]> Gitweb @ Texas Instruments - Open Source Git Repositories - git.TI.com/gitweb - keystone-rtos/ibl.git/blob - src/interp/elf/dload_api.h
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[keystone-rtos/ibl.git] / src / interp / elf / dload_api.h
1 /*
2 * dload_api.h
3 *
4 * Dynamic Loader API Specification
5 * --------------------------------
6 *
7 * Client-side of API is assumed to be platform dependent, but object file
8 * format independent.
9 *
10 * Core Loader side of API is assumed to be platform independent, but
11 * object file format dependent and target dependent.
12 *
13 * Copyright (C) 2009 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
14 *
15 *
16 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
17 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
18 * are met:
19 *
20 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
21 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
22 *
23 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
24 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
25 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the
26 * distribution.
27 *
28 * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
29 * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
30 * from this software without specific prior written permission.
31 *
43 *
44 */
46 #ifndef DLOAD_API_H
47 #define DLOAD_API_H
49 #include <inttypes.h>
50 #include <stdio.h>
51 #include "util.h"
53 /*****************************************************************************/
54 /* Specification of Loader File Descriptor.  If client side of the loader    */
55 /* supports virtual memory, this may need to be updated to facilitate the    */
56 /* use of mmap().                                                            */
57 /*****************************************************************************/
58 /* typedef FILE LOADER_FILE_DESC;   - Moved to ewrap.h for ibl */
60 static const int LOADER_SEEK_SET = SEEK_SET;
61 static const int LOADER_SEEK_CUR = SEEK_CUR;
62 static const int LOADER_SEEK_END = SEEK_END;
64 /*****************************************************************************/
65 /* TARGET_ADDRESS - type suitable for storing target memory address values.  */
66 /*****************************************************************************/
67 typedef void* TARGET_ADDRESS;
69 /*****************************************************************************/
70 /* Core Loader Provided API Functions (Core Loader Entry Points)             */
71 /*****************************************************************************/
73 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
74 /* DLOAD_version()                                                           */
75 /*                                                                           */
76 /*    Return a string constant representation for the version ID of the      */
77 /*    dynamic loader's core loader source code.                              */
78 /*                                                                           */
79 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
80 #include "version.h"
81 #define DLOAD_version() VERSION
83 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
84 /* DLOAD_initialize()                                                        */
85 /*                                                                           */
86 /*    Construct and initialize data structures internal to the dynamic       */
87 /*    loader core.                                                           */
88 /*                                                                           */
89 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
90 void     DLOAD_initialize(void);
92 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
93 /* DLOAD_load_symbols()                                                      */
94 /*                                                                           */
95 /*    Load externally visible symbols from the specified file so that they   */
96 /*    can be linked against when another object file is subsequntly loaded.  */
97 /*    External symbols will be made available for global symbol linkage.     */
98 /*                                                                           */
99 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
100 BOOL     DLOAD_load_symbols(LOADER_FILE_DESC* fp);
102 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
103 /* DLOAD_load()                                                              */
104 /*                                                                           */
105 /*    Dynamically load the specified file and return a file handle for the   */
106 /*    loaded file.  If the load fails, this function will return a value     */
107 /*    zero (0).                                                              */
108 /*                                                                           */
109 /*    The core loader must have read access to the file pointed by fp.       */
110 /*                                                                           */
111 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
112 int      DLOAD_load(LOADER_FILE_DESC* fp, int argc, char** argv, int32_t *entry);
114 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
115 /* DLOAD_unload()                                                            */
116 /*                                                                           */
117 /*    Given a file handle ID, unload all object segments associated with     */
118 /*    the identified file and any of its dependents that are not still in    */
119 /*    use.                                                                   */
120 /*                                                                           */
121 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
122 BOOL     DLOAD_unload(uint32_t pseudopid);
124 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
125 /* DLOAD_get_entry_names()                                                   */
126 /*                                                                           */
127 /*    Given a file handle, build a list of entry point names that are        */
128 /*    available in the specified file.  This can be used when querying       */
129 /*    the list of global functions available in a shared library.            */
130 /*                                                                           */
131 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
132 BOOL     DLOAD_get_entry_names(uint32_t file_handle, int32_t* entry_pt_cnt,
133                                char*** entry_pt_names);
135 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
136 /* DLOAD_query_symbol()                                                      */
137 /*                                                                           */
138 /*    Query the value of a symbol that is defined by an object file that     */
139 /*    has previously been loaded.  Boolean return value will be false if     */
140 /*    the symbol is not found.                                               */
141 /*                                                                           */
