]> Gitweb @ Texas Instruments - Open Source Git Repositories - git.TI.com/gitweb - processor-sdk/kaldi.git/blob - egs/wsj/s5/steps/libs/nnet3/report/log_parse.py
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[processor-sdk/kaldi.git] / egs / wsj / s5 / steps / libs / nnet3 / report / log_parse.py
3 # Copyright 2016    Vijayaditya Peddinti
4 #                   Vimal Manohar
5 # Apache 2.0.
7 from __future__ import division
8 import datetime
9 import re
10 import sys
12 import libs.common as common_lib
15 def parse_progress_logs_for_nonlinearity_stats(exp_dir):
16     """ Parse progress logs for mean and std stats for non-linearities.
18     e.g. for a line that is parsed from progress.*.log:
19     exp/nnet3/lstm_self_repair_ld5_sp/log/progress.9.log:component name=Lstm3_i
20     type=SigmoidComponent, dim=1280, self-repair-scale=1e-05, count=1.96e+05,
21     value-avg=[percentiles(0,1,2,5 10,20,50,80,90
22     95,98,99,100)=(0.05,0.09,0.11,0.15 0.19,0.27,0.50,0.72,0.83
23     0.88,0.92,0.94,0.99), mean=0.502, stddev=0.23],
24     deriv-avg=[percentiles(0,1,2,5 10,20,50,80,90
25     95,98,99,100)=(0.009,0.04,0.05,0.06 0.08,0.10,0.14,0.17,0.18
26     0.19,0.20,0.20,0.21), mean=0.134, stddev=0.0397]
27     """
29     progress_log_files = "%s/log/progress.*.log" % (exp_dir)
30     stats_per_component_per_iter = {}
32     progress_log_lines = common_lib.run_kaldi_command(
33         'grep -e "value-avg.*deriv-avg" {0}'.format(progress_log_files))[0]
35     parse_regex = re.compile(
36         ".*progress.([0-9]+).log:component name=(.+) "
37         "type=(.*)Component,.*"
38         "value-avg=\[.*mean=([0-9\.\-e]+), stddev=([0-9\.e\-]+)\].*"
39         "deriv-avg=\[.*mean=([0-9\.\-e]+), stddev=([0-9\.e\-]+)\]")
41     for line in progress_log_lines.split("\n"):
42         mat_obj = parse_regex.search(line)
43         if mat_obj is None:
44             continue
45         # groups = ('9', 'Lstm3_i', 'Sigmoid', '0.502', '0.23',
46         # '0.134', '0.0397')
47         groups = mat_obj.groups()
48         iteration = int(groups[0])
49         component_name = groups[1]
50         component_type = groups[2]
51         value_mean = float(groups[3])
52         value_stddev = float(groups[4])
53         deriv_mean = float(groups[5])
54         deriv_stddev = float(groups[6])
55         try:
56             stats_per_component_per_iter[component_name][
57                 'stats'][iteration] = [value_mean, value_stddev,
58                                        deriv_mean, deriv_stddev]
59         except KeyError:
60             stats_per_component_per_iter[component_name] = {}
61             stats_per_component_per_iter[component_name][
62                 'type'] = component_type
63             stats_per_component_per_iter[component_name]['stats'] = {}
64             stats_per_component_per_iter[component_name][
65                 'stats'][iteration] = [value_mean, value_stddev,
66                                        deriv_mean, deriv_stddev]
68     return stats_per_component_per_iter
71 def parse_difference_string(string):
72     dict = {}
73     for parts in string.split():
74         sub_parts = parts.split(":")
75         dict[sub_parts[0]] = float(sub_parts[1])
76     return dict
79 class MalformedClippedProportionLineException(Exception):
80     def __init__(self, line):
81         Exception.__init__(self,
82                            "Malformed line encountered while trying to "
83                            "extract clipped-proportions.\n{0}".format(line))
86 def parse_progress_logs_for_clipped_proportion(exp_dir):
87     """ Parse progress logs for clipped proportion stats.
