/* * Table printing Libraries * * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include #include #include /* #define AUTOADJUST_TABLE_DEBUG */ #ifdef AUTOADJUST_TABLE_DEBUG #define dprintf(format, ...) printf(format, ## __VA_ARGS__) #else #define dprintf(format, ...) #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------*//** * @FUNCTION autoadjust_table_generic_fprint * @BRIEF print elements into a table which size automatically * adjusts. * @RETURNS 0 in case of success * -1 in case of incorrect pointer * -2 in case of memory allocation error * -3 one element of the table is longer than * TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN * @param[in,out] stream: output file * @param[in] table: elements to be printed * format: table[row][col][string] * @param[in] row_nbr: number of rows * @param[in] col_nbr: number of columns * @param[in] flags: table format flags * @DESCRIPTION print elements into a table which size automatically * adjusts. The printed table depends on the format flags: * * TABLE_HAS_TITLE: * * |------------------------------------------------------------------| * | elements[0][0] | * |------------------------------------------------------------------| * | elements[1][0] | elements[1][1] | elements[1][col-1] | * | elements[2][0] | elements[2][1] | elements[2][col-1] | * | elements[row-1][0] | elements[row-1][1] | elements[row-1][col-1] | * |------------------------------------------------------------------| * * TABLE_HAS_SUBTITLE: * * |------------------------------------------------------------------| * | elements[0][0] | elements[0][1] | elements[0][col-1] | * |------------------------------------------------------------------| * | elements[1][0] | elements[1][1] | elements[1][col-1] | * | elements[2][0] | elements[2][1] | elements[2][col-1] | * | elements[row-1][0] | elements[row-1][1] | elements[row-1][col-1] | * |------------------------------------------------------------------| * * TABLE_HAS_TITLE | TABLE_HAS_SUBTITLE: * * |------------------------------------------------------------------| * | elements[0][0] | * |------------------------------------------------------------------| * | elements[1][0] | elements[1][1] | elements[1][col-1] | * |------------------------------------------------------------------| * | elements[2][0] | elements[2][1] | elements[2][col-1] | * | elements[row-1][0] | elements[row-1][1] | elements[row-1][col-1] | * |------------------------------------------------------------------| *//*------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ int autoadjust_table_generic_fprint(FILE *stream, char table[TABLE_MAX_ROW][TABLE_MAX_COL][TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN], unsigned int row_nbr, unsigned int col_nbr, unsigned int flags) { int has_title = !!(flags & TABLE_HAS_TITLE); unsigned int max_elt_size[TABLE_MAX_COL]; unsigned int total_dash_nbr = 0; unsigned int total_width = 0; char *dash_line = NULL; unsigned int col, row; unsigned int strln; char *title = NULL; char *line = NULL; unsigned int tmp; if (stream == NULL) { printf("autoadjust_table_fprint() error: stream == NULL!\n"); return -1; } if (table == NULL) { printf("autoadjust_table_fprint() error: table == NULL!\n"); return -1; } if (row_nbr > TABLE_MAX_ROW) { printf("autoadjust_table_fprint() error: row_nbr (%d) > " "TABLE_MAX_ROW (%d)!\n", row_nbr, TABLE_MAX_ROW); return -1; } if (col_nbr > TABLE_MAX_COL) { printf("autoadjust_table_fprint() error: col_nbr (%d) > " "TABLE_MAX_COL (%d)!\n", col_nbr, TABLE_MAX_COL); return -1; } if (has_title) title = table[0][0]; #ifdef AUTOADJUST_TABLE_DEBUG dprintf("row_nbr = %d, col_nbr = %d\n", row_nbr, col_nbr); for (row = 0; row < row_nbr; row++) { for (col = 0; col < col_nbr; col++) dprintf("element[%d][%d] = %s\n", row, col, table[row][col]); } #endif /* compute width of each column of the table */ for (col = 0; col < col_nbr; col++) max_elt_size[col] = 0; /* title length will be added to total width later */ row = has_title ? 1 : 0; for (; row < row_nbr; row++) { tmp = 0; /* Get total length of strings in this line */ for (col = 0; col < col_nbr; col++) { strln = strlen(table[row][col]); if (strln > TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN) { printf("%s(): WARNING: \"%s\" size (%u) > " "TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN (%u)!