/****************************************************************************** * FILE PURPOSE: Build description for the TCP3D Driver ****************************************************************************** * FILE NAME: package.bld * * DESCRIPTION: * This file contains the build specification and description for the TCP3D driver * * The file takes the following parameters from the command line through the * XDCARGS variable. * XDCARGS[0] = TCP3D Driver Install Type * Valid Values are "TAR" or "SETUP" * DEFAULT is "TAR" * * Example for a valid command: * xdc XDCARGS=SETUP release * * Copyright (C) 2011, Texas Instruments, Inc. *****************************************************************************/ /* List of all subdirectories that combine to make the TCP3D Driver Package. */ var subDirectories = [ "src", "docs", "example", "test" ]; /* Determine if we need to create the InstallJammer Application or not? * TCP3D Driver deliverables be either of the following formats: * - TAR Ball Package * - Setup Executable * DEFAULT is a TAR package. */ if ((arguments[0] != "TAR") && (arguments[0] != "SETUP")) tcp3dDriverInstallType = Pkg.attrs.archiver; else tcp3dDriverInstallType = arguments[0]; /* Irrespective of the InstallType we always create a TAR Ball Package as a part * of the RTSC Build. Here we determine the name of the TAR Ball Package * Format is as follows: * tcp3d_ */ var tcp3dRTSCFileName = "tcp3d" + "_" + tcp3dPartNumber + "_" + tcp3dDriverReleaseVersion[0] + "_" + tcp3dDriverReleaseVersion[1] + "_" + tcp3dDriverReleaseVersion[2] + "_" + tcp3dDriverReleaseVersion[3]; /****************************************************************** ************************ Release Banner ************************** ******************************************************************/ print ("************* TCP3D Driver Build Information *************"); print ("TCP3D Driver Install : " + tcp3dDriverInstallType); print ("TCP3D Driver Version : " + tcp3dDriverReleaseVersion); print ("Tools Directory : " + toolsBaseDir); print ("RTSC File Name : " + tcp3dRTSCFileName); print ("TCP3D Driver Path : " + tcp3dDriverPath); print ("CC LE opts : " + C66LE.ccOpts.prefix); print ("CC BE opts : " + C66BE.ccOpts.prefix); print ("**********************************************************"); /* Create the release package for the TCP3D Driver */ Pkg.defaultRelease = Pkg.addRelease (tcp3dRTSCFileName, {prefix: "./packages/"}); /* Cycle through all the sub-directories and build all the files */ for (var i = 0; i < subDirectories.length; i++) { /* Load the capsule in the sub directory. */ var caps = xdc.loadCapsule (subDirectories[i]+"/Module.xs"); print ("Building directory " + subDirectories[i]); /* Build the capsule. */ caps.modBuild(); /* Package the module.xs files for building via package */ Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = subDirectories[i]+"/Module.xs"; } /* Package the remaining files */ Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "config.bld"; Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "package.bld"; Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "package.xdc"; Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "package.xs"; Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "Settings.xdc"; Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "Settings.xdc.xdt"; Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "tcp3d_drv.h"; Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "tcp3d_osal.h"; Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "tcp3d_drv_types.h"; Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "tcp3dver.h"; Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "tcp3dver.h.xdt"; Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "docs/TCP3D_DRV_doxconfig"; Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "docs/TCP3D_DRV_doxconfig.xdt"; Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "build/buildlib.xs"; Pkg.otherFiles[Pkg.otherFiles.length++] = "makefile"; /* Generate Users Manual Doxyfile */ var tplt = xdc.loadTemplate("./docs/TCP3D_DRV_doxconfig.xdt"); tplt.genFile("./docs/TCP3D_DRV_doxconfig",tcp3dDriverReleaseVersion); /* Generate Settings.xdc */ var tplt = xdc.loadTemplate("./Settings.xdc.xdt"); tplt.genFile("./Settings.xdc",tcp3dDriverReleaseVersion); /* Generate paver.h */ var tplt = xdc.loadTemplate("./tcp3dver.h.xdt"); tplt.genFile("./tcp3dver.h",tcp3dDriverReleaseVersion); /* Generate eclipse sample file */ var tplt = xdc.loadTemplate("./docs/eclipse/sample.xml.xdt"); tplt.genFile("./docs/eclipse/sample.xml",tcp3dDriverReleaseVersion);