// fstbin/fsts-project.cc // Copyright 2016 Johns Hopkins University (Authors: Jan "Yenda" Trmal) // See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, // MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. // See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "base/kaldi-common.h" #include "util/common-utils.h" #include "fstext/fstext-utils.h" #include "fstext/kaldi-fst-io.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { try { using namespace kaldi; using namespace fst; typedef kaldi::int32 int32; typedef kaldi::uint64 uint64; const char *usage = "Reads kaldi archive of FSTs; for each element, performs the project\n" "operation either on input (default) or on the output (if the option\n" "--project-output is true).\n" "\n" "Usage: fsts-project [options] \n" " e.g.: fsts-project ark:train.fsts ark,t:train.fsts\n" "\n" "see also: fstproject (from the OpenFst toolkit)\n"; ParseOptions po(usage); bool project_output = false; po.Register("project-output", &project_output, "If true, project output vs input"); po.Read(argc, argv); if (po.NumArgs() != 2) { po.PrintUsage(); exit(1); } std::string fsts_rspecifier = po.GetArg(1), fsts_wspecifier = po.GetArg(2); SequentialTableReader fst_reader(fsts_rspecifier); TableWriter fst_writer(fsts_wspecifier); int32 n_done = 0; for (; !fst_reader.Done(); fst_reader.Next()) { std::string key = fst_reader.Key(); VectorFst fst(fst_reader.Value()); Project(&fst, project_output ? PROJECT_OUTPUT : PROJECT_INPUT); fst_writer.Write(key, fst); n_done++; } KALDI_LOG << "Projected " << n_done << " FSTs"; return (n_done != 0 ? 0 : 1); } catch(const std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what(); return -1; } }