/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *****************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************** * FILE PURPOSE: NOR writer utility ************************************************************************************** * FILE NAME: norwriter.c * * DESCRIPTION: A simple nor writer using platform lib APIs to program the NOR flash * with an image that the ibl can read. * ***************************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "platform.h" #include "../include/types.h" /* NOR writer utility version */ char version[] = ""; /* The input file name is hard coded */ char *input_file = "nor_writer_input.txt"; /* Parameters defined in the input_file */ #define FILE_NAME "file_name" #define START_ADDR "start_addr" /* Memory address to store the write data */ #define WRITE_DATA_ADDRESS 0x80000000 /****************************************************************************** * Structure: NOR_WRITER_INFO_T * * NOR writer control data. This structure should be filled in * by the user before running ******************************************************************************/ #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 40 typedef struct NOR_WRITER_INFO_tag { char file_name[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; /* CCS format data file name */ uint32_t blockSizeBytes; /* The size of each sector */ uint32_t deviceTotalBytes; /* Total number of bytes available in the device */ uint32_t startAddr; /* Start address to write */ uint32_t writeBytes; /* Number of bytes to be written into the device */ uint8_t *writeData; /* Address to store the write data */ uint8_t *readData; /* Address to store the read data */ } NOR_WRITER_INFO_T; NOR_WRITER_INFO_T norWriterInfo; /****************************************************************************** * Function: print_platform_errno ******************************************************************************/ void print_platform_errno ( void ) { printf ("Returned platform error number is %d\n", platform_errno); } /****************************************************************************** * Function: form_block * * Form a block of data to write to the NOR. The block is * created as a byte stream from the 4 byte stream in which * the MSB is always sent first. ******************************************************************************/ void formBlock ( uint32_t *data, uint32_t blockSize, uint8_t *scratch ) { uint32_t i, j; /* Convert the data to a byte stream */ for (i = j = 0; j < blockSize; i++, j+=4) { scratch[j+0] = (data[i] >> 24) & 0xff; scratch[j+1] = (data[i] >> 16) & 0xff; scratch[j+2] = (data[i] >> 8) & 0xff; scratch[j+3] = (data[i] >> 0) & 0xff; } } /****************************************************************************** * Function: flash_nor * * Write the image to flash. * Returns TRUE if the image is written successfully * FALSE if the image write fails ******************************************************************************/ Bool flash_nor ( PLATFORM_DEVICE_info *p_device ) { uint32_t wPos, wLen; uint32_t block, start_block; uint8_t *scrach_block; scrach_block = malloc(norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes); if (scrach_block == NULL) { printf ("Can not allocate scratch block memory!\n"); return (FALSE); } start_block = norWriterInfo.startAddr / norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes; /* Program the NOR */ for (block = start_block, wPos = 0; wPos < norWriterInfo.writeBytes; block++, wPos += norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes) { printf ("Flashing sector %d (%d bytes of %d)\n", block, wPos, norWriterInfo.writeBytes); /*if (platform_device_erase_block(p_device->handle, block) != Platform_EOK) { printf ("NOR erase sector # %d failed!\n", block); print_platform_errno(); free (scrach_block); return (FALSE); }*/ wLen = norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes; if (norWriterInfo.writeBytes - wPos < norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes) { wLen = norWriterInfo.writeBytes - wPos; } formBlock((uint32_t *)(&norWriterInfo.writeData[wPos]), norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes, scrach_block); if (platform_device_write(p_device->handle, block*norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes, scrach_block, wLen) != Platform_EOK) { printf ("platform_nor_write sector # %d failed!\n", block); print_platform_errno(); free (scrach_block); return (FALSE); } } free (scrach_block); return (TRUE); } /****************************************************************************** * Function: flash_verify * * Read back the data file that was just flashed. On errors mark the block as bad. * Returns TRUE if the image verified correctly. * FALSE if the image verification failed ******************************************************************************/ Bool flash_verify ( PLATFORM_DEVICE_info *p_device ) { uint32_t rPos, rLen; uint32_t i, j; uint32_t block, start_block; uint8_t *scrach_block; uint32_t *read_data_w; scrach_block = malloc(norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes); if (scrach_block == NULL) { printf ("Can not allocate scratch block memory!