]> Gitweb @ Texas Instruments - Open Source Git Repositories - git.TI.com/gitweb - keystone-rtos/mcsdk-tools.git/blob - program_evm/program_evm.js
[keystone-rtos/mcsdk-tools.git] / program_evm / program_evm.js
1 // factory_defaults dss script
2 // Import the DSS packages into our namespace to save on typing
3 importPackage(Packages.com.ti.debug.engine.scripting);
4 importPackage(Packages.com.ti.ccstudio.scripting.environment);
5 importPackage(Packages.java.lang);
6 importPackage(Packages.java.io);
7 importPackage(Packages.java.util);
9 // Create our scripting environment object - which is the main entry point into
10 // any script and the factory for creating other Scriptable ervers and Sessions
11 var script = ScriptingEnvironment.instance()
13 var debugScriptEnv = ScriptingEnvironment.instance();
14 // program_evm environment.
15 testEnv = {};
17 // Get the Debug Server and start a Debug Session
18 var debugServer = script.getServer("DebugServer.1");
20 //***************Functions define***************************
23 function isFile(path)
24 {
25         try
26         {   
27                 file = new java.io.FileReader(path);
28         }
29         catch (ex)
30         {
31                 return false;
32         }
34         return true;
36 }
39 //****************Get New Time Stamp***********************
40 function localTime()
41 {
42         // get time stamp
43         var currentTime = new Date();
44         var year = currentTime.getFullYear();
45         var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1;
46         month = month + "";
47         if (month.length == 1)
48         {
49                 month = "0" + month;
50         }
51         var day = currentTime.getDate();
52         var hour = currentTime.getHours();
53         var minute = currentTime.getMinutes();
54         minute = minute + "";
55         if (minute.length == 1)
56         {
57                 minute = "0" + minute;
58         }
59         var second = currentTime.getSeconds();
60         second = second + "";
61         if (second.length == 1)
62         {
63                 second = "0" + second;
64         }
66         return (year+"_"+month+"_"+day+"_"+hour+minute+second);
67 }
69 /**
70  * Get error code from the given exception.
71  * @param {exception} The exception from which to get the error code.
72  */
73 function getErrorCode(exception)
74 {
75         var ex2 = exception.javaException;
76         if (ex2 instanceof Packages.com.ti.ccstudio.scripting.environment.ScriptingException) {
77                 return ex2.getErrorID();
78         }
79         return 0;
80 }
81 function fileCopy(source,destination)
82 {
83         inputFile = new File(source);
84     outputFile = new File(destination);
85     infile = new  java.io.FileReader(inputFile);
86     out = new java.io.FileWriter(outputFile);
87     var c;
89     while ((c = infile.read()) != -1)
90       out.write(c);
92     infile.close();
93     out.close();
94 }
96 function pausecomp(millis)
97  {
98   var date = new Date();
99   var curDate = null;
100   do { curDate = new Date(); }
101   while(curDate-date < millis)
102   { 
103   //print("Waiting "+millis+"ms...\r\n") 
104   }
107 //*******************************************
108 // Declarations and Inititalizations
109 var nandwriter_dir    = java.lang.System.getProperty("user.dir");
110 var dss_script_dir    = java.lang.System.getenv("DSS_SCRIPT_DIR");
111 var host_os           = "";
112 var script_logs    = nandwriter_dir+"/logs/";
113 var script_configs = nandwriter_dir+"/configs/";
114 var script_binaries = nandwriter_dir+"/binaries/";
115 var targetConfig = "";
116 var writeAll = false;
117 var writerImages = "";
118 var big_endian = false;
119 var targetFlag = "unknown";
120 var targetConfig = "unknown";
121 var emul560 = false;
122 var xds200 = false;
123 var emulation_spec = "onboard XDS100";
124 testEnv.cioFile = null;
126 if (java.lang.System.getProperty("os.name").match(/Linux/i))
128         host_os = "-linuxhost";
131 // Parse the arguments
