargetBuild(xdcArgs) { var build = ""; /* Check for any XDCARGS with target_build= */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/target_build=/)) { build = xdcArgs[i].substr(13); } } return build; } /* * ======== getHwType ======== * Determines which OMAP version to use. * */ function getHwType(xdcArgs) { var omap_version="OMAP4"; //Setting default values /* Check for any XDCARGS with hw_type=; these are the corenames */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/hw_type=/)) { // [1] operation is used on the return value of split(), which // is an array. var omap_version = xdcArgs[i].split("=")[1]; } } return omap_version; } /* * ======== isSmpBios ======== * Determines which type of BIOS is used - SMP or non-SMP. * */ function isSmpBios(xdcArgs) { var SMPmode = false; //Setting default value to non-SMP var bios_type = ""; /* Check for any XDCARGS with BIOS_type=; this tells us if BIOS is SMP or not */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/BIOS_type=/)) { // [1] operation is used on the return value of split(), which // is an array. var bios_type = xdcArgs[i].split("=")[1]; } } if (bios_type == "SMP") { SMPmode = true; } return SMPmode; } /* * ======== getGitTag ======== * Determines TAG. * */ function getGitTag(xdcArgs) { var git_tag = ""; /* Check for any XDCARGS with git_tag= */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/git_tag=/)) { git_tag = xdcArgs[i].substr(8); print("i " + i + "\n"); } } return git_tag; } /* * ======== getBoardConfig ======== * Determines which board config to use. * */ function getBoardConfig(xdcArgs) { var board = ""; /* Check for any XDCARGS with board_config= */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/board_config=/)) { board = xdcArgs[i].substr(13); } } if(board.length ==0) board = 'BOARD_CONFIG_TI_BLAZE' print("!!!!Configuring for board " + board); return board; } /* * ======== getGitCommitID ======== * Determines commit ID. * */ function getGitCommitID(xdcArgs) { var commit_id = ""; /* Check for any XDCARGS with git_commit_id= */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/git_commit_id=/)) { commit_id = xdcArgs[i].substr(14); } } print ("commit_id::: " + commit_id +"\n"); return commit_id; } /* * ======== getGitBranch ======== * Determines commit ID. * */ function getGitBranch(xdcArgs) { var branch = ""; /* Check for any XDCARGS with git_branch= */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/git_branch=/)) { branch = xdcArgs[i].substr(11); } } return branch; } /* * ======== commonGetVersion ======== * Common commonGetVersion function */ function GetVersionTag() { var exitCode = 1; var verFlags = ""; status = {}; var verInfo; var git_cmd = "git "; var ipc_ver = " IPC 3_45_00_00 "; var ipumm_ver = " MMIP 3_00_13_00 "; var type_cmd = "type "; var flush_cmd = "echo "; Program.global.ducati_ver_commit_id = ""; Program.global.ducati_ver_branch = "local"; ipumm_ver += ipc_ver; Program.global.ducati_ver_tag = ipumm_ver; Program.global.ducati_ver_h264d = "H264D-"; Program.global.ducati_ver_mpeg4d = "MPEG4D-"; Program.global.ducati_ver_mpeg2d = "MPEG2D-"; Program.global.ducati_ver_vc1d = "VC1D-"; Program.global.ducati_ver_mjpegd = "MJPEGD-"; Program.global.ducati_ver_mjpege = "MJPEGE-"; Program.global.ducati_ver_h264e = "H264E-"; Program.global.ducati_ver_mpeg4e = "MPEG4E-"; /*Check the target environment */ var host_env =environment["user.dir"]; if(host_env[1] == ':') { git_cmd = "git.exe " echo_cmd = "c:/windows/system32/cmd /c echo " } //exitCode = xdc.exec(echo_cmd + "dummy write " + " >> ducati_version.h", {}, status); //branch exitCode = xdc.exec(git_cmd + "branch -a", {}, status) if (exitCode == -1) { print("Version Information not Generated \n"); return; } var lines = status.output.split('\n') for (var i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if(line.indexOf('*')!