]> Gitweb @ Texas Instruments - Open Source Git Repositories - git.TI.com/gitweb - processor-sdk/performance-audio-sr.git/blob - psdk_cust/pdk_k2g_1_0_1_2_eng/packages/ti/board/diag/framework/src/framework.c
Modified messaging code after code review.
[processor-sdk/performance-audio-sr.git] / psdk_cust / pdk_k2g_1_0_1_2_eng / packages / ti / board / diag / framework / src / framework.c
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
7  * are met:
8  *
9  * *  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
10  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
11  *
12  * *  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
13  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
14  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
15  *
16  * *  Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
17  *    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
18  *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
19  *
31  */
33 /* ========================================================================== */
34 /*                             Include Files                                  */
35 /* ========================================================================== */
38 #if defined(SOC_AM335x) || defined(SOC_AM437x)
39 #include "diag_mmc.h"
40 #else
41 #include <string.h>
42 #include <stdio.h>
43 #include <stdlib.h>
44 #include <stdbool.h>
45 #include <ti/csl/tistdtypes.h>
46 #include <ti/fs/fatfs/ff.h>
47 #include <ti/csl/csl_a15.h>
49 #include <ti/drv/uart/UART_stdio.h>
50 #include <ti/boot/sbl/board/src/sbl_image_copy.h>
51 #include <ti/boot/sbl/src/rprc/sbl_rprc_parse.h>
52 #endif
54 #include "framework.h"
56 /* Diagnostic commands */
57 DIAG_cmdEntry_t DIAG_cmdTbl[] =
58 {
59     {"help", &DIAG_printMenu},
60     {"run", &DIAG_runTest},
61     {"status", &DIAG_printStatus},
62     {NULL, NULL}
63 };
65 /* Diagnostic applications */
66 DIAG_testApp_t DIAG_appTbl[DIAG_APP_MAX_NUM];
67 uint32_t DIAG_numApp;
69 static DIR DIAG_dir;
70 static FILINFO DIAG_fileInfo;
72 /**
73  * \brief      This API Invalidates Instruction cache.
74  *
75  * \param      None.
76  *
77  * \return     None.
78  *
79  **/
80 void CP15ICacheFlush(void)
81 {
82     asm ("    mov     r0, #0\n\t"
83          "    mcr     p15, #0, r0, c7, c5, #0\n\t");
84 }
86 void DIAG_printMenu()
87 {
88     UART_printf("Command options:\n");
89     UART_printf("\thelp - displays this help menu again\n");
90     UART_printf("\trun - run a diagnostic application\n");
91     UART_printf("\tstatus - prints the test status\n");
92 }
94 void DIAG_printStatus()
95 {
96     int i, j;
97     UART_printf("Diagnostic Test Status:\n");
98     UART_printf("--------------------------------------------------------------\n");
99     UART_printf("ID\tName\t\t\t\tPass\t# of times Ran\n");
100     for (i = 0; i<DIAG_numApp; i++)
101     {
102         UART_printf("%d\t%s",
103             i+1,
104             DIAG_appTbl[i].appName);
106         /* note: 32 is 4 tabs between "Name" and "Pass". This is just for display */
107         for (j = 0; j<(32 - strlen(DIAG_appTbl[i].appName)); j++)
108         {
109             UART_printf(" ");
110         }
111         UART_printf("%s\t%d\n",
112             (DIAG_appTbl[i].appPassed == 1) ? "Yes":"No",
113             DIAG_appTbl[i].appRan);
114     }
115     UART_printf("\n");
118 void DIAG_parseApps()
120     FRESULT fresult;
121     char *dir = "0:";
122     int i;
123     TCHAR lfname[_MAX_LFN];
125     for (i = 0; i<DIAG_APP_MAX_NUM; i++)
126     {
127         DIAG_appTbl[i].appName[0] = '\0';
128         DIAG_appTbl[i].appPassed = 0;
129         DIAG_appTbl[i].appRan = 0;
130     }
132     DIAG_numApp = 0;
133     fresult = f_opendir(&DIAG_dir, dir);
134     while (fresult == FR_OK)
135     {
136         DIAG_fileInfo.lfname = lfname;
137         DIAG_fileInfo.lfsize = _MAX_LFN - 1;
138         fresult = f_readdir(&DIAG_dir, &DIAG_fileInfo);
139         if (fresult == FR_OK)
140         {
141             if(DIAG_fileInfo.fname[0] == '\0') break;
142             else
143             {
144                 if (DIAG_fileInfo.lfname[0])
145                 {
146                     if (strstr(DIAG_fileInfo.lfname, DIAG_APP_IDENTIFIER) != NULL)
147                     {
148                         strcpy(DIAG_appTbl[DIAG_numApp].appName, DIAG_fileInfo.lfname);
149                         DIAG_numApp++;
150                     }
151                 }
152                 else
153                 {
154                     if (strstr(DIAG_fileInfo.fname, DIAG_APP_IDENTIFIER) != NULL)
155                     {
