/* Copyright (c) 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ All rights reserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /* * ======== audioStreamDecodeProc.c ======== */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "audioStreamProc_params.h" #include "audioStreamProc_patchs.h" #include "audioStreamProc_config.h" #include "common.h" #include "aspMsg_common.h" #include "aspMsg_slave.h" #include "aspDecOpCircBuf_slave.h" #include "aspOutInitSync_slave.h" #include "audioStreamProc_common.h" #include "audioStreamDecodeProc.h" #include "statusOp_common.h" #include "pfp/pfp.h" #include "pfp_app.h" /* contains all PFP ID's */ // FL: debug #include "dbgCapAf.h" #include "dbgDib.h" #include "evmc66x_gpio_dbg.h" // // Decoder Definitions // #define decLinkInit pQ->i_decLinkInit #define __TASK_NAME__ "TaskAsdp" // Check decoder sync using information in INFO audio frame static Int8 checkDecSync( PAF_AudioFrame *pAf ); extern struct { Int size; IALG_Status *pStatus[512]; } IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE; extern const char AFChanPtrMap[PAF_MAXNUMCHAN+1][PAF_MAXNUMCHAN]; extern PAF_ChannelConfigurationMaskTable PAF_ASP_stdCCMT; LINNO_DEFN(TaskAsdp); /* Line number macros */ ERRNO_DEFN(TaskAsdp); /* Error number macros */ // ASDT configuration PAF_ASDT_Config gPAF_ASDT_config __attribute__ ((section(".globalSectionPafAsdtConfig"))) = { NULL, // taskHandle NULL, // acp {NULL, 0, NULL}, // decOpCircBufCtl {NULL, NULL}, // outIsCtl &gPAF_AST_config // ASIT/ASOT/ASDT shared configuration }; PAF_AudioFrame *gpDecAudioFrame=NULL; PAF_AudioData *gDecAudioFrameChannelPointers[PAF_MAXNUMCHAN_AF]; PAF_AudioSize gDecAudioFrameChannelSizes[PAF_MAXNUMCHAN_AF]; PAF_AudioData *gDecOrigAudioFrameChannelPointers[PAF_MAXNUMCHAN_AF]; // Overflow threshold before circular buffer reset and return error to Top-Level FSM #define DEC_OP_CB_WRTAF_OVR_THR ( 20 ) // FL: arbitrary setting UInt32 gCbWrtAfErrCnt =0; // decoder output circular buffer write error count, not including overflows UInt32 gDecOpCbWrtAfOvr =0; // decoder output circular buffer overflow count UInt32 gMaxDecOpCbWrtAfOvr =0; // max (consecutive) decoder output circular buffer overflow count UInt32 gSlaveCbResetCnt =0; // slave circular buffer reset count // Global debug counters */ UInt32 gSlaveStartErrCnt =0; UInt32 gSlaveStartCnt =0; UInt32 gSlaveSourceSelectCnt =0; UInt32 gSlaveExitCnt =0; UInt32 gSlaveDecExitCnt =0; UInt32 gSlaveDecControlCnt =0; UInt32 gSlaveDecActivateCnt =0; UInt32 gSlaveDecResetCnt =0; UInt32 gSlaveDecInfoCnt =0; UInt32 gSlaveDecDecodeCnt =0; UInt32 gSlaveDecDeactivateCnt =0; //#define CAPTURE_DECODER_OUTSAMPLES_PP #ifdef CAPTURE_DECODER_OUTSAMPLES_PP #define CAP_FRAME_MAX 2000 Uint32 tempCap_frameCnt = 0; int tempCap_decSampleOut[CAP_FRAME_MAX] = {0}; #endif /* * ======== taskAsdpFxn ======== * Audio Stream Decode Processing task function */ Void taskAsdpFxn( // Int betaPrimeValue, // FL: revisit const PAF_ASDT_Params *pP, const PAF_ASDT_Patchs *pQ ) { PAF_ASDT_Config *pAsdtCfg; // ASDT configuration pointer PAF_AST_Config *pAstCfg; // Common (shared) configuration pointer Int as; // Audio Stream Number (1, 2, etc.) Int z; // input/encode/stream/decode/output counter Int i; // phase Int zMD, zMS; Bool done; Bool decDone; ALG_Handle alg[DECODEN_MAX]; ASP_Slave_Cmd slaveCmd; Int sourceSelect; DEC_Handle dec; IALG_Cmd decCtrlCmd; // decoder control command Int decCtrlRet; // decoder control return Int errno; // error number Int size; Int argIdx; // Decoder output circular buffer PAF_AST_DecOpCircBufCtl *pCbCtl; // Decoder output Circular Buffer control PAF_AudioFrame *pAfWrt; // pointer to audio frame written to CB Int cbErrno; // CB error number // Output Init-Sync PAF_AudioFrame *pDecCtrlAf; // pointer to Dec Control audio frame PAF_AST_OutInitSyncCtl *pOutIsCtl; // OutIS control Int8 outIsDecInfo1Flag; // indicates whether Dec Info Init-Sync has executed Int8 outIsDecDecode1Flag; // indicates whether Dec Decode1 Init-Sync has executed Int outIsErrno; // OutIS error number // Messaging PAF_InpBufConfig *pIpBufConfig; // IB buffer configuration ASP_Msg *pAspMsg; // Rx/Tx MessageQ message MessageQ_QueueId queId; // MessageQ ID Int status; Int zI; Int bufEnd, wrapSize, currentBufSize, chunkSize; Int8 temp8; Log_info0("Enter taskAsdpFxn()"); // // Audio Framework Parameters & Patch (*pP, *pQ): // if (!pP) { TRACE_TERSE0("TaskAsdp: No Parameters defined. Exiting."); LINNO_RPRT(TaskAsdp, -1); return; } if (!pQ) { TRACE_TERSE0("TaskAsdp: No Patchs defined. Exiting."); LINNO_RPRT(TaskAsdp, -1); return; } // // Audio Stream Decode Task Configuration (*pAsdtCfg): // pAsdtCfg = &gPAF_ASDT_config; // initialize pointer to task configuration pAsdtCfg->taskHandle = Task_self(); // set task handle pAstCfg = pAsdtCfg->pAstCfg; // get pointer to AST common (shared) configuration pCbCtl = &pAsdtCfg->decOpCircBufCtl; // get pointer to circular buffer control pOutIsCtl = &pAsdtCfg->outIsCtl; // get pointer to output init-sync control // wait for initialization message from master do { status = MessageQ_get(hAspMsgSlave->slaveQue, (MessageQ_Msg *)&pAspMsg, MessageQ_FOREVER); //TRACE_TERSE1("Rx ASP message: status=%d", status); //} while ((status != MessageQ_S_SUCCESS || (pAspMsg->cmd != ASP_SLAVE_START)); } while (status != MessageQ_S_SUCCESS); if ((pAspMsg->procId != hAspMsgSlave->masterProcId) || (pAspMsg->cmd != ASP_SLAVE_START)) { TRACE_TERSE3("ERROR: Rx ASP message: procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); SW_BREAKPOINT; } hAspMsgSlave->masterMessageId = pAspMsg->messageId; gSlaveStartCnt++; TRACE_MSG3("Rx ASP message, procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); // invalidate AST shared configuration Cache_inv(pAstCfg, sizeof(PAF_AST_Config), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wait(); // (***) FL: revisit // invalidate Dec configuration for all Decoder zones Cache_inv(&pAstCfg->xDec[0], DECODEN*sizeof(PAF_AST_Decode), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wait(); // (***) FL: revisit // invalidate Beta Table status pointers Cache_inv((Ptr)(&IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[0]), 512*sizeof(IALG_Status *), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); // invalidate entire