89     e.g. for a line that is parsed from progress.*.log:
90     exp/chain/cwrnn_trial2_ld5_sp/log/progress.245.log:component
91     name=BLstm1_forward_c type=ClipGradientComponent, dim=512,
92     norm-based-clipping=true, clipping-threshold=30,
93     clipped-proportion=0.000565527,
94     self-repair-clipped-proportion-threshold=0.01, self-repair-target=0,
95     self-repair-scale=1
96     """
98     progress_log_files = "%s/log/progress.*.log" % (exp_dir)
99     component_names = set([])
100     progress_log_lines = common_lib.run_kaldi_command(
101         'grep -e "{0}" {1}'.format(
102             "clipped-proportion", progress_log_files))[0]
103     parse_regex = re.compile(".*progress\.([0-9]+)\.log:component "
104                              "name=(.*) type=.* "
105                              "clipped-proportion=([0-9\.e\-]+)")
107     cp_per_component_per_iter = {}
109     max_iteration = 0
110     component_names = set([])
111     for line in progress_log_lines.split("\n"):
112         mat_obj = parse_regex.search(line)
113         if mat_obj is None:
114             if line.strip() == "":
115                 continue
116             raise MalformedClippedProportionLineException(line)
117         groups = mat_obj.groups()
118         iteration = int(groups[0])
119         max_iteration = max(max_iteration, iteration)
120         name = groups[1]
121         clipped_proportion = float(groups[2])
122         if clipped_proportion > 1:
123             raise MalformedClippedProportionLineException(line)
124         if iteration not in cp_per_component_per_iter:
125             cp_per_component_per_iter[iteration] = {}
126         cp_per_component_per_iter[iteration][name] = clipped_proportion
127         component_names.add(name)
128     component_names = list(component_names)
129     component_names.sort()
131     # re arranging the data into an array
132     # and into an cp_per_iter_per_component
133     cp_per_iter_per_component = {}
134     for component_name in component_names:
135         cp_per_iter_per_component[component_name] = []
136     data = []
137     data.append(["iteration"]+component_names)
138     for iter in range(max_iteration+1):
139         if iter not in cp_per_component_per_iter:
140             continue
141         comp_dict = cp_per_component_per_iter[iter]
142         row = [iter]
143         for component in component_names:
144             try:
145                 row.append(comp_dict[component])
146                 cp_per_iter_per_component[component].append(
147                     [iter, comp_dict[component]])
148             except KeyError:
149                 # if clipped proportion is not available for a particular
150                 # component it is set to None
151                 # this usually happens during layer-wise discriminative
152                 # training
153                 row.append(None)
154         data.append(row)
156     return {'table': data,
157             'cp_per_component_per_iter': cp_per_component_per_iter,
158             'cp_per_iter_per_component': cp_per_iter_per_component}
161 def parse_progress_logs_for_param_diffP(exp_dir, pattern, logger=None):
162     """ Parse progress logs for per-component parameter differences.
164     e.g. for a line that is parsed from progress.*.log:
165     exp/chain/cwrnn_trial2_ld5_sp/log/progress.245.log:LOG
166     (nnet3-show-progress:main():nnet3-show-progress.cc:144) Relative parameter
167     differences per layer are [ Cwrnn1_T3_W_r:0.0171537
168     Cwrnn1_T3_W_x:1.33338e-07 Cwrnn1_T2_W_r:0.048075 Cwrnn1_T2_W_x:1.34088e-07
169     Cwrnn1_T1_W_r:0.0157277 Cwrnn1_T1_W_x:0.0212704 Final_affine:0.0321521
170     Cwrnn2_T3_W_r:0.0212082 Cwrnn2_T3_W_x:1.33691e-07 Cwrnn2_T2_W_r:0.0212978
171     Cwrnn2_T2_W_x:1.33401e-07 Cwrnn2_T1_W_r:0.014976 Cwrnn2_T1_W_x:0.0233588
172     Cwrnn3_T3_W_r:0.0237165 Cwrnn3_T3_W_x:1.33184e-07 Cwrnn3_T2_W_r:0.0239754
173     Cwrnn3_T2_W_x:1.3296e-07 Cwrnn3_T1_W_r:0.0194809 Cwrnn3_T1_W_x:0.0271934 ]
174     """
176     if pattern not in set(["Relative parameter differences",
177                            "Parameter differences"]):
178         raise Exception("Unknown value for pattern : {0}".format(pattern))
180     progress_log_files = "%s/log/progress.*.log" % (exp_dir)
181     progress_per_iter = {}
182     component_names = set([])
183     progress_log_lines = common_lib.run_kaldi_command(
184         'grep -e "{0}" {1}'.format(pattern, progress_log_files))[0]
185     parse_regex = re.compile(".*progress\.([0-9]+)\.log:"
186                              "LOG.*{0}.*\[(.*)\]".format(pattern))
187     for line in progress_log_lines.split("\n"):
188         mat_obj = parse_regex.search(line)
189         if mat_obj is None:
190             continue
191         groups = mat_obj.groups()
192         iteration = groups[0]
193         differences = parse_difference_string(groups[1])
194         component_names = component_names.union(differences.keys())
195         progress_per_iter[int(iteration)] = differences
197     component_names = list(component_names)
198     component_names.sort()
199     # rearranging the parameter differences available per iter
200     # into parameter differences per component
