SHELL := /bin/bash ifeq ($(KALDI_FLAVOR), dynamic) ifeq ($(shell uname), Darwin) ifdef LIBNAME LIBFILE = lib$(LIBNAME).dylib endif LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath -Wl,$(KALDILIBDIR) EXTRA_LDLIBS += $(foreach dep,$(ADDLIBS), $(dir $(dep))lib$(notdir $(basename $(dep))).dylib) else ifeq ($(shell uname), Linux) ifdef LIBNAME LIBFILE = lib$(LIBNAME).so endif LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath=$(shell readlink -f $(KALDILIBDIR)) EXTRA_LDLIBS += $(foreach dep,$(ADDLIBS), $(dir $(dep))lib$(notdir $(basename $(dep))).so) else # Platform not supported $(error Dynamic libraries not supported on this platform. Run configure with --static flag.) endif else ifdef LIBNAME LIBFILE = $(LIBNAME).a endif XDEPENDS = $(ADDLIBS) endif all: $(LIBFILE) $(BINFILES) $(LIBFILE): $(OBJFILES) $(AR) -cru $(LIBNAME).a $(OBJFILES) $(RANLIB) $(LIBNAME).a ifeq ($(KALDI_FLAVOR), dynamic) ifeq ($(shell uname), Darwin) $(CXX) -dynamiclib -o $@ -install_name @rpath/$@ $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJFILES) $(LDLIBS) rm -f $(KALDILIBDIR)/$@; ln -s $(shell pwd)/$@ $(KALDILIBDIR)/$@ else ifeq ($(shell uname), Linux) # Building shared library from static (static was compiled with -fPIC) $(CXX) -shared -o $@ -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-soname=$@,--whole-archive $(LIBNAME).a -Wl,--no-whole-archive $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) rm -f $(KALDILIBDIR)/$@; ln -s $(shell pwd)/$@ $(KALDILIBDIR)/$@ else # Platform not supported $(error Dynamic libraries not supported on this platform. Run configure with --static flag.) endif endif # By default (GNU) make uses the C compiler $(CC) for linking object files even # if they were compiled from a C++ source. Below redefinition forces make to # use the C++ compiler $(CXX) instead. LINK.o = $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(TARGET_ARCH) ifeq ($(KALDI_FLAVOR), dynamic) $(BINFILES): $(LIBFILE) else $(BINFILES): $(LIBFILE) $(XDEPENDS) endif # Rule below would expand to, e.g.: # ../base/kaldi-base.a: # make -c ../base kaldi-base.a # -c option to make is same as changing directory. %.a: $(MAKE) -C ${@D} ${@F} $(MAKE) -C ${@D} ${@F} clean: -rm -f *.o *.a *.so $(TESTFILES) $(BINFILES) $(TESTOUTPUTS) tmp* *.tmp *.testlog distclean: clean -rm -f ifeq ($(KALDI_FLAVOR), dynamic) $(TESTFILES): $(LIBFILE) else $(TESTFILES): $(LIBFILE) $(XDEPENDS) endif test_compile: $(TESTFILES) test: test_compile @{ result=0; \ for x in $(TESTFILES); do \ printf "Running $$x ..."; \ timestamp1=$$(date +"%s"); \ ./$$x >$$x.testlog 2>&1; \ ret=$$? \ timestamp2=$$(date +"%s"); \ time_taken=$$[timestamp2-timestamp1]; \ if [ $$ret -ne 0 ]; then \ echo " $${time_taken}s... FAIL $$x"; \ result=1; \ if [ -n "$TRAVIS" ] && [ -f core ] && command -v gdb >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ gdb $$x core -ex "thread apply all bt" -batch >>$$x.testlog 2>&1; \ rm -rf core; \ fi; \ else \ echo " $${time_taken}s... SUCCESS"; \ rm -f $$x.testlog; \ fi; \ done; \ exit $$result; } # Rules that enable valgrind debugging ("make valgrind") valgrind: .valgrind .valgrind: $(TESTFILES) echo -n > valgrind.out for x in $(TESTFILES); do \ echo $$x >>valgrind.out; \ valgrind ./$$x >/dev/null 2>> valgrind.out; \ done ! ( grep 'ERROR SUMMARY' valgrind.out | grep -v '0 errors' ) ! ( grep 'definitely lost' valgrind.out | grep -v -w 0 ) rm valgrind.out touch .valgrind depend: -$(CXX) -M $(CXXFLAGS) *.cc > # removing automatic making of "depend" as it's quite slow. depend -include