]> Gitweb @ Texas Instruments - Open Source Git Repositories - git.TI.com/gitweb - keystone-rtos/edma3_lld.git/blob - packages/ti/sdo/edma3/drv/sample/src/platforms/sample_tda2xx_arm_int_reg.c
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[keystone-rtos/edma3_lld.git] / packages / ti / sdo / edma3 / drv / sample / src / platforms / sample_tda2xx_arm_int_reg.c
1 /*\r
2  * sample_tda2xx_int_reg.c\r
3  *\r
4  * Platform specific interrupt registration and un-registration routines.\r
5  *\r
6  * Copyright (C) 2009 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/\r
7  *\r
8  *\r
9  *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\r
10  *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions\r
11  *  are met:\r
12  *\r
13  *    Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\r
14  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\r
15  *\r
16  *    Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\r
17  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\r
18  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the\r
19  *    distribution.\r
20  *\r
21  *    Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of\r
22  *    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived\r
23  *    from this software without specific prior written permission.\r
24  *\r
36  *\r
37 */\r
38 \r
39 #include <ti/sysbios/knl/Semaphore.h>\r
40 #include <ti/sysbios/hal/Hwi.h>\r
41 #include <ti/sysbios/hal/vayu/IntXbar.h>\r
42 #include <ti/sysbios/family/arm/a15/Mmu.h>\r
43 #include <xdc/runtime/Error.h>\r
44 #include <xdc/runtime/System.h>\r
45 \r
46 #include <ti/sdo/edma3/drv/sample/bios6_edma3_drv_sample.h>\r
47 \r
48 /**\r
49   * EDMA3 TC ISRs which need to be registered with the underlying OS by the user\r
50   * (Not all TC error ISRs need to be registered, register only for the\r
51   * available Transfer Controllers).\r
52   */\r
53 void (*ptrEdma3TcIsrHandler[EDMA3_MAX_TC])(uint32_t arg) =\r
54                                                 {\r
55                                                 &lisrEdma3TC0ErrHandler0,\r
56                                                 &lisrEdma3TC1ErrHandler0,\r
57                                                 &lisrEdma3TC2ErrHandler0,\r
58                                                 &lisrEdma3TC3ErrHandler0,\r
59                                                 &lisrEdma3TC4ErrHandler0,\r
60                                                 &lisrEdma3TC5ErrHandler0,\r
61                                                 &lisrEdma3TC6ErrHandler0,\r
62                                                 &lisrEdma3TC7ErrHandler0,\r
63                                                 };\r
64 \r
65 extern unsigned int ccXferCompInt[][EDMA3_MAX_REGIONS];\r
66 extern unsigned int ccErrorInt[];\r
67 extern unsigned int tcErrorInt[][EDMA3_MAX_TC];\r
68 extern unsigned int numEdma3Tc[];\r
69 extern unsigned int ccXferCompIntXbarInstNo[][EDMA3_MAX_REGIONS];\r
70 extern unsigned int ccCompEdmaXbarIndex[][EDMA3_MAX_REGIONS];\r
71 extern unsigned int ccErrorIntXbarInstNo[];\r
72 extern unsigned int ccErrEdmaXbarIndex[];\r
73 extern unsigned int tcErrorIntXbarInstNo[][EDMA3_MAX_TC];\r
74 extern unsigned int tcErrEdmaXbarIndex[][EDMA3_MAX_TC];\r
75 \r
76 /**\r
77  * Variables which will be used internally for referring the hardware interrupt\r