132 if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments.length < 3)
134     // parse the board spec
135     var board_spec = arguments[0].toLowerCase();
136     board_spec = board_spec.replace(/^tmd(x|s)/, "");
137     board_spec = board_spec.replace(/^evmc/, "evm");
139     // find endian, user wants
140     if (board_spec.match(/-be$/))
141     {
142         big_endian = true;
143         board_spec = board_spec.replace(/-be$/, "");
144     }
145     else
146         board_spec = board_spec.replace(/-le$/, "");
148     // find onboard emulation option for this board 
149     if (board_spec.match(/lx?e$/))
150     {
151         emul560 = true;
152         emulation_spec = "XDS560 mezzanine";
153         board_spec = board_spec.replace(/e$/, "");
154     }
156     if (board_spec.match(/ls$/))
157     {
158         xds200 = true;
159         emulation_spec = "XDS200 emulator";
160         board_spec = board_spec.replace(/ls$/, "l");
161     }
163     if (board_spec.match(/k2h$/) || board_spec.match(/k2e$/) || board_spec.match(/k2l$/) || board_spec.match(/k2g$/))
164     {
165         emulation_spec = "XDS2xx emulator";
166     }
168         // for now, use the same software for lx and l variants
169     board_spec = board_spec.replace(/lx$/, "l");
171     // for now, treat evm6618l as an alias for evm6670l
172     board_spec = board_spec.replace(/evm6618/, "evm6670");
174     targetFlag = board_spec;
176     endian_spec = (big_endian ? "-be" : "");
178     board_binaries = script_binaries + targetFlag + endian_spec + "/";
179     targetConfig = java.lang.System.getenv("PROGRAM_EVM_TARGET_CONFIG_FILE");
180     if (!targetConfig)
181         targetConfig = script_configs + targetFlag + "/" + targetFlag + (emul560 ? "e" : "") + (xds200 ? "s" : "") + host_os + ".ccxml";
183     print("board: " + targetFlag);
184     print("endian: " + (big_endian ? "Big" : "Little"));
185     print("emulation: " + emulation_spec);
186     print("binaries: " + board_binaries);
187     print("ccxml: " + targetConfig);
189     var dir = new File(board_binaries);
190     if (!dir.exists())
191     {
192         print("board binaries directory not found");
193         java.lang.System.exit(2);
194     }
196     if(arguments[1])
197         writerImages = arguments[1];
198     else
199         writeAll = true;   
201 else
203   print("Syntax error in command line");
204         print("Syntax: program_evm.js [tmdx|tmds]evm[c](<device>)l[x][e][-le|-be] [images_to_write]")
206         print("    tmdx: TMDX type EVM")
207         print("    tmds: TMDS type EVM")
208         print("    c: Not used, for backward compatibility")
209         print("    <device> is the board name e.g 6472,6678 etc")
210         print("    l: Low cost EVM")
211         print("    x: EVM supports encryption")
212         print("    e: EVM uses 560 Mezzanine Emulator daughter card")
213         print("    le: Little Endian")
214         print("    be: Big Endian")
216         print("    example: TMDXEVM6678L-le")   
217         print("    [images_to_write] OPTIONAL is a list of the images to be written")
218         print("    example: eeprom50,nor")
219         print("    If not specified all (eeprom50,eeprom51,nand,nor) will be written")
220         java.lang.System.exit(0);
223 var i2cwriterbinary = board_binaries + "eepromwriter_" + targetFlag + ".out";
224 var nandwriterbinary = board_binaries + "nandwriter_" + targetFlag + ".out";
225 var norwriterbinary = board_binaries + "norwriter_" + targetFlag + ".out";
226 var eepromwriter_input51 = board_binaries + "eepromwriter_input51.txt";
227 var eepromwriter_input50 = board_binaries + "eepromwriter_input50.txt";
228 var eepromwriter_input = board_binaries + "eepromwriter_input.txt";
229 var eeprom50 = board_binaries + "eeprom50.bin";
230 var eeprom51 = board_binaries + "eeprom51.bin";
231 var nand = board_binaries + "nand.bin";
232 var nor = board_binaries + "nor.bin";
234 // Note: nAddress is the load address for using eepromwriter.
235 //       nandNorAddress is the address used for nandwriter and norwriter.