142 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
143 BOOL     DLOAD_query_symbol(uint32_t file_handle, const char *sym_name,
144                             TARGET_ADDRESS *sym_val);
146 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
147 /* DLOAD_get_entry_point()                                                   */
148 /*                                                                           */
149 /*    Given a file handle, return the entry point target address associated  */
150 /*    with that object file.  The entry point address value is written to    */
151 /*    *sym_val.  The return value of the function indicates whether the      */
152 /*    file with the specified handle was found or not.                       */
153 /*                                                                           */
154 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
155 BOOL     DLOAD_get_entry_point(uint32_t file_handle, TARGET_ADDRESS *sym_val);
157 /*****************************************************************************/
158 /* Client Provided API Functions                                             */
159 /*****************************************************************************/
161 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
162 /* File I/O                                                                  */
163 /*                                                                           */
164 /*    The client side of the dynamic loader must provide basic file I/O      */
165 /*    capabilities so that the core loader has random access into any        */
166 /*    object file that it is asked to load.                                  */
167 /*                                                                           */
168 /*    The client side of the dynamic loader must provide a definition of     */
169 /*    the LOADER_FILE_DESC in dload_filedefs.h.  This allows the core loader */
170 /*    to be independent of how the client accesses raw data in an object     */
171 /*    file.                                                                  */
172 /*                                                                           */
173 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
175 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
176 /* DLIF_fseek()                                                              */
177 /*                                                                           */
178 /*    Seek to a position in a file (accessed via 'stream') based on the      */
179 /*    values for offset and origin.                                          */
180 /*                                                                           */
181 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
182 int      DLIF_fseek(LOADER_FILE_DESC *stream, int32_t offset, int origin);
184 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
185 /* DLIF_ftell()                                                              */
186 /*                                                                           */
187 /*    Return the current file position in the file identified in the         */
188 /*    LOADER_FILE_DESC pointed to by 'stream'.                               */
189 /*                                                                           */
190 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
191 int32_t  DLIF_ftell(LOADER_FILE_DESC *stream);
193 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
194 /* DLIF_fread()                                                              */
195 /*                                                                           */
196 /*    Read 'size' * 'nmemb' bytes of data from the file identified in the    */
197 /*    LOADER_FILE_DESC object pointed to by 'stream', and write that data    */
198 /*    into the memory accessed via 'ptr'.                                    */
199 /*                                                                           */
200 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
201 size_t   DLIF_fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb,
202                     LOADER_FILE_DESC *stream);
204 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
205 /* DLIF_fclose()                                                             */
206 /*                                                                           */
207 /*    Close a file that was opened on behalf of the core loader. Ownership   */
208 /*    of the file pointer in question belongs to the core loader, but the    */
209 /*    client has exclusive access to the file system.                        */
210 /*                                                                           */
211 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
212 int      DLIF_fclose(LOADER_FILE_DESC *fd);
214 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
215 /* Host Memory Management                                                    */
216 /*                                                                           */
217 /*    Allocate and free host memory as needed for the dynamic loader's       */
218 /*    internal data structures.  If the dynamic loader resides on the        */
219 /*    target architecture, then this memory is allocated from a target       */
220 /*    memory heap that must be managed separately from memory that is        */
221 /*    allocated for a dynamically loaded object file.                        */
222 /*                                                                           */
223 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
225 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
226 /* DLIF_malloc()                                                             */
227 /*                                                                           */
228 /*    Allocate 'size' bytes of memory space that is usable as scratch space  */
229 /*    (appropriate for the loader's internal data structures) by the dynamic */
230 /*    loader.                                                                */
231 /*                                                                           */
232 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
233 void*    DLIF_malloc(size_t size);
235 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
236 /* DLIF_free()                                                               */
237 /*                                                                           */
238 /*    Free memory space that was previously allocated by DLIF_malloc().      */
239 /*                                                                           */
240 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
241 void     DLIF_free(void* ptr);
243 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
244 /* Target Memory Allocator Interface                                         */
245 /*                                                                           */
246 /*    The client side of the dynamic loader must create and maintain an      */
247 /*    infrastructure to manage target memory.  The client must keep track    */
248 /*    of what target memory is associated with each object segment,          */