78  * for various EDMA3 interrupts.\r
79  */\r
80 extern unsigned int hwIntXferComp[];\r
81 extern unsigned int hwIntCcErr[];\r
82 extern unsigned int hwIntTcErr[];\r
83 \r
84 extern unsigned int dsp_num;\r
85 /* This variable has to be used as an extern */\r
86 unsigned int gpp_num = 0;\r
87 \r
88 Hwi_Handle hwiCCXferCompInt;\r
89 Hwi_Handle hwiCCErrInt;\r
90 Hwi_Handle hwiTCErrInt[EDMA3_MAX_TC];\r
91 \r
92 /* External Instance Specific Configuration Structure */\r
93 extern EDMA3_DRV_GblXbarToChanConfigParams \r
94                                                                 sampleXbarChanInitConfig[][EDMA3_MAX_REGIONS];\r
95 \r
96 typedef struct  {\r
97     volatile Uint32 TPCC_EVTMUX[32];\r
98 } CSL_IntmuxRegs;\r
99 \r
100 typedef volatile CSL_IntmuxRegs     *CSL_IntmuxRegsOvly;\r
101 \r
103 #define CSL_INTMUX_TPCC_EVTMUX_TPCCEVT_MUX_1_SHIFT (0x00000010u)\r
105 \r
107 #define CSL_INTMUX_TPCC_EVTMUX_TPCCEVT_MUX_0_SHIFT (0x00000000u)\r
109 \r
110 \r
111 #define EDMA3_MAX_CROSS_BAR_EVENTS_TI814X (127u)\r
112 #define EDMA3_NUM_TCC                     (64u)\r
113 /*\r
114  * Forward decleration\r
115  */\r
116 EDMA3_DRV_Result sampleMapXbarEvtToChan (unsigned int eventNum,\r
117                  unsigned int *chanNum,\r
118                  const EDMA3_DRV_GblXbarToChanConfigParams * edmaGblXbarConfig);\r
119 EDMA3_DRV_Result sampleConfigScr (unsigned int eventNum,\r
120                                   unsigned int chanNum);\r
121 \r
122 void Edma3MemProtectionHandler(unsigned int edma3InstanceId);\r
123 \r
124 /**  To Register the ISRs with the underlying OS, if required. */\r
125 void registerEdma3Interrupts (unsigned int edma3Id)\r
126     {\r
127     static UInt32 cookie = 0;\r
128     unsigned int numTc = 0;\r
129         \r
130         IntXbar_connect(ccXferCompIntXbarInstNo[edma3Id][dsp_num], ccCompEdmaXbarIndex[edma3Id][dsp_num]);\r
131         IntXbar_connect(ccErrorIntXbarInstNo[edma3Id], ccErrEdmaXbarIndex[edma3Id]);\r
132         IntXbar_connect(tcErrorIntXbarInstNo[edma3Id][0], tcErrEdmaXbarIndex[edma3Id][0]);\r
133         IntXbar_connect(tcErrorIntXbarInstNo[edma3Id][1], tcErrEdmaXbarIndex[edma3Id][1]);\r
134         \r
135     Hwi_Params hwiParams; \r
136     Error_Block      eb;\r
137 \r
138     /* Initialize the Error Block                                             */\r
139     Error_init(&eb);\r
140         \r
141     /* Disabling the global interrupts */\r
142     cookie = Hwi_disable();\r
143 \r
144     /* Initialize the HWI parameters with user specified values */\r
145     Hwi_Params_init(&hwiParams);\r
146     \r
147     /* argument for the ISR */\r
148     hwiParams.arg = edma3Id;\r
149         /* set the priority ID     */\r
150         //hwiParams.priority = hwIntXferComp[edma3Id];\r
151     \r
152     hwiCCXferCompInt = Hwi_create( ccXferCompInt[edma3Id][dsp_num],\r
153                                         (&lisrEdma3ComplHandler0),\r
154                                         (const Hwi_Params *) (&hwiParams),\r
155                                         &eb);\r
156     if (TRUE == Error_check(&eb))\r
157     {\r
158         System_printf("HWI Create Failed\n",Error_getCode(&eb));\r
159     }\r
160 \r
161     /* Initialize the HWI parameters with user specified values */\r
162     Hwi_Params_init(&hwiParams);\r
163     /* argument for the ISR */\r
164     hwiParams.arg = edma3Id;\r