236 switch (targetFlag)
238         case "evm6457l":
239                 cpu_id = "C64XP_1";
240                 var nAddress = 0x800000;
241                 var nandNorAddress = nAddress;
242                 var iblByteSwap = false;
243                 break;
244         case "evm6474l":
245                 cpu_id = "C64XP_0";
246                 var nAddress = 0x800000;
247                 var nandNorAddress = nAddress;
248                 var iblByteSwap = false;
249                 break;
250         case "evm6455":
251                 cpu_id = "C64XP_0";
252                 var nAddress = 0x800000;
253                 var nandNorAddress = nAddress;
254                 var iblByteSwap = false;
255                 break;
256         case "evm6474":
257                 cpu_id = "C64XP_1A";
258                 var nAddress = 0x800000;
259                 var nandNorAddress = nAddress;
260                 var iblByteSwap = false;
261                 break;
262         case "evm6472l":
263                 cpu_id = "C64XP_A";
264                 var nAddress = 0x800000;
265                 var nandNorAddress = nAddress;
266                 var iblByteSwap = false;
267                 break;
268         case "evm6670l":
269                 cpu_id = "C66xx_0";
270                 var nAddress = 0x0C000000;
271                 var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000;
272                 var iblByteSwap = false;
273                 break;
274         case "evm6678l":
275                 cpu_id = "C66xx_0";
276                 var nAddress = 0x0C000000;
277                 var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000;
278                 var iblByteSwap = false;
279                 break;
280         case "evm6657l":
281                 cpu_id = "C66xx_0";
282                 var nAddress = 0x0C000000;
283                 var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000;
284                 var iblByteSwap = false;
285                 break;
286         case "evmk2h":
287                 cpu_id = "C66xx_0";
288                 var nAddress = 0x0C000000;
289                 var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000;
290                 var iblByteSwap = false;
291         break;
292         case "evmk2e":
293                 cpu_id = "C66xx_0";
294                 var nAddress = 0x0C000000;
295                 var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000;
296                 var iblByteSwap = false;
297         break;
298         case "evmk2l":
299                 cpu_id = "C66xx_0";
300                 var nAddress = 0x0C000000;
301                 var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000;
302                 var iblByteSwap = false;
303         break;
304         case "evmk2g":
305                 cpu_id = "C66xx_0";
306                 var nAddress = 0x0C000000;
307                 var nandNorAddress = 0x80000000;
308                 var iblByteSwap = false;
309         break;
310         default:
311                 script.traceWrite("Could not file cpu id for target " + targetFlag + "\n");
316 start = localTime();
317 testEnv.cioFile = script_logs+targetFlag+"_"+start+"-cio"+".txt";
318 // Create a log file in the current directory to log script execution
319 script.traceBegin(script_logs+targetFlag+"_"+start+"-trace"+".txt")
321 // Configure target
322 debugServer.setConfig(targetConfig);
323 pausecomp(1000);
324 debugSession = debugServer.openSession("*",cpu_id);
326 if (testEnv.cioFile != null)
327         debugSession.beginCIOLogging(testEnv.cioFile);
328 pausecomp(1000);
329 debugSession.target.connect();
330 pausecomp(1000);
331 debugSession.target.reset();
332 pausecomp(1000);
334 //POST
335 if(writeAll || writerImages.match(/eeprom50/))
337         //Write EEPROM
338         start = localTime();
339         script.traceWrite("Start writing eeprom50");
340         script.traceWrite("Writer:" + i2cwriterbinary + "\r\n");
341         script.traceWrite("Image:" + eeprom50 + "\r\n");
342         if (isFile(i2cwriterbinary) && isFile(eeprom50)) 
343         {
344                 fileCopy(eepromwriter_input50,eepromwriter_input);
345                 debugSession.memory.loadProgram(i2cwriterbinary);
346                 var nPage = 0x0;
347         //      var nAddress = 0x80000000;
348                 var sFilename = eeprom50 ;
349                 var nTypeSize = 32;
350                 var bByteSwap = false;
351                 try
352                 {
353                         debugSession.memory.loadRaw(nPage, nAddress, sFilename, nTypeSize, bByteSwap);
354                 }
355                 catch (ex)
356                 {
357                    errCode = getErrorCode(ex);
358                    script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not load file " + sFilename +
359                                         " to target memory!");
360                 }
361                 debugSession.target.run()
362                 end = localTime();
363         }
364         else
365         {
366                 script.traceWrite("Required EEPROM50 files do not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n");
368         }
371 //IBL 
372 if(writeAll || writerImages.match(/eeprom51/))
374         start = localTime();
375         script.traceWrite("Start writing eeprom51");
376         script.traceWrite("Writer:" + i2cwriterbinary + "\r\n");
377         script.traceWrite("Image:" + eeprom51 + "\r\n");
379         if (isFile(i2cwriterbinary) && isFile(eeprom51)) 
380         {
381                 fileCopy(eepromwriter_input51,eepromwriter_input);
382                 debugSession.memory.loadProgram(i2cwriterbinary);
383                 var nPage = 0x0;
384         //      var nAddress = 0x80000000;
385                 var sFilename = eeprom51;
386                 var nTypeSize = 32;
387                 var bByteSwap = iblByteSwap;
388                 try
389                 {
390                         debugSession.memory.loadRaw(nPage, nAddress, sFilename, nTypeSize, bByteSwap);
