/* ======== ZumoTest.ino ======== * Completely self-contained test of the Zumo CC3200 * * This example creates an access point named zumo-test with password * "password" and a simple command/telemetry server on port 8080. * * The command server allows any WiFi client to drive the Zumo using WASD * keystrokes and acquire IMU telemetry data for real-time display by a * client program running on a laptop. * * Two examples of such a client are provided in the ../Processing/ManualDrive * sub-directory: zgraph and zecho. Both are Processing applications (which * uses the development IDE that inspired the Energia/Wiring development * environment; see https://processing.org). */ #include "L3G.h" #include "LSM303.h" /* imu sketch external declarations */ extern LSM303 imuCompass; /* acceleration and magnetometer */ extern L3G imuGyro; /* gyro data */ /* motor sketch external declarations */ extern char motorCmd; extern int motorLeft; extern int motorRight; /* main external declarations */ #define MAIN_LED_PIN RED_LED