\n"); return (FALSE); } start_block = norWriterInfo.startAddr / norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes; for (block = start_block, rPos = 0; rPos < norWriterInfo.writeBytes; block++, rPos += norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes) { printf ("Reading and verifying sector %d (%d bytes of %d)\n", block, rPos, norWriterInfo.writeBytes); /* Read a sector of data */ if(platform_device_read(p_device->handle, block*norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes, scrach_block, norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes) != Platform_EOK) { printf ("Failure in sector %d\n", block); print_platform_errno(); free (scrach_block); return (FALSE); } /* Convert the packed data */ read_data_w = (uint32_t *)(&norWriterInfo.readData[rPos]); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes; i += 4) read_data_w[j++] = (scrach_block[i+0] << 24) | (scrach_block[i+1] << 16) | (scrach_block[i+2] << 8) | scrach_block[i+3]; /* Read the data from the file */ rLen = norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes; if (norWriterInfo.writeBytes - rPos < norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes) { rLen = norWriterInfo.writeBytes - rPos; } for (i = rPos; i < rLen; i++) { if (norWriterInfo.readData[i] != norWriterInfo.writeData[i]) { printf ("Failure in sector %d, at byte %d, (at byte %d in the data file) expected 0x%08x, read 0x%08x\n", block, i, rPos, norWriterInfo.writeData[i], norWriterInfo.readData[i]); free (scrach_block); return (FALSE); } } } free (scrach_block); return (TRUE); } /****************************************************************************** * Function: parse_input_file ******************************************************************************/ static Bool parse_input_file ( FILE* fp ) { char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char tokens[] = " :=;\n"; char *key, *data; memset(line, 0, MAX_LINE_LENGTH); fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp); key = (char *)strtok(line, tokens); data = (char *)strtok(NULL, tokens); if(strlen(data) == 0) { return FALSE; } if(strcmp(key, FILE_NAME) != 0) { return FALSE; } strcpy (norWriterInfo.file_name, data); fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp); key = (char *)strtok(line, tokens); data = (char *)strtok(NULL, tokens); if(strlen(data) == 0) { return FALSE; } if(strcmp(key, START_ADDR) != 0) { return FALSE; } norWriterInfo.startAddr = (uint32_t)atoi(data); return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * Function: find_file_length ******************************************************************************/ static Bool find_file_length ( FILE* fp ) { char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char *pEnd; char *ext; uint32_t data_len, write_addr; memset(line, 0, MAX_LINE_LENGTH); ext = strrchr(norWriterInfo.file_name, '.'); if (ext && (strcmp(ext, ".dat") == 0)) { fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, fp); /* Read the write address from the CCS header */ strtoul (line,&pEnd,16); strtoul (pEnd,&pEnd,16); write_addr = strtoul (pEnd,&pEnd,16); strtoul (pEnd,&pEnd,16); /* Read the data length */ data_len = (strtoul (pEnd,NULL,16)) * 4; } else { /* find the data length by seeking to the end and getting position */ fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); data_len = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); } if (data_len > (norWriterInfo.deviceTotalBytes - norWriterInfo.startAddr)) { printf ("The data file is too big to fit into the device.\n"); return FALSE; } norWriterInfo.writeBytes = data_len; if (write_addr != WRITE_DATA_ADDRESS) write_addr = WRITE_DATA_ADDRESS; norWriterInfo.writeData = (uint8_t *)write_addr; norWriterInfo.readData = (uint8_t *)(write_addr + norWriterInfo.deviceTotalBytes); return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * Function: main ******************************************************************************/ void main () { FILE *fp; platform_init_flags init_flags; platform_init_config init_config; PLATFORM_DEVICE_info *p_device; Bool ret; printf("NOR Writer Utility Version %s\n\n", version); fp = fopen(input_file, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Error in opening %s input file\n", input_file); return; } ret = parse_input_file(fp); fclose (fp); if (ret == FALSE) { printf("Error in parsing %s input file\n", input_file); return; } /* Initialize main Platform lib */ memset(&init_config, 0, sizeof(platform_init_config)); memset(&init_flags, 1, sizeof(platform_init_flags)); if (platform_init(&init_flags, &init_config) != Platform_EOK) { printf ("Platform init failed!\n"); print_platform_errno(); return; } p_device = platform_device_open(PLATFORM_DEVID_NORN25Q128, 0); if (p_device == NULL) { printf ("NOR device open failed!\n"); print_platform_errno(); return; } norWriterInfo.deviceTotalBytes = p_device->block_count * p_device->page_count * p_device->page_size; norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes = p_device->page_count * p_device->page_size; if ((norWriterInfo.startAddr % norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes) != 0) { printf ("The start programming address 0x%8x set in %s is not at the beginning of a block, block size = 0x%4x\n", norWriterInfo.startAddr, norWriterInfo.file_name, norWriterInfo.blockSizeBytes); return; } /* Open and find the length of the data file */ fp = fopen (norWriterInfo.file_name, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { printf ("Failed to open file %s\n", norWriterInfo.file_name); platform_device_close(p_device->handle); return; } /* Parse the CCS format file */ ret = find_file_length(fp); fclose (fp); if (ret == FALSE) { printf("Error in parsing CCS file %s\n", norWriterInfo.file_name); platform_device_close(p_device->handle); return; } /* Write the flash */ if (flash_nor (p_device) == FALSE) { printf ("NOR write failed\n"); platform_device_close(p_device->handle); return; } /* verify the flash */ if(flash_verify (p_device) == FALSE) { printf ("NOR read verify failed\n"); platform_device_close(p_device->handle); return; } printf ("NOR programming completed successfully\n"); platform_device_close(p_device->handle); return; }