/* Copyright (c) 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ All rights reserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef _ASP_DECOP_CB_COMMON_H_ #define _ASP_DECOP_CB_COMMON_H_ #include #include #include "paftyp.h" #include "pafdec.h" #include "dbgBenchmark.h" // PCM high-sampling rate + SRC + CAR benchmarking //#define CB_RW_OP_CAP_PP // debug #ifdef CB_RW_OP_CAP_PP #define CB_OP_NONE 0 #define CB_OP_W 1 // ARM write #define CB_OP_R 2 // DSP read #define CB_OP_COUNT_MAX 10000 #endif // error return codes #define ASP_DECOP_CB_SOK ( 0 ) // ok #define ASP_DECOP_CB_CTL_INIT_INV_GATE ( ASP_DECOP_CB_SOK-1 ) // error: invalid gate handle #define ASP_DECOP_CB_ERR_START ( ASP_DECOP_CB_CTL_INIT_INV_GATE ) // start error return ID for master & slave error return definitions #define ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_AF ( 30 ) // decoder output circular buffer maximum number audio frames #define ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_PCM_CH ( 16 ) // decoder output circular buffer maximum number audio PCM channels #define ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_PCM_FRAMES ( 15 ) // decoder output circular buffer maximum number PCM frames //Qin - Increased to prevent cb overflow for ddp. #define ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_PCM_FRAME_LEN ( 6*256 ) // decoder output circular buffer maximum PCM frame length #define ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_PCM_CH_DDP ( 16 ) // decoder output circular buffer maximum number audio PCM channels for DDP #define ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_PCM_FRAME_LEN_48kDDP ( 6*256 ) // decoder output circular buffer maximum PCM frame length at 48kHz sampling rate #define ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_PCM_CH_MAT ( 32 ) // decoder output circular buffer maximum number audio PCM channels for MAT #define ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_PCM_FRAME_LEN_48kMAT ( 4*256 ) // decoder output circular buffer maximum PCM frame length at 48kHz sampling rate #define ASP_DECOP_CB_PCM_BUF_SZ ( ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_PCM_CH * ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_PCM_FRAMES * ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_PCM_FRAME_LEN ) #define ASP_DECOP_CB_PCM_BUF_SZ_32CH48kMAT ( ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_PCM_CH_MAT * ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_PCM_FRAMES * ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_PCM_FRAME_LEN_48kMAT ) #define ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_AF_PCM ( 4 ) #if (ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_AF_PCM > ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_AF) #error "CB Max AF PCM error" #endif #define ASP_DECOP_CB_INIT_WRTIDX_PCM ( 0 ) #define ASP_DECOP_CB_INIT_RDIDX_PCM ( 0 ) #define ASP_DECOP_CB_INIT_LAG_PCM ( 2 ) #define ASP_DECOP_CB_TARGET_ND_SAMPS_48kPCM ( (ASP_DECOP_CB_INIT_LAG_PCM + 1) * 256 ) // PCM target Nominal Delay in number of samples, fs=48 kHz #define ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_AF_DDP ( 2 ) #if (ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_AF_DDP > ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_AF) #error "CB Max AF DDP error" #endif #define ASP_DECOP_CB_INIT_WRTIDX_DDP ( 0 ) #define ASP_DECOP_CB_INIT_RDIDX_DDP ( 0 ) #define ASP_DECOP_CB_INIT_LAG_DDP ( 1 ) #define ASP_DECOP_CB_TARGET_ND_SAMPS_DDP ( (ASP_DECOP_CB_INIT_LAG_DDP + 1) * 1536 ) // DDP target Nominal Delay in number of samples #define ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_AF_THD ( 30 ) //( 15 ) #if (ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_AF_THD > ASP_DECOP_CB_MAX_NUM_AF) #error "CB Max AF THD error" #endif #define ASP_DECOP_CB_INIT_WRTIDX_THD ( 0 ) #define ASP_DECOP_CB_INIT_RDIDX_THD ( 0 ) //#define ASP_DECOP_CB_INIT_LAG_THD ( 5 ) // 5*20ms = 100 ms, For the worst case of 100 ms #define ASP_DECOP_CB_TARGET_ND_SAMPS_48kTHD ( 3504 ) //( 2224 ) // THD target Nominal Delay in number of samples, fs=48 kHz #define ASP_DECOP_CB_TARGET_ND_SAMPS_96kTHD ( ASP_DECOP_CB_TARGET_ND_SAMPS_48kTHD ) // THD target Nominal Delay in number of samples, fs=96 kHz #define ASP_DECOP_CB_TARGET_ND_SAMPS_192kTHD ( ASP_DECOP_CB_TARGET_ND_SAMPS_48kTHD ) // THD target Nominal Delay in number of samples, fs=192 kHz #define ASP_DECODE_CB_GATE_NAME ( "AspDecOpCbGate" ) // name of GateMP used for circular buffer shared memory protection #define ASP_DECODE_CB_GATE_REGION_ID ( 0 ) // IPC shared region ID used for CB gate allocation #define DEF_SOURCE_SEL ( PAF_SOURCE_PCM ) // default source select #define DEF_DEC_OP_FRAME_LEN ( PAF_SYS_FRAMELENGTH ) // default decoder output frame length #define DEF_STR_FRAME_LEN ( PAF_SYS_FRAMELENGTH ) // default stream frame length // Decoder output circular buffer typedef struct PAF_AST_DecOpCircBuf { PAF_AudioFrame *afCb; // audio frame CB PAF_AudioData *pcmBuf; // PCM buffer, contains PCM data associated with audio frames UInt8 *metaBuf; // metadata buffer, contains metadata associated with audio frames Int8 sourceSel; // selected source Int8 primedFlag; // flag indicated whether CB is primed: FALSE - CB not primed, TRUE - CB primed Int16 targetNDSamps; // target CB Nominal Delay number of samples Int16 deltaSamps; // number of 256 (N) sample output frames to block reader Int8 afRdIdx; // audio frame CB read index Int8 afWrtIdx; // audio frame CB write index //Int8 afLagIdx; // audio frame CB Lag idx, //Int8 afInitialLag; // Initial delay/lag between CB write and read Int16 pcmRdIdx; // pcm buffer read index Int8 numAfCb; // current number frames in CB Int8 maxNumAfCb; // maximum number of audio frames in CB Int16 decOpFrameLen; // selected decoder output frame length (input transaction size) Int16 strFrameLen; // stream frame length (output transaction size) Int8 writerActiveFlag; // flag indicates whether CB writer is active: FALSE - writer not active, TRUE - writer active Int8 readerActiveFlag; // flag indicates whether CB reader is active: FALSE - reader not active, TRUE - reader active Int8 drainFlag; // flag indicates whether reader should drain (empty) remaining frames in CB: FALSE - reader should not drain, TRUE - reader should drain Int32 readAfWriterInactiveCnt; // count of read audio frames with inactive writer & not draining Int32 readAfNdCnt; // count of read audio frames for nominal delay Int32 wrtAfReaderInactiveCnt; // count of write audio frames with inactive reader Int32 wrtAfZeroSampsCnt; // count of write audio frames with zero samples Int32 errUndCnt; // read error underflow count Int32 errOvrCnt; // write error overflow count PAF_AudioData *pcmBufEnd; // PCM buffer, contains PCM data associated with audio frames end UInt8 *metaBufEnd; // metadata buffer, contains metadata associated with audio frames end Int8 maxAFChanNum; // maximum number of audio data channels in audio frame Int16 maxAFSampCount; // maximum number of sample counts in audio frame PAF_AudioFrame lastAf; // used to store the last valid read out audio frame info to generate mute frame #ifdef CB_RW_OP_CAP_PP // debug UInt32 *cb_samples_op; // should be in shared memory, preferred NON cache UInt8 *cb_op_owner; // should be in shared memory, preferred NON cache UInt8 *cb_afRdIdx; // should be in shared memory, preferred NON cache UInt8 *cb_afWrtIdx; // should be in shared memory, preferred NON cache UInt8 *cb_numAfCb; // should be in shared memory, preferred NON cache UInt32 cb_opCnt; // range (0 - CB_OP_COUNT_MAX) #endif } PAF_AST_DecOpCircBuf; // Decoder output circular buffer statistics typedef struct PAF_AST_DecOpCircBufStats { Int32 readAfWriterInactiveCnt; // count of read audio frames with inactive writer & not draining Int32 readAfNdCnt; // count of read audio frames for nominal delay Int32 wrtAfReaderInactiveCnt; // count of write audio frames with inactive reader Int32 wrtAfZeroSampsCnt; // count of write audio frames with zero samples Int32 errUndCnt; // read error underflow count Int32 errOvrCnt; // write error overflow count } PAF_AST_DecOpCircBufStats; // Decoder output circular buffer control typedef struct PAF_AST_DecOpCircBufCtl { GateMP_Handle gateHandle; // circular buffer gate handle Int8 numDecOpCb; // number of circular buffers PAF_AST_DecOpCircBuf **pXDecOpCb; // address of decoder output circular buffer base pointer } PAF_AST_DecOpCircBufCtl; // Initialize circular buffer control Int cbCtlInit( PAF_AST_DecOpCircBufCtl *pCbCtl, // decoder output circular buffer control Int8 numDecOpCb, // number of circular buffers PAF_AST_DecOpCircBuf **pXDecOpCb // address of decoder output circular buffer base pointer ); // Reset circular buffer Int cbReset( PAF_AST_DecOpCircBufCtl *pCbCtl, Int8 cbIdx ); // Get circular buffer statistics Int cbGetStats( PAF_AST_DecOpCircBufCtl *pCbCtl, // decoder output circular buffer control Int8 cbIdx, // decoder output circular buffer index PAF_AST_DecOpCircBufStats *pCbStats // decoder output circular buffer statistics ); // Output log of circular buffer control variables (debug) Int cbLog( PAF_AST_DecOpCircBufCtl *pCbCtl, Int8 cbIdx, Int8 fullLog, char *locInfo ); #endif /* _ASP_DECOP_CB_COMMON_H_ */