]> Gitweb @ Texas Instruments - Open Source Git Repositories - git.TI.com/gitweb - keystone-rtos/ibl.git/blob - src/interp/coff/cload_main.c
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[keystone-rtos/ibl.git] / src / interp / coff / cload_main.c
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 /* MAIN.C  - Skeleton Driver for COFF Loader       Version 6.00 4/96        */
3 /****************************************************************************/
4 /*                                                                          */
5 /* General:  This module is a skeleton driver for a standalone COFF         */
6 /*           loader.  This file is NOT part of the generic loader, but      */
7 /*           provides a sample interface to it that can provide a basis     */
8 /*           for a specific loader.  YOU MUST CUSTOMIZE THIS PROGRAM        */
9 /*           FOR YOUR APPLICATION.  In particular, you must write the       */
10 /*           function 'mem_write()' which is the low-level function to      */
11 /*           load target memory.                                            */
12 /*                                                                          */
13 /*           Refer to the documentation provided with the loader for        */
14 /*           details on how to interface with it.                           */
15 /*                                                                          */
16 /* Usage:    cload <-options> filename                                      */
17 /* Options:     -b        clear .bss section                                */
18 /*              -q        quiet mode (no banner)                            */
19 /*              -r xxxx   relocate by xxxx                                  */
20 /*                                                                          */
21 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
22 /* Functions defined in this module:                                        */
23 /*                                                                          */
24 /*    main()             - Main driver for loader.                          */
25 /*    mem_write()        - Load a buffer of raw data to the target.         */
26 /*    set_reloc_amount() - Determine relocation amount for each section.    */
27 /*    lookup_sym()       - Stub for symbol lookup routine.                  */
28 /*    myalloc()          - Application version of 'malloc()'.               */
29 /*    mralloc()          - Application version of 'realloc()'.              */
30 /*    load_msg()         - Called by loader to write debug messages.        */
31 /*                                                                          */
32 /****************************************************************************/
33 #include "header.h"
35 #define READ_BIN "rb"                     /* HOST-SPECIFIC                   */
37 unsigned int reloc = 0;                 /* RELOCATION AMOUNT               */
39 void mem_copy(unsigned char* dst, unsigned char* src, int nbytes)
40 {
41         int i = 0;
42         for(i = 0; i<nbytes; i++)
43         *(dst+i) = *(src+i);    
46 /****************************************************************************/
47 /*                                                                          */
48 /* MEM_WRITE() - Load a buffer of raw data to the target.                   */
49 /*                                                                          */
51 /*                                                                          */
52 /*   (As supplied, this function simply dumps the data out to the screen.)  */
53 /*                                                                          */
54 /****************************************************************************/
55 int mem_write(unsigned char *buffer,        /* POINTER TO DATA BUFFER       */
56               unsigned int   nbytes,        /* NUMBER OF 8-BIT BYTES        */
57               T_ADDR         addr,          /* TARGET DESTINATION ADDRESS   */
58               unsigned char  page)          /* TARGET DESTINATION PAGE      */
59 {
60    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
61    /* INSERT CUSTOM CODE HERE TO LOAD TARGET MEMORY.                        */
62    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
63         mem_copy((void*)addr, (void*)buffer, nbytes); 
64    return 1;
65 }
68 /****************************************************************************/
69 /*                                                                          */
70 /* SET_RELOC_AMOUNT() - Determine relocation amount for each section.       */
71 /*                                                                          */
72 /****************************************************************************/
73 int set_reloc_amount()
74 {
75   int i;
77   for (i = 0; i<  n_sections; ++i) reloc_amount[i] = reloc;
78   return 1;
79 }
82 /****************************************************************************/
83 /*                                                                          */
84 /* LOOKUP_SYM() - Stub for symbol lookup routine.                           */
85 /*                                                                          */
86 /****************************************************************************/
87 void lookup_sym(int indx, SYMENT *sym, AUXENT *aux)
88 {}
91 /****************************************************************************/
92 /*                                                                          */
93 /* LOAD_SYMS() - Stub for symbol load routine.  This routine is only called */
94 /*               if the global flag 'need_symbols' is TRUE.                 */
95 /*                                                                          */
96 /****************************************************************************/
97 int load_syms(int need_reloc)
98 {
99    return 1;