\n", __func__, table[row][col], strln, TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN); strln = TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN; } if (strln > max_elt_size[col]) { max_elt_size[col] = strln; dprintf("new max_elt_size[%d] = %d\n", col, max_elt_size[col]); } } } /* Compute the total width of the table, and allocate memory for it */ for (col = 0; col < col_nbr; col++) total_width += max_elt_size[col]; /* Add number of '|' separators per line */ total_width += (col_nbr + 1); /* Add number of space character separators (2 per element) */ total_width += col_nbr * 2; /* Compensate if the title is longer than table width */ if (has_title) { unsigned int avail; strln = strlen(title); avail = total_width - 4; /* exclude left and right borders */ dprintf("title_width=%d\n", strln); if (avail < strln) { /* Number of chars to compensate per column */ tmp = (strln - avail + col_nbr - 1) / col_nbr; total_width = 0; for (col = 0; col < col_nbr; col++) { max_elt_size[col] += tmp; total_width += max_elt_size[col]; dprintf("new max_elt_size[%d] = %d\n", col, max_elt_size[col]); } /* Add number of separators per line */ total_width += (col_nbr + 1); total_width += col_nbr * 2; } } dprintf("total_width = %d\n", total_width); line = malloc(sizeof(char) * (total_width + 1)); if (line == NULL) { printf("autoadjust_table_fprint(): line malloc error!\n"); return -2; } line[0] = '\0'; line[total_width] = '\0'; /* * Compute the total number of dash characters, * used to delimit the table, and allocate memory for it */ total_dash_nbr = total_width - 2; dash_line = malloc(sizeof(char) * (total_width + 1)); dprintf("total_dash_nbr = %d\n", total_dash_nbr); if (dash_line == NULL) { printf("autoadjust_table_fprint(): dash_line malloc error!\n"); return -2; } dash_line[0] = '\0'; dash_line[total_width] = '\0'; dprintf("total_dash_nbr=%d\n", total_dash_nbr); dprintf("total_width=%d\n", total_width); /* Print table */ dash_line[0] = '|'; memset(dash_line + sizeof(char), '-', total_dash_nbr); dash_line[total_dash_nbr + 1] = '|'; fprintf(stream, "%s\n", dash_line); row = 0; if (has_title) { strcpy(line, "| "); strcat(line, title); tmp = total_width - 4 - strlen(title); while (tmp--) strcat(line, " "); strcat(line, " |"); fprintf(stream, "%s\n", line); fprintf(stream, "%s\n", dash_line); row++; } for (; row < row_nbr; row++) { strcpy(line, "|"); for (col = 0; col < col_nbr; col++) { strcat(line, " "); strncat(line, table[row][col], TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN); if (strlen(table[row][col]) != TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN) { for (tmp = strlen(table[row][col]); tmp < max_elt_size[col]; tmp++) strcat(line, " "); } strcat(line, " |"); } fprintf(stream, "%s\n", line); if (flags & TABLE_HAS_SUBTITLE) { fprintf(stream, "%s\n", dash_line); flags &= ~TABLE_HAS_SUBTITLE; } } fprintf(stream, "%s\n\n", dash_line); free(dash_line); free(line); return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------*//** * @FUNCTION autoadjust_table_fprint * @BRIEF print elements into a table which size automatically * adjusts. * @RETURNS 0 in case of success * -1 in case of incorrect pointer * -2 in case of memory allocation error * -3 one element of the table is longer than * TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN * @param[in,out] stream: output file * @param[in] table: elements to be printed * format: table[row][col][string] * @param[in] row_nbr: number of rows * @param[in] col_nbr: number of columns * @DESCRIPTION print elements into a table which size automatically * adjusts. The printed table looks like this: * |------------------------------------------------------------------| * | elements[0][0] | elements[0][1] | elements[0][col-1] | * |------------------------------------------------------------------| * | elements[1][0] | elements[1][1] | elements[1][col-1] | * | elements[2][0] | elements[2][1] | elements[2][col-1] | * | elements[row-1][0] | elements[row-1][1] | elements[row-1][col-1] | * |------------------------------------------------------------------| *//*------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ int autoadjust_table_fprint(FILE *stream, char table[TABLE_MAX_ROW][TABLE_MAX_COL][TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN], unsigned int row_nbr, unsigned int col_nbr) { return autoadjust_table_generic_fprint(stream, table, row_nbr, col_nbr, TABLE_HAS_SUBTITLE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------*//** * @FUNCTION autoadjust_table_print * @BRIEF print to console elements into a table which size * automatically adjusts. * @RETURNS 0 in case of success * -1 in case of incorrect pointer * -2 in case of memory allocation error * -3 one element of the table is longer than * TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN * @param[in] table: elements to be printed * format: table[row][col][string] * @param[in] row_nbr: number of rows * @param[in] col_nbr: number of columns * @DESCRIPTION print to console elements into a table which size * automatically adjusts. The printed table is like this: * |------------------------------------------------------------------| * | elements[0][0] | elements[0][1] | elements[0][col-1] | * |------------------------------------------------------------------| * | elements[1][0] | elements[1][1] | elements[1][col-1] | * | elements[2][0] | elements[2][1] | elements[2][col-1] | * | elements[row-1][0] | elements[row-1][1] | elements[row-1][col-1] | * |------------------------------------------------------------------| *//*------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ int autoadjust_table_print( char table[TABLE_MAX_ROW][TABLE_MAX_COL][TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN], unsigned int row_nbr, unsigned int col_nbr) { return autoadjust_table_fprint(stdout, table, row_nbr, col_nbr); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------*//** * @FUNCTION autoadjust_table_strncpy * @BRIEF copy string into table element, making sure it can fit. * @RETURNS 0 in case of success * -1 in case of incorrect argument(s) * -3 one element of the table longer than * TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN * @param[in,out] table: elements to be printed * format: table[row][col][string] * @param[in] row: number of rows * @param[in] col: number of columns * @param[in] s: string to copy * @DESCRIPTION copy string into table element, making sure it can fit. *//*------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ int autoadjust_table_strncpy( char table[TABLE_MAX_ROW][TABLE_MAX_COL][TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN], unsigned int row, unsigned int col, char s[TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN]) { if (table == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s(): table == NULL!!!\n", __func__); return -1; } if (s == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s(): s == NULL!!!\n", __func__); return -1; } if (row >= TABLE_MAX_ROW) { fprintf(stderr, "%s(): row (%u) >= TABLE_MAX_ROW (%u)\n", __func__, row, TABLE_MAX_ROW); return -1; } if (col >= TABLE_MAX_COL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s(): col (%u) >= TABLE_MAX_COL (%u)\n", __func__, col, TABLE_MAX_COL); return -1; } if (strlen(s) >= TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN) { fprintf(stderr, "%s(): " "strlen(%s)=%lu >= TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN (%u)!\n", __func__, s, strlen(s), TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN); return -3; } strncpy(table[row][col], s, TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN); return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------*//** * @FUNCTION autoadjust_table_init * @BRIEF fill table with empty strings * @RETURNS 0 in case of success * -1 in case of incorrect pointer * @param[in,out] table: table to fill with empty strings * @DESCRIPTION fill table with empty strings, so that user does not * need to fill empty cell(s). *//*------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ int autoadjust_table_init( char table[TABLE_MAX_ROW][TABLE_MAX_COL][TABLE_MAX_ELT_LEN]) { unsigned int col, row; if (table == NULL) { printf("autoadjust_table_init() error: table == NULL!\n"); return -1; } for (row = 0; row < TABLE_MAX_ROW; row++) for (col = 0; col < TABLE_MAX_COL; col++) table[row][col][0] = '\0'; return 0; }