249 /*    allocating target memory for newly loaded objects and release target   */
250 /*    memory that is associated with objects that are being unloaded from    */
251 /*    the target architecture.                                               */
252 /*                                                                           */
253 /*    The two client-supplied functions, DLIF_allocate() and DLIF_release(), */
254 /*    are used by the core loader to interface into the client side's        */
255 /*    target memory allocator infrastructure.                                */
256 /*                                                                           */
257 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
259 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
260 /* DLOAD_SEGMENT_FLAGS - segment characteristics.                            */
261 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
262 typedef uint32_t DLOAD_SEGMENT_FLAGS;
263 static const int DLOAD_SF_executable = 0x1;  /* Memory must be executable    */
264 static const int DLOAD_SF_relocatable = 0x2; /* Segment must be relocatable  */
266 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
267 /* DLOAD_MEMORY_SEGMENT - Define structure to represent placement and size   */
268 /*      details of a segment to be loaded.                                   */
269 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
272    uint32_t       target_page;          /* requested/returned memory page    */
273    TARGET_ADDRESS target_address;       /* requested/returned address        */
274    uint32_t       objsz_in_bytes;       /* size of init'd part of segment    */
275    uint32_t       memsz_in_bytes;       /* size of memory block for segment  */
276 };
278 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
279 /* DLOAD_MEMORY_REQUEST - Define structure to represent a target memory      */
280 /*      request made by the core loader on behalf of a segment that the      */
281 /*      loader needs to relocate and write into target memory.               */
282 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
285    LOADER_FILE_DESC            *fp;           /* file being loaded           */
286    struct DLOAD_MEMORY_SEGMENT *segment;      /* obj for req/ret alloc       */
287    void                        *host_address; /* ret hst ptr from DLIF_copy()*/
288    BOOL                         is_loaded;    /* returned as true if segment */
289                                               /* is already in target memory */
290    uint32_t                     offset;       /* file offset of segment's    */
291                                               /* raw data                    */
292    uint32_t                     flip_endian;  /* endianness of trg opp host  */
293    DLOAD_SEGMENT_FLAGS          flags;        /* allocation request flags    */
294    uint32_t                     align;        /* align of trg memory block   */
295 };
297 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
298 /* DLIF_allocate()                                                           */
299 /*                                                                           */
300 /*    Given a DLOAD_MEMORY_REQUEST created by the core loader, allocate      */
301 /*    target memory to fulfill the request using the target memory           */
302 /*    management infrastrucutre on the client side of the dynamic loader.    */
303 /*    The contents of the DLOAD_MEMORY_REQUEST will be updated per the       */
304 /*    details of a successful allocation.  The allocated page and address    */
305 /*    can be found in the DLOAD_MEMORY_SEGMENT attached to the request.      */
306 /*    The boolean return value reflects whether the allocation was           */
307 /*    successful or not.                                                     */
308 /*                                                                           */
309 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
310 BOOL     DLIF_allocate(struct DLOAD_MEMORY_REQUEST *req);
312 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
313 /* DLIF_release()                                                            */
314 /*                                                                           */
315 /*    Given a DLOAD_MEMORY_SEGMENT description, free the target memory       */
316 /*    associated with the segment using the target memory management         */
317 /*    infrastructure on the client side of the dynamic loader.               */
318 /*                                                                           */
319 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
320 BOOL     DLIF_release(struct DLOAD_MEMORY_SEGMENT* ptr);
322 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
323 /* Target Memory Access / Write Services                                     */
324 /*                                                                           */
325 /*    The client side's target memory allocator infrastructure communicates  */
326 /*    with the core loader through the DLOAD_MEMORY_REQUEST and              */
327 /*    DLOAD_MEMORY_SEGMENT data structures defined above.  To complete the   */
328 /*    loading of an object segment, the segment may need to be relocated     */
329 /*    before it is actually written to target memory in the space that was   */
330 /*    allocated for it by DLIF_allocate().                                   */
331 /*                                                                           */
332 /*    The client side of the dynamic loader provides two functions to help   */
333 /*    complete the process of loading an object segment, DLIF_copy() and     */
334 /*    DLIF_write().                                                          */
335 /*                                                                           */
336 /*    These functions help to make the core loader truly independent of      */
337 /*    whether it is running on the host or target architecture and how the   */
338 /*    client provides for reading/writing from/to target memory.             */
339 /*                                                                           */
340 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
341 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
342 /* DLIF_copy()                                                               */
343 /*                                                                           */
344 /*    Copy segment data from the object file described in the 'fp' and       */
345 /*    'offset' of the DLOAD_MEMORY_REQUEST into host accessible memory so    */
346 /*    that it can relocated or otherwise manipulated by the core loader.     */
347 /*                                                                           */
348 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
349 BOOL     DLIF_copy(struct DLOAD_MEMORY_REQUEST* req);
351 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
352 /* DLIF_write()                                                              */
353 /*                                                                           */
354 /*    Once the segment data described in the DLOAD_MEMORY_REQUEST is ready   */