165         /* set the priority ID     */\r
166         //hwiParams.priority = hwIntCcErr[edma3Id];\r
167         \r
168         hwiCCErrInt = Hwi_create( ccErrorInt[edma3Id],\r
169                 (&lisrEdma3CCErrHandler0),\r
170                 (const Hwi_Params *) (&hwiParams),\r
171                 &eb);\r
172 \r
173     if (TRUE == Error_check(&eb))\r
174     {\r
175         System_printf("HWI Create Failed\n",Error_getCode(&eb));\r
176     }\r
177 \r
178     while (numTc < numEdma3Tc[edma3Id])\r
179             {\r
180         /* Initialize the HWI parameters with user specified values */\r
181         Hwi_Params_init(&hwiParams);\r
182         /* argument for the ISR */\r
183         hwiParams.arg = edma3Id;\r
184         /* set the priority ID     */\r
185         //hwiParams.priority = hwIntTcErr[edma3Id];\r
186         \r
187         hwiTCErrInt[numTc] = Hwi_create( tcErrorInt[edma3Id][numTc],\r
188                     (ptrEdma3TcIsrHandler[numTc]),\r
189                     (const Hwi_Params *) (&hwiParams),\r
190                     &eb);\r
191         if (TRUE == Error_check(&eb))\r
192         {\r
193             System_printf("HWI Create Failed\n",Error_getCode(&eb));\r
194         }\r
195         numTc++;\r
196         }\r
197 \r
198     Hwi_enableInterrupt(ccErrorInt[edma3Id]);\r
199     Hwi_enableInterrupt(ccXferCompInt[edma3Id][dsp_num]);\r
200     numTc = 0;\r
201     while (numTc < numEdma3Tc[edma3Id])\r
202             {\r
203         Hwi_enableInterrupt(tcErrorInt[edma3Id][numTc]);\r
204         numTc++;\r
205         }\r
206     /* Restore interrupts */\r
207     Hwi_restore(cookie);\r
208     }\r
209 \r
210 /**  To Unregister the ISRs with the underlying OS, if previously registered. */\r
211 void unregisterEdma3Interrupts (unsigned int edma3Id)\r
212     {\r
213         static UInt32 cookie = 0;\r
214     unsigned int numTc = 0;\r
215 \r
216     /* Disabling the global interrupts */\r
217     cookie = Hwi_disable();\r
218 \r
219     Hwi_delete(&hwiCCXferCompInt);\r
220     Hwi_delete(&hwiCCErrInt);\r
221     while (numTc < numEdma3Tc[edma3Id])\r
222             {\r
223         Hwi_delete(&hwiTCErrInt[numTc]);\r
224         numTc++;\r
225         }\r
226     /* Restore interrupts */\r
227     Hwi_restore(cookie);\r
228     }\r
229 \r
230 /**\r
231  * \brief   sampleMapXbarEvtToChan\r
232  *\r
233  * This function reads from the sample configuration structure which specifies \r
234  * cross bar events mapped to DMA channel.\r
235  *\r
236  * \return  EDMA3_DRV_SOK if success, else error code\r
237  */\r
238 EDMA3_DRV_Result sampleMapXbarEvtToChan (unsigned int eventNum,\r
239                  unsigned int *chanNum,\r
240                  const EDMA3_DRV_GblXbarToChanConfigParams * edmaGblXbarConfig)\r
241         {\r
242     EDMA3_DRV_Result edma3Result = EDMA3_DRV_E_INVALID_PARAM;\r
243     unsigned int xbarEvtNum = 0;\r
244     int          edmaChanNum = 0;\r
245 \r
246         if ((eventNum < EDMA3_MAX_CROSS_BAR_EVENTS_TI814X) &&\r
247                 (chanNum != NULL) &&\r
248                 (edmaGblXbarConfig != NULL))\r
249                 {\r
250                 xbarEvtNum = eventNum - EDMA3_NUM_TCC;\r
251                 edmaChanNum = edmaGblXbarConfig->dmaMapXbarToChan[xbarEvtNum];\r
252                 if (edmaChanNum != -1)\r
253                         {\r