201     progress_per_component = {}
202     for cn in component_names:
203         progress_per_component[cn] = {}
205     max_iter = max(progress_per_iter.keys())
206     total_missing_iterations = 0
207     gave_user_warning = False
208     for iter in range(max_iter + 1):
209         try:
210             component_dict = progress_per_iter[iter]
211         except KeyError:
212             continue
214         for component_name in component_names:
215             try:
216                 progress_per_component[component_name][iter] = component_dict[
217                     component_name]
218             except KeyError:
219                 total_missing_iterations += 1
220                 # the component was not found this iteration, may be because of
221                 # layerwise discriminative training
222                 pass
223         if (total_missing_iterations/len(component_names) > 20
224                 and not gave_user_warning and logger is not None):
225             logger.warning("There are more than {0} missing iterations per "
226                            "component. Something might be wrong.".format(
227                                 total_missing_iterations/len(component_names)))
228             gave_user_warning = True
230     return {'progress_per_component': progress_per_component,
231             'component_names': component_names,
232             'max_iter': max_iter}
235 def parse_train_logs(exp_dir):
236     train_log_files = "%s/log/train.*.log" % (exp_dir)
237     train_log_lines = common_lib.run_kaldi_command(
238         'grep -e Accounting {0}'.format(train_log_files))[0]
239     parse_regex = re.compile(".*train\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.log:# "
240                              "Accounting: time=([0-9]+) thread.*")
242     train_times = {}
243     for line in train_log_lines.split('\n'):
244         mat_obj = parse_regex.search(line)
245         if mat_obj is not None:
246             groups = mat_obj.groups()
247             try:
248                 train_times[int(groups[0])][int(groups[1])] = float(groups[2])
249             except KeyError:
250                 train_times[int(groups[0])] = {}
251                 train_times[int(groups[0])][int(groups[1])] = float(groups[2])
252     iters = train_times.keys()
253     for iter in iters:
254         values = train_times[iter].values()
255         train_times[iter] = max(values)
256     return train_times
259 def parse_prob_logs(exp_dir, key='accuracy'):
260     train_prob_files = "%s/log/compute_prob_train.*.log" % (exp_dir)
261     valid_prob_files = "%s/log/compute_prob_valid.*.log" % (exp_dir)
262     train_prob_strings = common_lib.run_kaldi_command(
263         'grep -e {0} {1}'.format(key, train_prob_files), wait=True)[0]
264     valid_prob_strings = common_lib.run_kaldi_command(
265         'grep -e {0} {1}'.format(key, valid_prob_files))[0]
267     # LOG
268     # (nnet3-chain-compute-prob:PrintTotalStats():nnet-chain-diagnostics.cc:149)
269     # Overall log-probability for 'output' is -0.399395 + -0.013437 = -0.412832
270     # per frame, over 20000 fra
272     # LOG
273     # (nnet3-chain-compute-prob:PrintTotalStats():nnet-chain-diagnostics.cc:144)
274     # Overall log-probability for 'output' is -0.307255 per frame, over 20000
275     # frames.
277     parse_regex = re.compile(
278         ".*compute_prob_.*\.([0-9]+).log:LOG "
279         ".nnet3.*compute-prob:PrintTotalStats..:"
280         "nnet.*diagnostics.cc:[0-9]+. Overall ([a-zA-Z\-]+) for "
281         "'output'.*is ([0-9.\-e]+) .*per frame")
283     train_loss = {}
284     valid_loss = {}
286     for line in train_prob_strings.split('\n'):
287         mat_obj = parse_regex.search(line)
288         if mat_obj is not None:
289             groups = mat_obj.groups()
290             if groups[1] == key:
291                 train_loss[int(groups[0])] = groups[2]
292     for line in valid_prob_strings.split('\n'):
293         mat_obj = parse_regex.search(line)
294         if mat_obj is not None:
295             groups = mat_obj.groups()
296             if groups[1] == key:
297                 valid_loss[int(groups[0])] = groups[2]
298     iters = list(set(valid_loss.keys()).intersection(train_loss.keys()))
299     iters.sort()
300     return map(lambda x: (int(x), float(train_loss[x]),
301                           float(valid_loss[x])), iters)
304 def generate_accuracy_report(exp_dir, key="accuracy"):
305     times = parse_train_logs(exp_dir)
306     data = parse_prob_logs(exp_dir, key)
307     report = []
308     report.append("%Iter\tduration\ttrain_loss\tvalid_loss\tdifference")
309     for x in data:
310         try:
311             report.append("%d\t%s\t%g\t%g\t%g" % (x[0], str(times[x[0]]),
312                                                   x[1], x[2], x[2]-x[1]))
313         except KeyError:
314             continue
316     total_time = 0
317     for iter in times.keys():
318         total_time += times[iter]
319     report.append("Total training time is {0}\n".format(
320                     str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=total_time))))
321     return ["\n".join(report), times, data]