beta table Cache_wait(); /* Obtain Audio Stream Number (1, 2, etc.) */ as = pAstCfg->as; TRACE_TERSE1("TaskAsdp: Started with AS%d.", as); // // Initialize message log trace and line number reporting // for (z=STREAM1; z < STREAMN; z++) { TRACE_TERSE1("TaskAsdp: AS%d: initiated", as+z); } LINNO_RPRT(TaskAsdp, -1); // Get decoder and stream index associated with the master input zMD = pAstCfg->masterDec; zMS = pAstCfg->masterStr; // // Initialize per parameterized phases. // - Malloc: Memory Allocation // - Config: Configuration Initialization // - AcpAlg: ACP Algorithm Initialization and Local Attachment // - Common: Common Algorithm Initialization // - AlgKey: Dec/Enc chain to Array Initialization // - Unused: (available) // - Unused: (available) // - Unused: (available) // LINNO_RPRT(TaskAsdp, -2); for (i=0; i < lengthof(pP->fxns->initPhase); i++) { Int linno; if (pP->fxns->initPhase[i]) { if ((linno = pP->fxns->initPhase[i](pP, pQ, pAsdtCfg))) { LINNO_RPRT(TaskAsdp, linno); return; } } else { TRACE_TERSE1("TaskAsdp: AS%d: initialization phase - null", as+zMS); } TRACE_TERSE2("TaskAsdp: AS%d: initialization phase - %d completed", as+zMS, i); LINNO_RPRT(TaskAsdp, -i-3); } #ifdef NON_CACHE_STATUS // // init Status structure Gate // if (statusOp_Init(GATEMP_INDEX_DEC) == STATUSOP_INIT_FAIL) { TRACE_TERSE1("TaskAsdp: Gate Index %d:initialization status GateMP Fail.", GATEMP_INDEX_DEC); } if (statusOp_Init(GATEMP_INDEX_DDP) == STATUSOP_INIT_FAIL) { TRACE_TERSE1("TaskAsdp: Gate Index %d:initialization status GateMP Fail.", GATEMP_INDEX_DDP); } if (statusOp_Init(GATEMP_INDEX_PCM) == STATUSOP_INIT_FAIL) { TRACE_TERSE1("TaskAsdp: Gate Index %d:initialization status GateMP Fail.", GATEMP_INDEX_PCM); } if (statusOp_Init(GATEMP_INDEX_THD) == STATUSOP_INIT_FAIL) { TRACE_TERSE1("TaskAsdp: Gate Index %d:initialization status GateMP Fail.", GATEMP_INDEX_THD); } #endif // // End of Initialization -- final memory usage report. // if (pP->fxns->memStatusPrint) { pP->fxns->memStatusPrint("ASDT MEMSTAT REPORT", HEAP_INTERNAL, HEAP_INTERNAL1, HEAP_EXTERNAL, HEAP_INTERNAL1_SHM, HEAP_EXTERNAL_SHM, HEAP_EXTERNAL_NONCACHED_SHM); } // (***) FL: revisit // write back Status structure addresses for Beta Units initialized on Slave Cache_wb((Ptr)(&IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DECODE]), sizeof(IALG_Status *), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wb((Ptr)(&IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_PCM]), sizeof(IALG_Status *), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wb((Ptr)(&IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_PCM2]), sizeof(IALG_Status *), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wb((Ptr)(&IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DDP]), sizeof(IALG_Status *), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wb((Ptr)(&IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DDP2]), sizeof(IALG_Status *), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wb((Ptr)(&IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_THD]), sizeof(IALG_Status *), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wb((Ptr)(&IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_THD2]), sizeof(IALG_Status *), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wait(); // (***) FL: revisit // write back Status structures for Beta Units initialized on Slave /* size = IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DECODE]->size; Cache_wbInv((Ptr)(IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DECODE]), size, Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); size = IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_PCM]->size; Cache_wbInv((Ptr)(IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_PCM]), size, Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); size = IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_PCM2]->size; Cache_wbInv((Ptr)(IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_PCM2]), size, Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); size = IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DDP]->size; Cache_wbInv((Ptr)(IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DDP]), size, Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); size = IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DDP2]->size; Cache_wbInv((Ptr)(IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DDP2]), size, Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wait(); // (***) FL: revisit // write back Dec configuration Cache_wbInv(&pAstCfg->xDec[0], DECODEN*sizeof(PAF_AST_Decode), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wait();*/ // Send initialization complete message to master queId = MessageQ_getReplyQueue(pAspMsg); pAspMsg->procId = hAspMsgSlave->slaveProcId; pAspMsg->cmd = ASP_MASTER_START_DONE; pAspMsg->messageId = hAspMsgSlave->masterMessageId | ((UInt32)1<<31); TRACE_MSG3("Tx ASP message, procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); status = MessageQ_put(queId, (MessageQ_Msg)pAspMsg); /* send message back */ if (status != MessageQ_S_SUCCESS) { SW_BREAKPOINT; } done = FALSE; while (done==FALSE) { // wait for source select message from master do { status = MessageQ_get(hAspMsgSlave->slaveQue, (MessageQ_Msg *)&pAspMsg, MessageQ_FOREVER); } while ((status < 0) || (pAspMsg->cmd != ASP_SLAVE_DEC_SOURCE_SELECT)); if ((pAspMsg->procId != hAspMsgSlave->masterProcId) || (pAspMsg->cmd != ASP_SLAVE_DEC_SOURCE_SELECT)) { TRACE_TERSE3("ERROR: Rx ASP message: procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); SW_BREAKPOINT; } hAspMsgSlave->masterMessageId = pAspMsg->messageId; sourceSelect = *(Int32 *)&pAspMsg->buf[0]; TRACE_MSG3("Rx ASP message, procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); TRACE_MSG1("sourceSelect=%d.", sourceSelect); // send source select complete message to master queId = MessageQ_getReplyQueue(pAspMsg); pAspMsg->procId = hAspMsgSlave->slaveProcId; pAspMsg->cmd = ASP_MASTER_DEC_SOURCE_SELECT_DONE; pAspMsg->messageId = hAspMsgSlave->masterMessageId | ((UInt32)1<<31); gSlaveSourceSelectCnt++; TRACE_MSG3("Tx ASP message, procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); MessageQ_put(queId, (MessageQ_Msg)pAspMsg); /* send message back */ for (z=DECODE1; z < DECODEN; z++) { alg[z] = pAstCfg->xDec[z].decAlg[PAF_SOURCE_PCM]; } alg[zMD] = pAstCfg->xDec[zMD].decAlg[sourceSelect]; // Reset IB capture buffer (debug) //capIbReset(); //Log_info0("capIbReset()"); // Reset audio frame capture buffer (debug) //capAfReset(); decDone = FALSE; while (decDone==FALSE) { // wait for received message from master do { status = MessageQ_get(hAspMsgSlave->slaveQue, (MessageQ_Msg *)&pAspMsg, MessageQ_FOREVER); } while (status < 0); if (pAspMsg->procId != hAspMsgSlave->masterProcId) { TRACE_TERSE3("ERROR: Rx ASP message: procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); SW_BREAKPOINT; } hAspMsgSlave->masterMessageId = pAspMsg->messageId; slaveCmd = pAspMsg->cmd; TRACE_MSG3("Rx ASP message, procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); switch (slaveCmd) { case ASP_SLAVE_NULL: case ASP_SLAVE_START: gSlaveStartErrCnt++; TRACE_TERSE1("ERROR: unexpected slaveCmd=%d", slaveCmd); break; case ASP_SLAVE_EXIT: gSlaveExitCnt++; TRACE_TERSE1("slaveCmd=%d", slaveCmd); decDone = TRUE; done = TRUE; break; case ASP_SLAVE_DEC_EXIT: gSlaveDecExitCnt++; TRACE_TERSE1("slaveCmd=%d", slaveCmd); // send dec exit complete message to master queId = MessageQ_getReplyQueue(pAspMsg); pAspMsg->procId = hAspMsgSlave->slaveProcId; pAspMsg->cmd = ASP_MASTER_DEC_EXIT_DONE; pAspMsg->messageId = hAspMsgSlave->masterMessageId | ((UInt32)1<<31); TRACE_MSG3("Tx ASP message, procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); status = MessageQ_put(queId, (MessageQ_Msg)pAspMsg); /* send message back */ if (status != MessageQ_S_SUCCESS) { SW_BREAKPOINT; } decDone=TRUE; break; case ASP_SLAVE_DEC_CONTROL: gSlaveDecControlCnt++; argIdx = 0; // get decIdx z = *(Int32 *)&pAspMsg->buf[argIdx]; argIdx += sizeof(Int32); decCtrlCmd = *(IALG_Cmd *)&pAspMsg->buf[argIdx]; // get decCtrlCmd TRACE_MSG3("slaveCmd=%d, decIdx=%d, decCtrlCmd=%d", slaveCmd, z, decCtrlCmd); decCtrlRet = alg[z]->fxns->algControl(alg[z], decCtrlCmd, NULL); // send dec control complete message to master queId = MessageQ_getReplyQueue(pAspMsg); pAspMsg->procId = hAspMsgSlave->slaveProcId; pAspMsg->cmd = ASP_MASTER_DEC_CONTROL_DONE; pAspMsg->messageId = hAspMsgSlave->masterMessageId | ((UInt32)1<<31); argIdx = 0; // set decCtrlRet *(Int32 *)&pAspMsg->buf[argIdx] = decCtrlRet; TRACE_MSG3("Tx ASP message, procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); status = MessageQ_put(queId, (MessageQ_Msg)pAspMsg); /* send message back */ if (status != MessageQ_S_SUCCESS) { SW_BREAKPOINT; } break; case ASP_SLAVE_DEC_ACTIVATE: gSlaveDecActivateCnt++; // (***) FL: revisit // invalidate Status structures for shared Beta Units //size = IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DECODE]->size; //Cache_inv((Ptr)(IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DECODE]), size, Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); /*size = IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_PCM]->size; Cache_inv((Ptr)(IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_PCM]), size, Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); size = IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DDP]->size; Cache_inv((Ptr)(IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DDP]), size, Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wait();*/ argIdx = 0; // get decIdx z = *(Int32 *)&pAspMsg->buf[argIdx]; TRACE_MSG2("slaveCmd=%d, decIdx=%d", slaveCmd, z); // invalidate Dec configuration Cache_inv(&pAstCfg->xDec[z], sizeof(PAF_AST_Decode), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wait(); if (alg[z]->fxns->algActivate) { alg[z]->fxns->algActivate(alg[z]); } // Start writes to circular buffer cbErrno = cbWriteStart(pCbCtl, z); if (cbErrno < 0) { SW_BREAKPOINT; } gCbWrtAfErrCnt=0; // reset write circular buffer error count gDecOpCbWrtAfOvr=0; // reset decoder output circular buffer overflow count gMaxDecOpCbWrtAfOvr=0; // reset max decoder output circular buffer overflow count gSlaveCbResetCnt=0; // reset slave circular buffer reset count // Log circular buffer control variables (debug) cbLog(pCbCtl, z, 1, "cbWriteStart"); // Reset audio frame resetAf(pP, z, sourceSelect); // Initialize OutIS Dec flags outIsDecInfo1Flag = 0; // OutIS Dec Info1 hasn't executed outIsDecDecode1Flag = 0; // OutIS Dec Decode1 hasn't executed // send dec activate complete message to master queId = MessageQ_getReplyQueue(pAspMsg); pAspMsg->procId = hAspMsgSlave->slaveProcId; pAspMsg->cmd = ASP_MASTER_DEC_ACTIVATE_DONE; pAspMsg->messageId = hAspMsgSlave->masterMessageId | ((UInt32)1<<31); TRACE_MSG3("Tx ASP message, procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); status = MessageQ_put(queId, (MessageQ_Msg)pAspMsg); /* send message back */ if (status != MessageQ_S_SUCCESS) { SW_BREAKPOINT; } break; case ASP_SLAVE_DEC_RESET: gSlaveDecResetCnt++; argIdx = 0; // get decIdx z = *(Int32 *)&pAspMsg->buf[argIdx]; TRACE_TERSE2("slaveCmd=%d,decIdx=%d", slaveCmd, z); dec = (DEC_Handle)alg[z]; errno = 0; if (dec->fxns->reset) { // // Execute decode reset // errno = dec->fxns->reset(dec, NULL, &pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeControl, &pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeStatus); // Get pointer to Dec Reset output audio frame pDecCtrlAf = pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeControl.pAudioFrame; // Perform Dec Reset Init-Sync // - Write Dec Reset output audio frame // - Set Dec Reset decoder stage flag outIsErrno = outIsWriteDecStageFlagAndAf(pOutIsCtl, z, ASP_OUTIS_DEC_STAGE_RESET_IDX, 1, pDecCtrlAf); if (outIsErrno < 0) { SW_BREAKPOINT; // debug } } // write back Dec configuration Cache_wb(&pAstCfg->xDec[z], sizeof(PAF_AST_Decode), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wait(); // (***) FL: revisit // write back Status structures for shared Beta Units //size = IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DECODE]->size; //Cache_wb((Ptr)(IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DECODE]), size, Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); /* size = IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_PCM]->size; Cache_wbInv((Ptr)(IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_PCM]), size, Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); size = IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DDP]->size; Cache_wbInv((Ptr)(IACP_STD_BETA_TABLE.pStatus[STD_BETA_DDP]), size, Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wait();*/ // send dec reset complete message to master queId = MessageQ_getReplyQueue(pAspMsg); pAspMsg->procId = hAspMsgSlave->slaveProcId; pAspMsg->cmd = ASP_MASTER_DEC_RESET_DONE; pAspMsg->messageId = hAspMsgSlave->masterMessageId | ((UInt32)1<<31); argIdx = 0; // set decErrno *(Int32 *)&pAspMsg->buf[argIdx] = errno; TRACE_MSG3("Tx ASP message, procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); status = MessageQ_put(queId, (MessageQ_Msg)pAspMsg); /* send message back */ if (status != MessageQ_S_SUCCESS) { SW_BREAKPOINT; } break; case ASP_SLAVE_DEC_INFO: gSlaveDecInfoCnt++; argIdx = 0; // get decIdx z = *(Int32 *)&pAspMsg->buf[argIdx]; TRACE_TERSE2("slaveCmd=%d,decIdx=%d", slaveCmd, z); // Get input associated w/ decoder zI = pP->inputsFromDecodes[z]; // (***) FL: revisit // invalidate Inp configuration Cache_inv(&pAstCfg->xInp[zI], sizeof(PAF_AST_InpBuf), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wait(); // invalidate input data pIpBufConfig = &pAstCfg->xInp[zI].inpBufConfig; size = pIpBufConfig->frameLength * pIpBufConfig->sizeofElement; if (sourceSelect == PAF_SOURCE_PCM) { size *= pIpBufConfig->stride; } bufEnd = (Int) pIpBufConfig->base.pVoid + pIpBufConfig->sizeofBuffer; currentBufSize = (bufEnd - (Int)pIpBufConfig->pntr.pSmInt); if (currentBufSize >= size) { chunkSize = size; } else { chunkSize = currentBufSize; } wrapSize = size - chunkSize; // invalidate input data Cache_inv((Ptr)pIpBufConfig->pntr.pSmInt, chunkSize, Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); // invalidate Dec configuration TRACE_MSG2("IBUF : pIpBufConfig->pntr.pSmInt: 0x%x and chunkSize: %d", (IArg)pIpBufConfig->pntr.pSmInt, chunkSize); Cache_inv(&pAstCfg->xDec[z], sizeof(PAF_AST_Decode), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); // status for selected decoder should be invalidated Cache_wait(); /* Circular buffer wrap condition*/ //if(((Int) pIpBufConfig->head.pVoid + size) > bufEnd) if(wrapSize > 0) { // invalidate input data Cache_inv((Ptr)pIpBufConfig->base.pSmInt, wrapSize, Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); TRACE_MSG2("IBUF : pIpBufConfig->base.pSmInt: 0x%x and wrapSize: %d", (IArg)pIpBufConfig->base.pSmInt, wrapSize); // status for selected decoder should be invalidated Cache_wait(); } /* Circular buffer wrap condition */ dec = (DEC_Handle)alg[z]; errno = 0; if (dec->fxns->info) { // // Execute decode info // pfpBegin(PFP_ID_ASDT_1, pAsdtCfg->taskHandle); errno = dec->fxns->info(dec, NULL, &pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeControl, &pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeStatus); pfpEnd(PFP_ID_ASDT_1, PFP_FINISH_MEAS); // // Execute Dec Info1 Init-Sync if required // if (outIsDecInfo1Flag == 0) { // Get pointer to Dec Info1 output audio frame pDecCtrlAf = pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeControl.pAudioFrame; if (checkDecSync(pDecCtrlAf) == 1) { // Perform Dec Info1 Init-Sync // - Write Dec Info1 output audio frame // - Set Dec Info1 decoder stage flag outIsErrno = outIsWriteDecStageFlagAndAf(pOutIsCtl, z, ASP_OUTIS_DEC_STAGE_INFO1_IDX, 1, pDecCtrlAf); if (outIsErrno < 0) { SW_BREAKPOINT; // debug } outIsDecInfo1Flag = 1; // OutIS Dec Info1 has executed } } } // write back Dec configuration Cache_wb(&pAstCfg->xDec[z], sizeof(PAF_AST_Decode), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wait(); #ifdef NON_CACHE_STATUS statusOp_read(&(temp8), &(pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeStatus.mode), sizeof(Int8), GATEMP_INDEX_DEC); // Re-initialize audio frame if decoder is disabled or // doesn't have a valid input if (!temp8 || !pAstCfg->xInp[zI].hRxSio) { pP->fxns->initFrame1(pP, pQ, pAsdtCfg, z, 0); } #else // Re-initialize audio frame if decoder is disabled or // doesn't have a valid input if (!pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeStatus.mode || !pAstCfg->xInp[zI].hRxSio) { pP->fxns->initFrame1(pP, pQ, pAsdtCfg, z, 0); } #endif // send dec info complete message to master queId = MessageQ_getReplyQueue(pAspMsg); pAspMsg->procId = hAspMsgSlave->slaveProcId; pAspMsg->cmd = ASP_MASTER_DEC_INFO_DONE; pAspMsg->messageId = hAspMsgSlave->masterMessageId | ((UInt32)1<<31); argIdx = 0; // set decErrno *(Int32 *)&pAspMsg->buf[argIdx] = errno; TRACE_MSG3("Tx ASP message, procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); status = MessageQ_put(queId, (MessageQ_Msg)pAspMsg); /* send message back */ if (status != MessageQ_S_SUCCESS) { SW_BREAKPOINT; } break; case ASP_SLAVE_DEC_DECODE: gSlaveDecDecodeCnt++; argIdx = 0; // get decIdx z = *(Int32 *)&pAspMsg->buf[argIdx]; TRACE_TERSE2("slaveCmd=%d, decIdx=%d", slaveCmd, z); // Get input associated w/ decoder zI = pP->inputsFromDecodes[z]; // Reset AF samsiz resetAfSamsiz(z); // Invalidate Dec configuration Cache_inv(&pAstCfg->xDec[z], sizeof(PAF_AST_Decode), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wait(); //TRACE_TERSE0("Dec:cache wb done"); dec = (DEC_Handle)alg[z]; //TRACE_TERSE1("Dec:dec handle=0x%04x", (IArg)dec); errno = 0; cbErrno = 0; if (dec->fxns->decode) { // Capture input buffer (debug) //capIb(pAstCfg->xInp[z].pInpBuf); // // Execute decode // pfpBegin(PFP_ID_ASDT_2, pAsdtCfg->taskHandle); errno = dec->fxns->decode(dec, NULL, &pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeInStruct, &pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeOutStruct); pfpEnd(PFP_ID_ASDT_2, PFP_FINISH_MEAS); if (errno < 0) { //SW_BREAKPOINT; } TRACE_TERSE0("Dec:decode done"); // Get pointer to Dec Decode output audio frame pAfWrt = pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeOutStruct.pAudioFrame; TRACE_TERSE2("Dec:pAfWrt=0x%04x, nSamples=%d", (IArg)pAfWrt, pAfWrt->data.nSamples); // Capture audio frame (debug) //if (capAfWrite(pAfWrt, PAF_LEFT) != CAP_AF_SOK) //{ // Log_info0("capAfWrite() error"); //} #ifdef CAPTURE_DECODER_OUTSAMPLES_PP if (tempCap_frameCnt < CAP_FRAME_MAX) { tempCap_decSampleOut[tempCap_frameCnt] = pAfWrt->sampleCount; tempCap_frameCnt++; } #endif // // Execute Dec Decode1 Init-Sync if required // if (outIsDecDecode1Flag == 0) { // // FL: cbInitSourceSel() moved from