156                         strcpy(DIAG_appTbl[DIAG_numApp].appName, DIAG_fileInfo.fname);
157                         DIAG_numApp++;
158                     }
159                 }
160             }
161         }
162         else
163         {
164             UART_printf("Failed in f_readdir()\n");
165         }
166         if (DIAG_numApp == DIAG_APP_MAX_NUM)
167         {
168             UART_printf("Warning: max number of diagnostic applications reached\n");
169             break;
170         }
171     }
172 #if defined(SOC_K2G) || defined(SOC_AM572x) || defined(SOC_AM571x)
173     fp_readData = &DIAG_fread;
174     fp_seek = &DIAG_fseek;
175 #endif
178 int DIAG_checkCmd(char *cmd)
180     int index;
181     for (index = 0; DIAG_cmdTbl[index].cmdName != NULL; index++)
182     {
183         if (strcmp(cmd, DIAG_cmdTbl[index].cmdName) == 0) break;
184     }
185     if (DIAG_cmdTbl[index].cmdName == NULL) index = -1;
186     return index;
189 void DIAG_runTest()
191     int32_t retVal;
192     FIL fp;
193     FRESULT fresult;
194     int n;
195     char buf[10];
196     sblEntryPoint_t pEntry;
198     void (*func_ptr)(int);
199     register int result asm("r9");
201     DIAG_printStatus();
202     UART_printf("Select test number (1 - %d): ", DIAG_numApp);
203     UART_scanFmt("%s\n", buf);
204     n = atoi(buf);
206     if ( (n<1) || (n>(DIAG_numApp+1)) )
207     {
208         UART_printf("Invalid number %d! Please select from 1 to %d.\n", n, DIAG_numApp);
209         return;
210     }
211     else
212     {
213         fresult = f_open(&fp, DIAG_appTbl[n-1].appName, (uint8_t) FA_READ);
214         if (fresult != FR_OK)
215         {
216             UART_printf("Failed to open %s\n", DIAG_appTbl[n-1].appName);
217             return;
218         }
219         else
220         {
221             UART_printf("Parsing %s\n", DIAG_appTbl[n-1].appName);
222             retVal = SBL_MulticoreImageParse((void *) &fp, 0, &pEntry);
224             f_close(&fp);
225             CP15ICacheFlush();
226             if (retVal != E_PASS)
227             {
228                 UART_printf("Error in parsing image\n");
229                 return;
230             }
231             else
232             {
233                 if (pEntry.entryPoint_MPU_CPU0 == 0)
234                 {
235                     UART_printf("Unable to get entry point\n");
236                     return;
237                 }
238                 else
239                 {
240                     UART_printf("Running %s\n", DIAG_appTbl[n-1].appName);
241                     DIAG_appTbl[n-1].appRan++;
242 #if defined(SOC_K2G) || defined(SOC_AM572x) || defined(SOC_AM571x)
243                     /* Clean the data Cache. */
244                     CSL_a15WbAllDataCache();
245 #endif
246                     func_ptr = (void *) pEntry.entryPoint_MPU_CPU0;
247                     (*func_ptr)(DIAG_VAL);
248                     if (result == 0)
249                         DIAG_appTbl[n-1].appPassed = 1;
250                     else
251                         DIAG_appTbl[n-1].appPassed = 0;
253                     UART_printf("Finished running %s, result %s\n",
254                         DIAG_appTbl[n-1].appName,
255                         (DIAG_appTbl[n-1].appPassed == 1)? "passed!" : "failed!");
256                 }
257             }
258         }
259     }
262 void DIAG_main()
264     char cmd[255];
265     bool diag_continue = true;
266     int index = 0;
267     void (*fnPtr) ();
270     DIAG_parseApps();
271     DIAG_printMenu();
273     while (diag_continue)
274     {
275         UART_printf("[Diag Menu]: ");
276         UART_scanFmt("%s", cmd);
277         index = DIAG_checkCmd(cmd);
278         if (index >= 0)
279         {
280             fnPtr = DIAG_cmdTbl[index].cmdFn;
281             (*fnPtr)();
282         }
283     }
286 int32_t DIAG_fread(void *buff, void *fileptr, uint32_t size)
288     FIL     *fp         = (FIL *) (fileptr);
289     uint32_t i          = 0;
290     uint32_t bytes_read = 0;
291     uint32_t Max_read   = 0x400U;
292     FRESULT  fresult    = FR_OK;
294     for (i = 0; i < (size / Max_read); ++i)
295     {
296         fresult  = f_read(fp, buff, Max_read, &bytes_read);
297         buff += bytes_read;
298         if (fresult != FR_OK)
299         {
300             break;
301         }
302     }
303     if (fresult == FR_OK)
304     {
305         fresult = f_read(fp, buff, (uint16_t) (size % Max_read), &bytes_read);
306     }
308     return fresult;
311 void DIAG_fseek(void *fileptr, uint32_t location)
313     FIL *fp = (FIL *) (fileptr);
314     f_lseek(fp, location);