254                         *chanNum = edmaChanNum;\r
255                         edma3Result = EDMA3_DRV_SOK;\r
256                         }\r
257                 }\r
258         return (edma3Result);\r
259         }\r
260 \r
261 \r
262 /**\r
263  * \brief   sampleConfigScr\r
264  *\r
265  * This function configures control config registers for the cross bar events \r
266  * mapped to the EDMA channel.\r
267  *\r
268  * \return  EDMA3_DRV_SOK if success, else error code\r
269  */\r
270 EDMA3_DRV_Result sampleConfigScr (unsigned int eventNum,\r
271                                   unsigned int chanNum)\r
272         {\r
273     EDMA3_DRV_Result edma3Result = EDMA3_DRV_SOK;\r
274     unsigned int scrChanOffset = 0;\r
275     unsigned int scrRegOffset  = 0;\r
276     unsigned int xBarEvtNum    = 0;\r
277     CSL_IntmuxRegsOvly scrEvtMux = (CSL_IntmuxRegsOvly)(EDMA3_EVENT_MUX_REG_BASE_ADDR);\r
278 \r
279 \r
280         if ((eventNum < EDMA3_MAX_CROSS_BAR_EVENTS_TI814X) &&\r
281                 (chanNum < EDMA3_NUM_TCC))\r
282                 {\r
283                 scrRegOffset = chanNum / 2;\r
284                 scrChanOffset = chanNum - (scrRegOffset * 2);\r
285                 xBarEvtNum = (eventNum - EDMA3_NUM_TCC) + 1;\r
286                 \r
287                 switch(scrChanOffset)\r
288                         {\r
289                         case 0:\r
290                                 scrEvtMux->TPCC_EVTMUX[scrRegOffset] |=\r
291                                         (xBarEvtNum & CSL_INTMUX_TPCC_EVTMUX_TPCCEVT_MUX_0_MASK);\r
292                                 break;\r
293                         case 1:\r
294                                 scrEvtMux->TPCC_EVTMUX[scrRegOffset] |=\r
295                                         ((xBarEvtNum << CSL_INTMUX_TPCC_EVTMUX_TPCCEVT_MUX_1_SHIFT) & \r
296                                         (CSL_INTMUX_TPCC_EVTMUX_TPCCEVT_MUX_1_MASK));\r
297                                 break;\r
298                         default:\r
299                                 edma3Result = EDMA3_DRV_E_INVALID_PARAM;\r
300                                 break;\r
301                         }\r
302                 }\r
303         else\r
304                 {\r
305                 edma3Result = EDMA3_DRV_E_INVALID_PARAM;\r
306                 }\r
307         return edma3Result;\r
308         }\r
309 \r
310 EDMA3_DRV_Result sampleInitXbarEvt(EDMA3_DRV_Handle hEdma, \r
311                                    unsigned int edma3Id)\r
312     {\r
313     EDMA3_DRV_Result retVal = EDMA3_DRV_SOK;\r
314     const EDMA3_DRV_GblXbarToChanConfigParams *sampleXbarToChanConfig =\r
315                                 &(sampleXbarChanInitConfig[edma3Id][dsp_num]);\r
316     if (hEdma != NULL)\r
317         {\r
318         retVal = EDMA3_DRV_initXbarEventMap(hEdma, \r
319                                                                         sampleXbarToChanConfig, \r
320                                                                         &sampleMapXbarEvtToChan, \r
321                                                                         &sampleConfigScr);\r
322         }\r
323     \r
324     return retVal;\r
325     }\r
326 \r
327 void Edma3MemProtectionHandler(unsigned int edma3InstanceId)\r
328     {\r
329     printf("memory Protection error");\r
330     }\r