355 /*    (relocated, if needed), write the segment contents to the target       */
356 /*    memory identified in the DLOAD_MEMORY_SEGMENT attached to the request. */
357 /*                                                                           */
358 /*    After the segment contents have been written to target memory, the     */
359 /*    core loader should discard the DLOAD_MEMORY_REQUEST object, but retain */
360 /*    the DLOAD_MEMORY_SEGMENT object so that the target memory associated   */
361 /*    with the segment can be releases when the segment is unloaded.         */
362 /*                                                                           */
363 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
364 BOOL     DLIF_write(struct DLOAD_MEMORY_REQUEST* req);
366 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
367 /* DLIF_read()                                                               */
368 /*                                                                           */
369 /*    Given a host accessible buffer, read content of indicated target       */
370 /*    memory address into the buffer.                                        */
371 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
372 BOOL     DLIF_read(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, TARGET_ADDRESS src);
374 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
375 /* DLIF_execute()                                                            */
376 /*                                                                           */
377 /*    Start execution on the target architecture from given 'exec_addr'.     */
378 /*    If the dynamic loader is running on the target architecture, this can  */
379 /*    be effected as a simple function call.                                 */
380 /*                                                                           */
381 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
382 int32_t  DLIF_execute(TARGET_ADDRESS exec_addr);
384 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
385 /* Loading and Unloading of Dependent Files                                  */
386 /*                                                                           */
387 /*    The dynamic loader core loader must coordinate loading and unloading   */
388 /*    dependent object files with the client side of the dynamic loader.     */
389 /*    This allows the client to keep its bookkeeping information up to date  */
390 /*    with what is currently loaded on the target architecture.              */
391 /*                                                                           */
392 /*    For instance, the client may need to interact with a file system or    */
393 /*    registry.  The client may also need to update debug information in     */
394 /*    synch with the loading and unloading of shared objects.                */
395 /*                                                                           */
396 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
397 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
398 /* DLIF_load_dependent()                                                     */
399 /*                                                                           */
400 /*    Ask client to find and open a dependent file identified by the         */
401 /*    'so_name' parameter, then, if necessary, initiate a DLOAD_load()       */
402 /*    call to actually load the shared object onto the target.  A            */
403 /*    successful load will return a file handle ID that the client can       */
404 /*    associate with the newly loaded file.                                  */
405 /*                                                                           */
406 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
407 int      DLIF_load_dependent(const char* so_name);
409 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
410 /* DLIF_unload_dependent()                                                   */
411 /*                                                                           */
412 /*    Ask client to unload a dependent file identified by the 'file_handle'  */
413 /*    parameter.  Initiate a call to DLOAD_unload() to actually free up      */
414 /*    the target memory that was occupied by the object file.                */
415 /*                                                                           */
416 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
417 void     DLIF_unload_dependent(uint32_t handle);
419 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
420 /* Error/Warning Registration Functions                                      */
421 /*                                                                           */
422 /*    The client will maintain an error/warning log.  This will allow the    */
423 /*    core loader to register errors and warnings in the load during a       */
424 /*    given dynamic load.  The client is required to check the log after     */
425 /*    each load attempt to report any problems.                              */
426 /*                                                                           */
427 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
429 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
430 /* Loader Warning Types                                                      */
431 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
432 typedef enum {
433     DLWT_MISC = 0,              /* Miscellaneous warning                     */
434     DLWT_FILE                   /* Warning missing/invalid file information  */
437 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
438 /* DLIF_warning()                                                            */
439 /*                                                                           */
440 /*    Log a warning message with the client's error/warning handling         */
441 /*    infrastructure.                                                        */
442 /*                                                                           */
443 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
444 void     DLIF_warning(LOADER_WARNING_TYPE wtype, const char *fmt, ...);
446 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
447 /* Loader Error Types                                                        */
448 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
449 typedef enum {
450     DLET_MISC = 0,              /* Miscellaneous error                       */
451     DLET_FILE,                  /* Error reading/processing file             */
452     DLET_SYMBOL,                /* Symbol resolution error                   */
453     DLET_RELOC,                 /* Relocation error                          */
454     DLET_MEMORY,                /* Host memory allocation/free error         */
455     DLET_TRGMEM,                /* Target memory allocation/free error       */
456     DLET_DEBUG                  /* Shared object or DLL debug error          */
459 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
460 /* DLIF_error()                                                              */