DSP:ASIT:INIT:decodeInit() // frameLength: changed to decodeControl.frameLength. // Written by ASIT:decodeInit:getFrameLengthSourceSel(). // Initialize decoder output circular buffer errno = cbInitDecWrite(pCbCtl, z, sourceSelect, pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeControl.frameLength, 0, pAfWrt); if (errno) { SW_BREAKPOINT; // debug } // debug cbLog(pCbCtl, z, 1, "cbInitSourceSel"); // Perform Dec Decode1 Init-Sync // - Set Dec Decode1 decoder stage flag outIsErrno = outIsWriteDecStageFlag(pOutIsCtl, z, ASP_OUTIS_DEC_STAGE_DECODE1_IDX, 1); if (outIsErrno < 0) { SW_BREAKPOINT; // debug } outIsDecDecode1Flag = 1; // OutIS Dec Decode1 has executed } // // Write decoder output audio frame to circular buffer // // debug //pCb = &pAstCfg->xDecOpCb[z]; //TRACE_TERSE1("Dec:pCb=0x%04x", (IArg)pCb); //GPIOSetOutput(GPIO_PORT_0, GPIO_PIN_99); // debug cbErrno = cbWriteAf(pCbCtl, z, pAfWrt); //GPIOClearOutput(GPIO_PORT_0, GPIO_PIN_99); if ((cbErrno < 0) && (cbErrno != ASP_DECOP_CB_AF_WRITE_OVERFLOW) && (cbErrno != ASP_DECOP_CB_PCM_WRITE_OVERFLOW)) { gCbWrtAfErrCnt++; //SW_BREAKPOINT; // debug } // Handle circular buffer overflows if ((cbErrno == ASP_DECOP_CB_AF_WRITE_OVERFLOW) || (cbErrno == ASP_DECOP_CB_PCM_WRITE_OVERFLOW)) { gDecOpCbWrtAfOvr++; // increment circular buffer overflow count if (gDecOpCbWrtAfOvr >= DEC_OP_CB_WRTAF_OVR_THR) { gMaxDecOpCbWrtAfOvr = DEC_OP_CB_WRTAF_OVR_THR; // update max overflow count gDecOpCbWrtAfOvr = 0; // reset overflow count // Reset circular buffer cbReset(pCbCtl, z); gSlaveCbResetCnt++; // increment slave circular buffer reset count Log_info0("ASDT:cbReset"); } } else if ((cbErrno == ASP_DECOP_CB_SOK) && (gDecOpCbWrtAfOvr > 0)) { // No overflow detected. // update max overflow count, // reset overflow count if (gDecOpCbWrtAfOvr > gMaxDecOpCbWrtAfOvr) { gMaxDecOpCbWrtAfOvr = gDecOpCbWrtAfOvr; } gDecOpCbWrtAfOvr = 0; // reset circular buffer overflow count cbErrno = 0; // don't return error condition } //GPIOClearOutput(GPIO_PORT_0, GPIO_PIN_107); TRACE_TERSE0("Dec:cbWriteAf() complete"); #if 0 // (***) FL: shows timing of CB write // (***) debug // B9 { static Uint8 toggleState = 0; if (toggleState == 0) GPIOSetOutput(GPIO_PORT_0, GPIO_PIN_107); else GPIOClearOutput(GPIO_PORT_0, GPIO_PIN_107); toggleState = ~(toggleState); } #endif // Log circular buffer control variables (debug) cbLog(pCbCtl, z, 1, "cbWriteAf"); } // write back Dec configuration Cache_wb(&pAstCfg->xDec[z], sizeof(PAF_AST_Decode), Cache_Type_ALLD, 0); Cache_wait(); #ifdef NON_CACHE_STATUS statusOp_read(&(temp8), &(pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeStatus.mode), sizeof(Int8), GATEMP_INDEX_DEC); // Re-initialize audio frame if decoder is disabled or // doesn't have a valid input if (!temp8 || !pAstCfg->xInp[zI].hRxSio) { pP->fxns->initFrame1(pP, pQ, pAsdtCfg, z, 0); } #else // Re-initialize audio frame if decoder is disabled or // doesn't have a valid input if (!pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeStatus.mode || !pAstCfg->xInp[zI].hRxSio) { pP->fxns->initFrame1(pP, pQ, pAsdtCfg, z, 0); } #endif // send dec info complete message to master queId = MessageQ_getReplyQueue(pAspMsg); pAspMsg->procId = hAspMsgSlave->slaveProcId; pAspMsg->cmd = ASP_MASTER_DEC_DECODE_DONE; pAspMsg->messageId = hAspMsgSlave->masterMessageId | ((UInt32)1<<31); argIdx = 0; // set decErrno *(Int32 *)&pAspMsg->buf[argIdx] = errno; argIdx += sizeof(Int32); // set cbErrno *(Int32 *)&pAspMsg->buf[argIdx] = cbErrno; TRACE_MSG3("Tx ASP message, procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); status = MessageQ_put(queId, (MessageQ_Msg)pAspMsg); /* send message back */ if (status != MessageQ_S_SUCCESS) { SW_BREAKPOINT; } break; case ASP_SLAVE_DEC_DEACTIVATE: gSlaveDecDeactivateCnt++; argIdx = 0; // get decIdx z = *(Int32 *)&pAspMsg->buf[argIdx]; TRACE_TERSE2("slaveCmd=%d, decIdx=%d", slaveCmd, z); if (alg[z]->fxns->algDeactivate) { alg[z]->fxns->algDeactivate(alg[z]); } // Stop writes to circular buffer cbErrno = cbWriteStop(pCbCtl, z); if (cbErrno < 0) { SW_BREAKPOINT; // debug } // Log circular buffer control variables (debug) cbLog(pCbCtl, z, 1, "cbWriteStop"); // Reset Output Init-Sync decoder stage flags outIsErrno = outIsResetDecStageFlags(pOutIsCtl, z); if (outIsErrno < 0) { SW_BREAKPOINT; // debug } // send dec deactivate complete message to master queId = MessageQ_getReplyQueue(pAspMsg); pAspMsg->procId = hAspMsgSlave->slaveProcId; pAspMsg->cmd = ASP_MASTER_DEC_DEACTIVATE_DONE; pAspMsg->messageId = hAspMsgSlave->masterMessageId | ((UInt32)1<<31); TRACE_MSG3("Tx ASP message, procId=%d, cmd=%d, messageId=0x%04x", pAspMsg->procId, pAspMsg->cmd, pAspMsg->messageId); status = MessageQ_put(queId, (MessageQ_Msg)pAspMsg); /* send message back */ if (status != MessageQ_S_SUCCESS) { SW_BREAKPOINT; } break; default: TRACE_TERSE1("ERROR: invalid slaveCmd=%d", slaveCmd); break; } } } Log_info0("exit taskAsdpFxn()"); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AST Initialization Function - Memory Allocation // // Name: PAF_AST_initPhaseMalloc // Purpose: Audio Stream Task Function for initialization of data pointers // by allocation of memory. // From: audioStream1Task or equivalent // Uses: See code. // States: x // Return: 0 on success. // Source code line number on MEM_calloc failure. // Trace: Message Log "trace" in Debug Project Configuration reports: // * State information as per parent. // * Memory allocation errors. // Int PAF_ASDT_initPhaseMalloc( const PAF_ASDT_Params *pP, const PAF_ASDT_Patchs *pQ, PAF_ASDT_Config *pAsdtCfg ) { PAF_AST_Config *pAstCfg; Int as; /* Audio Stream Number (1, 2, etc.) */ Int zMS; Error_Block eb; pAstCfg = pAsdtCfg->pAstCfg; // get pointer to AST common (shared) configuration as = pAstCfg->as; zMS = pAstCfg->masterStr; TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseMalloc: AS%d: initialization phase - memory allocation", as+zMS); // Initialize error block Error_init(&eb); if (!