=-1){ var GitBranch = line.substr(2) if (GitBranch.length) { Program.global.ducati_ver_branch = GitBranch; //exitCode = xdc.exec(echo_cmd + "#define GIT_BRANCH_VER " + "\""+ GitBranch + "\"" + " > ducati_version.h", {}, status); //verFlags += " -DGIT_BRANCH=\\\""+GitBranch+"\\\" " } } } //commit-id exitCode = xdc.exec(git_cmd + "log --oneline", {}, status) if (exitCode == -1) return verFlags; var lines = status.output.split('\n') var GitCommitId = lines[0].substr(0,7) if (GitCommitId.length) { Program.global.ducati_ver_commit_id = GitCommitId; //exitCode = xdc.exec(echo_cmd + "#define GIT_COMMIT_ID_VER " + "\""+ GitCommitId + "\""+ " >> ducati_version.h", {}, status); //verFlags += " -DGIT_COMMIT_ID=\\\""+GitCommitId+"\\\" " //print (verFlags) } //tag exitcode = xdc.exec(git_cmd + "describe", {}, status) if (exitCode == -1) return verFlags; var lines = status.output.split('\n') var tail_pos = lines.length var GitTag = lines[0] var MMIPtag = "MMIP " + GitTag + ipc_ver; if (GitTag.length) { //exitCode = xdc.exec(echo_cmd + "#define GIT_TAG_VER " + "\""+ GitTag + "\""+ " >> ducati_version.h", {}, status); Program.global.ducati_ver_tag=MMIPtag; //verFlags += " -DGIT_TAG=\\\""+GitTag+"\\\" " print ("gittag" + GitTag + Program.global.ducati_ver_tag); } //codec var h264d="", mpeg4d="", vc1d="", mpeg2d="", mpeg4e="", h264e="", mjpege=""; var codecFlags=""; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) { var line = lines[i]; var tail_pos = line.length var CodecVersion = line.substr(tail_pos -11, 11); //print(line + "\n"); /* First Occurance only */ if(h264d.length==0){ if(line.indexOf('codec-library H264D')!=-1){ if (CodecVersion.length) { //print(CodecVersion ); h264d += "H264D-"+CodecVersion //exitCode = xdc.exec(echo_cmd + "#define VER_H264D " + "\""+ CodecVersion + "\""+ " >> ducati_version.h", {}, status); Program.global.ducati_ver_h264d = h264d; } //codecFlags+= h264d //print("\n " + codecFlags); } } if(mpeg4d.length==0){ if(line.indexOf('codec-library MPEG4D')!=-1){ if (CodecVersion.length) { mpeg4d += "MPEG4D-"+CodecVersion // exitCode = xdc.exec(echo_cmd + "#define VER_MPEG4D " + "\""+ CodecVersion + "\""+ " >> ducati_version.h", {}, status); Program.global.ducati_ver_mpeg4d = mpeg4d; } //print("\n " + mpeg4d); } } if(mpeg2d.length==0){ if(line.indexOf('codec-library MPEG2D')!=-1){ if (CodecVersion.length) { mpeg2d += "MPEG2D-"+CodecVersion //print("MPEG2 Codec ver \n" + CodecVersion + "line " + line + "line2" + lines[i+1]); //exitCode = xdc.exec(echo_cmd + "#define VER_MPEG2D " + "\""+ CodecVersion + "\""+ " >> ducati_version.h", {}, status); Program.global.ducati_ver_mpeg2d = mpeg2d; } //print("\n " + mpeg2d); } } if(vc1d.length==0){ if(line.indexOf('codec-library VC1D')!=-1){ if (CodecVersion.length) { vc1d += "VC1D-"+CodecVersion //exitCode = xdc.exec(echo_cmd + "#define VER_VC1D " + "\""+ CodecVersion + "\""+ " >> ducati_version.h", {}, status); Program.global.ducati_ver_vc1d = vc1d; } //print("\n " + vc1d); } } if(h264e.length==0){ if(line.indexOf('codec-library H264E')!=-1){ if (CodecVersion.length) { h264e += "H264E-"+CodecVersion //exitCode = xdc.exec(echo_cmd + "#define VER_H264E " + "\""+ CodecVersion+ "\"" + " >> ducati_version.h", {}, status); Program.global.ducati_ver_h264e = h264e; } //print("\n " + h264e); } } if(mpeg4e.length==0){ if(line.indexOf('codec-library MPEG4E')!