391                 }
392                 catch (ex)
393                 {
394                    errCode = getErrorCode(ex);
395                    script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not load file " + sFilename +
396                                         " to target memory!");
397                 }
399                 debugSession.target.run()
400                 end = localTime();
401         }
402         else
403         {
404                 script.traceWrite("Required EEPROM51 files do not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n");
406         }
410 //NAND
411 if(writeAll || writerImages.match(/nand/))
413     if (writerImages.match(/format/))
414     {
415        /* No action is taken for NAND since it is format*/
416     }
417         else
418         {
419         start_nand = localTime();
420         script.traceWrite("Writer:" + nandwriterbinary + "\r\n");
421         script.traceWrite("NAND:" + nand + "\r\n");
422         if (isFile(nand) && isFile(nandwriterbinary)) 
423         {
424                 debugSession.memory.loadProgram(nandwriterbinary);
425                 var nPage = 0x0;
426         //      var nAddress = 0x80000000;
427                 var sFilename = nand;
428                 var nTypeSize = 32;
429                 var bByteSwap = false;
431                 try
432                 {   
433                         script.traceWrite("Start loading nand.bin");
434                         debugSession.memory.loadRaw(nPage, nandNorAddress, sFilename, nTypeSize, bByteSwap);
436                 }
437                 catch (ex)
438                 {
439                    errCode = getErrorCode(ex);
440                    script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not load file " + sFilename +
441                                         " to target memory!");
442                 }
443                 script.traceWrite("Start programming NAND");
444                 debugSession.target.run()
445                 script.traceWrite("End programming NAND");
446                 end_nand = localTime();
447         }
448         else
449         {
450                 script.traceWrite("Required NAND files does not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n");
452         }
453      }
456 //FORMAT the flash
457 if (writerImages.match(/format/))
459 //NAND Erase all
460     if (writerImages.match(/nand/))
461     {
462         start_nand = localTime();
463         script.traceWrite("Writer:" + nandwriterbinary + "\r\n");
464         if (isFile(nandwriterbinary)) 
465         {
466                 debugSession.memory.loadProgram(nandwriterbinary);
467                 var nPage = 0x0;
468                 var nValue = 0x12345678;
470                 try
471                 {   
472                         script.traceWrite("Formatting NAND device ... Initiated");
473                         // Get the address of that symbol
474                         var flag_address = debugSession.symbol.getAddress("nand_erase_flag")                    
475                         debugSession.memory.writeWord(nPage, flag_address, nValue);
476                 }
477                 catch (ex)
478                 {
479                    errCode = getErrorCode(ex);
480                    script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not set the nandwriter for erasing all nand blocks! ");
481                 }
482                 debugSession.target.run()
483                 script.traceWrite("Formatting NAND device ...Completed");
484                         end_nand = localTime();
485         }
486         else
487         {
488                 script.traceWrite("Required NAND binary does not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n");
490         }
491     }
492         else
493         { 
494           /* No action is taken */
495           script.traceWrite("FLASH FORMAT - No Action is taken, please provide the supported format command string, e.g., format-nand");
496         }
498     if (testEnv.cioFile != null)
499     {
500         // Stop CIO logging.
501         debugSession.endCIOLogging();
502     }
504     debugSession.terminate();
505     debugServer.stop()
507     // Stop logging and exit.
508     script.traceEnd();
509     java.lang.System.exit(0);
513 //NOR
514 if(writeAll || writerImages.match(/nor/))
516         start_nor = localTime();
517         script.traceWrite("Writer:" + norwriterbinary + "\r\n");
518         script.traceWrite("NOR:" + nor + "\r\n");
521         if (isFile(nor) && isFile(norwriterbinary)) 
522         {
524                 debugSession.memory.loadProgram(norwriterbinary);
525                 var nPage = 0x0;
526         //      var nAddress = 0x80000000;
527                 var sFilename = nor ;
528                 var nTypeSize = 32;
529                 var bByteSwap = false;
530                 try
531                 {   
532                         script.traceWrite("Start loading nor.bin");
533                         debugSession.memory.loadRaw(nPage, nandNorAddress, sFilename, nTypeSize, bByteSwap);
535                 }
536                 catch (ex)
537                 {
538                    errCode = getErrorCode(ex);
539                    script.traceWrite("Error code #" + errCode + ", could not load file " + sFilename +
540                                         " to target memory!");
541                 }
542                 script.traceWrite("Start programming NOR");
543                 script.traceWrite(localTime());
544                 debugSession.target.run()
545                 script.traceWrite("End programming NOR");
546                 end_nor = localTime();
547     }
548         else
549         {
550                 script.traceWrite("Required NOR files does not exist in " + board_binaries + "\n");
552         }
556 if (testEnv.cioFile != null)
558         // Stop CIO logging.
559         debugSession.endCIOLogging();
562 debugSession.terminate();
563 debugServer.stop()
565 // Stop logging and exit.
566 script.traceEnd();
567 java.lang.System.exit(0);