(gpDecAudioFrame = (PAF_AudioFrame *)Memory_calloc((IHeap_Handle)HEAP_EXTERNAL, DECODEN * sizeof (PAF_AudioFrame), 4, &eb))) { TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseMalloc: AS%d: Memory_calloc failed", as+zMS); SW_BREAKPOINT; return __LINE__; } TRACE_TERSE3("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseMalloc. (gpAudioFrameSlave) %d bytes from space %d at 0x%x.", DECODEN * sizeof (PAF_AudioFrame), HEAP_ID_INTERNAL1, (IArg)gpDecAudioFrame); TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseMalloc: AS%d: initialization phase - memory allocation complete.", as+zMS); TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseMalloc: AS%d: initialization phase - memory allocation complete.", as+zMS); return 0; } //PAF_ASDT_initPhaseMalloc // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AST Initialization Function - Memory Initialization from Configuration // // Name: PAF_AST_initPhaseConfig // Purpose: Audio Stream Task Function for initialization of data values // from parameters. // From: audioStream1Task or equivalent // Uses: See code. // States: x // Return: 0 on success. // Other as per initFrame0 and initFrame1. // Trace: Message Log "trace" in Debug Project Configuration reports: // * State information as per parent. // Int PAF_ASDT_initPhaseConfig( const PAF_ASDT_Params *pP, const PAF_ASDT_Patchs *pQ, PAF_ASDT_Config *pAsdtCfg ) { PAF_AST_Config *pAstCfg; Int as; /* Audio Stream Number (1, 2, etc.) */ Int zMS; Int z; pAstCfg = pAsdtCfg->pAstCfg; // get pointer to AST common (shared) configuration as = pAstCfg->as; zMS = pAstCfg->masterStr; TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseConfig: AS%d: initialization phase - configuration", as+zMS); // overwrite pointer to audio frame in framework decode control for (z=DECODE1; z < DECODEN; z++) { //Int zS = pP->streamsFromDecodes[z]; // FL: formerly on master //pC->xDec[z].decodeControl.pAudioFrame = pC->xStr[zS].pAudioFrame; FL: formerly on master //pC->xDec[z].decodeInStruct.pAudioFrame = pC->xStr[zS].pAudioFrame; FL: formerly on master pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeControl.pAudioFrame = &gpDecAudioFrame[z]; pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeInStruct.pAudioFrame = &gpDecAudioFrame[z]; pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeStatus = *pP->z_pDecodeStatus[z]; pP->fxns->initFrame0(pP, pQ, pAsdtCfg, z); } return 0; } //PAF_ASDT_initPhaseConfig // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AST Initialization Function - ACP Algorithm Instantiation // // Name: PAF_AST_initPhaseAcpAlg // Purpose: Audio Stream Task Function for initialization of ACP by // instantiation of the algorithm. // From: audioStream1Task or equivalent // Uses: See code. // States: x // Return: 0 on success. // Source code line number on ACP Algorithm creation failure. // Trace: Message Log "trace" in Debug Project Configuration reports: // * State information as per parent. // * Memory allocation errors. // Int PAF_ASDT_initPhaseAcpAlg( const PAF_ASDT_Params *pP, const PAF_ASDT_Patchs *pQ, PAF_ASDT_Config *pAsdtCfg ) { PAF_AST_Config *pAstCfg; Int as; /* Audio Stream Number (1, 2, etc.) */ Int z; /* input/encode/stream/decode/output counter */ Int betaPrimeOffset; ACP_Handle acp; Int zMS; Int zS; //, zX; pAstCfg = pAsdtCfg->pAstCfg; // get pointer to AST common (shared) configuration as = pAstCfg->as; zMS = pAstCfg->masterStr; TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseAcpAlg: AS%d: initialization phase - ACP Algorithm", as+zMS); ACP_MDS_init(); if (!(acp = (ACP_Handle)ACP_MDS_create(NULL))) { TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseAcpAlg: AS%d: ACP algorithm instance creation failed", as+zMS); return __LINE__; } pAsdtCfg->acp = acp; ((ALG_Handle)acp)->fxns->algControl((ALG_Handle)acp, ACP_GETBETAPRIMEOFFSET, (IALG_Status *)&betaPrimeOffset); for (z=DECODE1; z < DECODEN; z++) { zS = pP->streamsFromDecodes[z]; acp->fxns->attach(acp, ACP_SERIES_STD, STD_BETA_DECODE + betaPrimeOffset * (as-1+zS), (IALG_Status *)&pAstCfg->xDec[z].decodeStatus); /* Ignore errors, not reported. */ } TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseAcpAlg: AS%d: initialization phase - ACP Algorithm complete.", as+zMS); return 0; } //PAF_AST_initPhaseAcpAlg // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AST Initialization Function - Common Memory and Algorithms // // Name: PAF_AST_initPhaseCommon // Purpose: Audio Stream Task Function for initialization of data pointers // by allocation for common memory and by instantiation for // algorithms. // From: audioStream1Task or equivalent // Uses: See code. // States: x // Return: 0 on success. // Source code line number on PAF_ALG_alloc failure. // Source code line number on PAF_ALG_mallocMemory failure. // Source code line number on Decode Chain initialization failure. // Source code line number on ASP Chain initialization failure. // Source code line number on Encode Chain initialization failure. // Trace: Message Log "trace" in Debug Project Configuration reports: // * State information as per parent. // * Memory allocation errors. // #include Int PAF_ASDT_initPhaseCommon( const PAF_ASDT_Params *pP, const PAF_ASDT_Patchs *pQ, PAF_ASDT_Config *pAsdtCfg ) { PAF_AST_Config *pAstCfg; Int as; /* Audio Stream Number (1, 2, etc.) */ Int z; /* stream counter */ //Int g; /* gear */ ACP_Handle acp; PAF_IALG_Config pafAlgConfig; IALG_MemRec common[3][PAF_IALG_COMMON_MEMN+1]; acp = pAsdtCfg->acp; // get acp handle pAstCfg = pAsdtCfg->pAstCfg; // get pointer to AST common (shared) configuration as = pAstCfg->as; TRACE_TERSE0("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseCommon: initialization phase - Common Memory"); // // Determine memory needs and instantiate algorithms across audio streams // TRACE_TERSE0("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseCommon: calling PAF_ALG_setup."); PAF_ALG_setup(&pafAlgConfig, HEAP_ID_INTERNAL, HEAP_INTERNAL, HEAP_ID_INTERNAL1, HEAP_INTERNAL1, HEAP_ID_EXTERNAL, HEAP_EXTERNAL, HEAP_ID_INTERNAL1_SHM, HEAP_INTERNAL1_SHM, HEAP_ID_EXTERNAL_SHM, HEAP_EXTERNAL_SHM, HEAP_ID_EXTERNAL_NONCACHED_SHM, HEAP_EXTERNAL_NONCACHED_SHM, HEAP_CLEAR); if (pP->fxns->headerPrint) pP->fxns->headerPrint(); for (z=STREAM1; z < STREAMN; z++) { //Int zD, zE, zX; Int zD, zX; TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseCommon: AS%d: initialization phase - Common Algorithms", as+z); // // Determine common memory needs of Decode Algorithms // PAF_ALG_init (common[z], lengthof (common[z]), COMMONSPACE); zD = -1; for (zX = DECODE1; zX < DECODEN; zX++) { if (pP->streamsFromDecodes[zX] == z) { zD = zX; break; } } if (zD >= 0) { TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseCommon: calling PAF_ALG_ALLOC for decoder common[%d].", z); if (PAF_ALG_ALLOC (decLinkInit[zD-DECODE1], common[z])) { TRACE_TERSE3("AS%d: %s.