=-1){ if (CodecVersion.length) { mpeg4e += "MPEG4E-"+CodecVersion //exitCode = xdc.exec(echo_cmd + "#define VER_MPEG4E " + "\""+ CodecVersion+ "\"" + " >> ducati_version.h", {}, status); Program.global.ducati_ver_mpeg4e= mpeg4e; } //print("\n " + mpeg4e); } } if(mjpege.length==0){ if(line.indexOf('codec-library MJPEGE')!=-1){ if (CodecVersion.length) { mjpege += "MJPEGE-"+CodecVersion //exitCode = xdc.exec(echo_cmd + "#define VER_MJPEGE " + "\""+ CodecVersion+ "\"" + " >> ducati_version.h", {}, status); Program.global.ducati_ver_mjpege= mjpege; } //print("\n " + mjpege); } } } //codecFlags= h264d+mpeg4d+vc1d+mpeg2d+mpeg4e+h264e+mjpege; //print("\n Codec Flags" + codecFlags); //if(codecFlags.length){ //exitCode = xdc.exec(echo_cmd + "CODEC FLAGS " + codecFlags + " >> ducati_version.h", {}, status); //verFlags += " -DCODEC_LIB_VERSION=\\\""+codecFlags+"\\\" " //} //return verFlags; } /* * ======== getI2cAllowChan0======== * Determines whether usage of i2c * channel 0 will be permitted * */ function getI2cAllowChan0(xdcArgs) { var chan0_allow = ""; /* Check for any XDCARGS with target_build= */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/i2c_allow_chan0=/)) { chan0_allow = xdcArgs[i].substr(16); } } return chan0_allow; } /* * ======== getAllowOffloading ======== * Determines if offloading support is enabled * in sysm3 * */ function getAllowOffloading(xdcArgs) { var allow = "0"; /* Check for any XDCARGS with offloading_allow= */ for (var i = 0; i < xdcArgs.length; i++) { if (xdcArgs[i].match(/offloading_allow=/)) { allow = xdcArgs[i].substr(17); if (allow.length == 0) { allow = "0"; } } } return allow; } function buildOptions(xdcArgs, aCompileOpts, coreName) { var buildMode = new Array(); var buildMode = getBuildModes(xdcArgs); var compileOpts = " -D_DM270 -D_DM290_IMX_MCFIX_ "; if (aCompileOpts != null){ compileOpts += aCompileOpts; } /*Update compile opt if trace is uart*/ var traceMode = getTraceMode(xdcArgs); if(traceMode.length != 0) { if(traceMode[0].match("UART")) { compileOpts += " -DUART_TRACES "; } } /*Update compile opt if use cache or not */ var cacheMode = getCacheMode(xdcArgs); if(cacheMode.length != 0) { if(cacheMode[0].match("NEWWA")) { compileOpts += " -DNEW_USE_CACHE "; compileOpts += " -DUSE_CACHE "; } if(cacheMode[0].match("OLDWA")) { compileOpts += " -DOLD_USE_CACHE "; compileOpts += " -DUSE_CACHE "; } } /* update the build flag based on configurAtions */ for (var j = 0; j < buildMode.length; j++) { if(buildMode[j].match("TESTCOMPONENTS")) { compileOpts += " -DTESTCOMPONENTS=1 "; } if(buildMode[j].match("VIDEOCOMPONENTS")) { compileOpts += " -DVIDEOCOMPONENTS=1 "; } if(buildMode[j].match("ISSCOMPONENTS")) { compileOpts += " -DISSCOMPONENTS=1 "; } if(buildMode[j].match("DRIVERCOMPONENTS")) { compileOpts += " -DDRIVERCOMPONENTS=1 "; } } /*Update compile opt if use cache or not */ var SenPosition = getSenPositions(xdcArgs); if(SenPosition.length != 0) { if(SenPosition[0].match("TABLET")) { compileOpts += " -DTABLET_SEN_POSITION "; } if(SenPosition[0].match("SDP")) { compileOpts += " -DSDP_SEN_POSITION "; } if(SenPosition[0].match("BLAZE")) { compileOpts += " -DBLAZE_SEN_POSITION "; } } if (buildMode.length == 0) { compileOpts += " -DDRIVERCOMPONENTS=1 -DISSCOMPONENTS=1 -DVIDEOCOMPONENTS=1 -DTESTCOMPONENTS=1 "; } if(coreName != null) { if(coreName.match(/sys_m3/)){ compileOpts += " -DDUCATI_SYS_M3 "; } if(coreName.match(/app_m3/)){ compileOpts += " -DDUCATI_APP_M3 "; } } var I2cAllowChan0 = getI2cAllowChan0(xdcArgs); if(I2cAllowChan0.length != 0) { if(I2cAllowChan0[0].match("1")) { compileOpts += " -DI2C_ID0_WORKS_ON_APP_CORE_PATCH "; } } var AllowOffloading = getAllowOffloading(xdcArgs); if(AllowOffloading[0].match("1")) { compileOpts += " -DOFFLOAD_SUPPORT "; } return compileOpts; } /* * ======== buildLibs ======== * This function generates the makefile goals for the libraries taking * into account the profile variants, specific ducati cores and build modes * */ function buildLibs(objList, trgList, xdcArgs, libCompileOpts, coreName) { var compileOpts = buildOptions(xdcArgs, libCompileOpts, coreName); var profiles = getProfiles(xdcArgs); //print ("profile length" + profiles.length +"\t" + "profile0" + profiles[0] +"\n"); /* If no profiles were assigned, build for whole program debug */ if (profiles.length == 0) { profiles[0] = "whole_program_debug"; } for (var i = 0; i < Build.targets.length; i++) { var targ = Build.targets[i]; for (var j = 0; j < profiles.length; j++) { var profile = profiles[j]; var profileOpts = compileOpts; if (profile.match(/release/)) { profileOpts += " -O3"; } if (coreName == null) { var lib_name = 'lib/' + profile + '/' + Pkg.name ; } else { var lib_name = 'lib/' + coreName + '/' + profile + '/' + Pkg.name ; } var lib = Pkg.addLibrary(lib_name, targ, {profile: profile, copts: profileOpts}); lib.addObjects(objList); } } } /* * ======== buildLibsByName ======== * This function generates the makefile goals for the libraries taking * into account the profile variants, specific ducati cores and build * modes. The output library name can be specified by user. * */ function buildLibsByName(objList, trgList, xdcArgs, libCompileOpts, coreName, name) { var compileOpts = buildOptions(xdcArgs, libCompileOpts, coreName); var profiles = getProfiles(xdcArgs); //print ("profile length" + profiles.length +"\t" + "profile0" + profiles[0] +"\n"); /* If no profiles were assigned, build for whole program debug */ if (profiles.length == 0) { profiles[0] = "whole_program_debug"; } for (var i = 0; i < Build.targets.length; i++) { var targ = Build.targets[i]; for (var j = 0; j < profiles.length; j++) { var profile = profiles[j]; var profileOpts = compileOpts; if (profile.match(/release/)) { profileOpts += " -O3"; } if (coreName == null) { var lib_name = 'lib/' + profile + '/' + name ; } else { var lib_name = 'lib/' + coreName + '/' + profile + '/' + name ; } var lib = Pkg.addLibrary(lib_name, targ, {profile: profile, copts: profileOpts}); lib.addObjects(objList); } } } /* * ======== supportsCore ======== * Returns true if coreName is in the supported core list. If coreNameList * is null or empty, that's taken to mean all targets are supported. */ function supportsCore(coreName, coreNameList) { if ((coreNameList == null) || (coreNameList.length == 0)) { return true; } for (var j = 0; j < coreNameList.length; j++) { if(coreName.match(coreNameList[j])){ return true; } } return false; } /* * ======== commonGetLibs ======== * Common getLibs function */ function commonGetLibs(prog, bCoreFlag, pkg, dir) { var suffix; /* find a compatible suffix */ if ("findSuffix" in prog.build.target) { suffix = prog.build.target.findSuffix(pkg); } else { suffix = prog.build.target.suffix; } var name = pkg.$name + ".a" + suffix; var lib = ""; if (bCoreFlag == true) { lib = "lib/" + prog.global.coreName + "/" + pkg.profile + "/" + name; } else { lib = "lib/" + "/" + pkg.profile + "/" + name; } if (java.io.File(dir + lib).exists()) { return lib; } else { print("Default lib not found: " + lib +"\nlooking for release lib"); if (bCoreFlag == true) { lib = "lib/" + prog.global.coreName + "/" + "release/" + name; } else { lib = "lib/" + "/" + "release/" + name; } if (java.io.File(dir + lib).exists()) { return lib; } } /* could not find any library, throw exception */ throw Error("Library not found: " + lib); }