/************************************************************************************ * FILE PURPOSE: Boot a binary blob ************************************************************************************ * FILE NAME: blob.c * * DESCRIPTION: A binary blob is booted. * * @file blob.c * * @brief * This file reads data from the boot device as a binary blob * ************************************************************************************/ #include "types.h" #include "ibl.h" #include "iblloc.h" #include "iblblob.h" /** * @b Description * @n * * A simple read from the boot device is done until one of the following * conditions occurs: * - The complete data block is read * - The read request fails */ void iblBootBlob (BOOT_MODULE_FXN_TABLE *bootFxn, Uint32 *entry, void *formatParams) { Int32 dataSize; Uint32 remainSize; Uint32 dummyVal; Uint32 bytesRead = 0; Int32 erVal = 0; Uint8 *datap; iblBinBlob_t *blobParams = (iblBinBlob_t *)formatParams; datap = (Uint8 *)blobParams->startAddress; *entry = 0; for (remainSize = blobParams->sizeBytes; (remainSize > 0) && (erVal == 0); ) { /* If there is any data waiting go ahead and process it */ dataSize = (*bootFxn->query)(); /* The query function will return a negative value when the stream has * closed */ if (dataSize < 0) break; if (dataSize > remainSize) dataSize = remainSize; if (dataSize > 0) { (*bootFxn->read)(datap, dataSize); datap = datap + dataSize; remainSize = remainSize - dataSize; bytesRead = bytesRead + dataSize; } else { /* If there is no data waiting peek for more. On error assume * that the device has completed the transfer. This is valid * since the read includes a timeout. */ erVal = (*bootFxn->peek)((Uint8 *)&dummyVal, 1); } } /* Assume that if any data was read the boot was successful. * A check could be added to see if the entry address was * actually written, but this assumes there was no data already * at the entry point */ if (bytesRead > 0) *entry = blobParams->branchAddress; }