%d: PAF_ALG_alloc failed", as+z, (IArg)__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); TRACE_TERSE2("Failed to alloc %d bytes from space %d", common[z]->size, common[z]->space); SW_BREAKPOINT; return __LINE__; } TRACE_TERSE3("alloced %d bytes from space %d at 0x%x", common[z]->size, common[z]->space, (IArg)common[z]->base); if(pP->fxns->allocPrint) pP->fxns->allocPrint ((const PAF_ALG_AllocInit *)(decLinkInit[z-DECODE1]),sizeof (*(decLinkInit[z-DECODE1])), &pafAlgConfig); } #if 0 // FL: master TRACE_TERSE3("%s.%d: calling PAF_ALG_ALLOC for stream common[%d].", (IArg)__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, z); TRACE_TERSE3("%s.%d: calling PAF_ALG_ALLOC for stream common[%d].", (IArg)__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, z); if (PAF_ALG_ALLOC (aspLinkInit[z-STREAM1][0], common[z])) { TRACE_TERSE3("AS%d: %s.%d: PAF_ALG_alloc failed", as+z, (IArg)__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); TRACE_TERSE2("Failed to alloc %d bytes from space %d ", common[z]->size, common[z]->space); SW_BREAKPOINT; return __LINE__; } TRACE_TERSE3("alloced %d bytes from space %d at 0x%x", common[z]->size, common[z]->space, (IArg)common[z]->base); if(pP->fxns->allocPrint) pP->fxns->allocPrint((const PAF_ALG_AllocInit *)(aspLinkInit[z-STREAM1][0]), sizeof (*(aspLinkInit[z-STREAM1][0])), &pafAlgConfig); #endif } { // Changes made to share scratch between zones // Assume maximum 3 zones and scratch common memory is at offset 0; int max=0; for (z=STREAM1; z < STREAMN; z++) { if (maxstreamsFromDecodes[zX] == z) { zD = zX; break; } } TRACE_TERSE0("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseCommon: calling PAF_ALG_mallocMemory for common space."); if (PAF_ALG_mallocMemory (common[z], &pafAlgConfig)) { TRACE_TERSE3("AS%d: %s.%d: PAF_ALG_mallocMemory failed", as+z, (IArg)__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); TRACE_TERSE3("AS%d: z: %d. Size 0x%x", as+z, z, common[z][0].size); SW_BREAKPOINT; return __LINE__; } TRACE_TERSE3("alloced %d bytes from space %d at 0x%x", common[z]->size, common[z]->space, (IArg)common[z]->base); // share zone0 scratch with all zones common[z][0].base=common[0][0].base; if (pP->fxns->commonPrint) pP->fxns->commonPrint (common[z], &pafAlgConfig); // // Instantiate Decode Algorithms // if (zD >= 0) { PAF_ASP_Chain *chain; TRACE_TERSE0("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseCommon: calling PAF_ASP_chainInit for decode."); chain = PAF_ASP_chainInit (&pAstCfg->xDec[zD].decChainData, pP->pChainFxns, HEAP_INTERNAL, as+z, acp, &trace, decLinkInit[zD-DECODE1], NULL, common[z], &pafAlgConfig); if (!chain) { TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseCommon: AS%d: Decode chain initialization failed", as+z); return __LINE__; } } #if 0 // FL: master pC->xStr[z].aspChain[0] = NULL; for (g=0; g < GEARS; g++) { PAF_ASP_Chain *chain; TRACE_TERSE2("%s.%d: calling PAF_ASP_chainInit for ASPs.", (IArg)__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); chain = PAF_ASP_chainInit (&pC->xStr[z].aspChainData[g], pP->pChainFxns, HEAP_INTERNAL, as+z, acp, &trace, aspLinkInit[z-STREAM1][g], pC->xStr[z].aspChain[0], common[z], &pafAlgConfig); if (! chain) { TRACE_TERSE2("AS%d: ASP chain %d initialization failed", as+z, g); return __LINE__; } else pC->xStr[z].aspChain[g] = chain; } #endif } TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseCommon: AS%d: Returning complete.", as+z); return 0; } //PAF_ASDT_initPhaseCommon // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AST Initialization Function - Algorithm Keys // // Name: PAF_AST_initPhaseAlgKey // Purpose: Audio Stream Task Function for initialization of data values // from parameters for Algorithm Keys. // From: audioStream1Task or equivalent // Uses: See code. // States: x // Return: 0. // Trace: Message Log "trace" in Debug Project Configuration reports: // * State information as per parent. // // ............................................................................. Int PAF_ASDT_initPhaseAlgKey( const PAF_ASDT_Params *pP, const PAF_ASDT_Patchs *pQ, PAF_ASDT_Config *pAsdtCfg ) { PAF_AST_Config *pAstCfg; Int as; /* Audio Stream Number (1, 2, etc.) */ Int z; /* decode/encode counter */ Int s; /* key number */ PAF_ASP_Link *that; (void)as; // clear warning. pAstCfg = pAsdtCfg->pAstCfg; // get pointer to AST common (shared) configuration as = pAstCfg->as; TRACE_VERBOSE1("PAF_ASDT_initPhaseAlgKey: AS%d: initialization phase - Algorithm Keys", as); for (z=DECODE1; z < DECODEN; z++) { for (s=0; s < pP->pDecAlgKey->length; s++) { if ((pP->pDecAlgKey->code[s].full != 0) && (that = PAF_ASP_chainFind (&pAstCfg->xDec[z].decChainData, pP->pDecAlgKey->code[s]))) { pAstCfg->xDec[z].decAlg[s] = (ALG_Handle )that->alg; /* Cast in interface, for now --Kurt */ } else pAstCfg->xDec[z].decAlg[s] = NULL; } } return 0; } //PAF_AST_initPhaseAlgKey // Purpose: Audio Stream Decode Task Function for initialization of the Audio // Frame(s) by memory allocation and loading of data pointers // and values. Int PAF_ASDT_initFrame0( const PAF_ASDT_Params *pP, const PAF_ASDT_Patchs *pQ, PAF_ASDT_Config *pAsdtCfg, Int z ) { PAF_AST_Config *pAstCfg; Int as; /* Audio Stream Number (1, 2, etc.) */ Int aLen; Int aSize = sizeof(PAF_AudioData); Int aAlign = aSize < sizeof (int) ? sizeof (int) : aSize; Int maxFrameLength = pP->maxFramelength; PAF_AudioData *aBuf=NULL; XDAS_UInt8 *metadataBuf; Error_Block eb; PAF_AudioFrame *pAudioFrame; Int i; pAstCfg = pAsdtCfg->pAstCfg; // get pointer to AST common (shared) configuration as = pAstCfg->as; pAudioFrame = &gpDecAudioFrame[z]; if (pAudioFrame == NULL) { SW_BREAKPOINT; } // Initialize error block Error_init(&eb); //maxFrameLength += PA_MODULO - maxFrameLength % PA_MODULO; // compute maximum framelength (needed for ARC support) //aLen = numchan[z] * maxFrameLength; aLen = numchan[z] * maxFrameLength + (maxFrameLength - FRAMELENGTH); /* Qin - need additional memory for starting offset See line 1301 */ // // Initialize audio frame elements directly // pAudioFrame->fxns = pP->pAudioFrameFunctions; pAudioFrame->data.nChannels = PAF_MAXNUMCHAN; pAudioFrame->data.nSamples = FRAMELENGTH; pAudioFrame->data.sample = gDecAudioFrameChannelPointers; pAudioFrame->data.samsiz = gDecAudioFrameChannelSizes; pAudioFrame->pChannelConfigurationMaskTable = &PAF_ASP_stdCCMT; // // Allocate memory for and initialize pointers to audio data buffers // // The NUMCHANMASK is used to identify the channels for which data // buffers can be allocated. Using this mask and switch statement // rather than some other construct allows efficient code generation, // providing just the code necessary (with significant savings). // if (pP->fxns->bufMemPrint) { pP->fxns->bufMemPrint(z, aLen*aSize, HEAP_ID_FRMBUF, 2); } TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initFrame0: AS%d: Memory_calloc for audio buffers", as+z); if (aLen != 0) { if (!