461 /*                                                                           */
462 /*    Log an error message with the client's error/warning handling          */
463 /*    infrastructure.                                                        */
464 /*                                                                           */
465 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
466 void     DLIF_error(LOADER_ERROR_TYPE etype, const char *fmt, ...);
469 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
470 /* Dynamic Static Base Table (DSBT) Support Functions                        */
471 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
472 #define DSBT_INDEX_INVALID        -1
473 #define DSBT_DSBT_BASE_INVALID     0
476 /*****************************************************************************/
477 /* Core Loader Side of DSBT Support                                          */
478 /*****************************************************************************/
480 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
481 /* DLOAD_get_dsbt_size()                                                     */
482 /*                                                                           */
483 /*    Query the size of the DSBT associated with a specified file. The       */
484 /*    client will check the size of a module's DSBT before it writes a copy  */
485 /*    of the master DSBT to the module's DSBT. If the module's DSBT is not   */
486 /*    big enough, an error will be emitted and the load will fail.           */
487 /*                                                                           */
488 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
489 uint32_t  DLOAD_get_dsbt_size(int32_t file_handle);
491 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
492 /* DLOAD_get_dsbt_base()                                                     */
493 /*                                                                           */
494 /*    Find DSBT address for specified file. The client will query for this   */
495 /*    address after allocation and symbol relocation has been completed.     */
496 /*    The client will write a copy of the master DSBT to the returned DSBT   */
497 /*    address if the module's DSBT size is big enough.                       */
498 /*                                                                           */
499 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
500 BOOL     DLOAD_get_dsbt_base(int32_t file_handle, TARGET_ADDRESS *dsbt_base);
502 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
503 /* DLOAD_get_static_base()                                                   */
504 /*                                                                           */
505 /*    Find static base for a specified file. The client will query for this  */
506 /*    address after allocation and symbol relocation has been completed.     */
507 /*    The client will use the returned static base value to fill the slot    */
508 /*    in the master DSBT that is associated with this module.                */
509 /*                                                                           */
510 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
511 BOOL     DLOAD_get_static_base(int32_t file_handle, TARGET_ADDRESS *static_base);
514 /*****************************************************************************/
515 /* Client Side of DSBT Support                                               */
516 /*****************************************************************************/
518 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
519 /* DLIF_register_dsbt_index_request()                                        */
520 /*                                                                           */
521 /*    Register a request for a DSBT index with the client. A module can      */
522 /*    make a specific DSBT index request or it can allow the client to       */
523 /*    assign a DSBT index on its behalf (requested_dsbt_index == -1). The    */
524 /*    client implementation of this function must check that a specific DSBT */
525 /*    index request does not conflict with a previous specific DSBT index    */
526 /*    request.                                                               */
527 /*                                                                           */
528 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
529 BOOL     DLIF_register_dsbt_index_request(const char *requestor_name,
530                                           int32_t     requestor_file_handle,
531                                           int32_t     requested_dsbt_index);
533 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
534 /* DLIF_assign_dsbt_indices()                                                */
535 /*                                                                           */
536 /*    Bind each module that registered a request for a DSBT index to a       */
537 /*    specific slot in the DSBT. Specific requests for DSBT indices will be  */
538 /*    honored first. Any general requests that remain will be assigned to    */
539 /*    the first available slot in the DSBT.                                  */
540 /*                                                                           */
541 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
542 void     DLIF_assign_dsbt_indices(void);
544 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
545 /* DLIF_get_dsbt_index()                                                     */
546 /*                                                                           */
547 /*    Given a module that uses the DSBT model, return the identity of the    */
548 /*    DSBT slot that was assigned to it by the client. This function can     */
549 /*    only be called after the client has assigned DSBT indices to all       */
550 /*    loaded object modules that use the DSBT model. The implementation of   */
551 /*    this function will check that a proper DSBT index has been assigned to */
552 /*    the specified module and an invalid index (-1) if there is a problem.  */
553 /*                                                                           */
554 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
555 int32_t  DLIF_get_dsbt_index(int32_t file_handle);
557 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
558 /* DLIF_update_all_dsbts()                                                   */
559 /*                                                                           */
560 /*    Populate the client's model of the master DSBT with the static base    */
561 /*    for each assigned slot in the DSBT, then write a copy of the master    */
562 /*    DSBT to each module's DSBT location. The implementation of this        */
563 /*    function must check the size of each module's DSBT to make sure that   */
564 /*    it is large enough to hold a copy of the master DSBT. The function     */
565 /*    will return FALSE if there is a problem.                               */
566 /*                                                                           */
567 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
568 BOOL     DLIF_update_all_dsbts(void);
570 #endif