(aBuf = (PAF_AudioData *)Memory_calloc((IHeap_Handle)HEAP_FRMBUF, aLen*aSize, aAlign, &eb))) { TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initFrame0: AS%d: Memory_calloc failed", as+z); TRACE_TERSE2(" maxFrameLength: %d. aLen*aSize: %d", maxFrameLength, aLen*aSize); SW_BREAKPOINT; return __LINE__; } } TRACE_TERSE3(" maxFrameLength: %d. aLen*aSize: %d. aBuf: 0x%x", maxFrameLength, aLen*aSize, (IArg)aBuf); TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initFrame0: AS%d: Memory_calloc for metadata buffers", as+z); if (!(metadataBuf = (XDAS_UInt8 *)Memory_calloc((IHeap_Handle)HEAP_MDBUF, pP->pMetadataBufStatus->bufSize*pP->pMetadataBufStatus->NumBuf, pP->pMetadataBufStatus->alignment, &eb))) { TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initFrame0: AS%d: Memory_calloc failed", as+z); TRACE_TERSE1(" bufSize*NumBuf: %d", pP->pMetadataBufStatus->bufSize*pP->pMetadataBufStatus->NumBuf); SW_BREAKPOINT; return __LINE__; } for (i=0; i < PAF_MAXNUMCHAN_AF; i++) { gDecAudioFrameChannelPointers[i] = NULL; } if ((numchan[z] > PAF_MAXNUMCHAN) || (numchan[z] < 1)) { TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initFrame0: AS%d: unsupported option", as+z); return __LINE__; } else { Int j = 0; TRACE_TERSE1("PAF_ASDT_initFrame0: AFChanPtrMap[%d][i]", numchan[z]); for (i=0; ipafBsMetadataUpdate = XDAS_FALSE; pAudioFrame->numPrivateMetadata = 0; pAudioFrame->bsMetadata_offset = 0; pAudioFrame->bsMetadata_type = PAF_bsMetadata_channelData; pAudioFrame->privateMetadataBufSize = pP->pMetadataBufStatus->bufSize; for (i=0; ipMetadataBufStatus->NumBuf; i++) { pAudioFrame->pafPrivateMetadata[i].offset = 0; pAudioFrame->pafPrivateMetadata[i].size = 0; pAudioFrame->pafPrivateMetadata[i].pMdBuf = metadataBuf + pP->pMetadataBufStatus->bufSize*i; } return 0; } //PAF_ASDT_initFrame0 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ASOT Initialization Function Helper - Reinitialization of Audio Frame // AST Decoding Function - Reinitialization of Audio Frame // // Name: PAF_ASOT_initFrame1 // Purpose: Audio Stream Task Function for initialization or reinitiali- // zation of the Audio Frame(s) by loading of data values of a // time-varying nature. // From: audioStream1Task or equivalent // AST Parameter Function -> decodeInfo // AST Parameter Function -> decodeDecode // Uses: See code. // States: x // Return: 0. // Trace: None. // Int PAF_ASDT_initFrame1( const PAF_ASDT_Params *pP, const PAF_ASDT_Patchs *pQ, PAF_ASDT_Config *pAsdtCfg, Int z, Int apply ) { PAF_AudioFrame *pAudioFrame; // // Reinitialize audio frame elements: // // Channel Configurations during sys init = Unknown // " " during info or decode = None // // Sample Rate / Count during sys init, info or decode = Unknown / 0 // pAudioFrame = &gpDecAudioFrame[z]; if (apply < 0) { pAudioFrame->channelConfigurationRequest.legacy = PAF_CC_UNKNOWN; pAudioFrame->channelConfigurationStream.legacy = PAF_CC_UNKNOWN; } else { pAudioFrame->channelConfigurationRequest.legacy = PAF_CC_NONE; pAudioFrame->channelConfigurationStream.legacy = PAF_CC_NONE; } if (apply < 1) { pAudioFrame->sampleRate = PAF_SAMPLERATE_UNKNOWN; pAudioFrame->sampleCount = 0; } return 0; } //PAF_ASDT_initFrame1 // Reset AF, invoked during decode ACTIVATE (during state=INIT on Master) Int resetAf( const PAF_ASDT_Params *pP, Int z, Int sourceSelect ) { PAF_AudioFrame *pAudioFrame; Int ch; Int i; // Get audio frame pAudioFrame = &gpDecAudioFrame[z]; if (pAudioFrame == NULL) { SW_BREAKPOINT; } // Reinitialize audio frame elements pAudioFrame->sampleDecode = PAF_SOURCE_UNKNOWN; pAudioFrame->sampleRate = PAF_SAMPLERATE_UNKNOWN; pAudioFrame->sampleCount = 0; pAudioFrame->channelConfigurationRequest.full = PAF_CC_UNKNOWN; pAudioFrame->channelConfigurationStream.full = PAF_CC_UNKNOWN; pAudioFrame->data.nChannels = PAF_MAXNUMCHAN; switch (sourceSelect) { case PAF_SOURCE_PCM: pAudioFrame->data.nSamples = FRAMELENGTH; break; case PAF_SOURCE_AC3: case PAF_SOURCE_DDP: pAudioFrame->data.nSamples = 1536; break; case PAF_SOURCE_THD: pAudioFrame->data.nSamples = 5120; //QIN FIX ME break; default: pAudioFrame->data.nSamples = FRAMELENGTH; break; } // Reset audio frame channel pointers for (ch=PAF_LEFT; ch < PAF_MAXNUMCHAN_AF; ch++) { if (gDecAudioFrameChannelPointers[ch]) { gDecAudioFrameChannelPointers[ch] = gDecOrigAudioFrameChannelPointers[ch]; } } // Reset audio frame meta data elements pAudioFrame->pafBsMetadataUpdate = XDAS_FALSE; pAudioFrame->numPrivateMetadata = 0; pAudioFrame->bsMetadata_offset = 0; pAudioFrame->bsMetadata_type = PAF_bsMetadata_none; for (i=0; ipMetadataBufStatus->NumBuf; i++) { pAudioFrame->pafPrivateMetadata[i].offset = 0; pAudioFrame->pafPrivateMetadata[i].size = 0; } return 0; } // Reset AF samsiz, invoked during DECODE Int resetAfSamsiz( Int z ) { PAF_AudioFrame *pAudioFrame; Int ch; // Get audio frame pAudioFrame = &gpDecAudioFrame[z]; if (pAudioFrame == NULL) { SW_BREAKPOINT; } // Clear samsiz for all channels - MID 208. for (ch=0; ch < PAF_MAXNUMCHAN_AF; ch++) { pAudioFrame->data.samsiz[ch] = 0; } return 0; } // (***) FL: Check correct behavior for other decs, esp DTSHD & DXP // Check decoder sync using information in INFO audio frame static Int8 checkDecSync( PAF_AudioFrame *pAf ) { if ((pAf->sampleDecode == PAF_SOURCE_THD) && (pAf->sampleRate == PAF_SAMPLERATE_UNKNOWN)) { return 0; } else { return 1; } }